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Cog Function
| Name | Status | Description (Click to see full status)
-| --- | --- | --- |
+| --- | --- | --- |
+| announcedaily | **Alpha** | Send daily announcements to all servers at a specified times
Commissioned release, so suggestions will not be accepted |
+| audiotrivia | **Alpha** | Guess the audio using the core trivia cog
Replaces the core Trivia cog. Needs help adding audio trivia lists, please submit a PR to contribute |
| ccrole | **Beta** | Create custom commands that also assign roles
May have some bugs, please create an issue if you find any |
| chatter | **Alpha** | Chat-bot trained to talk like your guild
Missing some key features, but currently functional |
| coglint | **Alpha** | Error check code in python syntax posted to discord
Works, but probably needs more turning to work for cogs |
+| exclusiverole | **Alpha** | Prevent certain roles from getting any other roles
Fully functional, but pretty simple |
| fight | **Incomplete** | Organize bracket tournaments within discord
Still in-progress, a massive project |
-| flag | **Incomplete** | Create temporary marks on users that expire after specified time
Not yet ported to v3 |
+| flag | **Alpha** | Create temporary marks on users that expire after specified time
Ported, will not import old data. Please report bugs |
+| forcemention | **Alpha** | Mentions unmentionable roles
Very simple cog, mention doesn't persist |
| hangman | **Alpha** | Play a game of hangman
Some visual glitches and needs more customization |
-| howdoi | **Incomplete** | Create temporary marks on users that expire after specified time
Not yet ported to v3 |
-| leaver | **Incomplete** | Send a message in a channel when a user leaves the server
Not yet ported to v3 |
+| howdoi | **Incomplete** | Ask coding questions and get results from StackExchange
Not yet functional |
+| leaver | **Alpha** | Send a message in a channel when a user leaves the server
Just released, please report bugs |
+| lovecalculator | **Alpha** | Calculate the love between two users
[Snap-Ons] Just updated to V3 |
| lseen | **Alpha** | Track when a member was last online
Alpha release, please report bugs |
+| nudity | **Incomplete** | Checks for NSFW images posted in non-NSFW channels
Library this is based on has a bug, waiting for author to merge my PR |
+| planttycoon | **Alpha** | Grow your own plants!
[Snap-Ons] Updated to V3, likely to contain bugs |
+| qrinvite | **Alpha** | Create a QR code invite for the server
Alpha release, please report any bugs |
| reactrestrict | **Alpha** | Removes reactions by role per channel
A bit clunky, but functional |
+| recyclingplant | **Alpha** | Work at a recycling plant
[Snap-Ons] Just updated to V3 |
+| rpsls | **Alpha** | Play Rock-Paper-Scissors-Lizard-Spock
[Snap-Ons] Just updated to V3 |
| sayurl | **Alpha** | Convert any URL into text and post to discord
No error checking and pretty spammy |
+| scp | **Alpha** | Look-up SCP articles
[Snap-Ons] Just updated to V3 |
| secrethitler | **Incomplete** | Play the Secret Hitler game
Concept, no work done yet |
| stealemoji | **Alpha** | Steals any custom emoji it sees in a reaction
Some planned upgrades for server generation |
-| werewolf | **Alpha** | Play the classic party game Werewolf within discord
Another massive project currently being developed, will be fully customizable |
+| timerole | **Alpha** | Add roles to members after specified time on the server
Upgraded from V2, please report any bugs |
+| tts | **Beta** | Send a Text-to-Speech message as an uploaded mp3
Alpha release, please report any bugs |
+| unicode | **Alpha** | Encode and Decode unicode characters
[Snap-Ons] Just updated to V3 |
+| werewolf | **Pre-Alpha** | Play the classic party game Werewolf within discord
Another massive project currently being developed, will be fully customizable |
Check out my V2 cogs at [Fox-Cogs v2](https://github.com/bobloy/Fox-Cogs)
diff --git a/announcedaily/__init__.py b/announcedaily/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8cc69d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/announcedaily/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from .announcedaily import AnnounceDaily
+def setup(bot: Red):
+ daily = AnnounceDaily(bot)
+ bot.add_cog(daily)
+ bot.loop.create_task(daily.check_day())
diff --git a/announcedaily/announcedaily.py b/announcedaily/announcedaily.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a3ad748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/announcedaily/announcedaily.py
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+import asyncio
+import random
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from typing import Any
+import discord
+from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
+from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify, box
+ # "Example message. Uncomment and overwrite to use",
+ # "Example message 2. Each message is in quotes and separated by a comma"
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class AnnounceDaily(Cog):
+ """
+ Send daily announcements
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bot: Red):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.path = str(cog_data_path(self)).replace('\\', '/')
+ self.image_path = self.path + "/"
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
+ default_global = {
+ 'messages': [],
+ 'images': [],
+ 'time': {'hour': 0, 'minute': 0, 'second': 0}
+ }
+ default_guild = {
+ "channelid": None
+ }
+ self.config.register_global(**default_global)
+ self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
+ async def _get_msgs(self):
+ return DEFAULT_MESSAGES + await self.config.messages()
+ @commands.group(name="announcedaily", aliases=['annd'])
+ @checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True)
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ async def _ad(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """
+ Base command for managing AnnounceDaily settings
+ Do `[p]help annd ` for more details
+ """
+ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
+ pass
+ @commands.command()
+ @checks.guildowner()
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ async def runannounce(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Manually run the daily announcement"""
+ await self.send_announcements()
+ await ctx.send("Success")
+ @_ad.command()
+ async def setchannel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
+ """
+ Set the announcement channel for this server
+ Don't pass a channel to clear this server of receiving announcements
+ """
+ if channel is not None:
+ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).channelid.set(channel.id)
+ await ctx.send("Announcement channel has been set to {}".format(channel.mention))
+ else:
+ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).channelid.set(None)
+ await ctx.send("Announcement channel has been cleared")
+ @_ad.command()
+ async def addmsg(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, msg):
+ """
+ Add a message to the pool of announcement messages
+ """
+ async with self.config.messages() as msgs:
+ msgs.append(msg)
+ await ctx.send("Message successfully added!")
+ @_ad.command()
+ async def addimg(self, ctx: commands.Context, filename=None):
+ """
+ Add an image to the pool of announcement images
+ You must attach an image while executing this command
+ """
+ if ctx.message.attachments:
+ att_ = ctx.message.attachments[0]
+ try:
+ h = att_.height
+ except AttributeError:
+ await ctx.send("You must attach an image, no other file will be accepted")
+ return
+ if filename is None:
+ filename = att_.filename
+ try:
+ # with open(self.image_path + filename, 'w') as f:
+ # await att_.save(f)
+ await att_.save(self.image_path + filename)
+ except discord.NotFound:
+ await ctx.send("Did you delete the message? Cause I couldn't download the attachment")
+ except discord.HTTPException:
+ await ctx.send("Failed to download the attachment, please try again")
+ else:
+ async with self.config.images() as images:
+ if filename in images:
+ await ctx.send("Image {} has been overwritten!".format(filename))
+ else:
+ images.append(filename)
+ await ctx.send("Image {} has been added!".format(filename))
+ else:
+ await ctx.send("You must attach an image when sending this command")
+ @_ad.command()
+ async def listmsg(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """
+ List all registered announcement messages
+ """
+ messages = await self.config.messages()
+ for page in pagify("\n".join("{} - {}".format(key, image) for key, image in enumerate(messages))):
+ await ctx.send(box(page))
+ await ctx.send("Done!")
+ @_ad.command()
+ async def listimg(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """
+ List all registered announcement immages
+ """
+ images = await self.config.images()
+ for page in pagify("\n".join(images)):
+ await ctx.send(box(page))
+ await ctx.send("Done!")
+ @_ad.command()
+ async def delmsg(self, ctx: commands.Context, index: int):
+ """
+ Remove a message from the announcement pool
+ Must provide the index of the message, which can be found by using `[p]annd listmsg`
+ """
+ async with self.config.messages() as messages:
+ try:
+ out = messages.pop(index)
+ except IndexError:
+ await ctx.send("Invalid index, check valid indexes with `listmsg` command")
+ return
+ await ctx.send("The following message was removed:\n```{}```".format(out))
+ @_ad.command()
+ async def delimg(self, ctx: commands.Context, filename: str):
+ """
+ Remove an image from the announcement pool
+ Does not delete the file from the disk, so you may have to clean it up occasionally
+ """
+ async with self.config.images() as images:
+ if filename not in images:
+ await ctx.send("This file doesn't exist")
+ else:
+ images.remove(filename)
+ await ctx.send("Successfully removed {}".format(filename))
+ @_ad.command()
+ async def settime(self, ctx: commands.Context, minutes_from_now: int):
+ """
+ Set the daily announcement time
+ It will first announce at the time you provided, then it will repeat every 24 hours
+ """
+ ann_time = datetime.now() + timedelta(minutes=minutes_from_now)
+ h = ann_time.hour
+ m = ann_time.minute
+ s = ann_time.second
+ await self.config.time.set({'hour': h, 'minute': m, 'second': s})
+ await ctx.send("Announcements time has been set to {}::{}::{} every day\n"
+ "**Changes will apply after next scheduled announcement or reload**".format(h, m, s))
+ async def send_announcements(self):
+ messages = await self._get_msgs()
+ images = await self.config.images()
+ total = len(messages) + len(images)
+ if total < 1:
+ return
+ x = random.randint(0, total - 1)
+ if x >= len(messages):
+ x -= len(messages)
+ choice = images[x]
+ choice = open(self.image_path + choice, 'rb')
+ is_image = True
+ else:
+ choice = messages[x]
+ is_image = False
+ for guild in self.bot.guilds:
+ channel = await self.config.guild(guild).channelid()
+ if channel is None:
+ continue
+ channel = guild.get_channel(channel)
+ if channel is None:
+ continue
+ if is_image:
+ await channel.send(file=discord.File(choice))
+ else:
+ await channel.send(choice)
+ async def check_day(self):
+ while self is self.bot.get_cog("AnnounceDaily"):
+ tomorrow = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)
+ time = await self.config.time()
+ h, m, s = time['hour'], time['minute'], time['second']
+ midnight = datetime(year=tomorrow.year, month=tomorrow.month,
+ day=tomorrow.day, hour=h, minute=m, second=s)
+ print("Sleeping for {} seconds".format((midnight - datetime.now()).seconds))
+ await asyncio.sleep((midnight - datetime.now()).seconds)
+ if self is not self.bot.get_cog("AnnounceDaily"):
+ print("Announce canceled, cog has been lost")
+ return
+ await self.send_announcements()
+ await asyncio.sleep(3)
+# [p]setchannel #channelname - Set the announcement channel per server
+# [p]addmsg - Adds a msg to the pool
+# [p]addimg http://imgurl.com/image.jpg - Adds an image to the pool
+# [p]listmsg - Lists all messages in the pool
+# [p]listimg - Unsure about this one, but would probably just post all the images
+# [p]delmsg - Remove msg from pool
+# [p]delimg - Remove image from pool
+# [p]settime - S
diff --git a/announcedaily/info..json b/announcedaily/info..json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a0eb7ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/announcedaily/info..json
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Send daily announcements to all servers at a specified times",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing AnnounceDaily! Get started with `[p]load announcedaily` and `[p]help AnnounceDaily`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Send daily announcements",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/audiotrivia/__init__.py b/audiotrivia/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cb34ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audiotrivia/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from .audiotrivia import AudioTrivia
+async def setup(bot: Red):
+ if bot.get_cog("Trivia"):
+ print("Trivia is already loaded, attempting to unload it first")
+ bot.remove_cog("Trivia")
+ await bot.remove_loaded_package("trivia")
+ bot.unload_extension("trivia")
+ bot.add_cog(AudioTrivia(bot))
diff --git a/audiotrivia/audiosession.py b/audiotrivia/audiosession.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..780d4b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audiotrivia/audiosession.py
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+"""Module to manage audio trivia sessions."""
+import asyncio
+import lavalink
+from redbot.cogs.trivia import TriviaSession
+class AudioSession(TriviaSession):
+ """Class to run a session of audio trivia"""
+ def __init__(self, ctx, question_list: dict, settings: dict, player: lavalink.Player):
+ super().__init__(ctx, question_list, settings)
+ self.player = player
+ @classmethod
+ def start(cls, ctx, question_list, settings, player: lavalink.Player = None):
+ session = cls(ctx, question_list, settings, player)
+ loop = ctx.bot.loop
+ session._task = loop.create_task(session.run())
+ return session
+ async def run(self):
+ """Run the audio trivia session.
+ In order for the trivia session to be stopped correctly, this should
+ only be called internally by `TriviaSession.start`.
+ """
+ await self._send_startup_msg()
+ max_score = self.settings["max_score"]
+ delay = self.settings["delay"]
+ timeout = self.settings["timeout"]
+ for question, answers in self._iter_questions():
+ async with self.ctx.typing():
+ await asyncio.sleep(3)
+ self.count += 1
+ await self.player.stop()
+ msg = "**Question number {}!**\n\nName this audio!".format(self.count)
+ await self.ctx.send(msg)
+ # print("Audio question: {}".format(question))
+ # await self.ctx.invoke(self.audio.play(ctx=self.ctx, query=question))
+ # ctx_copy = copy(self.ctx)
+ # await self.ctx.invoke(self.player.play, query=question)
+ query = question.strip("<>")
+ tracks = await self.player.get_tracks(query)
+ seconds = tracks[0].length / 1000
+ if self.settings["repeat"] and seconds < delay:
+ tot_length = seconds + 0
+ while tot_length < delay:
+ self.player.add(self.ctx.author, tracks[0])
+ tot_length += seconds
+ else:
+ self.player.add(self.ctx.author, tracks[0])
+ if not self.player.current:
+ await self.player.play()
+ continue_ = await self.wait_for_answer(answers, delay, timeout)
+ if continue_ is False:
+ break
+ if any(score >= max_score for score in self.scores.values()):
+ await self.end_game()
+ break
+ else:
+ await self.ctx.send("There are no more questions!")
+ await self.end_game()
+ async def end_game(self):
+ await super().end_game()
+ await self.player.disconnect()
diff --git a/audiotrivia/audiotrivia.py b/audiotrivia/audiotrivia.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1d325f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audiotrivia/audiotrivia.py
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+import datetime
+import pathlib
+from typing import List
+import lavalink
+import yaml
+from redbot.cogs.audio import Audio
+from redbot.cogs.trivia import LOG
+from redbot.cogs.trivia.trivia import InvalidListError, Trivia
+from redbot.core import commands, Config, checks
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
+from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box
+from .audiosession import AudioSession
+class AudioTrivia(Trivia):
+ """
+ Custom commands
+ Creates commands used to display text and adjust roles
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bot: Red):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.audio = None
+ self.audioconf = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=651171001051118411410511810597, force_registration=True)
+ self.audioconf.register_guild(
+ delay=30.0,
+ repeat=True,
+ )
+ @commands.group()
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ @checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True)
+ async def atriviaset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Manage Audio Trivia settings."""
+ audioset = self.audioconf.guild(ctx.guild)
+ settings_dict = await audioset.all()
+ msg = box(
+ "**Audio settings**\n"
+ "Answer time limit: {delay} seconds\n"
+ "Repeat Short Audio: {repeat}"
+ "".format(**settings_dict),
+ lang="py",
+ )
+ await ctx.send(msg)
+ @atriviaset.command(name="delay")
+ async def atriviaset_delay(self, ctx: commands.Context, seconds: float):
+ """Set the maximum seconds permitted to answer a question."""
+ if seconds < 4.0:
+ await ctx.send("Must be at least 4 seconds.")
+ return
+ settings = self.audioconf.guild(ctx.guild)
+ await settings.delay.set(seconds)
+ await ctx.send("Done. Maximum seconds to answer set to {}.".format(seconds))
+ @atriviaset.command(name="repeat")
+ async def atriviaset_repeat(self, ctx: commands.Context, true_or_false: bool):
+ """Set whether or not short audio will be repeated"""
+ settings = self.audioconf.guild(ctx.guild)
+ await settings.repeat.set(true_or_false)
+ await ctx.send("Done. Repeating short audio is now set to {}.".format(true_or_false))
+ @commands.group(invoke_without_command=True)
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ async def audiotrivia(self, ctx: commands.Context, *categories: str):
+ """Start trivia session on the specified category.
+ You may list multiple categories, in which case the trivia will involve
+ questions from all of them.
+ """
+ if not categories and ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
+ await ctx.send_help()
+ return
+ if self.audio is None:
+ self.audio: Audio = self.bot.get_cog("Audio")
+ if self.audio is None:
+ await ctx.send("Audio is not loaded. Load it and try again")
+ return
+ categories = [c.lower() for c in categories]
+ session = self._get_trivia_session(ctx.channel)
+ if session is not None:
+ await ctx.send("There is already an ongoing trivia session in this channel.")
+ return
+ status = await self.audio.config.status()
+ if status:
+ await ctx.send("I recommend disabling audio status with `{}audioset status`".format(ctx.prefix))
+ if not self.audio._player_check(ctx):
+ try:
+ if not ctx.author.voice.channel.permissions_for(ctx.me).connect or self.audio._userlimit(
+ ctx.author.voice.channel
+ ):
+ return await ctx.send("I don't have permission to connect to your channel."
+ )
+ await lavalink.connect(ctx.author.voice.channel)
+ lavaplayer = lavalink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)
+ lavaplayer.store("connect", datetime.datetime.utcnow())
+ except AttributeError:
+ return await ctx.send("Connect to a voice channel first.")
