Merge branch 'master' into howdoi

# Conflicts:
#	howdoi/
bobloy 7 years ago
commit eb2dae32ee

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,2 +1,5 @@
.idea/ .idea/
*.pyc *.pyc

@ -4,20 +4,34 @@ Cog Function
| Name | Status | Description (Click to see full status) | Name | Status | Description (Click to see full status)
| --- | --- | --- | | --- | --- | --- |
| announcedaily | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Send daily announcements to all servers at a specified times</summary>Commissioned release, so suggestions will not be accepted</details> |
| audiotrivia | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Guess the audio using the core trivia cog</summary>Replaces the core Trivia cog. Needs help adding audio trivia lists, please submit a PR to contribute</details> |
| ccrole | **Beta** | <details><summary>Create custom commands that also assign roles</summary>May have some bugs, please create an issue if you find any</details> | | ccrole | **Beta** | <details><summary>Create custom commands that also assign roles</summary>May have some bugs, please create an issue if you find any</details> |
| chatter | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Chat-bot trained to talk like your guild</summary>Missing some key features, but currently functional</details> | | chatter | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Chat-bot trained to talk like your guild</summary>Missing some key features, but currently functional</details> |
| coglint | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Error check code in python syntax posted to discord</summary>Works, but probably needs more turning to work for cogs</details> | | coglint | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Error check code in python syntax posted to discord</summary>Works, but probably needs more turning to work for cogs</details> |
| exclusiverole | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Prevent certain roles from getting any other roles</summary>Fully functional, but pretty simple</details> |
| fight | **Incomplete** | <details><summary>Organize bracket tournaments within discord</summary>Still in-progress, a massive project</details> | | fight | **Incomplete** | <details><summary>Organize bracket tournaments within discord</summary>Still in-progress, a massive project</details> |
| flag | **Incomplete** | <details><summary>Create temporary marks on users that expire after specified time</summary>Not yet ported to v3</details> | | flag | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Create temporary marks on users that expire after specified time</summary>Ported, will not import old data. Please report bugs</details> |
| forcemention | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Mentions unmentionable roles</summary>Very simple cog, mention doesn't persist</details> |
| hangman | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Play a game of hangman</summary>Some visual glitches and needs more customization</details> | | hangman | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Play a game of hangman</summary>Some visual glitches and needs more customization</details> |
| howdoi | **Incomplete** | <details><summary>Create temporary marks on users that expire after specified time</summary>Not yet ported to v3</details> | | howdoi | **Incomplete** | <details><summary>Ask coding questions and get results from StackExchange</summary>Not yet functional</details> |
| leaver | **Incomplete** | <details><summary>Send a message in a channel when a user leaves the server</summary>Not yet ported to v3</details> | | leaver | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Send a message in a channel when a user leaves the server</summary>Just released, please report bugs</details> |
| lovecalculator | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Calculate the love between two users</summary>[Snap-Ons] Just updated to V3</details> |
| lseen | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Track when a member was last online</summary>Alpha release, please report bugs</details> | | lseen | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Track when a member was last online</summary>Alpha release, please report bugs</details> |
| nudity | **Incomplete** | <details><summary>Checks for NSFW images posted in non-NSFW channels</summary>Library this is based on has a bug, waiting for author to merge my PR</details> |
| planttycoon | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Grow your own plants!</summary>[Snap-Ons] Updated to V3, likely to contain bugs</details> |
| qrinvite | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Create a QR code invite for the server</summary>Alpha release, please report any bugs</details> |
| reactrestrict | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Removes reactions by role per channel</summary>A bit clunky, but functional</details> | | reactrestrict | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Removes reactions by role per channel</summary>A bit clunky, but functional</details> |
| recyclingplant | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Work at a recycling plant</summary>[Snap-Ons] Just updated to V3</details> |
| rpsls | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Play Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock</summary>[Snap-Ons] Just updated to V3</details> |
| sayurl | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Convert any URL into text and post to discord</summary>No error checking and pretty spammy</details> | | sayurl | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Convert any URL into text and post to discord</summary>No error checking and pretty spammy</details> |
| scp | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Look-up SCP articles</summary>[Snap-Ons] Just updated to V3</details> |
| secrethitler | **Incomplete** | <details><summary>Play the Secret Hitler game</summary>Concept, no work done yet</details> | | secrethitler | **Incomplete** | <details><summary>Play the Secret Hitler game</summary>Concept, no work done yet</details> |
| stealemoji | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Steals any custom emoji it sees in a reaction</summary>Some planned upgrades for server generation</details> | | stealemoji | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Steals any custom emoji it sees in a reaction</summary>Some planned upgrades for server generation</details> |
| werewolf | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Play the classic party game Werewolf within discord</summary>Another massive project currently being developed, will be fully customizable</details> | | timerole | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Add roles to members after specified time on the server</summary>Upgraded from V2, please report any bugs</details> |
| tts | **Beta** | <details><summary>Send a Text-to-Speech message as an uploaded mp3</summary>Alpha release, please report any bugs</details> |
| unicode | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Encode and Decode unicode characters</summary>[Snap-Ons] Just updated to V3</details> |
| werewolf | **Pre-Alpha** | <details><summary>Play the classic party game Werewolf within discord</summary>Another massive project currently being developed, will be fully customizable</details> |
Check out my V2 cogs at [Fox-Cogs v2]( Check out my V2 cogs at [Fox-Cogs v2](

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
from import Red
from .announcedaily import AnnounceDaily
def setup(bot: Red):
daily = AnnounceDaily(bot)

@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
import asyncio
import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any
import discord
from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
from import Red
from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify, box
# "Example message. Uncomment and overwrite to use",
# "Example message 2. Each message is in quotes and separated by a comma"
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class AnnounceDaily(Cog):
Send daily announcements
def __init__(self, bot: Red): = bot
self.path = str(cog_data_path(self)).replace('\\', '/')
self.image_path = self.path + "/"
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
default_global = {
'messages': [],
'images': [],
'time': {'hour': 0, 'minute': 0, 'second': 0}
default_guild = {
"channelid": None
async def _get_msgs(self):
return DEFAULT_MESSAGES + await self.config.messages()"announcedaily", aliases=['annd'])
async def _ad(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Base command for managing AnnounceDaily settings
Do `[p]help annd <subcommand>` for more details
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
async def runannounce(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Manually run the daily announcement"""
await self.send_announcements()
await ctx.send("Success")
async def setchannel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
Set the announcement channel for this server
Don't pass a channel to clear this server of receiving announcements
if channel is not None:
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).channelid.set(
await ctx.send("Announcement channel has been set to {}".format(channel.mention))
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).channelid.set(None)
await ctx.send("Announcement channel has been cleared")
async def addmsg(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg):
Add a message to the pool of announcement messages
async with self.config.messages() as msgs:
await ctx.send("Message successfully added!")
async def addimg(self, ctx: commands.Context, filename=None):
Add an image to the pool of announcement images
You must attach an image while executing this command
if ctx.message.attachments:
att_ = ctx.message.attachments[0]
h = att_.height
except AttributeError:
await ctx.send("You must attach an image, no other file will be accepted")
if filename is None:
filename = att_.filename
# with open(self.image_path + filename, 'w') as f:
# await
await + filename)
except discord.NotFound:
await ctx.send("Did you delete the message? Cause I couldn't download the attachment")
except discord.HTTPException:
await ctx.send("Failed to download the attachment, please try again")
async with self.config.images() as images:
if filename in images:
await ctx.send("Image {} has been overwritten!".format(filename))
await ctx.send("Image {} has been added!".format(filename))
await ctx.send("You must attach an image when sending this command")
async def listmsg(self, ctx: commands.Context):
List all registered announcement messages
messages = await self.config.messages()
for page in pagify("\n".join("{} - {}".format(key, image) for key, image in enumerate(messages))):
await ctx.send(box(page))
await ctx.send("Done!")
async def listimg(self, ctx: commands.Context):
List all registered announcement immages
images = await self.config.images()
for page in pagify("\n".join(images)):
await ctx.send(box(page))
await ctx.send("Done!")
async def delmsg(self, ctx: commands.Context, index: int):
Remove a message from the announcement pool
Must provide the index of the message, which can be found by using `[p]annd listmsg`
async with self.config.messages() as messages:
out = messages.pop(index)
except IndexError:
await ctx.send("Invalid index, check valid indexes with `listmsg` command")
await ctx.send("The following message was removed:\n```{}```".format(out))
async def delimg(self, ctx: commands.Context, filename: str):
Remove an image from the announcement pool
Does not delete the file from the disk, so you may have to clean it up occasionally
async with self.config.images() as images:
if filename not in images:
await ctx.send("This file doesn't exist")
await ctx.send("Successfully removed {}".format(filename))
async def settime(self, ctx: commands.Context, minutes_from_now: int):
Set the daily announcement time
It will first announce at the time you provided, then it will repeat every 24 hours
ann_time = + timedelta(minutes=minutes_from_now)
h = ann_time.hour
m = ann_time.minute
s = ann_time.second
await self.config.time.set({'hour': h, 'minute': m, 'second': s})
await ctx.send("Announcements time has been set to {}::{}::{} every day\n"
"**Changes will apply after next scheduled announcement or reload**".format(h, m, s))
async def send_announcements(self):
messages = await self._get_msgs()
images = await self.config.images()
total = len(messages) + len(images)
if total < 1:
x = random.randint(0, total - 1)
if x >= len(messages):
x -= len(messages)
choice = images[x]
choice = open(self.image_path + choice, 'rb')
is_image = True
choice = messages[x]
is_image = False
for guild in
channel = await self.config.guild(guild).channelid()
if channel is None:
channel = guild.get_channel(channel)
if channel is None:
if is_image:
await channel.send(file=discord.File(choice))
await channel.send(choice)
async def check_day(self):
while self is"AnnounceDaily"):
tomorrow = + timedelta(days=1)
time = await self.config.time()
h, m, s = time['hour'], time['minute'], time['second']
midnight = datetime(year=tomorrow.year, month=tomorrow.month,, hour=h, minute=m, second=s)
print("Sleeping for {} seconds".format((midnight -
await asyncio.sleep((midnight -
if self is not"AnnounceDaily"):
print("Announce canceled, cog has been lost")
await self.send_announcements()
await asyncio.sleep(3)
# [p]setchannel #channelname - Set the announcement channel per server
# [p]addmsg <message goes here> - Adds a msg to the pool
# [p]addimg - Adds an image to the pool
# [p]listmsg - Lists all messages in the pool
# [p]listimg - Unsure about this one, but would probably just post all the images
# [p]delmsg - Remove msg from pool
# [p]delimg - Remove image from pool
# [p]settime <x> - S

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Send daily announcements to all servers at a specified times",
"hidden": true,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing AnnounceDaily! Get started with `[p]load announcedaily` and `[p]help AnnounceDaily`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Send daily announcements",
"tags": [

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
from import Red
from .audiotrivia import AudioTrivia
async def setup(bot: Red):
if bot.get_cog("Trivia"):
print("Trivia is already loaded, attempting to unload it first")
await bot.remove_loaded_package("trivia")

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
"""Module to manage audio trivia sessions."""
import asyncio
import lavalink
from redbot.cogs.trivia import TriviaSession
class AudioSession(TriviaSession):
"""Class to run a session of audio trivia"""
def __init__(self, ctx, question_list: dict, settings: dict, player: lavalink.Player):
super().__init__(ctx, question_list, settings)
self.player = player
def start(cls, ctx, question_list, settings, player: lavalink.Player = None):
session = cls(ctx, question_list, settings, player)
loop =
session._task = loop.create_task(
return session
async def run(self):
"""Run the audio trivia session.
In order for the trivia session to be stopped correctly, this should
only be called internally by `TriviaSession.start`.
await self._send_startup_msg()
max_score = self.settings["max_score"]
delay = self.settings["delay"]
timeout = self.settings["timeout"]
for question, answers in self._iter_questions():
async with self.ctx.typing():
await asyncio.sleep(3)
self.count += 1
await self.player.stop()
msg = "**Question number {}!**\n\nName this audio!".format(self.count)
await self.ctx.send(msg)
# print("Audio question: {}".format(question))
# await self.ctx.invoke(, query=question))
# ctx_copy = copy(self.ctx)
# await self.ctx.invoke(, query=question)
query = question.strip("<>")
tracks = await self.player.get_tracks(query)
seconds = tracks[0].length / 1000
if self.settings["repeat"] and seconds < delay:
tot_length = seconds + 0
while tot_length < delay:
self.player.add(, tracks[0])
tot_length += seconds
self.player.add(, tracks[0])
if not self.player.current:
continue_ = await self.wait_for_answer(answers, delay, timeout)
if continue_ is False:
if any(score >= max_score for score in self.scores.values()):
await self.end_game()
await self.ctx.send("There are no more questions!")
await self.end_game()
async def end_game(self):
await super().end_game()
await self.player.disconnect()

