from werewolf.listener import wolflistener
from werewolf.role import Role
from werewolf.votegroups.wolfvote import WolfVote
class VanillaWerewolf(Role):
rand_choice = True
category = [11, 15]
alignment = 2 # 1: Town, 2: Werewolf, 3: Neutral
channel_id = "werewolves"
unique = False
game_start_message = (
"Your role is **Werewolf**\n"
"You win by killing everyone else in the village\n"
"Lynch players during the day with `[p]ww vote <ID>`\n"
"Vote to kill players at night with `[p]ww vote <ID>`"
def __init__(self, game):
# self.action_list = [
# (self._at_game_start, 1), # (Action, Priority)
# (self._at_day_start, 0),
# (self._at_voted, 0),
# (self._at_kill, 0),
# (self._at_hang, 0),
# (self._at_day_end, 0),
# (self._at_night_start, 0),
# (self._at_night_end, 0),
# (self._at_visit, 0)
# ]
async def see_alignment(self, source=None):
Interaction for investigative roles attempting
to see team (Village, Werewolf Other)
return "Werewolf"
async def get_role(self, source=None):
Interaction for powerful access of role
Unlikely to be able to deceive this
return "Werewolf"
async def see_role(self, source=None):
Interaction for investigative roles.
More common to be able to deceive these roles
return "Werewolf"
async def _at_game_start(self, data=None):
if self.channel_id:
print("Wolf has channel_id: " + self.channel_id)
await self.game.register_channel(self.channel_id, self, WolfVote) # Add VoteGroup WolfVote
await self.player.send_dm(self.game_start_message)
async def choose(self, ctx, data):
"""Handle night actions"""
await self.player.member.send("Use `[p]ww vote` in your werewolf channel")