+ lavaplayer = lavalink.get_player(ctx.guild.id)
+ lavaplayer.store("channel", ctx.channel.id) # What's this for? I dunno
+ lavaplayer.store("guild", ctx.guild.id)
+ await self.audio._data_check(ctx)
+ if (
+ not ctx.author.voice or ctx.author.voice.channel != lavaplayer.channel
+ ):
+ return await ctx.send("You must be in the voice channel to use the audiotrivia command.")
+ trivia_dict = {}
+ authors = []
+ for category in reversed(categories):
+ # We reverse the categories so that the first list's config takes
+ # priority over the others.
+ try:
+ dict_ = self.get_audio_list(category)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ await ctx.send(
+ "Invalid category `{0}`. See `{1}audiotrivia list`"
+ " for a list of trivia categories."
+ "".format(category, ctx.prefix)
+ )
+ except InvalidListError:
+ await ctx.send(
+ "There was an error parsing the trivia list for"
+ " the `{}` category. It may be formatted"
+ " incorrectly.".format(category)
+ )
+ else:
+ trivia_dict.update(dict_)
+ authors.append(trivia_dict.pop("AUTHOR", None))
+ continue
+ return
+ if not trivia_dict:
+ await ctx.send(
+ "The trivia list was parsed successfully, however it appears to be empty!"
+ )
+ return
+ settings = await self.conf.guild(ctx.guild).all()
+ audiosettings = await self.audioconf.guild(ctx.guild).all()
+ config = trivia_dict.pop("CONFIG", None)
+ if config and settings["allow_override"]:
+ settings.update(config)
+ settings["lists"] = dict(zip(categories, reversed(authors)))
+ # Delay in audiosettings overwrites delay in settings
+ combined_settings = {**settings, **audiosettings}
+ session = AudioSession.start(ctx=ctx, question_list=trivia_dict, settings=combined_settings, player=lavaplayer)
+ self.trivia_sessions.append(session)
+ LOG.debug("New audio trivia session; #%s in %d", ctx.channel, ctx.guild.id)
+ @audiotrivia.command(name="list")
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ async def audiotrivia_list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """List available trivia categories."""
+ lists = set(p.stem for p in self._audio_lists())
+ msg = box("**Available trivia lists**\n\n{}".format(", ".join(sorted(lists))))
+ if len(msg) > 1000:
+ await ctx.author.send(msg)
+ return
+ await ctx.send(msg)
+ def get_audio_list(self, category: str) -> dict:
+ """Get the audiotrivia list corresponding to the given category.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ category : str
+ The desired category. Case sensitive.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ `dict`
+ A dict mapping questions (`str`) to answers (`list` of `str`).
+ """
+ try:
+ path = next(p for p in self._audio_lists() if p.stem == category)
+ except StopIteration:
+ raise FileNotFoundError("Could not find the `{}` category.".format(category))
+ with path.open(encoding="utf-8") as file:
+ try:
+ dict_ = yaml.load(file)
+ except yaml.error.YAMLError as exc:
+ raise InvalidListError("YAML parsing failed.") from exc
+ else:
+ return dict_
+ def _audio_lists(self) -> List[pathlib.Path]:
+ personal_lists = [p.resolve() for p in cog_data_path(self).glob("*.yaml")]
+ return personal_lists + get_core_lists()
+def get_core_lists() -> List[pathlib.Path]:
+ """Return a list of paths for all trivia lists packaged with the bot."""
+ core_lists_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve() / "data/lists"
+ return list(core_lists_path.glob("*.yaml"))
diff --git a/audiotrivia/data/lists/csgo.yaml b/audiotrivia/data/lists/csgo.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d29b37c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audiotrivia/data/lists/csgo.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+AUTHOR: bobloy
+- flashbang
+- starting round
+- round start
+- start round
+- select team
+- team select
+- desert eagle
+- deagle
+- planted bomb
+- bomb planted
+- bomb plant
+- plant bomb
+- defusing bomb
+- defuse bomb
+- bomb defuse
+- bomb defusing
+- lobby
+- usp-s
+- usp s
+- usps
+- gut knife
+- ak47
+- ak 47
+- hitmarker
+- hit
+- hitmaker
+- marker
+- awp
+- butterfly knife
+- won round
+- round won
+- win round
+- round win
+- lost round
+- round lost
+- lose round
+- round loss
+- flashbang toss
+- toss flashbang
+- throwing flashbang
+- throw flashbang
+- flashbang throwing
+- flashbang throw
+- tossing flashbang
+- flashbang tossing
+- firegrenade toss
+- toss firegrenade
+- throwing firegrenade
+- throw firegrenade
+- firegrenade throwing
+- firegrenade throw
+- tossing firegrenade
+- firegrenade tossing
+- fire grenade toss
+- toss fire grenade
+- throwing fire grenade
+- throw fire grenade
+- fire grenade throwing
+- fire grenade throw
+- tossing fire grenade
+- fire grenade tossing
+- grenade out
+- famas
+- awp zoom
+- zoom awp
+- awp scope
+- scope awp
+- c4
+- planting c4
+- c4 planting
+- plant c4
+- c4 plant
+- awp
+- P90
+- smoke
+- kill bonus
+- AK47
+- AK 47
diff --git a/audiotrivia/data/lists/games-plab.yaml b/audiotrivia/data/lists/games-plab.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3a9078
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audiotrivia/data/lists/games-plab.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,5183 @@
+- Transistor
+- Dark Cloud 2
+- Dark Cloud II
+- Mega Man 7
+- Mega Man VII
+- Mega Man 9
+- Mega Man IX
+- Castlevania Curse of Darkness
+- 'FTL: Faster Than Light'
+- Minecraft
+- Advance Wars DS
+- Mario Kart 8
+- Mario Kart VIII
+- 'Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando'
+- 'ratchet and clank: going commando'
+- Super Street Fighter II
+- Super Street Fighter 2
+- Xenosaga III
+- Xenosaga 3
+- The Last Story
+- Pokemon
+- 'Star Ocean 2: The Second Story'
+- 'Star Ocean II: The Second Story'
+- Dustforce
+- Halo
+- Wild Arms Alter Code F
+- Final Fantasy VIII
+- Final Fantasy 8
+- Dragon Quest II
+- Dragon Quest 2
+- Guacamelee!
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Link''s Awakening'
+- 'link''s awakening'
+- Bioshock Infinite
+- 'Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze'
+- StarFighter 3000
+- StarFighter MMM
+- Tintin in Tibet
+- Contact
+- 'Star Ocean 2: The Second Story'
+- 'Star Ocean II: The Second Story'
+- Enchanted Arms
+- Super Metroid
+- Mega Man X6
+- Mega Man 7
+- Mega Man VII
+- NeoTokyo
+- Dark Cloud
+- Suikoden III
+- Suikoden 3
+- Radiata Stories
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- Grandia II
+- Grandia 2
+- Ristar
+- SimCity 4
+- SimCity IV
+- Little Nightmares
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- Airport Tycoon 3
+- Airport Tycoon III
+- Super Castlevania IV
+- Super Castlevania 4
+- Battletoads & Double Dragon
+- battletoads
+- double dragon
+- Mario Party
+- Skies of Arcadia
+- Donkey Kong 64
+- 'FFCC: The Crystal Bearers'
+- 'Emperor: Battle for Dune'
+- Waterworld
+- 'Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time'
+- 'Star Ocean III: Till the End of Time'
+- 'Star Ocean 2: The Second Story'
+- 'Star Ocean II: The Second Story'
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Robocop 3 (C64)
+- Robocop III
+- robocop 3
+- Persona 3
+- Persona III
+- Shadow Hearts III
+- Shadow Hearts 3
+- Jet Force Gemini
+- Mario Kart Wii
+- Ys II Chronicles
+- Ys 2 Chronicles
+- Emil Chronicle Online
+- Marble Madness
+- Dear Esther
+- Pokemon Trading Card Game
+- Batman
+- Final Fantasy X-2
+- Final Fantasy 10-2
+- Final Fantasy X-II
+- F-Zero GX
+- Panzer Dragoon
+- Wild Arms 4
+- Wild Arms IV
+- Blaster Master
+- Shadow Hearts III
+- Shadow Hearts 3
+- Wild Arms
+- The Smurfs
+- The Magical Quest starring Mickey Mouse
+- Super Turrican
+- Super Mario Galaxy 2
+- Super Mario Galaxy II
+- Threads of Fate
+- Sands of Destruction
+- Final Fantasy Tactics
+- Mega Man 10
+- Return All Robots!
+- Grandia
+- Jets 'N' Guns
+- 'Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines'
+- 'Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow'
+- Crusader of Centy
+- Final Fantasy Adventure
+- Kirby's Adventure
+- Touch My Katamari
+- Inside
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- Golden Sun
+- Fez
+- Ruin Arm
+- Swiv
+- Ice Hockey
+- Punch-Out!!
+- 'E.T.: Return to the Green Planet'
+- Shadow Hearts III
+- Shadow Hearts 3
+- Axiom Verge
+- Master Spy
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword'
+- 'skyward sword'
+- Final Fantasy Adventure
+- 'Digital: A Love Story'
+- Sonic Colors
+- Sonic Colors
+- Mega Man Battle Network 3
+- Mega Man Battle Network III
+- The Revenge of Shinobi
+- Deus Ex
+- Rusty
+- Grim Fandango
+- Tales of Graces
+- Dustforce
+- Secret of Mana
+- Plok
+- Breath of Fire V
+- Breath of Fire 5
+- Tribes Ascend
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- Seiken Densetsu 3
+- Seiken Densetsu III
+- Sonic Mania
+- Elvandia Story
+- Dragon Quest VII
+- Dragon Quest 7
+- Xenosaga II
+- Xenosaga 2
+- 'Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga'
+- 'mario and luigi: superstar saga'
+- Metal Gear Rising
+- Super Mario Land 2
+- Super Mario Land II
+- Octopath Traveler
+- Super Metroid
+- Klonoa
+- 'Lunar: The Silver Star'
+- X-Men vs Street Fighter
+- Shadow of the Ninja
+- Earthbound
+- 'Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow'
+- Catherine
+- Napple Tale
+- Persona 4
+- Persona IV
+- Secret of Mana (2018)
+- Secret of Mana
+- Emil Chronicle Online
+- Gunstar Heroes
+- Plok
+- Mother
+- 'Castlevania: Bloodlines'
+- Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn)
+- sonic 3d blast
+- 'Arc the Lad IV: Twilight of the Spirits'
+- 'Arc the Lad 4: Twilight of the Spirits'
+- Chrono Trigger
+- NieR
+- Vagrant Story
+- Metroid Prime 3
+- Metroid Prime III
+- Super Spy Hunter
+- Earthbound
+- Wii Sports
+- Lagoon
+- Wild Arms 5
+- Wild Arms V
+- Plok
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Super Mario 64
+- Wild Arms 3
+- Wild Arms III
+- Hotline Miami
+- Xenosaga II
+- Xenosaga 2
+- Diablo III
+- Diablo 3
+- Super Mario Bros 3
+- Super Mario Bros III
+- Shadow Hearts
+- Touch My Katamari
+- 'Castlevania: Symphony of the Night'
+- Heimdall 2
+- Heimdall II
+- Mr. Nutz
+- 'Castlevania: Symphony of the Night'
+- Crash Bandicoot
+- Diddy Kong Racing
+- Pop'n Music 4
+- Pop'n Music IV
+- Umineko no Naku Koro ni
+- Super Mario World
+- 'Castlevania: Dracula X'
+- Blast Corps
+- Suikoden II
+- Suikoden 2
+- 'JESUS: Kyoufu no Bio Monster'
+- Tekken Tag Tournament 2
+- Tekken Tag Tournament II
+- Ittle Dew 2
+- Ittle Dew II
+- Napple Tale
+- 'OFF'
+- 'Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness'
+- Terraria
+- Wild Arms 4
+- Wild Arms IV
+- Silver Surfer
+- Beyond Good & Evil
+- beyond good and evil
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons & Ages'
+- 'oracle of seasons'
+- 'oracle of ages'
+- Emil Chronicle Online
+- Final Fantasy IV
+- Final Fantasy 4
+- 'Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm'
+- 'Atelier Iris III: Grand Phantasm'
+- Ms. Pac-Man Maze Madness
+- Kingdom Hearts II
+- Kingdom Hearts 2
+- 'Star Ocean 2: The Second Story'
+- 'Star Ocean II: The Second Story'
+- 'Spyro: Year of the Dragon'
+- Battletoads & Double Dragon
+- battletoads
+- double dragon
+- Dragon Ball Z Butouden 3
+- Dragon Ball Z Butouden III
+- 'Shadow Hearts II: Covenant'
+- 'Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant'
+- 'Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow'
+- 'Star Ocean 2: The Second Story'
+- 'Star Ocean II: The Second Story'
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Breath of Fire II
+- Breath of Fire 2
+- Vay
+- Thunder Spirits
+- Children of Mana
+- Mega Man & Bass
+- mega man and bass
+- Dark Void
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess'
+- 'twilight princess'
+- The Green Lantern
+- MapleStory
+- Summoner
+- 'Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time'
+- 'mario and luigi: partners in time'
+- NieR
+- Donkey Kong Country 2
+- Donkey Kong Country II
+- Extreme-G
+- Way of the Samurai
+- Ristar
+- Suikoden III
+- Suikoden 3
+- Final Fantasy IX
+- Final Fantasy 9
+- Castlevania
+- Yoshi's Island
+- BattleBlock Theater
+- Shadow Hearts
+- Final Fantasy VIII
+- Final Fantasy 8
+- Wild Arms
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword'
+- 'skyward sword'
+- Legend of Mana
+- Devil May Cry 3
+- Devil May Cry III
+- Shadow Hearts
+- Street Racer
+- Final Fantasy Tactics
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword'
+- 'skyward sword'
+- Alundra
+- Alundra 2
+- Alundra II
+- Cool World
+- 'World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King'
+- Baten Kaitos Origins
+- 'Castlevania: Lords of Shadow'
+- Rollercoaster Tycoon 3
+- Rollercoaster Tycoon III
+- Final Fantasy V
+- Final Fantasy 5
+- Bit.Trip Flux
+- Super Mario Land
+- Faxanadu
+- Tekken 5
+- Tekken V
+- The Legend of Zelda
+- 'Parasite Eve: The 3rd Birthday'
+- Pop'n Music 16 PARTY
+- Pop'n Music XVI PARTY
+- Wild Arms
+- Wild Arms 4
+- Wild Arms IV
+- 'Moon: Remix RPG Adventure'
+- Dustforce
+- Dark Cloud 2
+- Dark Cloud II
+- 'SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2'
+- 'SMT: Digital Devil Saga II'
+- Dirt Trax FX
+- Super Mario 64
+- Pokemon
+- Super Metroid
+- Jazz Jackrabbit 2
+- Jazz Jackrabbit II
+- Earthbound
+- Extreme-G
+- Blast Corps
+- Snake's Revenge
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Ghosts 'n' Goblins
+- 'Mr. Nutz: Hoppin'' Mad'
+- Emil Chronicle Online
+- Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
+- 3D Dot Game Heroes
+- Super Paper Mario
+- Zack & Wiki
+- zack and wiki
+- Dark Cloud 2
+- Dark Cloud II
+- Mega Man 9
+- Mega Man IX
+- 'Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door'
+- Grandia
+- Street Fighter II
+- Street Fighter 2
+- Wild Arms
+- Gran Turismo
+- Child of Eden
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess'
+- 'twilight princess'
+- Super Mario 3D Land
+- Mega Man 6
+- Mega Man VI
+- Mega Man 10
+- Dark Cloud 2
+- Dark Cloud II
+- Lost Odyssey
+- Red Dead Redemption
+- The Last Remnant
+- Plok
+- Dragon Quest V
+- Dragon Quest 5
+- Lady Stalker
+- Unreal Tournament 2003 & 2004
+- unreal tournament 2003
+- unreal tournament 2004
+- 'Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin'
+- Shadow of the Colossus
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Magic Johnson's Fast Break
+- Anodyne
+- Sonic and the Black Knight
+- Grounseed
+- Valkyria Chronicles
+- Katamari Damacy
+- Mass Effect
+- Deep Labyrinth
+- 'Nintendo 3DS Guide: Louvre'
+- Silent Hill 3
+- Silent Hill III
+- Oceanhorn
+- Live a Live
+- Wild Arms
+- Earthbound
+- Parasite Eve
+- Super Mario Kart
+- Unreal Tournament 2003 & 2004
+- unreal tournament 2003
+- unreal tournament 2004
+- Kirby's Epic Yarn
+- Blue Dragon
+- Xenosaga III
+- Xenosaga 3
+- Shadow Hearts III
+- Shadow Hearts 3
+- Mega Man 3
+- Mega Man III
+- Yoshi's Island
+- 'Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky'
+- The Smurfs
+- Final Fantasy IV
+- Final Fantasy 4
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds'
+- 'a link between worlds'
+- 'Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden'
+- 'Target: Renegade'
+- Tomb Raider II
+- Tomb Raider 2
+- Shadowrun Returns
+- Soma
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- Silent Hill 3
+- Silent Hill III
+- Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3
+- Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune III
+- MapleStory
+- NieR
+- Mega Man X
+- Secret of Mana
+- Donkey Kong Country 2
+- Donkey Kong Country II
+- Halo 3 ODST
+- Halo III ODST
+- Double Dragon Neon
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker'
+- 'wind waker'
+- 'Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney'
+- Opoona
+- Yoshi's New Island
+- One Piece Grand Battle 2
+- One Piece Grand Battle II
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess'
+- 'twilight princess'
+- Silent Hill 3
+- Silent Hill III
+- Wild Arms 2
+- Wild Arms II
+- Deus Ex
+- Baten Kaitos
+- 'Pop''n Music 12: Iroha'
+- 'Pop''n Music XII: Iroha'
+- Super Runabout
+- Okami
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- Journey
+- Environmental Station Alpha
+- Lost Odyssey
+- Contact
+- Radiata Stories
+- 'The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky'
+- Final Fantasy IV
+- Final Fantasy 4
+- Streets of Rage
+- Secret of Mana
+- Castle in the Darkness
+- Undertale
+- Diablo II
+- Diablo 2
+- Parasite Eve
+- Katamari Damacy
+- Baten Kaitos
+- Civilization IV
+- Civilization 4
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Tower of Heaven
+- Legaia 2
+- Legaia II
+- Stunt Race FX
+- Pokken Tournament
+- Hollow Knight
+- Secret of Mana
+- Paladin's Quest II
+- Paladin's Quest 2
+- Streets of Fury
+- Super Princess Peach
+- Radiant Historia
+- Faxanadu
+- 'The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth'
+- Xenoblade Chronicles
+- 'Shadow Hearts II: Covenant'
+- 'Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant'
+- Digital Devil Saga
+- 'Ace Combat 4: Shattered Skies'
+- 'Ace Combat IV: Shattered Skies'
+- Earthbound
+- Super Mario 64
+- 'Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney'
+- Enthusia Professional Racing
+- Bejeweled 3
+- Bejeweled III
+- King of Fighters 2002 Unlimited Match
+- 'Roommania #203'
+- 'Roommania #CCIII'
+- 'Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future'
+- Berserk
+- Hotline Miami
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks'
+- 'spirit tracks'
+- Super Castlevania IV
+- Super Castlevania 4