@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
import datetime
import pathlib
from typing import List
import lavalink
import yaml
from import Audio
from redbot.cogs.trivia import LOG
from redbot.cogs.trivia.trivia import InvalidListError, Trivia
from redbot.core import commands, Config, checks
from import Red
from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box
from .audiosession import AudioSession
class AudioTrivia(Trivia):
Custom commands
Creates commands used to display text and adjust roles
def __init__(self, bot: Red):
super().__init__() = bot = None
self.audioconf = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=651171001051118411410511810597, force_registration=True)
async def atriviaset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Manage Audio Trivia settings."""
audioset = self.audioconf.guild(ctx.guild)
settings_dict = await audioset.all()
msg = box(
"**Audio settings**\n"
"Answer time limit: {delay} seconds\n"
"Repeat Short Audio: {repeat}"
await ctx.send(msg)
async def atriviaset_delay(self, ctx: commands.Context, seconds: float):
"""Set the maximum seconds permitted to answer a question."""
if seconds < 4.0:
await ctx.send("Must be at least 4 seconds.")
settings = self.audioconf.guild(ctx.guild)
await settings.delay.set(seconds)
await ctx.send("Done. Maximum seconds to answer set to {}.".format(seconds))
async def atriviaset_repeat(self, ctx: commands.Context, true_or_false: bool):
"""Set whether or not short audio will be repeated"""
settings = self.audioconf.guild(ctx.guild)
await settings.repeat.set(true_or_false)
await ctx.send("Done. Repeating short audio is now set to {}.".format(true_or_false))
async def audiotrivia(self, ctx: commands.Context, *categories: str):
"""Start trivia session on the specified category.
You may list multiple categories, in which case the trivia will involve
questions from all of them.
if not categories and ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help()
if is None: Audio ="Audio")
if is None:
await ctx.send("Audio is not loaded. Load it and try again")
categories = [c.lower() for c in categories]
session = self._get_trivia_session(
if session is not None:
await ctx.send("There is already an ongoing trivia session in this channel.")
status = await
if status:
await ctx.send("I recommend disabling audio status with `{}audioset status`".format(ctx.prefix))
if not
if not or
return await ctx.send("I don't have permission to connect to your channel."
await lavalink.connect(
lavaplayer = lavalink.get_player("connect", datetime.datetime.utcnow())
except AttributeError:
return await ctx.send("Connect to a voice channel first.")
lavaplayer = lavalink.get_player("channel", # What's this for? I dunno"guild",
if (
not or !=
return await ctx.send("You must be in the voice channel to use the audiotrivia command.")
trivia_dict = {}
authors = []
for category in reversed(categories):
# We reverse the categories so that the first list's config takes
# priority over the others.
dict_ = self.get_audio_list(category)
except FileNotFoundError:
await ctx.send(
"Invalid category `{0}`. See `{1}audiotrivia list`"
" for a list of trivia categories."
"".format(category, ctx.prefix)
except InvalidListError:
await ctx.send(
"There was an error parsing the trivia list for"
" the `{}` category. It may be formatted"
" incorrectly.".format(category)
authors.append(trivia_dict.pop("AUTHOR", None))
if not trivia_dict:
await ctx.send(
"The trivia list was parsed successfully, however it appears to be empty!"
settings = await self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).all()
audiosettings = await self.audioconf.guild(ctx.guild).all()
config = trivia_dict.pop("CONFIG", None)
if config and settings["allow_override"]:
settings["lists"] = dict(zip(categories, reversed(authors)))
# Delay in audiosettings overwrites delay in settings
combined_settings = {**settings, **audiosettings}
session = AudioSession.start(ctx=ctx, question_list=trivia_dict, settings=combined_settings, player=lavaplayer)
LOG.debug("New audio trivia session; #%s in %d",,
async def audiotrivia_list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""List available trivia categories."""
lists = set(p.stem for p in self._audio_lists())
msg = box("**Available trivia lists**\n\n{}".format(", ".join(sorted(lists))))
if len(msg) > 1000:
await ctx.send(msg)
def get_audio_list(self, category: str) -> dict:
"""Get the audiotrivia list corresponding to the given category.
category : str
The desired category. Case sensitive.
A dict mapping questions (`str`) to answers (`list` of `str`).
path = next(p for p in self._audio_lists() if p.stem == category)
except StopIteration:
raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find the `{}` category.".format(category))
with"utf-8") as file:
dict_ = yaml.load(file)
except yaml.error.YAMLError as exc:
raise InvalidListError("YAML parsing failed.") from exc
return dict_
def _audio_lists(self) -> List[pathlib.Path]:
personal_lists = [p.resolve() for p in cog_data_path(self).glob("*.yaml")]
return personal_lists + get_core_lists()
def get_core_lists() -> List[pathlib.Path]:
"""Return a list of paths for all trivia lists packaged with the bot."""
core_lists_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "data/lists"
return list(core_lists_path.glob("*.yaml"))

@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
AUTHOR: bobloy
- flashbang
- starting round
- round start
- start round
- select team
- team select
- desert eagle
- deagle
- planted bomb
- bomb planted
- bomb plant
- plant bomb
- defusing bomb
- defuse bomb
- bomb defuse
- bomb defusing
- lobby
- usp-s
- usp s
- usps
- gut knife
- ak47
- ak 47
- hitmarker
- hit
- hitmaker
- marker
- awp
- butterfly knife
- won round
- round won
- win round
- round win
- lost round
- round lost
- lose round
- round loss
- flashbang toss
- toss flashbang
- throwing flashbang
- throw flashbang
- flashbang throwing
- flashbang throw
- tossing flashbang
- flashbang tossing
- firegrenade toss
- toss firegrenade
- throwing firegrenade
- throw firegrenade
- firegrenade throwing
- firegrenade throw
- tossing firegrenade
- firegrenade tossing
- fire grenade toss
- toss fire grenade
- throwing fire grenade
- throw fire grenade
- fire grenade throwing
- fire grenade throw
- tossing fire grenade
- fire grenade tossing
- grenade out
- famas
- awp zoom
- zoom awp
- awp scope
- scope awp
- c4
- planting c4
- c4 planting
- plant c4
- c4 plant
- awp
- P90
- smoke
- kill bonus
- AK47
- AK 47

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
AUTHOR: bobloy
- shovel knight
- super mario world
- the legend of zelda
- legend of zelda
- zelda
- dragon quest ix
- dragon quest 9
- chrono trigger
- super smash bros melee
- super smash bros. melee
- super smash brothers melee
- super mario bros
- super mario brothers
- super mario bros.
- banjo-kazooie
- banjo kazooie
- metroid samus returns
- halo
- the elder scrolls iii morrowind
- morrowind
- elder scrolls iii
- elder scrolls 3
- sonic generations
- donkey kong country 2
- donkey kong country two
- mario kart 8
- mario kart eight
- donkey kong country tropical freeze
- tropical freeze
- castle crashers
- shadow of the colossus
- final fantasy v
- final fantasy 5
- legend of zelda skyward sword
- skyward sword
- skies of arcadia
- super mario galaxy
- final fantasy iv
- final fantasy 4
- mother3
- mother 3
- dragon age origins
- the elder scrolls v skyrim
- elder scrolls v
- elder scrolls 5
- the elder scrolls 5 skyrim
- skyrim
- fallout 4
- mass effect 2
- world of warcraft
- batman arkham city
- arkham city
- god of war iii
- god of war 3
- gears of war 3
- metal gear solid 2
- super smash bros wii u
- super smash bros. wii u
- super smash brothers wii u
- super smash bros wiiu
- super smash bros. wiiu
- super smash brothers wiiu
- mega man maverick hunter x
- megaman maverick hunter x
- maverick hunter x
- doom
- super smash bros brawl
- super smash bros. brawl
- super smash brothers brawl
- guilty gear
- dynasty warriors 6
- doom 2016
- doom
- devil may cry 3
- final fantasy vii
- final fantasy 7
- the witcher 3
- witcher 3
- civilization vi
- civilization 6
- guild wars 2
- guild wars two
- final fantasy vi
- final fantasy 6
- journey
- civilization iv
- civilization 4
- ori and the blind forest
- super smash bros brawl
- super smash bros. brawl
- super smash brothers brawl
- kingdom hearts
- shenmue
- final fantasy x
- final fantasy 10
- fire emblem fates
- persona 5
- persona five
- super mario odyssey
- super mario 64
- mario 64
- the legend of zelda the wind waker
- legend of zelda the wind waker
- the legend of zelda wind waker
- legend of zelda wind waker
- wind waker
- uncharted 2
- battlefield 1
- battlefield one
- star fox zero
- starfox zero
- dark souls iii
- dark souls 3
- fire emblem awakening
- monty on the run
- mega man 3
- megaman 3
- castlevania
- shovel knight
- mega man 2
- megaman 2
- actraiser
- ogre battle
- metroid zero mission
- zero mission
- sonic 2
- the legend of zelda ocarina of time
- legend of zelda ocarina of time
- ocarina of time
- kirby's epic yarn
- kirbys epic yarn
- super smash bros brawl
- super smash bros. brawl
- super smash brothers brawl
- kid icarus uprising
- punch-out!!
- punch-out
- punch out
- punchout
- super street fighter 2 turbo
- super street fighter two turbo
- street fighter 2 turbo
- street fighter two turbo
- mario & luigi bowser's inside story
- mario and luigi bowser's inside story
- mario & luigi bowsers inside story
- mario and luigi bowsers inside story
- bowser's inside story
- bowsers inside story
- grand theft auto 4
- grand theft auto four
- goldeneye 007
- goldeneye
- tmnt iv turtles in time
- tmnt iv
- tmnt 4 turtles in time
- tmnt 4
- turtles in time
- ducktales
- pokemon diamond
- pokemon pearl
- pokemon platinum
- warriors orochi 3
- warriors orochi three
- mortal kombat
- metal gear solid
- tetris blitz
- ultimate marvel vs capcom 3
- marvel vs capcom 3
- ultimate marvel vs. capcom 3
- marvel vs. capcom 3
- sonic the hedgehog 2006
- sonic the hegehog
- pokemon heartgold
- pokemon soulsilver
- red dead redemption
- bioshock
- call of duty 4 modern warfare
- call of duty 4
- modern warfare
- killzone 2
- soul calibur v
- sould calibur 5
- the legend of zelda breath of the wild
- legend of zelda breath of the wild
- breath of the wild
- undertale
- chrono cross
- silent hill 2
- Ōkami
- okami
- wolf
- hikari 光
- hikari
- light
- final fantasy vi
- final fantasy 6
- final fantasy iii
- final fantasy 3

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
- holiday
- sultans of swing

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
- Jinx
- Teemo

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Start an Audio Trivia game",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing Audio trivia!\n You **MUST** unload trivia to use this (`[p]unload trivia`)\n Then you can get started with `[p]load audiotrivia` and `[p]help AudioTrivia`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Start an Audio Trivia game",
"tags": [

@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
import asyncio import asyncio
import re import re
from typing import Any
import discord import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config, checks from redbot.core import Config, checks
from redbot.core import commands
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify, box from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify, box
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class CCRole:
class CCRole(Cog):
""" """
Custom commands Custom commands
Creates commands used to display text and adjust roles Creates commands used to display text and adjust roles
@ -23,13 +26,14 @@ class CCRole:
self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) @commands.guild_only()
async def ccrole(self, ctx): async def ccrole(self, ctx):
"""Custom commands management with roles """Custom commands management with roles
Highly customizable custom commands with role management.""" Highly customizable custom commands with role management."""
if not ctx.invoked_subcommand: if not ctx.invoked_subcommand:
await ctx.send_help() pass
@ccrole.command(name="add") @ccrole.command(name="add")
@checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True) @checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True)
@ -105,7 +109,7 @@ class CCRole:
return return
# Selfrole # Selfrole
await ctx.send('Is this a targeted command?(yes/no)\nNo will make this a selfrole command') await ctx.send('Is this a targeted command?(yes//no)\nNo will make this a selfrole command')
try: try:
answer = await'message', timeout=120, check=check) answer = await'message', timeout=120, check=check)
@ -190,7 +194,7 @@ class CCRole:
"""Shows custom commands list""" """Shows custom commands list"""
guild = ctx.guild guild = ctx.guild
cmd_list = await self.config.guild(guild).cmdlist() cmd_list = await self.config.guild(guild).cmdlist()
cmd_list = {k: v for k,v in cmd_list.items() if v} cmd_list = {k: v for k, v in cmd_list.items() if v}
if not cmd_list: if not cmd_list:
await ctx.send( await ctx.send(
"There are no custom commands in this server. Use `{}ccrole add` to start adding some.".format( "There are no custom commands in this server. Use `{}ccrole add` to start adding some.".format(

@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
{ {
"author" : ["Bobloy"], "author": [
"bot_version" : [3,0,0], "Bobloy"
"description" : "[Incomplete] Creates custom commands to adjust roles and send custom messages", ],
"hidden" : false, "bot_version": [
"install_msg" : "Thank you for installing Custom Commands w/ Roles.", 3,
"requirements" : [], 0,
"short" : "[Incomplete] Creates commands that adjust roles", 0
"tags" : ["fox", "bobloy", "utility", "tools", "roles"] ],
"description": "[Incomplete] Creates custom commands to adjust roles and send custom messages",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing Custom Commands w/ Roles. Get started with `[p]load ccrole` and `[p]help CCRole`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "[Incomplete] Creates commands that adjust roles",
"tags": [
} }

@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
import asyncio import asyncio
import pathlib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import discord import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config from redbot.core import Config
from redbot.core import commands
from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
from chatter.chatterbot import ChatBot from chatter.chatterbot import ChatBot
from chatter.chatterbot.comparisons import levenshtein_distance
from chatter.chatterbot.response_selection import get_first_response
from chatter.chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer from chatter.chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class Chatter: class Chatter(Cog):
""" """
This cog trains a chatbot that will talk like members of your Guild This cog trains a chatbot that will talk like members of your Guild
""" """
@ -23,11 +29,23 @@ class Chatter:
"whitelist": None, "whitelist": None,
"days": 1 "days": 1
} }
path: pathlib.Path = cog_data_path(self)
data_path = path / ("database.sqlite3")
self.chatbot = ChatBot( self.chatbot = ChatBot(
"ChatterBot", "ChatterBot",
storage_adapter='', storage_adapter='',
database='./database.sqlite3' database=str(data_path),
'import_path': 'chatter.chatterbot.logic.LowConfidenceAdapter',
'threshold': 0.65,
'default_response': ':thinking:'
) )
self.chatbot.set_trainer(ListTrainer) self.chatbot.set_trainer(ListTrainer)
@ -42,21 +60,42 @@ class Chatter:
Currently takes a stupid long time Currently takes a stupid long time
Returns a list of text Returns a list of text
""" """
out = [] out = [[]]
after = - timedelta(days=(await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).days())) after = - timedelta(days=(await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).days()))
def new_message(msg, sent, out_in):
if sent is None:
return False
if len(out_in) < 2:
return False
return msg.created_at - sent >= timedelta(hours=3) # This should be configurable perhaps
for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels:
if in_channel: if in_channel:
channel = in_channel channel = in_channel
await ctx.send("Gathering {}".format(channel.mention)) await ctx.send("Gathering {}".format(channel.mention))
user = None user = None
i = 0
send_time = None
try: try:
async for message in channel.history(limit=None, reverse=True, after=after): async for message in channel.history(limit=None, reverse=True, after=after):
# if # Skip bot messages
# continue
if new_message(message, send_time, out[i]):
i += 1
user = None
send_time = message.created_at + timedelta(seconds=1)
if user == if user ==
out[-1] += "\n" + message.clean_content out[i][-1] += "\n" + message.clean_content
else: else:
user = user =
out.append(message.clean_content) out[i].append(message.clean_content)
except discord.Forbidden: except discord.Forbidden:
pass pass
except discord.HTTPException: except discord.HTTPException:
@ -69,21 +108,22 @@ class Chatter:
def _train(self, data): def _train(self, data):
try: try:
self.chatbot.train(data) for convo in data:
except: except:
return False return False
return True return True
async def chatter(self, ctx: RedContext): async def chatter(self, ctx: commands.Context):
""" """
Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list. Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list.
""" """
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help() pass
@chatter.command() @chatter.command()
async def age(self, ctx: RedContext, days: int): async def age(self, ctx: commands.Context, days: int):
""" """
Sets the number of days to look back Sets the number of days to look back
Will train on 1 day otherwise Will train on 1 day otherwise
@ -98,7 +138,8 @@ class Chatter:
Backup your training data to a json for later use Backup your training data to a json for later use
""" """
await ctx.send("Backing up data, this may take a while") await ctx.send("Backing up data, this may take a while")
future = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.chatbot.trainer.export_for_training, './{}.json'.format(backupname)) future = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.chatbot.trainer.export_for_training,
if future: if future:
await ctx.send("Backup successful!") await ctx.send("Backup successful!")
@ -133,17 +174,21 @@ class Chatter:
else: else:
await ctx.send("Error occurred :(") await ctx.send("Error occurred :(")
async def on_message(self, message): async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
""" """
Credit to Credit to
for on_message recognition of @bot for on_message recognition of @bot
""" """
author = author =
channel = try:
guild: discord.Guild = message.guild
except AttributeError: # Not a guild message
channel: discord.TextChannel =
if != if !=
to_strip = "@" + + " " to_strip = "@" + + " "
text = message.clean_content text = message.clean_content
if not text.startswith(to_strip): if not text.startswith(to_strip):
return return
@ -151,7 +196,7 @@ class Chatter:
async with channel.typing(): async with channel.typing():
future = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.chatbot.get_response, text) future = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.chatbot.get_response, text)
if future: if future and str(future):
await channel.send(str(future)) await channel.send(str(future))
else: else:
await channel.send(':thinking:') await channel.send(':thinking:')

@ -2,10 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging import logging
from . import utils from chatter.chatterbot import utils
from .input import InputAdapter
from .output import OutputAdapter
from .storage import StorageAdapter
class ChatBot(object): class ChatBot(object):
@ -14,7 +11,7 @@ class ChatBot(object):
""" """
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs): def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
from .logic import MultiLogicAdapter from chatter.chatterbot.logic import MultiLogicAdapter = name = name
kwargs['name'] = name kwargs['name'] = name
@ -33,9 +30,9 @@ class ChatBot(object):
output_adapter = kwargs.get('output_adapter', 'chatter.chatterbot.output.OutputAdapter') output_adapter = kwargs.get('output_adapter', 'chatter.chatterbot.output.OutputAdapter')
# Check that each adapter is a valid subclass of it's respective parent # Check that each adapter is a valid subclass of it's respective parent
utils.validate_adapter_class(storage_adapter, StorageAdapter) # utils.validate_adapter_class(storage_adapter, StorageAdapter)
utils.validate_adapter_class(input_adapter, InputAdapter) # utils.validate_adapter_class(input_adapter, InputAdapter)
utils.validate_adapter_class(output_adapter, OutputAdapter) # utils.validate_adapter_class(output_adapter, OutputAdapter)
self.logic = MultiLogicAdapter(**kwargs) self.logic = MultiLogicAdapter(**kwargs) = utils.initialize_class(storage_adapter, **kwargs) = utils.initialize_class(storage_adapter, **kwargs)
@ -139,7 +136,7 @@ class ChatBot(object):
""" """
Learn that the statement provided is a valid response. Learn that the statement provided is a valid response.
""" """
from .conversation import Response from chatter.chatterbot.conversation import Response
if previous_statement: if previous_statement:
statement.add_response( statement.add_response(

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class SynsetDistance(Comparator):
""" """
Download required NLTK corpora if they have not already been downloaded. Download required NLTK corpora if they have not already been downloaded.
""" """
from .utils import nltk_download_corpus from chatter.chatterbot.utils import nltk_download_corpus
nltk_download_corpus('corpora/wordnet') nltk_download_corpus('corpora/wordnet')
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class SynsetDistance(Comparator):
""" """
Download required NLTK corpora if they have not already been downloaded. Download required NLTK corpora if they have not already been downloaded.
""" """
from .utils import nltk_download_corpus from chatter.chatterbot.utils import nltk_download_corpus
nltk_download_corpus('tokenizers/punkt') nltk_download_corpus('tokenizers/punkt')
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class SynsetDistance(Comparator):
""" """
Download required NLTK corpora if they have not already been downloaded. Download required NLTK corpora if they have not already been downloaded.
""" """
from .utils import nltk_download_corpus from chatter.chatterbot.utils import nltk_download_corpus
nltk_download_corpus('corpora/stopwords') nltk_download_corpus('corpora/stopwords')
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class SentimentComparison(Comparator):
Download the NLTK vader lexicon for sentiment analysis Download the NLTK vader lexicon for sentiment analysis
that is required for this algorithm to run. that is required for this algorithm to run.
""" """
from .utils import nltk_download_corpus from chatter.chatterbot.utils import nltk_download_corpus
nltk_download_corpus('sentiment/vader_lexicon') nltk_download_corpus('sentiment/vader_lexicon')
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class JaccardSimilarity(Comparator):
Download the NLTK wordnet corpora that is required for this algorithm Download the NLTK wordnet corpora that is required for this algorithm
to run only if the corpora has not already been downloaded. to run only if the corpora has not already been downloaded.
""" """
from .utils import nltk_download_corpus from chatter.chatterbot.utils import nltk_download_corpus
nltk_download_corpus('corpora/wordnet') nltk_download_corpus('corpora/wordnet')

@ -149,11 +149,7 @@ class Statement(StatementMixin):
:returns: A dictionary representation of the statement object. :returns: A dictionary representation of the statement object.
:rtype: dict :rtype: dict
""" """
data = {} data = {'text': self.text, 'in_response_to': [], 'extra_data': self.extra_data}
data['text'] = self.text
data['in_response_to'] = []
data['extra_data'] = self.extra_data
for response in self.in_response_to: for response in self.in_response_to:
data['in_response_to'].append(response.serialize()) data['in_response_to'].append(response.serialize())
@ -212,11 +208,6 @@ class Response(object):
return self.text == other return self.text == other
def serialize(self): def serialize(self):
data = {} data = {'text': self.text, 'created_at': self.created_at.isoformat(), 'occurrence': self.occurrence}
data['text'] = self.text
data['created_at'] = self.created_at.isoformat()
data['occurrence'] = self.occurrence
return data return data

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
from .best_match import BestMatch
from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter
from .best_match import BestMatch
from .low_confidence import LowConfidenceAdapter from .low_confidence import LowConfidenceAdapter
from .mathematical_evaluation import MathematicalEvaluation from .mathematical_evaluation import MathematicalEvaluation
from .multi_adapter import MultiLogicAdapter from .multi_adapter import MultiLogicAdapter

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter from chatter.chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
class BestMatch(LogicAdapter): class BestMatch(LogicAdapter):

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import unicode_literals
from chatter.chatterbot.conversation import Statement from chatter.chatterbot.conversation import Statement
from .best_match import BestMatch from chatter.chatterbot.logic import BestMatch
class LowConfidenceAdapter(BestMatch): class LowConfidenceAdapter(BestMatch):

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import Counter from collections import Counter
from chatter.chatterbot import utils from chatter.chatterbot import utils
from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter from chatter.chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
class MultiLogicAdapter(LogicAdapter): class MultiLogicAdapter(LogicAdapter):

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter from chatter.chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
class NoKnowledgeAdapter(LogicAdapter): class NoKnowledgeAdapter(LogicAdapter):

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter from chatter.chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
class SpecificResponseAdapter(LogicAdapter): class SpecificResponseAdapter(LogicAdapter):

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
from datetime import datetime from datetime import datetime
from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter from chatter.chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
class TimeLogicAdapter(LogicAdapter): class TimeLogicAdapter(LogicAdapter):

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter
from .gitter import Gitter from .gitter import Gitter
from .hipchat import HipChat from .hipchat import HipChat
from .mailgun import Mailgun from .mailgun import Mailgun
from .microsoft import Microsoft from .microsoft import Microsoft
from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter
from .terminal import TerminalAdapter from .terminal import TerminalAdapter
__all__ = ( __all__ = (

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter from chatter.chatterbot.output import OutputAdapter
class Gitter(OutputAdapter): class Gitter(OutputAdapter):

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json import json
from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter from chatter.chatterbot.output import OutputAdapter
class HipChat(OutputAdapter): class HipChat(OutputAdapter):