+- Super Stickman Golf 3
+- Super Stickman Golf III
+- Metal Gear Solid 2
+- Metal Gear Solid II
+- Mass Effect 2
+- Mass Effect II
+- Skullmonkeys
+- Okamiden
+- Final Fantasy XII
+- Final Fantasy 12
+- Majokko de Go Go
+- Final Fantasy Tactics A2
+- Chaos Legion
+- Banjo-Kazooie
+- Tomb Raider
+- Tetris
+- Suikoden III
+- Suikoden 3
+- Shovel Knight
+- Shadow of the Colossus
+- Wild Arms 4
+- Wild Arms IV
+- Grand Theft Auto IV
+- Grand Theft Auto 4
+- 'Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga'
+- 'mario and luigi: superstar saga'
+- 'Castlevania: Symphony of the Night'
+- Lagoon
+- Super Mario Sunshine
+- Kirby's Epic Yarn
+- 3D Dot Game Heroes
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- 'ocarina of time'
+- Emil Chronicle Online
+- Hollow Knight
+- Yoshi's Island
+- Ragnarok Online
+- Bomberman Hero
+- Wild Arms 4
+- Wild Arms IV
+- Galactic Pinball
+- Kirby Super Star
+- The Neverhood
+- Outlast
+- Paper Mario
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- 'ocarina of time'
+- Chrono Cross
+- Cheetahmen II
+- Cheetahmen 2
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Legend of Grimrock II
+- Legend of Grimrock 2
+- Krater
+- 'Final Fantasy XI: Rise of the Zilart'
+- 'Final Fantasy 11: Rise of the Zilart'
+- Final Fantasy Adventure
+- Mega Man 7
+- Mega Man VII
+- Grandia II
+- Grandia 2
+- 'Golden Sun: Dark Dawn'
+- Super Paper Mario
+- Valdis Story
+- Mighty Switch Force! 2
+- Mighty Switch Force! II
+- NeoTokyo
+- Lode Runner 3-D
+- Lode Runner 3-500
+- Lode Runner III-D
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past'
+- 'a link to the past'
+- Enthusia Professional Racing
+- No More Heroes 2
+- No More Heroes II
+- 'Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons'
+- 'Arc the Lad IV: Twilight of the Spirits'
+- 'Arc the Lad 4: Twilight of the Spirits'
+- Klonoa
+- 'Ace Combat Zero: The Belkan War'
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword'
+- 'skyward sword'
+- Yakuza 0
+- 'Yakuza '
+- Sonic the Hedgehog 3
+- Sonic the Hedgehog III
+- Attack of the Friday Monsters! A Tokyo Tale
+- Super Mario Galaxy
+- Last Bible III
+- Last Bible 3
+- Mass Effect
+- No More Heroes 2
+- No More Heroes II
+- Sonic CD
+- Sonic 400
+- 'Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II'
+- 'Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 2'
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker'
+- 'wind waker'
+- Cool Spot
+- Guild Wars 2
+- Guild Wars II
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Shenmue
+- Bully
+- Crystalis
+- Soul Edge
+- Super Metroid
+- 'Roommania #203'
+- 'Roommania #CCIII'
+- Donkey Kong Country
+- 'Castlevania: Lament of Innocence'
+- Turok 2 (Gameboy)
+- Turok II
+- turok 2
+- McKids
+- Demon's Souls
+- Persona 4
+- Persona IV
+- Tekken 2
+- Tekken II
+- Skies of Arcadia
+- Final Fantasy XI
+- Final Fantasy 11
+- Shadow Madness
+- 'Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun'
+- Valkyrie Profile
+- 'Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future'
+- 'Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door'
+- NieR
+- Secret of Mana
+- Tekken 4
+- Tekken IV
+- Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
+- Mega Turrican
+- Mana Khemia
+- Phantasy Star Online
+- Wild Arms
+- Mega Man 3
+- Mega Man III
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild'
+- 'breath of the wild'
+- Grounseed
+- Mario Kart 64
+- Paladin's Quest
+- Darksiders II
+- Darksiders 2
+- Eternal Champions
+- Western Lords
+- Super Mario RPG
+- Streets of Rage 2
+- Streets of Rage II
+- 'Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney'
+- To the Moon
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword'
+- 'skyward sword'
+- Tribes 2
+- Tribes II
+- El Shaddai
+- 'The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind'
+- 'The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind'
+- Morrowind
+- Super Mario Land
+- FTL
+- The Lost Vikings
+- 'Castlevania: Dracula X'
+- Okamiden
+- 'TrackMania 2: Stadium'
+- 'TrackMania II: Stadium'
+- Driver
+- Super Smash Bros. Wii U / 3DS
+- super smash bros wii u
+- super smash bros 3ds
+- super smash bros. wii u
+- super smash bros. 3ds
+- Dragon Quest
+- Suikoden II
+- Suikoden 2
+- Contact
+- Secret of Evermore
+- Persona 4
+- Persona IV
+- Journey to Silius
+- Metroid Prime
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- Kid Icarus
+- Senko no Ronde (Wartech)
+- Wartech
+- senko no ronde
+- Snake Pass
+- Z-Out
+- Mega Turrican
+- Kingdom Hearts II
+- Kingdom Hearts 2
+- Final Fantasy III DS
+- Final Fantasy 3 DS
+- The Smurfs' Nightmare
+- Phantasy Star Portable 2
+- Phantasy Star Portable II
+- 'E.V.O: Search for Eden'
+- Diddy Kong Racing
+- 'Animal Crossing: Wild World'
+- 'Romancing SaGa: Minstrel Song'
+- Elebits
+- Super Mario Land 2
+- Super Mario Land II
+- Super Mario Kart
+- Super Mario Maker
+- Dragon Quest IV
+- Dragon Quest 4
+- Dragon Quest VI
+- Dragon Quest 6
+- Unlimited Saga
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild'
+- 'breath of the wild'
+- Mega Man Soccer
+- Chrono Trigger
+- F-Zero GX
+- Dustforce
+- Journey to Silius
+- 'Silent Hill: Shattered Memories'
+- Breath of Fire III
+- Breath of Fire 3
+- Super Mario Galaxy 2
+- Super Mario Galaxy II
+- Ogre Battle
+- Rogue Galaxy
+- Shinobi III
+- Shinobi 3
+- Minecraft
+- Western Lords
+- 'Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow'
+- Super Mario Galaxy
+- Star Ocean 3
+- Star Ocean III
+- "Einh\xC3\xA4nder"
+- Ragnarok Online
+- Super Monkey Ball 2
+- Super Monkey Ball II
+- Hearthstone
+- 'Disaster: Day of Crisis'
+- 'Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time'
+- 'Star Ocean III: Till the End of Time'
+- Gran Turismo 5
+- Gran Turismo V
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess'
+- twilight princess
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past'
+- a link to the past
+- 'Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia'
+- Gunlord
+- 'Command & Conquer: Red Alert'
+- 'command and conquer: red alert'
+- Twinsen's Odyssey
+- DuckTales
+- Chrono Cross
+- Doom
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Aliens Incursion
+- SaGa Frontier
+- Silent Hill 2
+- Silent Hill II
+- Earthbound
+- LocoRoco
+- Musashi Samurai Legend
+- Mr. Nutz
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- 'Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door'
+- Wild Arms 3
+- Wild Arms III
+- Metroid Fusion
+- Super Mario Galaxy 2
+- Super Mario Galaxy II
+- Croc 2
+- Croc II
+- Sprint Vector
+- Final Fantasy XIII
+- Final Fantasy 13
+- Mega Man X3
+- DuckTales
+- Jack Bros.
+- Mega Man Battle Network 3
+- Mega Man Battle Network III
+- DuckTales
+- Pilotwings 64
+- L.A. Noire
+- 50.A. Noire
+- Galactic Pinball
+- 'Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky'
+- Dark Souls II
+- Dark Souls 2
+- ActRaiser
+- Lufia
+- Secret of the Stars
+- Lagoon
+- Super Mario 64
+- Fez
+- Croc 2
+- Croc II
+- Xenosaga II
+- Xenosaga 2
+- Wild Arms 4
+- Wild Arms IV
+- 'Star Ocean 2: The Second Story'
+- 'Star Ocean II: The Second Story'
+- Mega Man 2
+- Mega Man II
+- Terranigma
+- Mega Man 6
+- Mega Man VI
+- Treasure Hunter G
+- 'FTL: Faster Than Light'
+- 'Sailor Moon RPG: Another Story'
+- 'Castlevania: Lament of Innocence'
+- Guardian's Crusade
+- Radiant Historia
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- Dark Souls II
+- Dark Souls 2
+- 'Lunar: The Silver Star'
+- Castlevania 64
+- 'Mega Man Battle Network 5: Double Team'
+- 'Mega Man Battle Network V: Double Team'
+- Mario Kart Wii
+- Final Fantasy IX
+- Final Fantasy 9
+- Illusion of Gaia
+- 'Shadow Hearts II: Covenant'
+- 'Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant'
+- Scott Pilgrim vs the World
+- 'Castlevania: Symphony of the Night'
+- Maken X
+- Heroes of Might and Magic III
+- Heroes of Might and Magic 3
+- Streets of Rage 2
+- Streets of Rage II
+- Suikoden III
+- Suikoden 3
+- Battletoads (Arcade)
+- battletoads
+- Xenoblade Chronicles
+- Ecco the Dolphin (Sega CD)
+- Ecco the Dolphin
+- 'Chuck Rock II: Son of Chuck'
+- 'Chuck Rock 2: Son of Chuck'
+- Tales of Symphonia
+- F-Zero GX
+- Super Mario Galaxy 2
+- Super Mario Galaxy II
+- Boom Blox
+- 'Lufia: The Legend Returns'
+- Earthbound
+- Time Trax
+- Disney's Aladdin
+- The Oregon Trail
+- Phantasy Star Online Episode III
+- Phantasy Star Online Episode 3
+- Earthbound
+- Soul Blazer
+- Mario Sports Mix
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Top Gear
+- Mass Effect 3
+- Mass Effect III
+- Front Mission 1st
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Shovel Knight
+- Bully
+- 'World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King'
+- Crusader of Centy
+- Donkey Kong Country 2
+- Donkey Kong Country II
+- 'Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo''s Dungeon'
+- SaGa Frontier II
+- SaGa Frontier 2
+- Shatterhand
+- Final Fantasy X
+- Final Fantasy 10
+- Wild Arms 5
+- Wild Arms V
+- Radiata Stories
+- Super Paper Mario
+- Radiata Stories
+- Secret of Mana
+- Contra
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Bastion
+- Ragnarok Online II
+- Ragnarok Online 2
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker'
+- wind waker
+- 'Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon'
+- 'Far Cry III: Blood Dragon'
+- "We \xE2\u2122\xA5 Katamari"
+- Earthbound
+- Motorhead
+- Donkey Kong Country 3
+- Donkey Kong Country III
+- Super Mario Galaxy 2
+- Super Mario Galaxy II
+- 'Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door'
+- Double Dragon II
+- Double Dragon 2
+- Super Mario Bros 3
+- Super Mario Bros III
+- Lost Odyssey
+- Donkey Kong Country 2
+- Donkey Kong Country II
+- Wario World
+- Golden Sun
+- Secret of Evermore
+- Lufia II
+- Lufia 2
+- Mass Effect
+- Ragnarok Online
+- Secret of Evermore
+- Soukaigi
+- Shovel Knight
+- Deus Ex
+- Spanky's Quest
+- Panzer Dragoon Saga
+- Legaia 2
+- Legaia II
+- Kingdom Hearts
+- Animal Crossing
+- Wild Arms 4
+- Wild Arms IV
+- Shadow of the Colossus
+- Grandia II
+- Grandia 2
+- Metal Gear Solid
+- Ace Combat 6
+- Ace Combat VI
+- Parasite Eve II
+- Parasite Eve 2
+- Arumana no Kiseki
+- Final Fantasy Adventure
+- Final Fantasy Adventure
+- Ittle Dew
+- ZombiU
+- Super Valis IV
+- Super Valis 4
+- Deep Fear
+- Seiken Densetsu 3
+- Seiken Densetsu III
+- Mega Man & Bass
+- mega man and bass
+- Hotline Miami
+- Skies of Arcadia
+- Musashi Samurai Legend
+- 'Moon: Remix RPG Adventure'
+- Persona 3 Portable
+- Persona III Portable
+- Thumper
+- 'Ecco the Dolphin: Defender of the Future'
+- Wild Arms 3
+- Wild Arms III
+- 'Hitman 2: Silent Assassin'
+- 'Hitman II: Silent Assassin'
+- Earthworm Jim
+- 'Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth'
+- The 7th Saga
+- Breath of Fire
+- Dark Cloud
+- Final Fantasy III
+- Final Fantasy 3
+- Persona 5
+- Persona V
+- Metal Gear 2
+- Metal Gear II
+- Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures
+- Goldeneye
+- Final Fantasy VIII
+- Final Fantasy 8
+- MediEvil
+- Final Fantasy VIII
+- Final Fantasy 8
+- Ghouls 'n' Ghosts
+- Earthbound
+- Arcana
+- Yoshi's Island
+- 'Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time'
+- 'mario and luigi: partners in time'
+- Jak & Daxter
+- jak and daxter
+- 'Tales from Space: Mutant Blobs Attack'
+- 'Shadow Hearts II: Covenant'
+- 'Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant'
+- Sonic the Hedgehog 3
+- Sonic the Hedgehog III
+- Quake II
+- Quake 2
+- Xenosaga II
+- Xenosaga 2
+- The Binding of Isaac
+- Final Fantasy IX
+- Final Fantasy 9
+- Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
+- Space Harrier
+- Metal Gear Solid 4
+- Metal Gear Solid IV
+- Donkey Kong Country
+- "We \xE2\u2122\xA5 Katamari"
+- Ridge Racers
+- Xenoblade Chronicles
+- 'Assassin''s Creed III: The Tyranny of King Washington'
+- 'Assassin''s Creed 3: The Tyranny of King Washington'
+- Grandia
+- Battletoads & Double Dragon
+- battletoads
+- double dragon
+- No More Heroes
+- Xenoblade Chronicles X
+- Xenoblade Chronicles 10
+- Blue Dragon
+- Metroid AM2R
+- 'Shadow Hearts II: Covenant'
+- 'Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant'
+- Shin Megami Tensei IV
+- Shin Megami Tensei 4
+- Antichamber
+- Megalomachia 2
+- Megalomachia II
+- Senko no Ronde (Wartech)
+- wartech
+- senko no ronde
+- The Smurfs' Nightmare
+- Mega Man 9
+- Mega Man IX
+- Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
+- Metroid Prime
+- 'Diablo III: Reaper of Souls'
+- 'Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls'
+- 'Lisa: The Painful RPG'
+- Fez
+- 'Castlevania: Dracula X'
+- Arc the Lad
+- Rollercoaster Tycoon 3
+- Rollercoaster Tycoon III
+- Miitopia
+- Portal 2
+- Portal II
+- Star Fox 64
+- Metroid
+- Final Fantasy Adventure
+- Final Fantasy Tactics
+- NieR
+- Silent Hill
+- Super Mario Odyssey
+- Tales of Vesperia
+- Gran Turismo 5
+- Gran Turismo V
+- 'Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow'
+- Assassin's Creed II
+- Assassin's Creed 2
+- Grandia
+- Dragon Quest VIII
+- Dragon Quest 8
+- Xenogears
+- Ape Escape 3
+- Ape Escape III
+- Waterworld
+- Mega Man 4
+- Mega Man IV
+- Blue Stinger
+- 'Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines'
+- Emil Chronicle Online
+- Ori and the Blind Forest
+- Hotline Miami
+- Super Mario RPG
+- 'The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind'
+- 'The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind'
+- Morrowind
+- Soma Bringer
+- Koudelka
+- Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
+- Advance Wars DS
+- 'Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube'
+- 'Qbeh-I: The Atlas Cube'
+- Tribes 2
+- Tribes II
+- 'Castlevania: Curse of Darkness'
+- Ecco the Dolphin (Sega CD)
+- Ecco the Dolphin
+- Final Fantasy IX
+- Final Fantasy 9
+- Grounseed
+- Bayonetta
+- Forza Motorsport 4
+- Forza Motorsport IV
+- Kingdom Hearts
+- OutRun2
+- Terranigma
+- Western Lords
+- Dr. Mario
+- Kingdom Hearts
+- Sonic Unleashed
+- Rayman
+- Goldeneye
+- Resident Evil 4
+- Resident Evil IV
+- Opoona
+- Final Fantasy IV
+- Final Fantasy 4
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap'
+- minish cap
+- Mega Man 5
+- Mega Man V
+- 'Final Fantasy XI: Wings of the Goddess'
+- 'Final Fantasy 11: Wings of the Goddess'
+- The Wonderful 101
+- The Wonderful CI
+- Journey to Silius
+- Donkey Kong Country 3
+- Donkey Kong Country III
+- Transistor
+- 'Shadow Hearts II: Covenant'
+- 'Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant'
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Etrian Odyssey
+- Chibi-Robo
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- Uninvited
+- Lone Survivor
+- Earthbound
+- Breath of Death VII
+- Breath of Death 7
+- Pilotwings 64
+- Super Meat Boy
+- NeoTokyo
+- Alien Breed
+- Star Fox Adventures
+- Opoona
+- Final Fantasy X-2
+- Final Fantasy 10-2
+- Final Fantasy X-II
+- Legaia 2
+- Legaia II
+- Tekken 2
+- Tekken II
+- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
+- Diablo I & II
+- Diablo 1 & 2
+- diablo 1
+- diablo 2
+- diablo I
+- diablo II
+- Katamari Damacy
+- SimCity
+- 'Resident Evil: Revelations'
+- 'The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth'
+- Super Mario Maker
+- 'Chuck Rock II: Son of Chuck'
+- 'Chuck Rock 2: Son of Chuck'
+- Xenoblade Chronicles
+- 'Silent Hill 4: The Room'
+- 'Silent Hill IV: The Room'
+- The Binding of Isaac
+- Devil May Cry 3
+- Devil May Cry III
+- Super Mario RPG
+- La-Mulana
+- Ollie King
+- Mega Man 3
+- Mega Man III
+- Ninja Gaiden
+- Final Fantasy IX
+- Final Fantasy 9
+- Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
+- Yo-Kai Watch
+- Dark Souls
+- 'Call of Duty: Black Ops II'
+- 'Call of Duty: Black Ops 2'
+- black ops 2
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- 'Castlevania: Dracula X'
+- Undertale
+- Breath of Fire III
+- Breath of Fire 3
+- Super Adventure Island
+- 'Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm'
+- 'Atelier Iris III: Grand Phantasm'
+- Dragon Quest VI
+- Dragon Quest 6
+- Yoshi's Island
+- Wild Arms 5
+- Wild Arms V
+- Earthbound 64
+- The Magical Land of Wozz
+- Paladin's Quest
+- The Binding of Isaac
+- Seiken Densetsu 3
+- Seiken Densetsu III
+- Legend of Legaia
+- Metroid Prime
+- 'The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion'
+- 'The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion'
+- Oblivion
+- Heimdall 2
+- Heimdall II
+- Tales of Legendia
+- Donkey Kong 64
+- Donkey Kong Country 2
+- Donkey Kong Country II
+- Blaster Master
+- 'Kid Icarus: Uprising'
+- Super Mario Land
+- Super Street Fighter II Turbo
+- Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo
+- Glover
+- World of Warcraft
+- 'Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin'
+- Tales of Vesperia
+- 'MediEvil: Resurrection'
+- Dragon Quest VII
+- Dragon Quest 7
+- Mother
+- Baten Kaitos
+- 'Bravely Default: Flying Fairy'
+- Grandia II
+- Grandia 2
+- Final Fantasy VIII
+- Final Fantasy 8
+- Paladin's Quest II
+- Paladin's Quest 2
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- Katamari Damacy
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Live a Live
+- Donkey Kong Country 3
+- Donkey Kong Country III
+- Starcraft
+- Pokemon
+- Ragnarok Online
+- 'Lunar: Dragon Song'
+- F-Zero GX
+- Cyborg 009
+- Dragon Ball Z Butouden 2
+- Dragon Ball Z Butouden II
+- Shatter
+- Kingdom Hearts
+- Breath of Fire IV
+- Breath of Fire 4
+- 'Mario Kart: Double Dash!!'