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter from chatter.chatterbot.output import OutputAdapter
class Mailgun(OutputAdapter): class Mailgun(OutputAdapter):

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json import json
from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter from chatter.chatterbot.output import OutputAdapter
class Microsoft(OutputAdapter): class Microsoft(OutputAdapter):

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals from __future__ import unicode_literals
from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter from chatter.chatterbot.output import OutputAdapter
class TerminalAdapter(OutputAdapter): class TerminalAdapter(OutputAdapter):

@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class SQLStorageAdapter(StorageAdapter):
if isinstance(_filter, list): if isinstance(_filter, list):
if len(_filter) == 0: if len(_filter) == 0:
_query = _response_query.filter( _query = _response_query.filter(
Statement.in_response_to == None # NOQA Here must use == instead of is Statement.in_response_to is None # NOQA Here must use == instead of is
) )
else: else:
for f in _filter: for f in _filter:
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class SQLStorageAdapter(StorageAdapter):
if fp == 'in_response_to__contains': if fp == 'in_response_to__contains':
_query = _response_query.join(Response).filter(Response.text == _filter) _query = _response_query.join(Response).filter(Response.text == _filter)
else: else:
_query = _response_query.filter(Statement.in_response_to == None) # NOQA _query = _response_query.filter(Statement.in_response_to is None) # NOQA
else: else:
if _query: if _query:
_query = _query.filter('%' + _filter + '%')) _query = _query.filter('%' + _filter + '%'))

@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ class StorageAdapter(object):
class EmptyDatabaseException(Exception): class EmptyDatabaseException(Exception):
def __init__(self, def __init__(self,
value='The database currently contains no entries. At least one entry is expected. You may need to train your chat bot to populate your database.'): value='The database currently contains no entries. '
'At least one entry is expected. '
'You may need to train your chat bot to populate your database.'):
self.value = value self.value = value
def __str__(self): def __str__(self):

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import logging
import os import os
import sys import sys
from . import utils from chatter.chatterbot import utils
from .conversation import Statement, Response from chatter.chatterbot.conversation import Statement, Response
class Trainer(object): class Trainer(object):
@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class ChatterBotCorpusTrainer(Trainer):
def __init__(self, storage, **kwargs): def __init__(self, storage, **kwargs):
super(ChatterBotCorpusTrainer, self).__init__(storage, **kwargs) super(ChatterBotCorpusTrainer, self).__init__(storage, **kwargs)
from .corpus import Corpus from chatter.chatterbot.corpus import Corpus
self.corpus = Corpus() self.corpus = Corpus()
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class TwitterTrainer(Trainer):
for word in tweet_words: for word in tweet_words:
# If the word contains only letters with a length from 4 to 9 # If the word contains only letters with a length from 4 to 9
if word.isalpha() and len(word) > 3 and len(word) <= 9: if word.isalpha() and 3 < len(word) <= 9:
words.add(word) words.add(word)
return words return words

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def validate_adapter_class(validate_class, adapter_class):
:raises: Adapter.InvalidAdapterTypeException :raises: Adapter.InvalidAdapterTypeException
""" """
from .adapters import Adapter from chatter.chatterbot.adapters import Adapter
# If a dictionary was passed in, check if it has an import_path attribute # If a dictionary was passed in, check if it has an import_path attribute
if isinstance(validate_class, dict): if isinstance(validate_class, dict):

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
], ],
"description": "Create an offline chatbot that talks like your average member using Machine Learning", "description": "Create an offline chatbot that talks like your average member using Machine Learning",
"hidden": false, "hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing Chatter!", "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Chatter! Get started ith `[p]load chatter` and `[p]help Chatter`",
"requirements": [ "requirements": [
"sqlalchemy<1.3,>=1.2", "sqlalchemy<1.3,>=1.2",
"python-twitter<4.0,>=3.0", "python-twitter<4.0,>=3.0",

@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
import discord import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config, checks, RedContext
from import Red
from pylint import epylint as lint from pylint import epylint as lint
from redbot.core import Config
from redbot.core import commands
from import Red
from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class CogLint: class CogLint(Cog):
""" """
V3 Cog Template Automatically lint code in python codeblocks
""" """
def __init__(self, bot: Red): def __init__(self, bot: Red):
@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ class CogLint:
self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
@commands.command() @commands.command()
async def autolint(self, ctx: RedContext): async def autolint(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Toggles automatically linting code""" """Toggles automatically linting code"""
curr = await self.config.lint() curr = await self.config.lint()
@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ class CogLint:
await ctx.send("Autolinting is now set to {}".format(not curr)) await ctx.send("Autolinting is now set to {}".format(not curr))
@commands.command() @commands.command()
async def lint(self, ctx: RedContext, *, code): async def lint(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, code):
"""Lint python code """Lint python code
Toggle autolinting with `[p]autolint` Toggle autolinting with `[p]autolint`

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
], ],
"description": "Lint python code posted in chat", "description": "Lint python code posted in chat",
"hidden": true, "hidden": true,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing CogLint", "install_msg": "Thank you for installing CogLint! Get started with `[p]load coglint` and `[p]help CogLint`",
"requirements": [], "requirements": [],
"short": "Python cog linter", "short": "Python cog linter",
"tags": [ "tags": [

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .dad import Dad
def setup(bot):

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Any
import aiohttp
import discord
from redbot.core import Config, checks
from redbot.core import commands
from import Red
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
async def fetch_url(session, url):
async with session.get(url) as response:
assert response.status == 200
return await response.json()
class Dad(Cog):
Dad jokes
Nicknaming user idea comes from
def __init__(self, bot: Red): = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=6897100, force_registration=True)
default_guild = {
"enabled": False,
"nickname": False,
"cooldown": 240
self.cooldown = defaultdict(
async def dadjoke(self, ctx: commands.Context):
headers = {"User-Agent": "FoxV3 (",
"Accept": "application/json"}
async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session:
joke = await fetch_url(session, '')
em = discord.Embed()
await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def dad(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Dad joke superhub"""
async def dad_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Toggle automatic dad jokes on or off"""
is_on = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled()
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled.set(not is_on)
await ctx.send("Auto dad jokes are now set to {}".format(not is_on))
async def dad_nickname(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Toggle nicknaming"""
is_on = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).nickname()
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).nickname.set(not is_on)
await ctx.send("Nicknaming is now set to {}".format(not is_on))
async def dad_cooldown(self, ctx: commands.Context, cooldown: int):
"""Set the auto-joke cooldown"""
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).cooldown.set(cooldown)
await ctx.send("Dad joke cooldown is now set to {}".format(cooldown))
async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
guild: discord.Guild = message.guild
if guild is None:
guild_config = self.config.guild(guild)
is_on = await guild_config.enabled()
if not is_on:
if self.cooldown[] >
lower = message.clean_content.lower()
lower_split = lower.split()
if len(lower_split)==0:
if lower_split[0] == "i'm" and len(lower_split) >= 2:
if await guild_config.nickname():
except discord.Forbidden:
out = lower[4:]
out =
out = lower[4:]
await"Hi {}, I'm {}!".format(out,
self.cooldown[] = + timedelta(seconds=(await guild_config.cooldown()))

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Tell dad jokes and give out bad nicknames",
"hidden": true,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing Dad. Get started with `[p]load dad`, then `[p]help Dad`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Dad joke bot",
"tags": [

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .exclusiverole import ExclusiveRole
def setup(bot):

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
import asyncio
import discord
from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class ExclusiveRole(Cog):
Custom commands
Creates commands used to display text and adjust roles
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9999114111108101)
default_guild = {
"role_list": []
self.config.register_guild(**default_guild), aliases=["exclusiverole"])
async def exclusive(self, ctx):
"""Base command for managing exclusive roles"""
if not ctx.invoked_subcommand:
async def exclusive_add(self, ctx, role: discord.Role):
"""Adds an exclusive role"""
if in (await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).role_list()):
await ctx.send("That role is already exclusive")
async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).role_list() as rl:
await self.check_guild(ctx.guild)
await ctx.send("Exclusive role added")
async def exclusive_delete(self, ctx, role: discord.Role):
"""Deletes an exclusive role"""
if not in (await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).role_list()):
await ctx.send("That role is not exclusive")
async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).role_list() as rl:
await ctx.send("Exclusive role removed")
async def check_guild(self, guild: discord.Guild):
role_set = set(await self.config.guild(guild).role_list())
for member in guild.members:
await self.remove_non_exclusive_roles(member, role_set=role_set)
except discord.Forbidden:
async def remove_non_exclusive_roles(self, member: discord.Member, role_set=None):
if role_set is None:
role_set = set(await self.config.guild(member.guild).role_list())
member_set = set([ for role in member.roles])
to_remove = (member_set - role_set) - {}
if to_remove and member_set & role_set:
to_remove = [discord.utils.get(member.guild.roles, id=id) for id in to_remove]
await member.remove_roles(*to_remove, reason="Exclusive roles")
async def on_member_update(self, before: discord.Member, after: discord.Member):
if before.roles == after.roles:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
role_set = set(await self.config.guild(after.guild).role_list())
member_set = set([ for role in after.roles])
if role_set & member_set:
await self.remove_non_exclusive_roles(after, role_set=role_set)
except discord.Forbidden:

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Assign roles to be exclusive, preventing other roles from being added",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing ExclusiveRole. Get started with `[p]load exclusiverole` and `[p]help ExclusiveRole`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Set roles to be exclusive",
"tags": [

@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
import asyncio
import os import os
import math import math
# from typing import Union # from typing import Union
import discord import discord
from discord.ext import commands from redbot.core import commands
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box
@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ class Fight:
await ctx.send("Current tournament ID: " + await self._activefight(ctx)) await ctx.send("Current tournament ID: " + await self._activefight(ctx))
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help() pass
# await ctx.send("I can do stuff!") # await ctx.send("I can do stuff!")
@fight.command(name="join") @fight.command(name="join")
@ -198,10 +199,10 @@ class Fight:
async def fadmin(self, ctx): async def fadmin(self, ctx):
"""Admin command for managing the current tournament""" """Admin command for managing the current tournament"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help() pass
@fadmin.command(name="score") @fadmin.command(name="score")
async def fadmin_score(self, ctx, mID, score1, score2): async def fadmin_score(self, ctx: commands.Context, mID, score1, score2):
"""Set's the score for matchID and clears disputes""" """Set's the score for matchID and clears disputes"""
currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx) currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx)
tID = await self._activefight(ctx) tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
@ -213,11 +214,11 @@ class Fight:
await ctx.send("Tournament currently not accepting new players") await ctx.send("Tournament currently not accepting new players")
return return
if await self._infight(ctx, tID, if await self._infight(ctx, tID,
await ctx.send("You are already in this tournament!") await ctx.send("You are already in this tournament!")
return return
currFight["PLAYERS"].append( currFight["PLAYERS"].append(
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight) await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight)
@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ class Fight:
# self.save_data() # self.save_data()
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help() pass
# await ctx.send("I can do stuff!") # await ctx.send("I can do stuff!")
@fightset.command(name="emoji") @fightset.command(name="emoji")
@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ class Fight:
async def fightset_guild(self, ctx): async def fightset_guild(self, ctx):
"""Adjust guild wide settings""" """Adjust guild wide settings"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None or isinstance(ctx.invoked_subcommand, commands.Group): if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None or isinstance(ctx.invoked_subcommand, commands.Group):
await ctx.send_help() pass
@fightset_guild.command(name="selfreport") @fightset_guild.command(name="selfreport")
async def fightset_guild_selfreport(self, ctx): async def fightset_guild_selfreport(self, ctx):
@ -711,11 +712,13 @@ class Fight:
async def _embed_tourney(self, ctx, tID): async def _embed_tourney(self, ctx, tID):
"""Prints a pretty embed of the tournament""" """Prints a pretty embed of the tournament"""
await ctx.send("_placeholder Todo") #_placeholder Todo
async def _comparescores(self): async def _comparescores(self):
"""Checks user submitted scores for inconsistancies""" """Checks user submitted scores for inconsistancies"""
await ctx.send("_comparescores Todo") # _comparescores Todo
async def _parseuser(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, userid): async def _parseuser(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, userid):
"""Finds user in the tournament""" """Finds user in the tournament"""
@ -821,8 +824,8 @@ class Fight:
"""Reports a win for member in match""" """Reports a win for member in match"""
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID) theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
if not in theT["PLAYERS"]: # Shouldn't happen # if not in theT["PLAYERS"]: # Shouldn't happen
return False # return False
if theT["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0: if theT["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0:
return await self._rr_report_dispute(guild, tID, mID) return await self._rr_report_dispute(guild, tID, mID)
@ -833,13 +836,16 @@ class Fight:
# **********************Single Elimination*************************** # **********************Single Elimination***************************
async def _elim_setup(self, tID): async def _elim_setup(self, tID):
await ctx.send("Elim setup todo") # ToDo Elim setup
async def _elim_start(self, tID): async def _elim_start(self, tID):
await ctx.send("Elim start todo") # ToDo Elim start
async def _elim_update(self, matchID): async def _elim_update(self, matchID):
await ctx.send("Elim update todo") # ToDo Elim update
# **********************Round-Robin********************************** # **********************Round-Robin**********************************

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"author" : ["Bobloy"], "author" : ["Bobloy"],
"bot_version" : [3,0,0], "bot_version" : [3,0,0],
"description" : "[Incomplete] Cog to organize tournaments within Discord", "description" : "[Incomplete] Cog to organize tournaments within Discord",
"hidden" : false, "hidden" : true,
"install_msg" : "Thank you for installing Fight. Run with [p]fight or [p]fightset", "install_msg" : "Thank you for installing Fight. Run with [p]fight or [p]fightset",
"requirements" : [], "requirements" : [],
"short" : "[Incomplete] Cog to organize tournaments", "short" : "[Incomplete] Cog to organize tournaments",

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .flag import Flag
def setup(bot):

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
from datetime import date, timedelta
import discord
from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
from import Red
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class Flag(Cog):
Set expiring flags on members
def __init__(self, bot: Red): = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
default_global = {}
default_guild = {
"days": 31,
"dm": True,
"flags": {}
async def clearallflag(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Clears all flags for all members in this server"""
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).flags.clear()
await ctx.send("Done")
async def flagset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
My custom cog
Extra information goes here
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
async def flagset_expire(self, ctx: commands.Context, days: int):
Set the number of days for flags to expire after for server
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).days.set(days)
await ctx.send("Number of days for new flags to expire is now {} days".format(days))
async def flagset_dm(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Toggles DM-ing the flags"""
dm = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dm()
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dm.set(not dm)
await ctx.send("DM-ing members when they get a flag is now set to **{}**".format(not dm))
def _flag_template():
return {
'reason': "",
'expireyear': 0,
'expiremonth': 0,
'expireday': 0
async def flag(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member, *, reason):
"""Flag a member"""
guild = ctx.guild
await self._check_flags(guild)
# clashroyale ='clashroyale')
# if clashroyale is None:
# await ctx.send("Requires clashroyale cog installed")
# return
flag = self._flag_template()
expiredate =
expiredate += timedelta(days=await self.config.guild(guild).days())
flag['reason'] = reason
flag['expireyear'] = expiredate.year
flag['expiremonth'] = expiredate.month
flag['expireday'] =
# flags = await self.config.guild(guild).flags.get_raw(str(, default=[])
# flags.append(flag)
# await self.config.guild(guild).flags.set_raw(str(, value=flags)
async with self.config.guild(guild).flags() as flags:
outembed = await self._list_flags(member)
if outembed:
await ctx.send(embed=outembed)
if await self.config.guild(guild).dm():
await member.send(embed=outembed)
await ctx.send("This member has no flags.. somehow..")
async def clearflag(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member):
"""Clears flags for a member"""
guild = ctx.guild
await self._check_flags(guild)
await self.config.guild(guild).flags.set_raw(str(, value=[])
await ctx.send("Success!")
async def listflag(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member):
"""Lists flags for a member"""
server = ctx.guild
await self._check_flags(server)
outembed = await self._list_flags(member)
if outembed:
await ctx.send(embed=outembed)
await ctx.send("This member has no flags!")
async def allflag(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Lists all flags for the server"""
guild = ctx.guild
await self._check_flags(guild)
out = "All flags for {}\n".format(
flags = await self.config.guild(guild).flags()
flag_d = {}
for memberid, flag_data in flags.items():
if len(flag_data) > 0:
member = guild.get_member(int(memberid))
flag_d[member.display_name + member.discriminator] = len(flag_data)
for display_name, flag_count in sorted(flag_d.items()):
out += "{} - **{}** flags".format(display_name, flag_count)
for page in pagify(out):
await ctx.send(page)
async def _list_flags(self, member: discord.Member):
"""Returns a pretty embed of flags on a member"""
flags = await self.config.guild(member.guild).flags.get_raw(str(, default=[])
embed = discord.Embed(title="Flags for " + member.display_name,
description="User has {} active flags".format(len(flags)), color=0x804040)
for flag in flags:
embed.add_field(name="Reason: " + flag['reason'],
value="Expires on " + str(date(flag['expireyear'], flag['expiremonth'], flag['expireday'])),
return embed
async def _check_flags(self, guild: discord.Guild):
"""Updates and removes expired flags"""
flag_data = await self.config.guild(guild).flags()
flag_d = {}
for memberid, flags in flag_data.items():
# for member in guild.members:
# flags = await self.config.guild(guild).flags.get_raw(str(, default=[])
x = 0
while x < len(flags):
flag = flags[x]
if >= date(flag['expireyear'], flag['expiremonth'], flag['expireday']):
del flags[x]
x += 1
await self.config.guild(guild).flags.set_raw(memberid, value=flags)

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Add expiring flags on members to track warnings or incidents",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing Flag! Get started with `[p]load flag` and `[p]help Flag`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Add expiring flags to members",
"tags": [

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .forcemention import ForceMention
def setup(bot):

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
from discord.utils import get
from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
from import Red
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class ForceMention(Cog):
Mention the unmentionables
def __init__(self, bot: Red): = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
default_global = {}
default_guild = {}
async def forcemention(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: str, *, message=''):
Mentions that role, regardless if it's unmentionable
role_obj = get(ctx.guild.roles, name=role)
if role_obj is None:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Couldn't find role named {}".format(role))
if not role_obj.mentionable:
await role_obj.edit(mentionable=True)
await ctx.send("{}\n{}".format(role_obj.mention, message))
await role_obj.edit(mentionable=False)
await ctx.send("{}\n{}".format(role_obj.mention, message))

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Mentions roles that are unmentionable",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing ForceMention! Get started with `[p]load forcemention`, then `[p]forcemention`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Mention unmentionables",
"tags": [

@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ def setup(bot):
n = Hangman(bot) n = Hangman(bot)
data_manager.load_bundled_data(n, __file__) data_manager.load_bundled_data(n, __file__)
bot.add_cog(n) bot.add_cog(n)
bot.add_listener(n._on_react, "on_reaction_add") bot.add_listener(n.on_react, "on_reaction_add")

@ -2,12 +2,14 @@ from collections import defaultdict
from random import randint from random import randint
import discord import discord
from discord.ext import commands from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
from redbot.core import Config, checks from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path, load_basic_configuration from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class Hangman:
class Hangman(Cog):
"""Lets anyone play a game of hangman with custom phrases""" """Lets anyone play a game of hangman with custom phrases"""
navigate = "🔼🔽" navigate = "🔼🔽"
letters = "🇦🇧🇨🇩🇪🇫🇬🇭🇮🇯🇰🇱🇲🇳🇴🇵🇶🇷🇸🇹🇺🇻🇼🇽🇾🇿" letters = "🇦🇧🇨🇩🇪🇫🇬🇭🇮🇯🇰🇱🇲🇳🇴🇵🇶🇷🇸🇹🇺🇻🇼🇽🇾🇿"
@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ class Hangman:
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=1049711010310997110) self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=1049711010310997110)
default_guild = { default_guild = {
"theface": ':thinking:', "theface": ':thinking:',
"emojis": True,
} }
self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ class Hangman:
lambda: {"running": False, "hangman": 0, "guesses": [], "trackmessage": False, "answer": ''}) lambda: {"running": False, "hangman": 0, "guesses": [], "trackmessage": False, "answer": ''})
self.path = str(cog_data_path(self)).replace('\\', '/') self.path = str(cog_data_path(self)).replace('\\', '/')
self.answer_path = self.path+"/bundled_data/hanganswers.txt" self.answer_path = self.path + "/bundled_data/hanganswers.txt"
self.winbool = defaultdict(lambda: False) self.winbool = defaultdict(lambda: False)
@ -127,11 +130,12 @@ class Hangman:
@checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True) @checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True)
async def hangset(self, ctx): async def hangset(self, ctx):
"""Adjust hangman settings""" """Adjust hangman settings"""
if not ctx.invoked_subcommand: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help() pass
@hangset.command(pass_context=True) @hangset.command(pass_context=True)
async def face(self, ctx: commands.Context, theface): async def face(self, ctx: commands.Context, theface):
"""Set the face of the hangman"""
message = ctx.message message = ctx.message
# Borrowing FlapJack's emoji validation # Borrowing FlapJack's emoji validation
# ( # (
@ -149,6 +153,14 @@ class Hangman:
await self._update_hanglist() await self._update_hanglist()
await ctx.send("Face has been updated!") await ctx.send("Face has been updated!")
async def toggleemoji(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Toggles whether to automatically react with the alphabet"""
current = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).emojis()
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).emojis.set(not current)
await ctx.send("Emoji Letter reactions have been set to {}".format(not current))
@commands.command(aliases=['hang'], pass_context=True) @commands.command(aliases=['hang'], pass_context=True)
async def hangman(self, ctx, guess: str = None): async def hangman(self, ctx, guess: str = None):
"""Play a game of hangman against the bot!""" """Play a game of hangman against the bot!"""
@ -245,7 +257,7 @@ class Hangman:
await self._reprintgame(message) await self._reprintgame(message)
async def _on_react(self, reaction, user): async def on_react(self, reaction, user):
""" Thanks to flapjack reactpoll for guidelines """ Thanks to flapjack reactpoll for guidelines""""""
@ -253,7 +265,7 @@ class Hangman:
return return
if user == if user ==
return # Don't remove bot's own reactions return # Don't react to bot's own reactions
message = reaction.message message = reaction.message
emoji = reaction.emoji emoji = reaction.emoji
@ -270,15 +282,27 @@ class Hangman:
if str(emoji) == self.navigate[-1]: if str(emoji) == self.navigate[-1]:
await self._reactmessage_nz(message) await self._reactmessage_nz(message)
async def _try_clear_reactions(self, message):
await message.clear_reactions()
except discord.Forbidden:
async def _reactmessage_menu(self, message): async def _reactmessage_menu(self, message):
"""React with menu options""" """React with menu options"""
await message.clear_reactions() if not await self.config.guild(message.guild).emojis():
await self._try_clear_reactions(message)
await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[0]) await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[0])
await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[-1]) await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[-1])
async def _reactmessage_am(self, message): async def _reactmessage_am(self, message):
await message.clear_reactions() if not await self.config.guild(message.guild).emojis():
await self._try_clear_reactions(message)
for x in range(len(self.letters)): for x in range(len(self.letters)):
if x in [i for i, b in enumerate("ABCDEFGHIJKLM") if b not in self._guesslist(message.guild)]: if x in [i for i, b in enumerate("ABCDEFGHIJKLM") if b not in self._guesslist(message.guild)]:
@ -287,7 +311,10 @@ class Hangman:
await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[-1]) await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[-1])
async def _reactmessage_nz(self, message): async def _reactmessage_nz(self, message):
await message.clear_reactions() if not await self.config.guild(message.guild).emojis():
await self._try_clear_reactions(message)
for x in range(len(self.letters)): for x in range(len(self.letters)):
if x in [i for i, b in enumerate("NOPQRSTUVWXYZ") if b not in self._guesslist(message.guild)]: if x in [i for i, b in enumerate("NOPQRSTUVWXYZ") if b not in self._guesslist(message.guild)]:
@ -297,11 +324,8 @@ class Hangman:
def _make_say(self, guild): def _make_say(self, guild):
c_say = "Guess this: " + str(self._hideanswer(guild)) + "\n" c_say = "Guess this: " + str(self._hideanswer(guild)) + "\n"
c_say += "Used Letters: " + str(self._guesslist(guild)) + "\n" c_say += "Used Letters: " + str(self._guesslist(guild)) + "\n"
c_say += self.hanglist[guild][self.the_data[guild]["hangman"]] + "\n" c_say += self.hanglist[guild][self.the_data[guild]["hangman"]] + "\n"
c_say += self.navigate[0] + " for A-M, " + self.navigate[-1] + " for N-Z" c_say += self.navigate[0] + " for A-M, " + self.navigate[-1] + " for N-Z"
return c_say return c_say
@ -330,9 +354,3 @@ class Hangman:
await self._reactmessage_menu(message) await self._reactmessage_menu(message)
await self._checkdone(channel) await self._checkdone(channel)
def setup(bot):
n = Hangman(bot)
bot.add_listener(n._on_react, "on_reaction_add")