+- Kirby & The Rainbow Curse
+- kirby and the rainbow curse
+- 'World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King'
+- Silent Hill
+- Terranigma
+- 'The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion'
+- 'The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion'
+- Oblivion
+- Secret of Evermore
+- The Guardian Legend
+- Legaia 2
+- Legaia II
+- Halo
+- Super Paper Mario
+- Machinarium
+- Contact
+- Final Fantasy VIII
+- Final Fantasy 8
+- Deus Ex
+- Suikoden
+- Super Mario Galaxy 2
+- Super Mario Galaxy II
+- Gran Turismo 4
+- Gran Turismo IV
+- Golden Sun
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Breath of Fire
+- Ragnarok Online
+- Castlevania Curse of Darkness
+- 'Cladun: This is an RPG'
+- FantaVision (North America)
+- FantaVision
+- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
+- Lethal League
+- Tales of Symphonia
+- Wii Shop Channel
+- 'Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze'
+- Wild Arms 2
+- Wild Arms II
+- Radiant Silvergun
+- Daytona USA
+- Titan Souls
+- Chrono Cross
+- Super Paper Mario
+- Machinarium
+- NeoTokyo
+- Donkey Kong Country 2
+- Donkey Kong Country II
+- Super Paper Mario
+- Donkey Kong Country 3
+- Donkey Kong Country III
+- Grow Home
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- 'Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight'
+- Sonic CD
+- Sonic 400
+- Pushmo
+- Chrono Cross
+- 'Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door'
+- Castlevania Curse of Darkness
+- Xenoblade Chronicles
+- Ape Escape 3
+- Ape Escape III
+- Hot Rod
+- Sword of Mana
+- God Hand
+- Donkey Kong Land
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess'
+- twilight princess
+- Treasure Hunter G
+- Super Mario Galaxy 2
+- Super Mario Galaxy II
+- Super Mario 64
+- Super Princess Peach
+- Final Fantasy VIII
+- Final Fantasy 8
+- Solstice
+- Wild Arms 5
+- Wild Arms V
+- Mario Kart 64
+- Cuphead
+- Mario Party
+- Guardian of Paradise
+- Rise of the Triad (2013)
+- Rise of the Triad
+- Eek! The Cat
+- Shatter
+- Final Fantasy VIII
+- Final Fantasy 8
+- Donkey Kong Country
+- Castlevania
+- Shenmue II
+- Shenmue 2
+- Waterworld
+- Battle Squadron
+- Luigi's Mansion
+- Ar Tonelico
+- 'Lunar: Eternal Blue'
+- Guardian's Crusade
+- The Walking Dead
+- 'Dreamfall: The Longest Journey'
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- ocarina of time
+- Bomberman Quest
+- Dragon Quest Monsters
+- 'Ys: The Oath in Felghana'
+- Polymer
+- 'Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow'
+- Mushihimesama Futari
+- Super Mario Bros
+- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike
+- Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike
+- Bahamut Lagoon
+- Legend of Dragoon
+- Super Castlevania IV
+- Super Castlevania 4
+- Eternal Sonata
+- Super Win the Game
+- Lost Odyssey
+- Yoshi's Woolly World
+- Xenosaga
+- Star Fox
+- 'Star Ocean 3: Till the End of Time'
+- 'Star Ocean III: Till the End of Time'
+- Bravely Default
+- Pokemon
+- Nintendo World Cup
+- Wild Arms 5
+- Wild Arms V
+- Dragon Quest
+- Donkey Kong Country
+- Doom
+- Etrian Odyssey IV
+- Etrian Odyssey 4
+- 'Hitman: Blood Money'
+- The Legendary Starfy
+- Soma Bringer
+- Lost Odyssey
+- Blast Corps
+- Xenosaga III
+- Xenosaga 3
+- Super Castlevania IV
+- Super Castlevania 4
+- Secret of Evermore
+- 'The Seventh Seal: Dark Lord'
+- Chrono Trigger
+- 'NieR: Automata'
+- Dark Souls
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- Donkey Kong Country
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- Mega Man 9
+- Mega Man IX
+- Shenmue
+- Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
+- Nintendo Land
+- Katamari Damacy
+- 'NyxQuest: Kindred Spirits'
+- 'Castlevania: Bloodlines'
+- Little Inferno
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- ocarina of time
+- Machinarium
+- Super Mario Kart
+- Run Saber
+- Castlevania 64
+- Streets of Rage 2
+- Streets of Rage II
+- Magical Tetris Challenge
+- Donkey Kong Country
+- Bionic Commando
+- 'Resident Evil: Revelations'
+- Super Mario 64
+- Super Mario Galaxy
+- Super Mario 3D World
+- Secret of Mana
+- 'Ys: The Oath in Felghana'
+- Dragon Ball Z Butouden 2
+- Dragon Ball Z Butouden II
+- Shatter
+- World of Warcraft
+- Legend of Dragoon
+- Final Fantasy
+- Emil Chronicle Online
+- 'Diablo III: Reaper of Souls'
+- 'Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls'
+- Hearthstone
+- Suikoden II
+- Suikoden 2
+- Pokemon
+- 'Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn'
+- Super Mario Galaxy
+- Etrian Odyssey IV
+- Etrian Odyssey 4
+- Street Fighter IV
+- Street Fighter 4
+- Super Street Fighter IV
+- Super Street Fighter 4
+- 'Silent Hill: Downpour'
+- Chrono Trigger
+- River City Ransom
+- Mighty Switch Force
+- 'Kid Icarus: Uprising'
+- Metal Gear Solid
+- Donkey Kong Country Returns
+- Mario Kart 64
+- Crystal Beans from Dungeon Explorer
+- Pokemon Trading Card Game
+- Persona 3 FES
+- Persona III FES
+- Donkey Kong 64
+- 'Lufia: The Legend Returns'
+- Super Mario 3D World
+- Devilish
+- Double Dragon Neon
+- F-Zero GX
+- Nostalgia
+- The Walking Dead
+- Castlevania III
+- Castlevania 3
+- 'Kid Icarus: Uprising'
+- Cosmic Star Heroine
+- Grandia III
+- Grandia 3
+- Wild Arms 4
+- Wild Arms IV
+- The Mummy Demastered
+- Romancing Saga 3
+- Romancing Saga III
+- Tales of Symphonia
+- 'E.V.O.: Search for Eden'
+- 'E.5.O.: Search for Eden'
+- 'Castlevania: Lords of Shadow'
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- ocarina of time
+- Illusion of Gaia
+- Krater
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- Suikoden III
+- Suikoden 3
+- Sonic the Hedgehog 3
+- Sonic the Hedgehog III
+- 'Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin'
+- Super Street Fighter II
+- Super Street Fighter 2
+- Radical Dreamers
+- Breath of Death VII
+- Breath of Death 7
+- Radiant Historia
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker'
+- wind waker
+- Metal Saga
+- Mass Effect
+- Tearaway
+- Chrono Trigger
+- OutRun 2
+- OutRun II
+- Super Mario Bros 3
+- Super Mario Bros III
+- Super Mario RPG
+- Killer7
+- Celeste
+- 'Sakura Taisen: Atsuki Chishio Ni'
+- Breath of Fire II
+- Breath of Fire 2
+- Prince of Persia
+- Scott Pilgrim vs the World
+- Radiant Historia
+- The Last Story
+- Skies of Arcadia
+- Earthbound
+- Shatter
+- Xenogears
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Majora''s Mask'
+- 'majora''s mask'
+- Mass Effect
+- Yoshi's Woolly World
+- Snowboard Kids
+- Lone Survivor
+- Namco x Capcom
+- Shining Force II
+- Shining Force 2
+- Wild Arms 5
+- Wild Arms V
+- Glover
+- Golden Sun
+- Suikoden
+- Doki Doki Literature Club!
+- Extreme-G
+- Tales of Phantasia
+- Bubble Bobble
+- ICO
+- Silent Hill 3
+- Silent Hill III
+- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
+- Sonic the Hedgehog II
+- Breath of Fire II
+- Breath of Fire 2
+- Banjo-Tooie
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword'
+- 'skyward sword'
+- DuckTales
+- Ragnarok Online
+- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
+- Mother
+- Demon's Crest
+- Super Mario 3D World
+- The Witcher
+- Kingdom of Paradise
+- 'Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun'
+- Ys Origin
+- Deus Ex
+- Pokemon
+- Legend of Legaia
+- Hotline Miami
+- Pokemon X / Y
+- pokemon x
+- pokemon y
+- Castlevania Curse of Darkness
+- Souten no Celenaria
+- Illusion of Gaia
+- Sonic the Hedgehog
+- Kirby's Dream Land
+- Lost Odyssey
+- Super Castlevania IV
+- Super Castlevania 4
+- Kaiser Knuckle
+- Time Trax
+- Breath of Fire III
+- Breath of Fire 3
+- Donkey Kong Country 3
+- Donkey Kong Country III
+- 'TMNT IV: Turtles in Time'
+- 'TMNT 4: Turtles in Time'
+- Super Bonk
+- Baten Kaitos
+- Balloon Fight
+- Terranigma
+- Christmas NiGHTS
+- Shatterhand
+- Shatter
+- Guacamelee!