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
], ],
"description": "Play Hangman with your friends", "description": "Play Hangman with your friends",
"hidden": false, "hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing Hangman!", "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Hangman! Get started with `[p]load hangman`, then `[p]help Hangman`",
"requirements": [], "requirements": [],
"short": "Play Hangman", "short": "Play Hangman",
"tags": [ "tags": [

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ class Howdoi:
"""Adjust howdoi settings """Adjust howdoi settings
Settings are reset on reload""" Settings are reset on reload"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help() pass
@howdoiset.command(pass_context=True, name="answers") @howdoiset.command(pass_context=True, name="answers")
async def howdoiset_answers(self, ctx, num_answers: int = 1): async def howdoiset_answers(self, ctx, num_answers: int = 1):

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{ {
"AUTHOR": "Bobloy", "AUTHOR": "Bobloy",
"INSTALL_MSG": "Thank you for installing Fox-Cogs by Bobloy", "INSTALL_MSG": "Thank you for installing Fox-V3 by Bobloy",
"NAME": "Fox-Cogs", "NAME": "Fox-V3",
"SHORT": "Cogs by Bobloy", "SHORT": "Cogs by Bobloy",
"DESCRIPTION": "Cogs for RED Discord Bot by Bobloy" "DESCRIPTION": "Cogs for RED Discord Bot by Bobloy"
} }

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .leaver import Leaver
def setup(bot):

@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
{ {
"AUTHOR": "Bobloy", "author": [
"INSTALL_MSG": "Thank you for installing leaver", "Bobloy"
"NAME": "Leaver", ],
"SHORT": "Sends message on leave", "bot_version": [
"DESCRIPTION": "Keeps track of when people leave the server, and posts a message notifying", 3,
"TAGS": ["fox", "bobloy", "utilities", "tools", "tool"], 0,
"HIDDEN": false 0
"description": "Keeps track of when people leave the server, and posts a message notifying",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing Leaver. Get started with `[p]load leaver`, then `[p]help Leaver`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Send message on leave",
"tags": [
} }

@ -1,78 +1,45 @@
import discord import discord
import os
from datetime import datetime
from discord.ext import commands
from .utils.dataIO import dataIO from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
from .utils import checks from redbot.core.commands import Context
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class Leaver:
"""Creates a goodbye message when people leave""" class Leaver(Cog):
Creates a goodbye message when people leave
def __init__(self, bot): def __init__(self, bot): = bot = bot
self.path = "data/Fox-Cogs/leaver" self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
self.file_path = "data/Fox-Cogs/leaver/leaver.json" default_guild = {
self.the_data = dataIO.load_json(self.file_path) "channel": ''
def save_data(self): self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
"""Saves the json"""
dataIO.save_json(self.file_path, self.the_data)['setleaver'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True)['setleaver'])
@checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True) @checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True)
async def leaverset(self, ctx): async def leaverset(self, ctx):
"""Adjust leaver settings""" """Adjust leaver settings"""
server = ctx.message.server
if not in self.the_data:
self.the_data[] = {}
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await pass
@leaverset.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True) @leaverset.command()
async def channel(self, ctx): async def channel(self, ctx: Context):
server = ctx.message.server guild = ctx.guild
if 'CHANNEL' not in self.the_data[]: await self.config.guild(guild).channel.set(
self.the_data[]['CHANNEL'] = '' await ctx.send("Channel set to " +
async def on_member_remove(self, member: discord.Member):
guild = member.guild
channel = await self.config.guild(guild).channel()
self.the_data[]['CHANNEL'] = if channel != '':
self.save_data() channel = guild.get_channel(channel)
await"Channel set to " await channel.send(str(member) + "(*" + str(member.nick) + "*) has left the server!")
async def when_leave(self, member):
server = member.server
if in self.the_data:
str(member) + "(*" + str(member.nick) +"*) has left the server!")
else: else:
await, str(member) + " (*" + str(member.nick) +"*) has left the server!") pass
def check_folders():
if not os.path.exists("data/Fox-Cogs"):
print("Creating data/Fox-Cogs folder...")
if not os.path.exists("data/Fox-Cogs/leaver"):
print("Creating data/Fox-Cogs/leaver folder...")
def check_files():
if not dataIO.is_valid_json("data/Fox-Cogs/leaver/leaver.json"):
dataIO.save_json("data/Fox-Cogs/leaver/leaver.json", {})
def setup(bot):
q = Leaver(bot)
bot.add_listener(q.when_leave, "on_member_remove")

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .lovecalculator import LoveCalculator
def setup(bot):

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Calculate the love percentage for two users",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing LoveCalculator. Love is in the air.\n Get started with `[p]load lovecalculator`, then `[p]help LoveCalculator`",
"requirements": [
"short": "Calculate love percentage",
"tags": [

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
import aiohttp
import discord
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from redbot.core import commands
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class LoveCalculator(Cog):
"""Calculate the love percentage for two users!"""
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
async def lovecalculator(self, ctx: commands.Context, lover: discord.Member, loved: discord.Member):
"""Calculate the love percentage!"""
x = lover.display_name
y = loved.display_name
url = '{}&name2={}'.format(x.replace(" ", "+"),
y.replace(" ", "+"))
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(url) as response:
soup_object = BeautifulSoup(await response.text(), "html.parser")
description = soup_object.find('div', attrs={'class': 'result score'}).get_text().strip()
description = 'Dr. Love is busy right now'
z = description[:2]
z = int(z)
if z > 50:
emoji = ''
emoji = '💔'
title = 'Dr. Love says that the love percentage for {} and {} is:'.format(x, y)
emoji = ''
title = 'Dr. Love has left a note for you.'
description = emoji + ' ' + description + ' ' + emoji
em = discord.Embed(title=title, description=description,
await ctx.send(embed=em)

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Keep track of when users were last seen online",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing LastSeen. Get started with `[p]load lseen`, then `[p]help LastSeen`",
"requirements": ["python-dateutil"],
"short": "Last seen tracker",
"tags": [

@ -2,14 +2,18 @@ from datetime import datetime
import dateutil.parser import dateutil.parser
import discord import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config, RedContext from redbot.core import Config
from import Red from import Red
from redbot.core import commands
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class LastSeen: class LastSeen(Cog):
""" """
V3 Cog Template Report when a user was last seen online
""" """
online_status = online_status =
@ -37,13 +41,13 @@ class LastSeen:
return d return d['setlseen'], name='lseenset')['setlseen'], name='lseenset')
async def lset(self, ctx: RedContext): async def lset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Change settings for lseen""" """Change settings for lseen"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help() pass
@lset.command(name="toggle") @lset.command(name="toggle")
async def lset_toggle(self, ctx: RedContext): async def lset_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Toggles tracking seen for this server""" """Toggles tracking seen for this server"""
enabled = not await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled() enabled = not await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled()
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled.set( await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled.set(
@ -54,11 +58,9 @@ class LastSeen:
"Enabled" if enabled else "Disabled")) "Enabled" if enabled else "Disabled"))
@commands.command(aliases=['lastseen']) @commands.command(aliases=['lastseen'])
async def lseen(self, ctx: RedContext, member: discord.Member): async def lseen(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member):
""" """
Just says the time the user was last seen Just says the time the user was last seen
:param member:
""" """
if member.status != self.offline_status: if member.status != self.offline_status:
@ -72,19 +74,11 @@ class LastSeen:
# embed = discord.Embed( # embed = discord.Embed(
# description="{} was last seen at this date and time".format(member.display_name), # description="{} was last seen at this date and time".format(member.display_name),
# timestamp=self.get_date_time(last_seen)) # timestamp=last_seen)
embed = discord.Embed(timestamp=last_seen) embed = discord.Embed(timestamp=last_seen)
await ctx.send(embed=embed) await ctx.send(embed=embed)
# async def on_socket_raw_receive(self, data):
# try:
# if type(data) == str:
# raw = json.loads(data)
# print(data)
# except:
# print(data)
async def on_member_update(self, before: discord.Member, after: discord.Member): async def on_member_update(self, before: discord.Member, after: discord.Member):
if before.status != self.offline_status and after.status == self.offline_status: if before.status != self.offline_status and after.status == self.offline_status:
if not await self.config.guild(before.guild).enabled(): if not await self.config.guild(before.guild).enabled():

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .nudity import Nudity
def setup(bot):

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Keep track of when users were last seen online",
"hidden": true,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing LastSeen. Get started with `[p]load nudity`, then `[p]help Nudity`",
"requirements": ["nudepy"],
"short": "Last seen tracker",
"tags": [

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
from datetime import datetime
import discord
import nude
from nude import Nude
from redbot.core import Config
from redbot.core import commands
from import Red
class Nudity:
V3 Cog Template
online_status =
offline_status = discord.Status.offline
def __init__(self, bot: Red): = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
default_guild = {
"enabled": False
@commands.command(aliases=['togglenudity'], name='nudity')
async def nudity(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Toggle nude-checking on or off"""
is_on = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled()
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled.set(not is_on)
await ctx.send("Nude checking is now set to {}".format(not is_on))
async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
is_on = await self.config.guild(message.guild).enabled()
if not is_on:
if not message.attachments:

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .planttycoon import PlantTycoon
def setup(bot):

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"badges": {
"Flower Power": {},
"Fruit Brute": {},
"Sporadic": {},
"Odd-pod": {},
"Greenfingers": {},
"Nobel Peas Prize": {},
"Annualsary": {}

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"points": {
"buy": 5,
"add_health": 5,
"fertilize": 10,
"pruning": 20,
"pesticide": 25,
"growing": 5,
"damage": 25
"timers": {
"degradation": 1,
"completion": 1,
"notification": 5
"degradation": {
"base_degradation": 1.5
"notification": {
"max_health": 50

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
"messages": [
"The soil seems dry, maybe you could give your plant some water?",
"Your plant seems a bit droopy. I would give it some fertilizer if I were you.",
"Your plant seems a bit too overgrown. You should probably trim it a bit."