+- Final Fantasy Tactics A2
+- Mega Man ZX
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Final Fantasy IV
+- Final Fantasy 4
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- ocarina of time
+- Seiken Densetsu 3
+- Seiken Densetsu III
+- Rudra No Hihou
+- 'Albert Odyssey: Legend of Eldean'
+- Halo 4
+- Halo IV
+- Tekken 7
+- Tekken VII
+- Stardew Valley
+- Skyblazer
+- Captain America and the Avengers
+- Pokemon Snap
+- Cave Story
+- Plok
+- Soul Calibur II
+- Soul Calibur 2
+- Lost Eden
+- Dragon Quest III
+- Dragon Quest 3
+- Tsugunai
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Link''s Awakening'
+- 'link''s awakening'
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Secret of Evermore
+- The Violinist of Hameln
+- Comix Zone
+- 'Atelier Iris: Eternal Mana'
+- Dragon Quest III
+- Dragon Quest 3
+- Pokemon GO
+- 'Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World'
+- Metroid Prime
+- Legend of Mana
+- Wrecking Crew
+- Secret of Mana
+- Dustforce
+- Mega Man 6
+- Mega Man VI
+- Fallout 3
+- Fallout III
+- Platoon
+- Donkey Kong Country 2
+- Donkey Kong Country II
+- Final Fantasy XI
+- Final Fantasy 11
+- Lufia II
+- Lufia 2
+- Child of Eden
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds'
+- a link between worlds
+- Metroid Prime Hunters
+- Gears of War 4
+- Gears of War IV
+- Hotline Miami 2
+- Hotline Miami II
+- Tales of Symphonia
+- Final Fantasy V
+- Final Fantasy 5
+- Breath of Fire III
+- Breath of Fire 3
+- Pilotwings 64
+- Chrono Cross
+- Earthbound
+- Secret of Mana
+- Tales of Destiny
+- Chrono Cross
+- Secret of Evermore
+- Grounseed
+- Breath of Death VII
+- Breath of Death 7
+- Pokemon Black / White
+- pokemon black
+- pokemon white
+- Dragon Quest IV
+- Dragon Quest 4
+- Castlevania
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Link''s Awakening'
+- 'link''s awakening'
+- 'Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP'
+- 'superbrothers: sword and sworcery ep'
+- Machinarium
+- Shenmue
+- Dragon Quest II
+- Dragon Quest 2
+- Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
+- Plants vs Zombies
+- Mega Man 10
+- Diddy Kong Racing
+- 'The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim'
+- 'The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim'
+- Skyrim
+- World Reborn
+- Hyrule Warriors
+- Xenoblade Chronicles
+- 'Fatal Frame II: Crimson Butterfly'
+- 'Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly'
+- Sonic Unleashed
+- Jurassic Park
+- 3D Dot Game Heroes
+- Dragon Quest V
+- Dragon Quest 5
+- Persona 3
+- Persona III
+- Earthbound
+- Advance Wars
+- Lufia II
+- Lufia 2
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- ocarina of time
+- 'Spyro: A Hero''s Tail'
+- NieR
+- Metroid
+- Grand Theft Auto V
+- Grand Theft Auto 5
+- 'The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth'
+- Daytona USA
+- Final Fantasy
+- Earthbound
+- Wild Arms 3
+- Wild Arms III
+- Tetris
+- Lethal Weapon
+- Minecraft (Update Aquatic)
+- Minecraft
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap'
+- minish cap
+- Terranigma
+- Baten Kaitos Origins
+- Touch My Katamari
+- Earthbound
+- Dragon Quest VI
+- Dragon Quest 6
+- Metroid AM2R
+- Suikoden II
+- Suikoden 2
+- 'Westerado: Double Barreled'
+- Metal Warriors
+- Jazz Jackrabbit 3
+- Jazz Jackrabbit III
+- Grandia II
+- Grandia 2
+- Conker's Bad Fur Day
+- Crystal Beans from Dungeon Explorer
+- A Bug's Life
+- Shenmue
+- Earthbound
+- Shin Megami Tensei IV
+- Shin Megami Tensei 4
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
+- 'Disgaea: Hour of Darkness'
+- Trauma Team
+- Dark Cloud
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword'
+- skyward sword
+- Super Mario World
+- Mega Man ZX
+- Lagoon
+- 'Ufouria: The Saga'
+- Digital Devil Saga
+- Mario Party 4
+- Mario Party IV
+- Skies of Arcadia
+- Minecraft
+- Portal
+- SaGa Frontier
+- 'Dragon Ball Z: Budokai'
+- Pikmin 3
+- Pikmin III
+- Mega Man 4
+- Mega Man IV
+- Deathsmiles IIX
+- Chrono Trigger
+- 'Lunar: Dragon Song'
+- 'TMNT IV: Turtles in Time'
+- 'TMNT 4: Turtles in Time'
+- What Remains of Edith Finch
+- Legend of Mana
+- Mega Man 9
+- Mega Man IX
+- 'Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn'
+- Final Fantasy X
+- Final Fantasy 10
+- TimeSplitters 2
+- TimeSplitters II
+- Threads of Fate
+- Watch Dogs
+- The Swapper
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Super Dodge Ball
+- Final Fantasy Legend II
+- Final Fantasy Legend 2
+- 'Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin'
+- Donkey Kong Country Returns
+- The Dark Spire
+- Chrono Trigger
+- 'Deus Ex: Human Revolution'
+- 'Mario & Luigi: Dream Team'
+- 'mario and luigi: dream team'
+- Jade Cocoon
+- World of Warcraft
+- Tales of Legendia
+- Kingdom Hearts II
+- Kingdom Hearts 2
+- Kingdom Hearts
+- 'Little Nemo: The Dream Master'
+- Seiken Densetsu 3
+- Seiken Densetsu III
+- Pokemon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum
+- pokemon diamond
+- pokemon pearl
+- pokemon platinum
+- Final Fantasy IV
+- Final Fantasy 4
+- Super Castlevania IV
+- Super Castlevania 4
+- 'Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines'
+- Silent Hill 2
+- Silent Hill II
+- Street Fighter V
+- Street Fighter 5
+- Wild Arms 5
+- Wild Arms V
+- Ys Chronicles
+- Blue Dragon
+- Jelly Defense
+- Contact
+- Skullgirls
+- Vay
+- Ogre Battle 64
+- Grounseed
+- Streets of Rage 2
+- Streets of Rage II
+- 'Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door'
+- Baten Kaitos Origins
+- Resident Evil Outbreak
+- Banjo-Kazooie
+- 'Shadow Hearts II: Covenant'
+- 'Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant'
+- Night in the Woods
+- R-Type Delta
+- 'Romancing Saga: Minstrel Song'
+- NieR
+- Kirby & The Rainbow Curse
+- kirby and the rainbow curse
+- Klonoa
+- 'Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia'
+- Wild Arms
+- Torchlight
+- Tekken 2
+- Tekken II
+- Sonic the Hedgehog
+- Jurassic Park 2
+- Jurassic Park II
+- Okami
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword'
+- skyward sword
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- 'Castlevania: Symphony of the Night'
+- Silent Hill 2
+- Silent Hill II
+- Mega Man 2
+- Mega Man II
+- Shadow of the Beast
+- 'SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2'
+- 'SMT: Digital Devil Saga II'
+- Shadow Hearts III
+- Shadow Hearts 3
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Super Mario RPG
+- Pokemon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum
+- pokemon diamond
+- pokemon pearl
+- pokemon platinum
+- Street Fighter 2010
+- Street Fighter MMX
+- Top Gear 3000
+- Top Gear MMM
+- Unreal Tournament
+- NieR
+- Pop'n Music 7
+- Pop'n Music VII
+- Fire Emblem Fates
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past'
+- a link to the past
+- Sonic Adventure 2
+- Sonic Adventure II
+- Altered Beast
+- Chrono Cross
+- Lost Odyssey
+- Undertale
+- Goldeneye
+- Tekken 6
+- Tekken VI
+- Shatterhand (JP)
+- shatterhand
+- Jets 'N' Guns
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Fable
+- 'Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim'
+- 'Ys 6: The Ark of Napishtim'
+- One Step Beyond
+- Shatter
+- Castlevania II
+- Castlevania 2
+- Shovel Knight
+- Valkyria Chronicles 3
+- Valkyria Chronicles III
+- Super Mario World
+- 'FTL: Faster Than Light'
+- 'Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards'
+- Nora to Toki no Koubou
+- 'Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire'
+- Dead Space
+- Black/Matrix
+- Return All Robots!
+- Parasite Eve
+- Dark Souls
+- Mario Kart 8
+- Mario Kart VIII
+- Final Fantasy Tactics
+- ActRaiser
+- Final Fantasy XII
+- Final Fantasy 12
+- 'Divinity II: Ego Draconis'
+- 'Divinity 2: Ego Draconis'
+- Shenmue
+- Elemental Master
+- SaGa Frontier II
+- SaGa Frontier 2
+- Shenmue II
+- Shenmue 2
+- Super Mario Kart
+- Xenosaga II
+- Xenosaga 2
+- Dragon Quest
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker'
+- wind waker
+- Chrono Cross
+- Doom 3
+- Doom III
+- Super Smash Bros. Brawl
+- Cannon Fodder
+- Wave Race 64
+- Beyond Good & Evil
+- beyond good and evil
+- Demon's Crest
+- Super Mario World
+- Ar nosurge
+- Parasite Eve
+- Soul Edge
+- 'NieR: Automata'
+- Ratchet & Clank
+- ratchet and clank
+- Metroid
+- Star Fox 64
+- Chrono Trigger
+- 'Moon: Remix RPG Adventure'
+- Xenosaga II
+- Xenosaga 2
+- Uncharted Waters
+- 'TMNT IV: Turtles in Time'
+- 'TMNT 4: Turtles in Time'
+- Jade Cocoon
+- Wipeout Pulse
+- Xenoblade Chronicles X
+- Xenoblade Chronicles 10
+- 'Lunar: Eternal Blue'
+- Pop'n Music 7
+- Pop'n Music VII
+- Ridge Racer Type 4
+- Ridge Racer Type IV
+- Final Fantasy IX
+- Final Fantasy 9
+- Talesweaver
+- Infinite Undiscovery
+- Robotrek
+- The Bouncer
+- Turok 2 (Gameboy)
+- Turok II
+- turok 2
+- 'Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door'
+- Kirby's Return to Dreamland
+- Tales of Graces
+- Guild Wars 2
+- Guild Wars II
+- Super Mario World
+- Shadow Hearts III
+- Shadow Hearts 3
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- ocarina of time
+- 'Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep'
+- Tekken Tag Tournament 2
+- Tekken Tag Tournament II
+- Outlaws
+- Legend of Mana
+- Mii Channel
+- 'TMNT IV: Turtles in Time'
+- 'TMNT 4: Turtles in Time'
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Castlevania 64
+- Castlevania Curse of Darkness
+- Dead Rising 3
+- Dead Rising III
+- Legend of Dragoon
+- Child of Light
+- Tales of Legendia
+- 'Ecco: The Tides of Time (Sega CD)'
+- 'Ecco: The Tides of Time'
+- Digital Devil Saga
+- Halo 3 ODST
+- Halo III ODST
+- Tales of Symphonia
+- Dewy's Adventure
+- Warcraft II
+- Warcraft 2
+- Ar Tonelico
+- Secret of Mana
+- Mutant Mudds
+- Pandora's Tower
+- Conker's Bad Fur Day
+- 'Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin'
+- Wild Arms 4
+- Wild Arms IV
+- Katamari Damacy
+- Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire
+- pokemon omega ruby
+- pokemon alpha sapphire
+- Wild Arms 2
+- Wild Arms II
+- Mega Man 5
+- Mega Man V
+- 'The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind'
+- 'The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind'
+- Morrowind
+- Streets of Rage
+- Wild Arms
+- 'Batman: Return of the Joker'
+- Xenogears
+- Pilotwings Resort
+- Machinarium
+- Donkey Kong Country
+- Lineage II
+- Lineage 2
+- Lufia II
+- Lufia 2
+- 'Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards'
+- Ratchet & Clank
+- ratchet and clank
+- Tales of Vesperia
+- Undertale
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- Earthbound
+- Chrono Cross
+- Treasure Hunter G
+- Pictionary
+- 'Shadow Hearts II: Covenant'
+- 'Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant'
+- Tales of Berseria
+- 'Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube'
+- 'Qbeh-I: The Atlas Cube'
+- Resident Evil REmake
+- Mega Man 4
+- Mega Man IV
+- Sheep Raider
+- Silent Hill 3
+- Silent Hill III
+- NieR
+- Counter Strike
+- Mario Kart 7
+- Mario Kart VII
+- Earthbound
+- Okami
+- Wild Arms
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds'
+- a link between worlds
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- ocarina of time
+- Sonic Forces
+- Biker Mice from Mars
+- Deathsmiles
+- Super Castlevania IV
+- Super Castlevania 4
+- Yoshi's Story
+- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
+- 'Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II'
+- 'Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 2'
+- 'Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP'
+- 'superbrothers: sword and sworcery ep'
+- Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald
+- pokemon ruby
+- pokemon sapphire
+- pokemon emerald
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Sonic Lost World
+- Glover
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past'
+- a link to the past
+- Super Mario World
+- Ys II Chronicles
+- Ys 2 Chronicles
+- Undertale
+- Final Fantasy IX
+- Final Fantasy 9
+- Lufia II
+- Lufia 2
+- Breath of Fire V
+- Breath of Fire 5
+- Killer Instinct
+- Mega Man 9
+- Mega Man IX
+- Katamari Damacy
+- Mana Khemia
+- 'Kirby: Triple Deluxe'
+- Mega Man 2
+- Mega Man II
+- Mega Man
+- Skies of Arcadia
+- Pop'n Music 2
+- Pop'n Music II
+- Mutant Mudds
+- Monster Hunter Tri
+- Unreal Tournament 2003 & 2004
+- unreal tournament 2003
+- unreal tournament 2004
+- SimCity 4
+- SimCity IV
+- Phantasy Star Online
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Link''s Awakening'
+- 'link''s awakening'
+- Star Fox Adventures
+- Soma Bringer
+- Undertale
+- Shadow Hearts
+- Secret of Mana
+- Rad Racer II
+- Rad Racer 2
+- Soul Sacrifice
+- Guilty Gear Isuka
+- Baten Kaitos
+- Final Fantasy V
+- Final Fantasy 5
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Link''s Awakening'
+- 'Castlevania: Symphony of the Night'
+- Radiant Historia
+- Etrian Mystery Dungeon
+- Maniac Mansion
+- Extreme-G
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Pokemon Art Academy
+- Super Paper Mario
+- F-Zero
+- 'FTL: Advanced Edition'
+- Boot Hill Heroes
+- Braid
+- Minecraft
+- Yoshi's Island
+- Diablo III
+- Diablo 3
+- The Last Remnant
+- Diablo II
+- Diablo 2
+- Deja Vu
+- Giftpia
+- Sonic Unleashed
+- Blue Dragon
+- Mario Kart 64
+- 'Shadow Hearts II: Covenant'
+- 'Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant'
+- Frozen Synapse
+- 'Paper Mario: Sticker Star'
+- Super Mario Sunshine
+- Castle Crashers
+- Pokemon Silver / Gold / Crystal
+- pokemon silver
+- pokemon gold
+- pokemon crystal
+- 'Metroid Prime 2: Echoes'
+- 'Metroid Prime II: Echoes'
+- Etrian Odyssey Untold
+- Gauntlet III
+- Gauntlet 3
+- Breath of Fire III
+- Breath of Fire 3
+- Xenosaga
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- ocarina of time
+- Tomb Raider
+- Opoona
+- 'Dust: An Elysian Tail'
+- Metroid
+- Yoshi's Woolly World
+- 'Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards'
+- 'Divinity 2: Ego Draconis'
+- 'Divinity II: Ego Draconis'
+- Final Fantasy X
+- Final Fantasy 10
+- Goldeneye
+- Environmental Station Alpha
+- Equinox
+- Mega Man 2
+- Mega Man II
+- Ragnarok Online
+- Professor Layton and the Curious Village
+- Metroid Prime
+- Earthbound
+- Jack Bros.
+- Tetris
+- 'Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze'
+- 3D Dot Game Heroes
+- Journey to Silius
+- Donkey Kong Country 2
+- Donkey Kong Country II
+- Mario Kart 8
+- Mario Kart VIII
+- Final Fantasy X
+- Final Fantasy 10
+- Shadow of the Colossus
+- Secret of Mana
+- Katamari Forever
+- Mega Man
+- Chrono Trigger
+- 'Uncharted: Drake''s Fortune'
+- MapleStory
+- Yoshi's Island
+- Skies of Arcadia
+- Unlimited Saga
+- Super Mario 64
+- 'Everquest: Planes of Power'
+- Super Castlevania IV
+- Super Castlevania 4
+- 'Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny'
+- 'Atelier Iris II: The Azoth of Destiny'
+- Splatoon
+- 'Fire Emblem 4: Seisen no Keifu'
+- 'Fire Emblem IV: Seisen no Keifu'
+- Max Payne 2
+- Max Payne II
+- Legend of Mana
+- Yoshi's Island DS
+- Giftpia
+- Midnight Resistance
+- Final Fantasy VIII
+- Final Fantasy 8
+- Super Mario 3D World
+- Tekken 2
+- Tekken II
+- PaRappa the Rapper
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap'
+- minish cap
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- Nostalgia
+- Xenosaga III
+- Xenosaga 3
+- ICO
+- Tomb Raider III
+- Tomb Raider 3
+- Xenoblade Chronicles 2
+- Xenoblade Chronicles II
+- Banjo-Kazooie
+- 'Phoenix Wright: Justice for All'
+- Wild Arms
+- Pokemon
+- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
+- Sonic the Hedgehog II
+- Asterix & Obelix
+- asterix and obelix
+- Suikoden III
+- Suikoden 3
+- Mirror's Edge
+- Super Mario RPG
+- 'Dragon Ball Z: Super Butoden'
+- Trip World
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- ocarina of time
+- Yoshi's Woolly World
+- Opoona
+- Shadow of the Colossus
+- Romancing Saga 3
+- Romancing Saga III
+- Xenogears
+- Furi
+- Create
+- Grandia II
+- Grandia 2
+- Asterix
+- Final Fantasy Origins
+- final fantasy origins
+- Dragon Quest V
+- Dragon Quest 5
+- 'La Pucelle: Tactics'
+- 'Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku II'
+- 'Dragon Ball Z: The Legacy of Goku 2'
+- Wild Arms 3
+- Wild Arms III
+- Chrono Cross
+- Tales of Symphonia
+- Illusion of Gaia
+- Valdis Story
+- Final Fantasy V
+- Final Fantasy 5
+- Knuckles Chaotix
+- Asterix
+- 'Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow'
+- Wild Arms 4
+- Wild Arms IV
+- Bomberman 64
+- Monster Rancher 4
+- Monster Rancher IV
+- Earthbound
+- 'Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards'
+- Chrono Cross
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time'
+- ocarina of time
+- NieR
+- Arcana
+- 'Shantae: Risky''s Revenge'
+- Eternal Darkness
+- Umineko no Naku Koro ni
+- Super Mario RPG
+- 'Star Trek: Deep Space Nine'
+- 'The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion'
+- 'The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion'
+- Oblivion
+- Earthbound
+- 'Turok: Dinosaur Hunter'
+- Legendary Wings
+- Minecraft
+- Mega Man X
+- Alundra
+- Breath of Fire IV
+- Breath of Fire 4
+- Donkey Kong Country
+- F.E.A.R.