@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
"plants": [
"name": "Poppy",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Dandelion",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Daisy",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Chrysanthemum",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Pansy",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Lavender",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Lily",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Petunia",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Sunflower",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Daffodil",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Clover",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Tulip",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Rose",
"article": "a",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Aster",
"article": "an",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Aloe Vera",
"article": "an",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Orchid",
"article": "an",
"time": 3600,
"rarity": "common",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.625,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Flower Power",
"reward": 600
"name": "Dragon Fruit Plant",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Mango Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Lychee Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Durian Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Fig Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Jack Fruit Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Prickly Pear Plant",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Pineapple Plant",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Citron Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Cherimoya Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Mangosteen Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Guava Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Orange Tree",
"article": "an",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Apple Tree",
"article": "an",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Sapodilla Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 5400,
"rarity": "uncommon",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 0.75,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Fruit Brute",
"reward": 1200
"name": "Franklin Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 7200,
"rarity": "rare",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 1,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Sporadic",
"reward": 2400
"name": "Parrot's Beak",
"article": "a",
"time": 7200,
"rarity": "rare",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 1,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Sporadic",
"reward": 2400
"name": "Koki'o",
"article": "a",
"time": 7200,
"rarity": "rare",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 1,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Sporadic",
"reward": 2400
"name": "Jade Vine",
"article": "a",
"time": 7200,
"rarity": "rare",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 1,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Sporadic",
"reward": 2400
"name": "Venus Fly Trap",
"article": "a",
"time": 7200,
"rarity": "rare",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 1,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Sporadic",
"reward": 2400
"name": "Chocolate Cosmos",
"article": "a",
"time": 7200,
"rarity": "rare",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 1,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Sporadic",
"reward": 2400
"name": "Pizza Plant",
"article": "a",
"time": 9000,
"rarity": "super-rare",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 1,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Odd-pod",
"reward": 3600
"name": "tba",
"article": "a",
"time": 9000,
"rarity": "super-rare",
"image": "tba",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 1.5,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Odd-pod",
"reward": 3600
"name": "Pirahna Plant",
"article": "a",
"time": 9000,
"rarity": "super-rare",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 1.5,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Odd-pod",
"reward": 3600
"name": "tba",
"article": "a",
"time": 9000,
"rarity": "super-rare",
"image": "tba",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 1.5,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Odd-pod",
"reward": 3600
"name": "Peashooter",
"article": "a",
"time": 9000,
"rarity": "super-rare",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 1.5,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Odd-pod",
"reward": 3600
"name": "tba",
"article": "a",
"time": 10800,
"rarity": "epic",
"image": "tba",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 2,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Greenfingers",
"reward": 5400
"name": "Pikmin",
"article": "a",
"time": 10800,
"rarity": "epic",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 2,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Greenfingers",
"reward": 5400
"name": "Flora Colossus",
"article": "a",
"time": 10800,
"rarity": "epic",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 2,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Greenfingers",
"reward": 5400
"name": "Plantera Bulb",
"article": "a",
"time": 10800,
"rarity": "epic",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 2,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Greenfingers",
"reward": 5400
"name": "Chorus Tree",
"article": "an",
"time": 10800,
"rarity": "epic",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 2,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Greenfingers",
"reward": 5400
"name": "Money Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 35400,
"rarity": "legendary",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 3,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Nobel Peas Prize",
"reward": 10800
"name": "Truffula Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 35400,
"rarity": "legendary",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 3,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Nobel Peas Prize",
"reward": 10800
"name": "Whomping Willow",
"article": "a",
"time": 35400,
"rarity": "legendary",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 3,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Nobel Peas Prize",
"reward": 10800
"event": {
"January": {
"name": "Tanabata Tree",
"article": "a",
"time": 70800,
"rarity": "event",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 9,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Annualsary",
"reward": 21600
"February": {
"name": "Chocolate Rose",
"article": "a",
"time": 70800,
"rarity": "event",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 9,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Annualsary",
"reward": 21600
"March": {
"name": "Shamrock",
"article": "a",
"time": 70800,
"rarity": "event",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 9,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Annualsary",
"reward": 21600
"April": {
"name": "Easter Egg Eggplant",
"article": "an",
"time": 70800,
"rarity": "event",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 9,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Annualsary",
"reward": 21600
"October": {
"name": "Jack O' Lantern",
"article": "a",
"time": 70800,
"rarity": "event",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 9,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Annualsary",
"reward": 21600
"November": {
"name": "Mayflower",
"article": "a",
"time": 70800,
"rarity": "event",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 9,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Annualsary",
"reward": 21600
"December": {
"name": "Holly",
"article": "a",
"time": 70800,
"rarity": "event",
"image": "",
"health": 100,
"degradation": 9,
"threshold": 110,
"badge": "Annualsary",
"reward": 21600

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"water": {
"cost": 5,
"health": 10,
"damage": 45,
"modifier": 0,
"category": "water",
"uses": 1
"manure": {
"cost": 20,
"health": 20,
"damage": 55,
"modifier": -0.035,
"category": "fertilizer",
"uses": 1
"vermicompost": {
"cost": 35,
"health": 30,
"damage": 60,
"modifier": -0.5,
"category": "fertilizer",
"uses": 1
"nitrates": {
"cost": 70,
"health": 60,
"damage": 75,
"modifier": -0.08,
"category": "fertilizer",
"uses": 1
"pruner": {
"cost": 500,
"health": 40,
"damage": 90,
"modifier": -0.065,
"category": "tool",
"uses": 10

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Grow your own plants! Be sure to take care of it. Do `[p]gardening` to get started",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing PlantTycoon. Check out all the commands with `[p]help PlantTycoon`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Grow your own plants! Do `[p]gardening` to get started.",
"tags": [

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .qrinvite import QRInvite
def setup(bot):

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Create a QR code invite for the server",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing QRInvite! Get started with `[p]load qrinvite`, then `[p]help QRInvite`",
"requirements": [
"short": "Create a QR code invite",
"tags": [

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
import pathlib
import aiohttp
import discord
from MyQR import myqr
from PIL import Image
from redbot.core import Config, commands
from import Red
from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class QRInvite(Cog):
V3 Cog Template
def __init__(self, bot: Red): = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
default_global = {}
default_guild = {}
async def qrinvite(self, ctx: commands.Context, invite: str = None, colorized: bool = False, image_url: str = None):
Create a custom QR code invite for this server
if invite is None:
invite = await
except discord.Forbidden:
invite = await
invite = invite[0]
except discord.Forbidden:
await ctx.send("No permission to get an invite, please provide one")
invite = invite.code
if image_url is None:
image_url = ctx.guild.icon_url
if image_url == "": # Still
await ctx.send(
"Could not get an image, please provide one. *(`{}help qrinvite` for details)*".format(ctx.prefix))
extension = pathlib.Path(image_url).parts[-1].replace('.', '?').split('?')[1]
path: pathlib.Path = cog_data_path(self)
image_path = path / (ctx.guild.icon + "." + extension)
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(image_url) as response:
image = await
with"wb") as file:
if extension == "webp":
new_path = convert_png(str(image_path))
new_path = str(image_path), picture=new_path, save_name=ctx.guild.icon + "_qrcode.png",
save_dir=str(cog_data_path(self)), colorized=colorized, )
png_path: pathlib.Path = path / (ctx.guild.icon + "_qrcode.png")
with"rb") as png_fp:
await ctx.send(file=discord.File(, "qrcode.png"))
def convert_png(path):
im =
alpha = im.split()[-1]
im = im.convert('RGB').convert('P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=255)
mask = Image.eval(alpha, lambda a: 255 if a <= 128 else 0)
im.paste(255, mask)
new_path = path.replace(".webp", ".png"), transparency=255)
return new_path

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"author" : ["Bobloy"], "author" : ["Bobloy"],
"bot_version" : [3,0,0], "bot_version" : [3,0,0],
"description" : "Cog to prevent reactions on specific messages from certain users", "description" : "Cog to prevent reactions on specific messages from certain users",
"hidden" : false, "hidden" : true,
"install_msg" : "Thank you for installing ReactRestrict.", "install_msg" : "Thank you for installing ReactRestrict.",
"requirements" : [], "requirements" : [],
"short" : "[Incomplete] Prevent reactions", "short" : "[Incomplete] Prevent reactions",

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
import asyncio
from typing import List, Union from typing import List, Union
import discord import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config from redbot.core import Config
from redbot.core import commands
from import Red from import Red
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class ReactRestrictCombo: class ReactRestrictCombo:
@ -15,8 +16,8 @@ class ReactRestrictCombo:
def __eq__(self, other: "ReactRestrictCombo"): def __eq__(self, other: "ReactRestrictCombo"):
return ( return (
self.message_id == other.message_id and self.message_id == other.message_id and
self.role_id == other.role_id self.role_id == other.role_id
) )
def to_json(self): def to_json(self):
@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ class ReactRestrictCombo:
) )
class ReactRestrict: class ReactRestrict(Cog):
""" """
Prevent specific roles from reacting to specific messages Prevent specific roles from reacting to specific messages
""" """
@ -79,14 +80,10 @@ class ReactRestrict:
async def add_reactrestrict(self, message_id: int, role: discord.Role): async def add_reactrestrict(self, message_id: int, role: discord.Role):
""" """
Adds a react|role combo. Adds a react|role combo.
:param int message_id:
:param str or int emoji:
:param discord.Role role:
""" """
# is_custom = True # is_custom = True
# if isinstance(emoji, str): # if isinstance(emoji, str):
# is_custom = False # is_custom = False
combo = ReactRestrictCombo(message_id, combo = ReactRestrictCombo(message_id,
@ -98,10 +95,10 @@ class ReactRestrict:
async def remove_react(self, message_id: int, role: discord.Role): async def remove_react(self, message_id: int, role: discord.Role):
""" """
Removes a given reaction. Removes a given reaction
:param int message_id: :param message_id:
:param str or int emoji: :param role:
:return: :return:
""" """
current_combos = await self.combo_list() current_combos = await self.combo_list()
@ -112,14 +109,13 @@ class ReactRestrict:
if to_keep != current_combos: if to_keep != current_combos:
await self.set_combo_list(to_keep) await self.set_combo_list(to_keep)
async def has_reactrestrict_combo(self, message_id: int)\ async def has_reactrestrict_combo(self, message_id: int) \
-> (bool, List[ReactRestrictCombo]): -> (bool, List[ReactRestrictCombo]):
""" """
Determines if there is an existing role combo for a given message Determines if there is an existing role combo for a given message
and emoji ID. and emoji ID.
:param int message_id: :param message_id:
:param str or int emoji:
:return: :return:
""" """
if not await self.is_registered(message_id): if not await self.is_registered(message_id):
@ -173,26 +169,22 @@ class ReactRestrict:
return role return role
async def _get_message_from_channel(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int)\ async def _get_message_from_channel(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int) \
-> Union[discord.Message, None]: -> Union[discord.Message, None]:
""" """
Tries to find a message by ID in the current guild context. Tries to find a message by ID in the current guild context.
:param ctx:
:param message_id:
""" """
channel = channel =
try: try:
return await channel.get_message(message_id) return await channel.get_message(message_id)
except discord.NotFound: except discord.NotFound:
pass pass
except AttributeError: # VoiceChannel object has no attribute 'get_message' except AttributeError: # VoiceChannel object has no attribute 'get_message'
pass pass
return None return None
async def _get_message(self, ctx: commands.Context, message_id: int)\ async def _get_message(self, ctx: commands.Context, message_id: int) \
-> Union[discord.Message, None]: -> Union[discord.Message, None]:
""" """
Tries to find a message by ID in the current guild context. Tries to find a message by ID in the current guild context.
@ -206,13 +198,11 @@ class ReactRestrict:
return await channel.get_message(message_id) return await channel.get_message(message_id)
except discord.NotFound: except discord.NotFound:
pass pass
except AttributeError: # VoiceChannel object has no attribute 'get_message' except AttributeError: # VoiceChannel object has no attribute 'get_message'
pass pass
except discord.Forbidden: # No access to channel, skip except discord.Forbidden: # No access to channel, skip
pass pass
return None return None
@ -221,7 +211,7 @@ class ReactRestrict:
Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list. Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list.
""" """
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help() pass
@reactrestrict.command() @reactrestrict.command()
async def add(self, ctx: commands.Context, message_id: int, *, role: discord.Role): async def add(self, ctx: commands.Context, message_id: int, *, role: discord.Role):
@ -235,18 +225,18 @@ class ReactRestrict:
return return
# try: # try:
# emoji, actual_emoji = await self._wait_for_emoji(ctx) # emoji, actual_emoji = await self._wait_for_emoji(ctx)
# except asyncio.TimeoutError: # except asyncio.TimeoutError:
# await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time, please redo this command.") # await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time, please redo this command.")
# return # return
# try: # try:
# await message.add_reaction(actual_emoji) # await message.add_reaction(actual_emoji)
# except discord.HTTPException: # except discord.HTTPException:
# await ctx.send("I can't add that emoji because I'm not in the guild that" # await ctx.send("I can't add that emoji because I'm not in the guild that"
# " owns it.") # " owns it.")
# return # return
# noinspection PyTypeChecker # noinspection PyTypeChecker
await self.add_reactrestrict(message_id, role) await self.add_reactrestrict(message_id, role)
@ -258,10 +248,10 @@ class ReactRestrict:
Removes role associated with a given reaction. Removes role associated with a given reaction.
""" """
# try: # try:
# emoji, actual_emoji = await self._wait_for_emoji(ctx) # emoji, actual_emoji = await self._wait_for_emoji(ctx)
# except asyncio.TimeoutError: # except asyncio.TimeoutError:
# await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time, please redo this command.") # await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time, please redo this command.")
# return # return
# noinspection PyTypeChecker # noinspection PyTypeChecker
await self.remove_react(message_id, role) await self.remove_react(message_id, role)
@ -309,46 +299,46 @@ class ReactRestrict:
message = await self._get_message_from_channel(channel_id, message_id) message = await self._get_message_from_channel(channel_id, message_id)
await message.remove_reaction(emoji, member) await message.remove_reaction(emoji, member)
# try: # try:
# await member.add_roles(*roles) # await member.add_roles(*roles)
# except discord.Forbidden: # except discord.Forbidden:
# pass # pass
# async def on_raw_reaction_remove(self, emoji: discord.PartialReactionEmoji, # async def on_raw_reaction_remove(self, emoji: discord.PartialReactionEmoji,
# message_id: int, channel_id: int, user_id: int): # message_id: int, channel_id: int, user_id: int):
# """ # """
# Event handler for long term reaction watching. # Event handler for long term reaction watching.
# :param discord.PartialReactionEmoji emoji: # :param discord.PartialReactionEmoji emoji:
# :param int message_id: # :param int message_id:
# :param int channel_id: # :param int channel_id:
# :param int user_id: # :param int user_id:
# :return: # :return:
# """ # """
# if emoji.is_custom_emoji(): # if emoji.is_custom_emoji():
# emoji_id = # emoji_id =
# else: # else:
# emoji_id = # emoji_id =
# has_reactrestrict, combos = await self.has_reactrestrict_combo(message_id, emoji_id) # has_reactrestrict, combos = await self.has_reactrestrict_combo(message_id, emoji_id)
# if not has_reactrestrict: # if not has_reactrestrict:
# return # return
# try: # try:
# member = self._get_member(channel_id, user_id) # member = self._get_member(channel_id, user_id)
# except LookupError: # except LookupError:
# return # return
# if # if
# return # return
# try: # try:
# roles = [self._get_role(member.guild, c.role_id) for c in combos] # roles = [self._get_role(member.guild, c.role_id) for c in combos]
# except LookupError: # except LookupError:
# return # return
# try: # try:
# await member.remove_roles(*roles) # await member.remove_roles(*roles)
# except discord.Forbidden: # except discord.Forbidden:
# pass # pass