+- 'Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin'
+- Silent Hill 2
+- Silent Hill II
+- Dragon Quest IX
+- Dragon Quest 9
+- Super Mario Land 2
+- Super Mario Land II
+- Xenosaga III
+- Xenosaga 3
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Okamiden
+- Lufia II
+- Lufia 2
+- Jazz Jackrabbit 2
+- Jazz Jackrabbit II
+- Street Fighter II
+- Street Fighter 2
+- 'Magna Carta: Tears of Blood'
+- The Flintstones
+- Asterix & Obelix
+- asterix and obelix
+- 'Batman: Return of the Joker'
+- The Legend of Zelda
+- Treasure Master
+- 'Zelda II: The Adventure of Link'
+- 'Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link'
+- 'Spyro: A Hero''s Tail'
+- Child of Light
+- Fallout 4
+- Fallout IV
+- Super Mario Galaxy
+- Top Gear
+- Battery Jam
+- Gitaroo Man
+- Super Stickman Golf 2
+- Super Stickman Golf II
+- Metal Gear Solid 3
+- Metal Gear Solid III
+- Intelligent Qube
+- 'Ape Escape: Million Monkeys'
+- Lara Croft GO
+- Toy Story 2
+- Toy Story II
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes'
+- tri force heroes
+- Super Mario Bros 3
+- Super Mario Bros III
+- Wild Arms 2
+- Wild Arms II
+- 'Chip ''n Dale: Rescue Rangers'
+- Darksiders II
+- Darksiders 2
+- Wild Arms 4
+- Wild Arms IV
+- Super Turrican 2
+- Super Turrican II
+- Hyper Light Drifter
+- Super Mario 64
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks'
+- spirit tracks
+- Sonic Triple Trouble
+- Rayman
+- I am Setsuna
+- 1 am Setsuna
+- Street Fighter IV
+- Street Fighter 4
+- Super Princess Peach
+- Xenogears
+- Final Fantasy VI
+- Final Fantasy 6
+- 'Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty'
+- 'Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty'
+- Ys Origin
+- Bomberman 64
+- Opoona
+- The Adventures of Bayou Billy
+- Donkey Kong Country 2
+- Donkey Kong Country II
+- 'Arc the Lad IV: Twilight of the Spirits'
+- 'Arc the Lad 4: Twilight of the Spirits'
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- Shatter
+- Dr. Mario
+- Chrono Cross
+- Etrian Odyssey II
+- Etrian Odyssey 2
+- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
+- Cthulhu Saves the World
+- 'Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations'
+- Final Fantasy Tactics
+- Top Gear Rally
+- World of Warcraft
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Majora''s Mask'
+- 'majora''s mask'
+- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
+- Beyond Good & Evil
+- beyond good and evil
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past'
+- a link to the past
+- Asterix & Obelix
+- asterix and obelix
+- Final Fantasy IX
+- Final Fantasy 9
+- Guardian's Crusade
+- World of Goo
+- Wild Guns
+- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
+- 'Zelda II: The Adventure of Link'
+- 'Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link'
+- Terraria
+- 'Zelda II: The Adventure of Link'
+- 'Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link'
+- Resident Evil REmake
+- Super Castlevania IV
+- Super Castlevania 4
+- Super Metroid
+- Ragnarok Online II
+- Ragnarok Online 2
+- Final Fantasy XII
+- Final Fantasy 12
+- Xenoblade Chronicles
+- Persona 5
+- Persona V
+- Brave Fencer Musashi
+- Skies of Arcadia
+- Breath of Fire IV
+- Breath of Fire 4
+- Baten Kaitos
+- Mario Paint
+- New Super Mario Bros Wii
+- 'Beyond: Two Souls'
+- 'Persona Q: Shadow of the Labyrinth'
+- Phantasy Star Online
+- Guilty Gear XX Reload (Korean Version)
+- Guilty Gear 20 Reload
+- guilty gear xx reload
+- Super Mario RPG
+- Popful Mail
+- Tales of Eternia
+- Dark Cloud
+- Guild Wars 2
+- Guild Wars II
+- Double Dragon
+- Machinarium
+- Final Fantasy V
+- Final Fantasy 5
+- Evoland II
+- Evoland 2
+- Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald
+- pokemon ruby
+- pokemon sapphire
+- pokemon emerald
+- Okamiden
+- 'Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow'
+- Massive Assault
+- 'Minecraft: Story Mode'
+- Max Payne 3
+- Max Payne III
+- Snowboard Kids 2
+- Snowboard Kids II
+- Xenogears
+- Katamari Damacy
+- Senko no Ronde DUO
+- Secret of Mana
+- Guacamelee!
+- Mutant Mudds
+- For the Frog the Bell Tolls
+- Axiom Verge
+- Silent Hill 3
+- Silent Hill III
+- Jurassic Park
+- A Boy And His Blob
+- Pokemon Quest
+- Starbound
+- 'Animal Crossing: New Leaf'
+- Sonic the Hedgehog
+- Ragnarok Online II
+- Ragnarok Online 2
+- Shenmue
+- Panzer Dragoon Saga
+- Kirby's Return to Dreamland
+- Kirby's Epic Yarn
+- 'Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together'
+- Demon's Crest
+- Sonic Unleashed
+- Xenogears
+- LED Storm
+- Castlevania
+- Dragon Quest VII 3DS
+- Dragon Quest 7 3DS
+- Titan Souls
+- Lisa the Joyful
+- Tobal No. 1
+- Tobal No. I
+- Yoshi's Island DS
+- 'Ace Combat 5: The Unsung War'
+- 'Ace Combat V: The Unsung War'
+- Ragnarok Online II
+- Ragnarok Online 2
+- Contact
+- Shadow Hearts III
+- Shadow Hearts 3
+- 'Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana'
+- 'Ys 8: Lacrimosa of Dana'
+- F-Zero
+- Anodyne
+- Pop'n Music GB
+- Soma Bringer
+- 'Castlevania: Lament of Innocence'
+- Castlevania Curse of Darkness
+- Mega Man ZX
+- Katamari Damacy
+- Dragon Quest III
+- Dragon Quest 3
+- Pikmin
+- Tekken 5
+- Tekken V
+- Spelunky
+- Trine
+- Spanky's Quest
+- Chrono Trigger
+- Shin Megami Tensei IV
+- Shin Megami Tensei 4
+- Super Mario Galaxy
+- Outlaws
+- Castlevania II
+- Castlevania 2
+- Xenosaga II
+- Xenosaga 2
+- Sonic Lost World
+- Xenoblade Chronicles
+- 'Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney'
+- Rayman Origins
+- 'Dracula X: Rondo of Blood'
+- ActRaiser
+- Final Fantasy XI
+- Final Fantasy 11
+- Grandia
+- Donkey Kong Country 3
+- Donkey Kong Country III
+- 'Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin'
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- Castlevania III
+- Castlevania 3
+- Pokemon
+- Gravity Rush
+- 'Ys VI: The Ark of Napishtim'
+- 'Ys 6: The Ark of Napishtim'
+- Breath of Fire II
+- Breath of Fire 2
+- Bioshock
+- Krater
+- 'Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny'
+- 'Atelier Iris II: The Azoth of Destiny'
+- Alundra
+- Seiken Densetsu 3
+- Seiken Densetsu III
+- Opoona
+- Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
+- Romance of the Three Kingdoms V
+- Romance of the Three Kingdoms 5
+- 'Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun'
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword'
+- skyward sword
+- 'Zelda II: The Adventure of Link'
+- 'Zelda 2: The Adventure of Link'
+- Lost Odyssey
+- 'South Park: The Stick of Truth'
+- The World Ends With You
+- Super Mario Sunshine
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Emil Chronicle Online
+- 'Adventure Time: Hey Ice King! Why''d You Steal Our Garbage?!'
+- Marvel vs Capcom 3
+- Marvel vs Capcom III
+- Shovel Knight
+- Mega Man 5
+- Mega Man V
+- Chrono Trigger
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past'
+- a link to the past
+- Super Adventure Island
+- 'Mario & Luigi: Bowser''s Inside Story'
+- 'mario and luigi: bower''s inside story'
+- '999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors'
+- Earthbound
+- Nostalgia
+- 'SMT: Digital Devil Saga 2'
+- 'SMT: Digital Devil Saga II'
+- 'Sang-Froid: Tales of Werewolves'
+- 'Divinity: Original Sin'
+- Sonic Unleashed
+- Deus Ex
+- Super Mario RPG
+- Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Majora''s Mask'
+- 'majora''s mask'
+- Metal Gear Solid
+- Donkey Kong Land
+- Fatal Frame
+- Super Robot Wars 4
+- Super Robot Wars IV
+- Super Smash Bros. Wii U
+- 'Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door'
+- Alundra
+- Blast Corps
+- Lost Odyssey
+- Sleepwalker
+- Castlevania II
+- Castlevania 2
+- Guilty Gear XX Reload (Korean Version)
+- Guilty Gear 20 Reload
+- guilty gear xx reload
+- Mother 3
+- Mother III
+- Sonic the Hedgehog 2
+- Sonic the Hedgehog II
+- Xenogears
+- Battletoads & Double Dragon
+- battletoads
+- double dragon
+- Perfect Dark
+- Shinobi
+- Parasite Eve
+- Mario Kart 64
+- Blue Dragon
+- Radical Dreamers
+- Silent Hill 3
+- Silent Hill III
+- Super Smash Bros. Brawl
+- Last Bible III
+- Last Bible 3
+- F-Zero
+- Mega Man Battle Network
+- 'Castlevania: Symphony of the Night'
+- Dustforce
+- Super Stickman Golf 2
+- Super Stickman Golf II
+- StarTropics
+- Super Mario Bros 2
+- Super Mario Bros II
+- Shovel Knight
+- Tomb Raider Legend
+- Yooka-Laylee
+- Xenosaga III
+- Xenosaga 3
+- Valdis Story
+- Secret of Mana
+- Soul Blade
+- Pop'n Music 2
+- Pop'n Music II
+- Final Fantasy X
+- Final Fantasy 10
+- Dragon Quest III
+- Dragon Quest 3
+- Xenoblade Chronicles
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker'
+- 'wind waker'
+- Ghouls 'n' Ghosts
+- F-Zero GX
+- Okami
+- Vortex
+- Nora to Toki no Koubou
+- 'Qbeh-1: The Atlas Cube'
+- 'Qbeh-I: The Atlas Cube'
+- Drakkhen
+- Grandia II
+- Grandia 2
+- Secret of Evermore
+- Ninja Gaiden II
+- Ninja Gaiden 2
+- Pokemon Diamond / Pearl / Platinum
+- pokemon diamond
+- pokemon pearl
+- pokemon platinum
+- 'Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun'
+- 'command and conquer: tiberian sun'
+- Final Fantasy X
+- Final Fantasy 10
+- Astal
+- 'Star Ocean 2: The Second Story'
+- 'Star Ocean II: The Second Story'
+- Hotline Miami 2
+- Hotline Miami II
+- 'Final Fantasy VII: CC'
+- 'Final Fantasy 7: 200'
+- Final Fantasy V
+- Final Fantasy 5
+- Terranigma
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past'
+- a link to the past
+- Tetrisphere
+- Lufia
+- Equinox
+- Mega Man 2
+- Mega Man II
+- Deadly Premonition
+- Super Mario 64
+- Beyond Good & Evil
+- beyond good and evil
+- 'Romancing Saga: Minstrel Song'
+- Mighty Switch Force!
+- F-Zero
+- Deep Labyrinth
+- Legend of Dragoon
+- Legend of Grimrock
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess'
+- twilight princess
+- Magnetis
+- Boot Hill Heroes
+- Suikoden
+- 'Gremlins 2: The New Batch'
+- 'Gremlins II: The New Batch'
+- Legend of Mana
+- Breath of Death VII
+- Breath of Death 7
+- Suikoden II
+- Suikoden 2
+- Wild Arms
+- Ys Chronicles
+- Lufia
+- Guilty Gear XX Reload (Korean Version)
+- Guilty Gear 20 Reload
+- guilty gear xx reload
+- Sonic Rush
+- Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne
+- Goldeneye
+- Pop'n Music 8
+- Pop'n Music VIII
+- Life is Strange
+- Opoona
+- Final Fantasy X
+- Final Fantasy 10
+- Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune 3
+- Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune III
+- Perfect Dark
+- F-Zero
+- Tales of Zestiria
+- 'Metroid II: Return of Samus'
+- 'Metroid 2: Return of Samus'
+- Final Fantasy X
+- Final Fantasy 10
+- Donkey Kong Land
+- Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald
+- pokemon ruby
+- pokemon sapphire
+- pokemon emerald
+- Dragon Quest VII 3DS
+- Dragon Quest 7 3DS
+- Mother 4
+- Mother IV
+- Metroid Prime
+- 'Super Monkey Ball: Step & Roll'
+- 'super monkey ball: step and roll'
+- Super Mario RPG
+- Granado Espada
+- Miitopia
+- Street Fighter II
+- Street Fighter 2
+- Space Station Silicon Valley
+- Soul Calibur
+- Prop Cycle
+- 'Silent Hill: Origins'
+- Sonic Generations
+- Parasite Eve
+- Wild Arms
+- Suikoden II
+- Suikoden 2
+- 'Animal Crossing: Wild World'
+- ICO
+- Dragon Quest IX
+- Dragon Quest 9
+- Super Mario Galaxy
+- Asterix
+- Antichamber
+- Bravely Default
+- Super Street Fighter II
+- Super Street Fighter 2
+- Firewatch
+- Dragon Ball Z Butouden 2
+- Dragon Ball Z Butouden II
+- 'OFF'
+- The 7th Saga
+- 'Silent Hill: Origins'
+- Total Distortion
+- Bejeweled 3
+- Bejeweled III
+- Final Fantasy VIII
+- Final Fantasy 8
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess'
+- twilight princess
+- Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
+- Sonic the Hedgehog 2006
+- sonic the hedgehog 06
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker'
+- wind waker
+- Gauntlet
+- Fantasy Life
+- 'Shadow Hearts II: Covenant'
+- 'Shadow Hearts 2: Covenant'
+- Final Fantasy X
+- Final Fantasy 10
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess'
+- twilight princess
+- Waterworld
+- Tetris Attack
+- Seiken Densetsu 3
+- Seiken Densetsu III
+- Mario Kart 64
+- 'Spider-Man & X-Men: Arcade''s Revenge'
+- 'Spider-Man and X-Men: Arcade''s Revenge'
+- Mega Man 10
+- Suikoden II
+- Suikoden 2
+- 'Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII'
+- 'Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13'
+- Waterworld
+- Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire / Emerald
+- pokemon ruby
+- pokemon sapphire
+- pokemon emerald
+- Breath of Fire III
+- Breath of Fire 3
+- Xenoblade Chronicles
+- Zone of the Enders 2
+- Zone of the Enders II
+- 'Mario Kart: Double Dash!!'
+- Suikoden V
+- Suikoden 5
+- Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn)
+- sonic 3d blast
+- Final Fantasy IV
+- Final Fantasy 4
+- Final Fantasy IX
+- Final Fantasy 9
+- 'Mario Kart: Double Dash !!'
+- 'mario kart double dash'
+- Legend of Dragoon
+- Hotline Miami 2
+- Hotline Miami II
+- Xenosaga II
+- Xenosaga 2
+- Speed Freaks
+- Wolverine
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap'
+- minish cap
+- Star Fox
+- Pop'n Music 18
+- Pop'n Music XVIII
+- Battletoads
+- Jet Set Radio
+- Final Fantasy VII
+- Final Fantasy 7
+- Panzer Dragoon
+- Tekken 7
+- Tekken VII
+- Super Mario RPG
+- Persona 3
+- Persona III
+- Steamworld Dig 2
+- Steamworld Dig II
+- Wild Arms Alter Code F
+- 'The Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap'
+- minish cap
+- Fez
+- Streets of Rage
+- Skies of Arcadia
+- Kirby's Return to Dreamland
+- Ape Escape
+- 'DmC: Devil May Cry'
+- devil may cry
+- Radiata Stories
+- Kingdom Hearts
+- 'Metroid Prime 2: Echoes'
+- 'Metroid Prime II: Echoes'
+- Guardian's Crusade
+- Super Mario Bros
+- 'Gremlins 2: The New Batch'
+- 'Gremlins II: The New Batch'
+- 'Turok: Dinosaur Hunter'
+- Kingdom Hearts
+- Metroid Prime
+- SpaceChem
+- Final Fantasy
+- Shining Hearts
+- Mega Man 3
+- Mega Man III
+- Super Smash Bros Wii U / 3DS
+- super smash bros wii u
+- super smas bros 3ds
+- Super Mario World
+- Metroid Prime 3
+- Metroid Prime III
+- Dark Souls
+- Metroid Prime 3
+- Metroid Prime III
+- Breath of Fire
+- Pop'n Music 8
+- Pop'n Music VIII
diff --git a/audiotrivia/data/lists/games.yaml b/audiotrivia/data/lists/games.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a823d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audiotrivia/data/lists/games.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+AUTHOR: bobloy
+- shovel knight
+- super mario world
+- the legend of zelda
+- legend of zelda
+- zelda
+- dragon quest ix
+- dragon quest 9
+- chrono trigger
+- super smash bros melee
+- super smash bros. melee
+- super smash brothers melee
+- super mario bros
+- super mario brothers
+- super mario bros.
+- banjo-kazooie
+- banjo kazooie
+- metroid samus returns
+- halo
+- the elder scrolls iii morrowind
+- morrowind
+- elder scrolls iii
+- elder scrolls 3
+- sonic generations
+- donkey kong country 2
+- donkey kong country two
+- mario kart 8
+- mario kart eight
+- donkey kong country tropical freeze
+- tropical freeze
+- castle crashers
+- shadow of the colossus
+- final fantasy v
+- final fantasy 5
+- legend of zelda skyward sword
+- skyward sword
+- skies of arcadia
+- super mario galaxy
+- final fantasy iv
+- final fantasy 4
+- mother3
+- mother 3
+- dragon age origins
+- the elder scrolls v skyrim
+- elder scrolls v
+- elder scrolls 5
+- the elder scrolls 5 skyrim
+- skyrim
+- fallout 4
+- mass effect 2
+- world of warcraft
+- batman arkham city
+- arkham city
+- god of war iii
+- god of war 3
+- gears of war 3
+- metal gear solid 2
+- super smash bros wii u
+- super smash bros. wii u
+- super smash brothers wii u
+- super smash bros wiiu
+- super smash bros. wiiu
+- super smash brothers wiiu
+- mega man maverick hunter x
+- megaman maverick hunter x
+- maverick hunter x
+- doom
+- super smash bros brawl
+- super smash bros. brawl
+- super smash brothers brawl
+- guilty gear
+- dynasty warriors 6
+- doom 2016
+- doom
+- devil may cry 3
+- final fantasy vii
+- final fantasy 7
+- the witcher 3
+- witcher 3
+- civilization vi
+- civilization 6
+- guild wars 2
+- guild wars two
+- final fantasy vi
+- final fantasy 6
+- journey
+- civilization iv
+- civilization 4
+- ori and the blind forest
+- super smash bros brawl
+- super smash bros. brawl
+- super smash brothers brawl
+- kingdom hearts
+- shenmue
+- final fantasy x
+- final fantasy 10
+- fire emblem fates
+- persona 5
+- persona five
+- super mario odyssey
+- super mario 64
+- mario 64
+- the legend of zelda the wind waker
+- legend of zelda the wind waker
+- the legend of zelda wind waker
+- legend of zelda wind waker
+- wind waker
+- uncharted 2
+- battlefield 1
+- battlefield one
+- star fox zero
+- starfox zero
+- dark souls iii
+- dark souls 3
+- fire emblem awakening
+- monty on the run
+- mega man 3
+- megaman 3
+- castlevania
+- shovel knight
+- mega man 2
+- megaman 2
+- actraiser
+- ogre battle
+- metroid zero mission
+- zero mission
+- sonic 2
+- the legend of zelda ocarina of time
+- legend of zelda ocarina of time
+- ocarina of time
+- kirby's epic yarn
+- kirbys epic yarn
+- super smash bros brawl
+- super smash bros. brawl
+- super smash brothers brawl
+- kid icarus uprising
+- punch-out!!
+- punch-out
+- punch out
+- punchout
+- super street fighter 2 turbo
+- super street fighter two turbo
+- street fighter 2 turbo
+- street fighter two turbo
+- mario & luigi bowser's inside story
+- mario and luigi bowser's inside story
+- mario & luigi bowsers inside story
+- mario and luigi bowsers inside story
+- bowser's inside story
+- bowsers inside story
+- grand theft auto 4
+- grand theft auto four
+- goldeneye 007
+- goldeneye
+- tmnt iv turtles in time
+- tmnt iv
+- tmnt 4 turtles in time
+- tmnt 4
+- turtles in time
+- ducktales
+- pokemon diamond
+- pokemon pearl
+- pokemon platinum
+- warriors orochi 3
+- warriors orochi three
+- mortal kombat
+- metal gear solid
+- tetris blitz
+- ultimate marvel vs capcom 3
+- marvel vs capcom 3
+- ultimate marvel vs. capcom 3
+- marvel vs. capcom 3
+- sonic the hedgehog 2006
+- sonic the hegehog
+- pokemon heartgold
+- pokemon soulsilver
+- red dead redemption
+- bioshock
+- call of duty 4 modern warfare
+- call of duty 4
+- modern warfare
+- killzone 2
+- soul calibur v
+- sould calibur 5
+- the legend of zelda breath of the wild
+- legend of zelda breath of the wild
+- breath of the wild
+- undertale
+- chrono cross
+- silent hill 2
+- Ōkami
+- okami
+- wolf
+- hikari 光
+- hikari
+- 光
+- light
+- final fantasy vi
+- final fantasy 6
+- final fantasy iii
+- final fantasy 3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/audiotrivia/data/lists/guitar.yaml b/audiotrivia/data/lists/guitar.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c0d07e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audiotrivia/data/lists/guitar.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+- holiday
+- sultans of swing
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/audiotrivia/data/lists/league.yaml b/audiotrivia/data/lists/league.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..323aadd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audiotrivia/data/lists/league.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+- Jinx
+- Teemo
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/audiotrivia/info.json b/audiotrivia/info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..519973e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/audiotrivia/info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Start an Audio Trivia game",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Audio trivia!\n You **MUST** unload trivia to use this (`[p]unload trivia`)\n Then you can get started with `[p]load audiotrivia` and `[p]help AudioTrivia`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Start an Audio Trivia game",
+ "tags": [
+ "fox",
+ "bobloy",
+ "games"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ccrole/ccrole.py b/ccrole/ccrole.py
index 2459b6e..fee9a2a 100644
--- a/ccrole/ccrole.py
+++ b/ccrole/ccrole.py
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
import asyncio
import re
+from typing import Any
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config, checks
+from redbot.core import commands
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify, box
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
-class CCRole:
+class CCRole(Cog):
Custom commands
Creates commands used to display text and adjust roles
@@ -23,13 +26,14 @@ class CCRole:
- @commands.group(no_pm=True)
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ @commands.group()
async def ccrole(self, ctx):
"""Custom commands management with roles
Highly customizable custom commands with role management."""
if not ctx.invoked_subcommand:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
@@ -105,7 +109,7 @@ class CCRole:
# Selfrole
- await ctx.send('Is this a targeted command?(yes/no)\nNo will make this a selfrole command')
+ await ctx.send('Is this a targeted command?(yes//no)\nNo will make this a selfrole command')
answer = await self.bot.wait_for('message', timeout=120, check=check)
@@ -190,7 +194,7 @@ class CCRole:
"""Shows custom commands list"""
guild = ctx.guild
cmd_list = await self.config.guild(guild).cmdlist()
- cmd_list = {k: v for k,v in cmd_list.items() if v}
+ cmd_list = {k: v for k, v in cmd_list.items() if v}
if not cmd_list:
await ctx.send(
"There are no custom commands in this server. Use `{}ccrole add` to start adding some.".format(
diff --git a/ccrole/info.json b/ccrole/info.json
index 73a1f79..0c0c70c 100644
--- a/ccrole/info.json
+++ b/ccrole/info.json
@@ -1,10 +1,22 @@
- "author" : ["Bobloy"],
- "bot_version" : [3,0,0],
- "description" : "[Incomplete] Creates custom commands to adjust roles and send custom messages",
- "hidden" : false,
- "install_msg" : "Thank you for installing Custom Commands w/ Roles.",
- "requirements" : [],
- "short" : "[Incomplete] Creates commands that adjust roles",
- "tags" : ["fox", "bobloy", "utility", "tools", "roles"]
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "[Incomplete] Creates custom commands to adjust roles and send custom messages",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Custom Commands w/ Roles. Get started with `[p]load ccrole` and `[p]help CCRole`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "[Incomplete] Creates commands that adjust roles",
+ "tags": [
+ "fox",
+ "bobloy",
+ "utility",
+ "tools",
+ "roles"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/chatter/chat.py b/chatter/chat.py
index 32d83a3..8eb25d2 100644
--- a/chatter/chat.py
+++ b/chatter/chat.py
@@ -1,16 +1,22 @@
import asyncio
+import pathlib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config
+from redbot.core import commands
+from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
from chatter.chatterbot import ChatBot
+from chatter.chatterbot.comparisons import levenshtein_distance
+from chatter.chatterbot.response_selection import get_first_response
from chatter.chatterbot.trainers import ListTrainer
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
-class Chatter:
+class Chatter(Cog):
This cog trains a chatbot that will talk like members of your Guild
@@ -23,11 +29,23 @@ class Chatter:
"whitelist": None,
"days": 1
+ path: pathlib.Path = cog_data_path(self)
+ data_path = path / ("database.sqlite3")
self.chatbot = ChatBot(
- database='./database.sqlite3'
+ database=str(data_path),
+ statement_comparison_function=levenshtein_distance,
+ response_selection_method=get_first_response,
+ logic_adapters=[
+ 'chatter.chatterbot.logic.BestMatch',
+ {
+ 'import_path': 'chatter.chatterbot.logic.LowConfidenceAdapter',
+ 'threshold': 0.65,
+ 'default_response': ':thinking:'
+ }
+ ]
@@ -42,21 +60,42 @@ class Chatter:
Currently takes a stupid long time
Returns a list of text
- out = []
+ out = [[]]
after = datetime.today() - timedelta(days=(await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).days()))
+ def new_message(msg, sent, out_in):
+ if sent is None:
+ return False
+ if len(out_in) < 2:
+ return False
+ return msg.created_at - sent >= timedelta(hours=3) # This should be configurable perhaps
for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels:
if in_channel:
channel = in_channel
await ctx.send("Gathering {}".format(channel.mention))
user = None
+ i = 0
+ send_time = None
async for message in channel.history(limit=None, reverse=True, after=after):
+ # if message.author.bot: # Skip bot messages
+ # continue
+ if new_message(message, send_time, out[i]):
+ out.append([])
+ i += 1
+ user = None
+ else:
+ send_time = message.created_at + timedelta(seconds=1)
if user == message.author:
- out[-1] += "\n" + message.clean_content
+ out[i][-1] += "\n" + message.clean_content
user = message.author
- out.append(message.clean_content)
+ out[i].append(message.clean_content)
except discord.Forbidden:
except discord.HTTPException:
@@ -69,21 +108,22 @@ class Chatter:
def _train(self, data):
- self.chatbot.train(data)
+ for convo in data:
+ self.chatbot.train(convo)
return False
return True
- @commands.group()
- async def chatter(self, ctx: RedContext):
+ @commands.group(invoke_without_command=False)
+ async def chatter(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list.
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
- async def age(self, ctx: RedContext, days: int):
+ async def age(self, ctx: commands.Context, days: int):
Sets the number of days to look back
Will train on 1 day otherwise
@@ -98,7 +138,8 @@ class Chatter:
Backup your training data to a json for later use
await ctx.send("Backing up data, this may take a while")
- future = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.chatbot.trainer.export_for_training, './{}.json'.format(backupname))
+ future = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.chatbot.trainer.export_for_training,
+ './{}.json'.format(backupname))
if future:
await ctx.send("Backup successful!")
@@ -133,17 +174,21 @@ class Chatter:
await ctx.send("Error occurred :(")
- async def on_message(self, message):
+ async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
Credit to https://github.com/Twentysix26/26-Cogs/blob/master/cleverbot/cleverbot.py
for on_message recognition of @bot
author = message.author
- channel = message.channel
+ try:
+ guild: discord.Guild = message.guild
+ except AttributeError: # Not a guild message
+ return
+ channel: discord.TextChannel = message.channel
- if message.author.id != self.bot.user.id:
- to_strip = "@" + author.guild.me.display_name + " "
+ if author.id != self.bot.user.id:
+ to_strip = "@" + guild.me.display_name + " "
text = message.clean_content
if not text.startswith(to_strip):
@@ -151,7 +196,7 @@ class Chatter:
async with channel.typing():
future = await self.loop.run_in_executor(None, self.chatbot.get_response, text)
- if future:
+ if future and str(future):
await channel.send(str(future))
await channel.send(':thinking:')
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/chatterbot.py b/chatter/chatterbot/chatterbot.py
index c7a92cb..08576c3 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/chatterbot.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/chatterbot.py
@@ -2,10 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
-from . import utils
-from .input import InputAdapter
-from .output import OutputAdapter
-from .storage import StorageAdapter
+from chatter.chatterbot import utils
class ChatBot(object):
@@ -14,7 +11,7 @@ class ChatBot(object):
def __init__(self, name, **kwargs):
- from .logic import MultiLogicAdapter
+ from chatter.chatterbot.logic import MultiLogicAdapter
self.name = name
kwargs['name'] = name
@@ -33,9 +30,9 @@ class ChatBot(object):
output_adapter = kwargs.get('output_adapter', 'chatter.chatterbot.output.OutputAdapter')
# Check that each adapter is a valid subclass of it's respective parent
- utils.validate_adapter_class(storage_adapter, StorageAdapter)
- utils.validate_adapter_class(input_adapter, InputAdapter)
- utils.validate_adapter_class(output_adapter, OutputAdapter)
+ # utils.validate_adapter_class(storage_adapter, StorageAdapter)
+ # utils.validate_adapter_class(input_adapter, InputAdapter)
+ # utils.validate_adapter_class(output_adapter, OutputAdapter)
self.logic = MultiLogicAdapter(**kwargs)
self.storage = utils.initialize_class(storage_adapter, **kwargs)
@@ -139,7 +136,7 @@ class ChatBot(object):
Learn that the statement provided is a valid response.
- from .conversation import Response
+ from chatter.chatterbot.conversation import Response
if previous_statement:
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/comparisons.py b/chatter/chatterbot/comparisons.py
index 59efa95..5e253a0 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/comparisons.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/comparisons.py
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ class SynsetDistance(Comparator):
Download required NLTK corpora if they have not already been downloaded.
- from .utils import nltk_download_corpus
+ from chatter.chatterbot.utils import nltk_download_corpus
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class SynsetDistance(Comparator):
Download required NLTK corpora if they have not already been downloaded.
- from .utils import nltk_download_corpus
+ from chatter.chatterbot.utils import nltk_download_corpus
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class SynsetDistance(Comparator):
Download required NLTK corpora if they have not already been downloaded.
- from .utils import nltk_download_corpus
+ from chatter.chatterbot.utils import nltk_download_corpus
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ class SentimentComparison(Comparator):
Download the NLTK vader lexicon for sentiment analysis
that is required for this algorithm to run.
- from .utils import nltk_download_corpus
+ from chatter.chatterbot.utils import nltk_download_corpus
@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ class JaccardSimilarity(Comparator):
Download the NLTK wordnet corpora that is required for this algorithm
to run only if the corpora has not already been downloaded.
- from .utils import nltk_download_corpus
+ from chatter.chatterbot.utils import nltk_download_corpus
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/conversation.py b/chatter/chatterbot/conversation.py
index 1926420..52231f8 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/conversation.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/conversation.py
@@ -149,11 +149,7 @@ class Statement(StatementMixin):
:returns: A dictionary representation of the statement object.