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
from redbot.core import data_manager
from .recyclingplant import RecyclingPlant
def setup(bot):
plant = RecyclingPlant(bot)
data_manager.load_bundled_data(plant, __file__)

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
"can": [
"object": "Apple Core",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Paper Cup",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Banana Peel",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Paper Bag",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Old Taco",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Newspaper",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Chewed Gum",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Polythene Bag",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Rotten Eggs",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Outdated Telephone Directory",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Stale Bread",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Used Notebook",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Sour Milk",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Old Textbook",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Week-Old Sandwich",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Paper Ball",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Leftovers",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Toy Car",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Fish Bones",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Superhero Costume",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Dirty Diaper",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Silcone Mould",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Mouldy Broccoli",
"action": "trash"
"object": "TV Remote",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Withered Rose Bouquet",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Paper Plate",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Slimy Bacon",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Folders",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Fly Agaric Mushrooms",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Phone case",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Napkins",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Broken Dualshock 4 Controller",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Wax Paper",
"action": "trash"
"object": "iPad",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Paint Can",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Glass Bottle",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Light Bulb",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Nintendo 3DS",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Styrofoam Container",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Flash Cards",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Motor Oil Can",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Candy Wrapper",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Waxed Cardboard",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Empty Bottle",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Used Toilet Paper",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Outdated Calendar",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Ceramic Mug",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Plastic Cup",
"action": "recycle"
"object": "Gift Wrapping",
"action": "trash"
"object": "Soda Bottle",
"action": "recycle"

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Apply for a job at the recycling plant! Sort out the garbage!",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing RecyclingPlant. Start recycling today with `[p]load recyclingplant`, then `[p]recyclingplant`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Apply for a job at the recycling plant!",
"tags": [

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import asyncio
import json
import random
from redbot.core import bank
from redbot.core import commands
from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class RecyclingPlant(Cog):
"""Apply for a job at the recycling plant!"""
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
self.path = str(cog_data_path(self)).replace('\\', '/')
self.junk_path = self.path + "/bundled_data/junk.json"
with open(self.junk_path) as json_data:
self.junk = json.load(json_data)
async def recyclingplant(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Apply for a job at the recycling plant!"""
x = 0
reward = 0
await ctx.send(
'{0} has signed up for a shift at the Recycling Plant! Type ``exit`` to terminate it early.'.format(
while x in range(0, 10):
used = random.choice(self.junk['can'])
if used['action'] == 'trash':
opp = 'recycle'
opp = 'trash'
await ctx.send('``{}``! Will {} ``trash`` it or ``recycle`` it?'.format(used['object'],
def check(m):
return == and ==
answer = await'message', timeout=120, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
answer = None
if answer is None:
await ctx.send('``{}`` fell down the conveyor belt to be sorted again!'.format(used['object']))
elif answer.content.lower().strip() == used['action']:
await ctx.send(
'Congratulations! You put ``{}`` down the correct chute! (**+50**)'.format(used['object']))
reward = reward + 50
x += 1
elif answer.content.lower().strip() == opp:
await ctx.send('{}, you little brute, you put it down the wrong chute! (**-50**)'.format(
reward = reward - 50
elif answer.content.lower().strip() == 'exit':
await ctx.send('{} has been relived of their duty.'.format(
await ctx.send('``{}`` fell down the conveyor belt to be sorted again!'.format(used['object']))
if reward > 0:
bank.deposit_credits(, reward)
await ctx.send(
'{} been given **{} {}s** for your services.'.format(, reward,

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .rpsls import RPSLS
def setup(bot):

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Play Rock Papers Scissor Lizard Spock by Sam Kass in Discord!",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing RPSLP. Get started with `[p]load rpsls`, then `[p]rpsls`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Play Rock Papers Scissor Lizard Spock in Discord!",
"tags": [
"star trek",

@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
import asyncio
import random
import discord
from redbot.core import commands
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class RPSLS(Cog):
"""Play Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock."""
weaknesses = {
"rock": [
"paper": [
"scissors": [
"lizard": [
"spock": [
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
async def rpsls(self, ctx: commands.Context, choice: str):
Play Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock by Sam Kass in Discord!
Scissors cuts Paper
Paper covers Rock
Rock crushes Lizard
Lizard poisons Spock
Spock smashes Scissors
Scissors decapitates Lizard
Lizard eats Paper
Paper disproves Spock
Spock vaporizes Rock
And as it has always Rock crushes Scissors
player_choice = choice.lower()
player_emote = self.get_emote(player_choice)
if player_emote is None:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Invalid Choice")
bot_choice = random.choice(list(self.weaknesses.keys()))
bot_emote = self.get_emote(bot_choice)
message = '{} vs. {}, who will win?'.format(player_emote, bot_emote)
em = discord.Embed(description=message,
await ctx.send(embed=em)
await asyncio.sleep(2)
if player_choice in self.weaknesses[bot_choice]:
message = 'You win! :sob:'
em_color =
elif bot_choice in self.weaknesses[player_choice]:
message = 'I win! :smile:'
em_color =
message = 'It\'s a draw! :neutral_face:'
em_color =
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=em_color)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
def get_emote(self, choice):
if choice == 'rock':
emote = ':moyai:'
elif choice == 'spock':
emote = ':vulcan:'
elif choice == 'paper':
emote = ':page_facing_up:'
elif choice in ['scissors', 'lizard']:
emote = ':{}:'.format(choice)
emote = None
return emote

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
], ],
"description": "Convert any website into text and post it in chat", "description": "Convert any website into text and post it in chat",
"hidden": true, "hidden": true,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing SayUrl", "install_msg": "Thank you for installing SayUrl! Get started with `[p]load forcemention`, then `[p]help SayUrl",
"requirements": [], "requirements": ["html2text"],
"short": "Convert URL to text", "short": "Convert URL to text",
"tags": [ "tags": [
"bobloy", "bobloy",

@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
import aiohttp import aiohttp
import html2text import html2text
from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config, RedContext from redbot.core import Config, commands
from import Red from import Red
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
async def fetch_url(session, url): async def fetch_url(session, url):
with aiohttp.Timeout(20): async with session.get(url) as response:
async with session.get(url) as response: assert response.status == 200
assert response.status == 200 return await response.text()
return await response.text()
class SayUrl: class SayUrl(Cog):
""" """
V3 Cog Template V3 Cog Template
""" """
@ -28,12 +30,11 @@ class SayUrl:
self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
@commands.command() @commands.command()
async def sayurl(self, ctx: RedContext, url): async def sayurl(self, ctx: commands.Context, url):
""" """
Converts a URL to something readable Converts a URL to something readable
:param url: Works better on smaller websites
""" """
h = html2text.HTML2Text() h = html2text.HTML2Text()

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .scp import SCP
def setup(bot):

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Look up SCP articles. Warning: Some of them may be too creepy or gruesome.",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "You are now connected to the SCP database. You may now proceed to access the data using `[p]load scp`, then `[p]help SCP`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Look up SCP articles.",
"tags": [

@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
import discord
from redbot.core import commands
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class SCP(Cog):
"""Look up SCP articles. Warning: Some of them may be too creepy or gruesome."""
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
async def scp(self, ctx: commands.Context, num: int):
"""Look up SCP articles.
Warning: Some of them may be too creepy or gruesome.
Reminder: You must specify a number between 1 and 4999.
# Thanks Shigbeard and Redjumpman for helping me!
if 0 < num <= 4999:
msg = "{:03}".format(num)
c =
msg = "You must specify a number between 1 and 4999."
c =
if ctx.embed_requested():
await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(description=msg, color=c))
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
async def scpj(self, ctx: commands.Context, joke: str):
"""Look up SCP-Js.
Reminder: Enter the correct name or else the resultant page will be invalid.
Use 001, etc. in case of numbers less than 100.
msg = "{}-j".format(joke)
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
async def scparc(self, ctx: commands.Context, num: int):
"""Look up SCP archives.
Warning: Some of them may be too creepy or gruesome."""
valid_archive = (
13, 48, 51, 89, 91, 112, 132, 138, 157, 186, 232, 234,
244, 252, 257, 338, 356, 361, 400, 406, 503, 515, 517,
578, 728, 744, 776, 784, 837, 922, 987, 1023)
if num in valid_archive:
msg = "{:03}-arc".format(num)
c =
em = discord.Embed(description=msg, color=c)
ttl = "You must specify a valid archive number."
msg = "{}".format(valid_archive)
c =
em = discord.Embed(title=ttl, description=msg, color=c)
if ctx.embed_requested():
await ctx.send(embed=em)
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
async def scpex(self, ctx: commands.Context, num: int):
"""Look up explained SCP articles.
Warning: Some of them may be too creepy or gruesome.
valid_archive = (711, 920, 1841, 1851, 1974, 2600, 4023, 8900)
if num in valid_archive:
msg = "{:03}-ex".format(num)
c =
em = discord.Embed(description=msg, color=c)
ttl = "You must specify a valid archive number."
msg = "{}".format(valid_archive)
c =
em = discord.Embed(title=ttl, description=msg, color=c)
if ctx.embed_requested():
await ctx.send(embed=em)
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
async def anomalousitems(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Look through the log of anomalous items."""
msg = ""
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
async def extranormalevents(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Look through the log of extranormal events."""
msg = ""
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
async def unexplainedlocations(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Look through the log of unexplained locations."""
msg = ""
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
def setup(bot):

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
from .werewolf import Werewolf from .secrethitler import Werewolf
def setup(bot): def setup(bot):

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import asyncio import asyncio
import discord import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config
from redbot.core import Config, commands
from datetime import datetime, timedelta from datetime import datetime, timedelta
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class Werewolf:
Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list. Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list.
""" """
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help() pass
@ww.command() @ww.command()
async def new(self, ctx, game_code): async def new(self, ctx, game_code):

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
import aiohttp import aiohttp
import discord import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config, RedContext from redbot.core import Config, commands
from import Red from import Red
from typing import Any
Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
async def fetch_img(session, url): async def fetch_img(session, url):
@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ async def fetch_img(session, url):
return await return await
class StealEmoji: class StealEmoji(Cog):
""" """
This cog steals emojis and creates servers for them This cog steals emojis and creates servers for them
""" """
@ -41,12 +43,12 @@ class StealEmoji:
self.config.register_global(**default_global) self.config.register_global(**default_global)
async def stealemoji(self, ctx: RedContext): async def stealemoji(self, ctx: commands.Context):
""" """
Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list. Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list.
""" """
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help() pass
@stealemoji.command(name="collect") @stealemoji.command(name="collect")
async def se_collect(self, ctx): async def se_collect(self, ctx):
@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ class StealEmoji:
async def se_bank(self, ctx): async def se_bank(self, ctx):
"""Add current server as emoji bank""" """Add current server as emoji bank"""
await ctx.send("This will upload custom emojis to this server\n" await ctx.send("This will upload custom emojis to this server\n"
"Are you sure you want to make the current server an emoji bank? (y/n)") "Are you sure you want to make the current server an emoji bank? (y//n)")
def check(m): def check(m):
return m.content.upper() in ["Y", "YES", "N", "NO"] and == and == return m.content.upper() in ["Y", "YES", "N", "NO"] and == and ==

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
from .timerole import Timerole
def setup(bot):

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"author": [
"bot_version": [
"description": "Apply roles based on the # of days on server",
"hidden": false,
"install_msg": "Thank you for installing timerole.\nGet started with `[p]load timerole`. Configure with [p]timerole",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Apply roles after # of days",
"tags": [

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