:rtype: dict
- data = {}
- data['text'] = self.text
- data['in_response_to'] = []
- data['extra_data'] = self.extra_data
+ data = {'text': self.text, 'in_response_to': [], 'extra_data': self.extra_data}
for response in self.in_response_to:
@@ -212,11 +208,6 @@ class Response(object):
return self.text == other
def serialize(self):
- data = {}
- data['text'] = self.text
- data['created_at'] = self.created_at.isoformat()
- data['occurrence'] = self.occurrence
+ data = {'text': self.text, 'created_at': self.created_at.isoformat(), 'occurrence': self.occurrence}
return data
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/__init__.py b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/__init__.py
index 1930556..8a6cc97 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/__init__.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/__init__.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-from .best_match import BestMatch
from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter
+from .best_match import BestMatch
from .low_confidence import LowConfidenceAdapter
from .mathematical_evaluation import MathematicalEvaluation
from .multi_adapter import MultiLogicAdapter
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/best_match.py b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/best_match.py
index 5c48121..f19fc99 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/best_match.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/best_match.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter
+from chatter.chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
class BestMatch(LogicAdapter):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/low_confidence.py b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/low_confidence.py
index 585cf20..2d33bba 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/low_confidence.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/low_confidence.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
from chatter.chatterbot.conversation import Statement
-from .best_match import BestMatch
+from chatter.chatterbot.logic import BestMatch
class LowConfidenceAdapter(BestMatch):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/multi_adapter.py b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/multi_adapter.py
index 6cfe30f..5ae79f4 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/multi_adapter.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/multi_adapter.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
from collections import Counter
from chatter.chatterbot import utils
-from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter
+from chatter.chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
class MultiLogicAdapter(LogicAdapter):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/no_knowledge_adapter.py b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/no_knowledge_adapter.py
index 55208b4..848b23e 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/no_knowledge_adapter.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/no_knowledge_adapter.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter
+from chatter.chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
class NoKnowledgeAdapter(LogicAdapter):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/specific_response.py b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/specific_response.py
index 101dd3b..ef7a630 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/specific_response.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/specific_response.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter
+from chatter.chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
class SpecificResponseAdapter(LogicAdapter):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/time_adapter.py b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/time_adapter.py
index 72902e2..d4bbd15 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/logic/time_adapter.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/logic/time_adapter.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
from datetime import datetime
-from .logic_adapter import LogicAdapter
+from chatter.chatterbot.logic import LogicAdapter
class TimeLogicAdapter(LogicAdapter):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/output/__init__.py b/chatter/chatterbot/output/__init__.py
index 80abe4f..52c3534 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/output/__init__.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/output/__init__.py
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
+from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter
from .gitter import Gitter
from .hipchat import HipChat
from .mailgun import Mailgun
from .microsoft import Microsoft
-from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter
from .terminal import TerminalAdapter
__all__ = (
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/output/gitter.py b/chatter/chatterbot/output/gitter.py
index ba01fa8..664d341 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/output/gitter.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/output/gitter.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter
+from chatter.chatterbot.output import OutputAdapter
class Gitter(OutputAdapter):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/output/hipchat.py b/chatter/chatterbot/output/hipchat.py
index 2546092..20029fa 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/output/hipchat.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/output/hipchat.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
-from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter
+from chatter.chatterbot.output import OutputAdapter
class HipChat(OutputAdapter):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/output/mailgun.py b/chatter/chatterbot/output/mailgun.py
index 71a9a7a..d022a51 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/output/mailgun.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/output/mailgun.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter
+from chatter.chatterbot.output import OutputAdapter
class Mailgun(OutputAdapter):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/output/microsoft.py b/chatter/chatterbot/output/microsoft.py
index 816fc97..4f2426a 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/output/microsoft.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/output/microsoft.py
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import json
-from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter
+from chatter.chatterbot.output import OutputAdapter
class Microsoft(OutputAdapter):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/output/terminal.py b/chatter/chatterbot/output/terminal.py
index 8ab63e1..005d0ae 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/output/terminal.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/output/terminal.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
from __future__ import unicode_literals
-from .output_adapter import OutputAdapter
+from chatter.chatterbot.output import OutputAdapter
class TerminalAdapter(OutputAdapter):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/storage/sql_storage.py b/chatter/chatterbot/storage/sql_storage.py
index 32b9535..23b54ef 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/storage/sql_storage.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/storage/sql_storage.py
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ class SQLStorageAdapter(StorageAdapter):
if isinstance(_filter, list):
if len(_filter) == 0:
_query = _response_query.filter(
- Statement.in_response_to == None # NOQA Here must use == instead of is
+ Statement.in_response_to is None # NOQA Here must use == instead of is
for f in _filter:
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class SQLStorageAdapter(StorageAdapter):
if fp == 'in_response_to__contains':
_query = _response_query.join(Response).filter(Response.text == _filter)
- _query = _response_query.filter(Statement.in_response_to == None) # NOQA
+ _query = _response_query.filter(Statement.in_response_to is None) # NOQA
if _query:
_query = _query.filter(Response.statement_text.like('%' + _filter + '%'))
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/storage/storage_adapter.py b/chatter/chatterbot/storage/storage_adapter.py
index 046ae63..cf1f45b 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/storage/storage_adapter.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/storage/storage_adapter.py
@@ -158,7 +158,9 @@ class StorageAdapter(object):
class EmptyDatabaseException(Exception):
def __init__(self,
- value='The database currently contains no entries. At least one entry is expected. You may need to train your chat bot to populate your database.'):
+ value='The database currently contains no entries. '
+ 'At least one entry is expected. '
+ 'You may need to train your chat bot to populate your database.'):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/trainers.py b/chatter/chatterbot/trainers.py
index 42ccd47..f3a4165 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/trainers.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/trainers.py
@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ import logging
import os
import sys
-from . import utils
-from .conversation import Statement, Response
+from chatter.chatterbot import utils
+from chatter.chatterbot.conversation import Statement, Response
class Trainer(object):
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class ChatterBotCorpusTrainer(Trainer):
def __init__(self, storage, **kwargs):
super(ChatterBotCorpusTrainer, self).__init__(storage, **kwargs)
- from .corpus import Corpus
+ from chatter.chatterbot.corpus import Corpus
self.corpus = Corpus()
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ class TwitterTrainer(Trainer):
for word in tweet_words:
# If the word contains only letters with a length from 4 to 9
- if word.isalpha() and len(word) > 3 and len(word) <= 9:
+ if word.isalpha() and 3 < len(word) <= 9:
return words
diff --git a/chatter/chatterbot/utils.py b/chatter/chatterbot/utils.py
index e18549e..9785bd4 100644
--- a/chatter/chatterbot/utils.py
+++ b/chatter/chatterbot/utils.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ def validate_adapter_class(validate_class, adapter_class):
:raises: Adapter.InvalidAdapterTypeException
- from .adapters import Adapter
+ from chatter.chatterbot.adapters import Adapter
# If a dictionary was passed in, check if it has an import_path attribute
if isinstance(validate_class, dict):
diff --git a/chatter/info.json b/chatter/info.json
index d2ebffd..7c8a9f3 100644
--- a/chatter/info.json
+++ b/chatter/info.json
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"description": "Create an offline chatbot that talks like your average member using Machine Learning",
"hidden": false,
- "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Chatter!",
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Chatter! Get started ith `[p]load chatter` and `[p]help Chatter`",
"requirements": [
diff --git a/coglint/coglint.py b/coglint/coglint.py
index cf93402..608db67 100644
--- a/coglint/coglint.py
+++ b/coglint/coglint.py
@@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
-from redbot.core import Config, checks, RedContext
-from redbot.core.bot import Red
from pylint import epylint as lint
+from redbot.core import Config
+from redbot.core import commands
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
-class CogLint:
+class CogLint(Cog):
- V3 Cog Template
+ Automatically lint code in python codeblocks
def __init__(self, bot: Red):
@@ -32,7 +33,7 @@ class CogLint:
- async def autolint(self, ctx: RedContext):
+ async def autolint(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Toggles automatically linting code"""
curr = await self.config.lint()
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ class CogLint:
await ctx.send("Autolinting is now set to {}".format(not curr))
- async def lint(self, ctx: RedContext, *, code):
+ async def lint(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, code):
"""Lint python code
Toggle autolinting with `[p]autolint`
diff --git a/coglint/info..json b/coglint/info..json
index 709c9eb..6436b6d 100644
--- a/coglint/info..json
+++ b/coglint/info..json
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"description": "Lint python code posted in chat",
"hidden": true,
- "install_msg": "Thank you for installing CogLint",
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing CogLint! Get started with `[p]load coglint` and `[p]help CogLint`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Python cog linter",
"tags": [
diff --git a/dad/__init__.py b/dad/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0b94f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dad/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .dad import Dad
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(Dad(bot))
diff --git a/dad/dad.py b/dad/dad.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06bfb8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dad/dad.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from typing import Any
+import aiohttp
+import discord
+from redbot.core import Config, checks
+from redbot.core import commands
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+async def fetch_url(session, url):
+ async with session.get(url) as response:
+ assert response.status == 200
+ return await response.json()
+class Dad(Cog):
+ """
+ Dad jokes
+ Nicknaming user idea comes from https://github.com/Vexs/DadBot
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bot: Red):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=6897100, force_registration=True)
+ default_guild = {
+ "enabled": False,
+ "nickname": False,
+ "cooldown": 240
+ }
+ self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
+ self.cooldown = defaultdict(datetime.now)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def dadjoke(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ headers = {"User-Agent": "FoxV3 (https://github.com/bobloy/Fox-V3)",
+ "Accept": "application/json"}
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession(headers=headers) as session:
+ joke = await fetch_url(session, 'https://icanhazdadjoke.com/')
+ em = discord.Embed()
+ em.set_image(url="https://icanhazdadjoke.com/j/{}.png".format(joke['id']))
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ @commands.group()
+ @checks.admin()
+ async def dad(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Dad joke superhub"""
+ pass
+ @dad.command(name='toggle')
+ async def dad_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Toggle automatic dad jokes on or off"""
+ is_on = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled()
+ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled.set(not is_on)
+ await ctx.send("Auto dad jokes are now set to {}".format(not is_on))
+ @dad.command(name='nickname')
+ async def dad_nickname(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Toggle nicknaming"""
+ is_on = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).nickname()
+ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).nickname.set(not is_on)
+ await ctx.send("Nicknaming is now set to {}".format(not is_on))
+ @dad.command(name='cooldown')
+ async def dad_cooldown(self, ctx: commands.Context, cooldown: int):
+ """Set the auto-joke cooldown"""
+ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).cooldown.set(cooldown)
+ await ctx.send("Dad joke cooldown is now set to {}".format(cooldown))
+ async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
+ guild: discord.Guild = message.guild
+ if guild is None:
+ return
+ guild_config = self.config.guild(guild)
+ is_on = await guild_config.enabled()
+ if not is_on:
+ return
+ if self.cooldown[guild.id] > datetime.now():
+ return
+ lower = message.clean_content.lower()
+ lower_split = lower.split()
+ if len(lower_split)==0:
+ return
+ if lower_split[0] == "i'm" and len(lower_split) >= 2:
+ if await guild_config.nickname():
+ try:
+ await message.author.edit(nick=lower[4:])
+ except discord.Forbidden:
+ out = lower[4:]
+ else:
+ out = message.author.mention
+ else:
+ out = lower[4:]
+ await message.channel.send("Hi {}, I'm {}!".format(out, guild.me.display_name))
+ self.cooldown[guild.id] = datetime.now() + timedelta(seconds=(await guild_config.cooldown()))
diff --git a/dad/info..json b/dad/info..json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4b8f44c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dad/info..json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Tell dad jokes and give out bad nicknames",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Dad. Get started with `[p]load dad`, then `[p]help Dad`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Dad joke bot",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "utils",
+ "tools"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/exclusiverole/__init__.py b/exclusiverole/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8797845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exclusiverole/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .exclusiverole import ExclusiveRole
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(ExclusiveRole(bot))
diff --git a/exclusiverole/exclusiverole.py b/exclusiverole/exclusiverole.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e476854
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exclusiverole/exclusiverole.py
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+import asyncio
+import discord
+from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class ExclusiveRole(Cog):
+ """
+ Custom commands
+ Creates commands used to display text and adjust roles
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9999114111108101)
+ default_guild = {
+ "role_list": []
+ }
+ self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
+ @commands.group(no_pm=True, aliases=["exclusiverole"])
+ async def exclusive(self, ctx):
+ """Base command for managing exclusive roles"""
+ if not ctx.invoked_subcommand:
+ pass
+ @exclusive.command(name="add")
+ @checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True)
+ async def exclusive_add(self, ctx, role: discord.Role):
+ """Adds an exclusive role"""
+ if role.id in (await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).role_list()):
+ await ctx.send("That role is already exclusive")
+ return
+ async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).role_list() as rl:
+ rl.append(role.id)
+ await self.check_guild(ctx.guild)
+ await ctx.send("Exclusive role added")
+ @exclusive.command(name="delete")
+ @checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True)
+ async def exclusive_delete(self, ctx, role: discord.Role):
+ """Deletes an exclusive role"""
+ if role.id not in (await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).role_list()):
+ await ctx.send("That role is not exclusive")
+ return
+ async with self.config.guild(ctx.guild).role_list() as rl:
+ rl.remove(role.id)
+ await ctx.send("Exclusive role removed")
+ async def check_guild(self, guild: discord.Guild):
+ role_set = set(await self.config.guild(guild).role_list())
+ for member in guild.members:
+ try:
+ await self.remove_non_exclusive_roles(member, role_set=role_set)
+ except discord.Forbidden:
+ pass
+ async def remove_non_exclusive_roles(self, member: discord.Member, role_set=None):
+ if role_set is None:
+ role_set = set(await self.config.guild(member.guild).role_list())
+ member_set = set([role.id for role in member.roles])
+ to_remove = (member_set - role_set) - {member.guild.default_role.id}
+ if to_remove and member_set & role_set:
+ to_remove = [discord.utils.get(member.guild.roles, id=id) for id in to_remove]
+ await member.remove_roles(*to_remove, reason="Exclusive roles")
+ async def on_member_update(self, before: discord.Member, after: discord.Member):
+ if before.roles == after.roles:
+ return
+ await asyncio.sleep(1)
+ role_set = set(await self.config.guild(after.guild).role_list())
+ member_set = set([role.id for role in after.roles])
+ if role_set & member_set:
+ try:
+ await self.remove_non_exclusive_roles(after, role_set=role_set)
+ except discord.Forbidden:
+ pass
diff --git a/exclusiverole/info.json b/exclusiverole/info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8c90983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exclusiverole/info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Assign roles to be exclusive, preventing other roles from being added",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing ExclusiveRole. Get started with `[p]load exclusiverole` and `[p]help ExclusiveRole`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Set roles to be exclusive",
+ "tags": [
+ "fox",
+ "bobloy",
+ "utility",
+ "tools",
+ "roles"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fight/fight.py b/fight/fight.py
index 931c7c9..efba2ed 100644
--- a/fight/fight.py
+++ b/fight/fight.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
+import asyncio
import os
import math
# from typing import Union
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
+from redbot.core import commands
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box
@@ -102,7 +103,7 @@ class Fight:
await ctx.send("Current tournament ID: " + await self._activefight(ctx))
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
# await ctx.send("I can do stuff!")
@@ -198,10 +199,10 @@ class Fight:
async def fadmin(self, ctx):
"""Admin command for managing the current tournament"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
- async def fadmin_score(self, ctx, mID, score1, score2):
+ async def fadmin_score(self, ctx: commands.Context, mID, score1, score2):
"""Set's the score for matchID and clears disputes"""
currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx)
tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
@@ -213,11 +214,11 @@ class Fight:
await ctx.send("Tournament currently not accepting new players")
- if await self._infight(ctx, tID, user.id):
+ if await self._infight(ctx, tID, ctx.user.id):
await ctx.send("You are already in this tournament!")
- currFight["PLAYERS"].append(user.id)
+ currFight["PLAYERS"].append(ctx.user.id)
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight)
@@ -256,7 +257,7 @@ class Fight:
# self.save_data()
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
# await ctx.send("I can do stuff!")
@@ -548,7 +549,7 @@ class Fight:
async def fightset_guild(self, ctx):
"""Adjust guild wide settings"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None or isinstance(ctx.invoked_subcommand, commands.Group):
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
async def fightset_guild_selfreport(self, ctx):
@@ -711,11 +712,13 @@ class Fight:
async def _embed_tourney(self, ctx, tID):
"""Prints a pretty embed of the tournament"""
- await ctx.send("_placeholder Todo")
+ #_placeholder Todo
+ pass
async def _comparescores(self):
"""Checks user submitted scores for inconsistancies"""
- await ctx.send("_comparescores Todo")
+ # _comparescores Todo
+ pass
async def _parseuser(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, userid):
"""Finds user in the tournament"""
@@ -821,8 +824,8 @@ class Fight:
"""Reports a win for member in match"""
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
- if member.id not in theT["PLAYERS"]: # Shouldn't happen
- return False
+ # if member.id not in theT["PLAYERS"]: # Shouldn't happen
+ # return False
if theT["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0:
return await self._rr_report_dispute(guild, tID, mID)
@@ -833,13 +836,16 @@ class Fight:
# **********************Single Elimination***************************
async def _elim_setup(self, tID):
- await ctx.send("Elim setup todo")
+ # ToDo Elim setup
+ pass
async def _elim_start(self, tID):
- await ctx.send("Elim start todo")
+ # ToDo Elim start
+ pass
async def _elim_update(self, matchID):
- await ctx.send("Elim update todo")
+ # ToDo Elim update
+ pass
# **********************Round-Robin**********************************
diff --git a/fight/info.json b/fight/info.json
index 8805dad..fabe8ca 100644
--- a/fight/info.json
+++ b/fight/info.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"author" : ["Bobloy"],
"bot_version" : [3,0,0],
"description" : "[Incomplete] Cog to organize tournaments within Discord",
- "hidden" : false,
+ "hidden" : true,
"install_msg" : "Thank you for installing Fight. Run with [p]fight or [p]fightset",
"requirements" : [],
"short" : "[Incomplete] Cog to organize tournaments",
diff --git a/flag/__init__.py b/flag/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0184952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flag/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .flag import Flag
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(Flag(bot))
diff --git a/flag/flag.py b/flag/flag.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed1511d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flag/flag.py
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+from datetime import date, timedelta
+import discord
+from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class Flag(Cog):
+ """
+ Set expiring flags on members
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bot: Red):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
+ default_global = {}
+ default_guild = {
+ "days": 31,
+ "dm": True,
+ "flags": {}
+ }
+ self.config.register_global(**default_global)
+ self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
+ @checks.is_owner()
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ @commands.command()
+ async def clearallflag(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Clears all flags for all members in this server"""
+ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).flags.clear()
+ await ctx.send("Done")
+ @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_roles=True)
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ @commands.group()
+ async def flagset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """
+ My custom cog
+ Extra information goes here
+ """
+ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
+ pass
+ @flagset.command(name="expire")
+ async def flagset_expire(self, ctx: commands.Context, days: int):
+ """
+ Set the number of days for flags to expire after for server
+ """
+ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).days.set(days)
+ await ctx.send("Number of days for new flags to expire is now {} days".format(days))
+ @flagset.command(name="dm")
+ async def flagset_dm(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Toggles DM-ing the flags"""
+ dm = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dm()
+ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).dm.set(not dm)
+ await ctx.send("DM-ing members when they get a flag is now set to **{}**".format(not dm))
+ @staticmethod
+ def _flag_template():
+ return {
+ 'reason': "",
+ 'expireyear': 0,
+ 'expiremonth': 0,
+ 'expireday': 0
+ }
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_roles=True)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def flag(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member, *, reason):
+ """Flag a member"""
+ guild = ctx.guild
+ await self._check_flags(guild)
+ # clashroyale = self.bot.get_cog('clashroyale')
+ # if clashroyale is None:
+ # await ctx.send("Requires clashroyale cog installed")
+ # return
+ flag = self._flag_template()
+ expiredate = date.today()
+ expiredate += timedelta(days=await self.config.guild(guild).days())
+ flag['reason'] = reason
+ flag['expireyear'] = expiredate.year
+ flag['expiremonth'] = expiredate.month
+ flag['expireday'] = expiredate.day
+ # flags = await self.config.guild(guild).flags.get_raw(str(member.id), default=[])
+ # flags.append(flag)
+ # await self.config.guild(guild).flags.set_raw(str(member.id), value=flags)
+ async with self.config.guild(guild).flags() as flags:
+ flags[str(member.id)].append(flag)
+ outembed = await self._list_flags(member)
+ if outembed:
+ await ctx.send(embed=outembed)
+ if await self.config.guild(guild).dm():
+ await member.send(embed=outembed)
+ else:
+ await ctx.send("This member has no flags.. somehow..")
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ @checks.mod_or_permissions(manage_roles=True)
+ @commands.command(aliases=['flagclear'])
+ async def clearflag(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member):
+ """Clears flags for a member"""
+ guild = ctx.guild
+ await self._check_flags(guild)
+ await self.config.guild(guild).flags.set_raw(str(member.id), value=[])
+ await ctx.send("Success!")
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ @commands.command(aliases=['flaglist'])
+ async def listflag(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member):
+ """Lists flags for a member"""
+ server = ctx.guild
+ await self._check_flags(server)
+ outembed = await self._list_flags(member)
+ if outembed:
+ await ctx.send(embed=outembed)
+ else:
+ await ctx.send("This member has no flags!")
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ @commands.command(aliases=['flagall'])
+ async def allflag(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Lists all flags for the server"""
+ guild = ctx.guild
+ await self._check_flags(guild)
+ out = "All flags for {}\n".format(ctx.guild.name)
+ flags = await self.config.guild(guild).flags()
+ flag_d = {}
+ for memberid, flag_data in flags.items():
+ if len(flag_data) > 0:
+ member = guild.get_member(int(memberid))
+ flag_d[member.display_name + member.discriminator] = len(flag_data)
+ for display_name, flag_count in sorted(flag_d.items()):
+ out += "{} - **{}** flags".format(display_name, flag_count)
+ for page in pagify(out):
+ await ctx.send(page)
+ async def _list_flags(self, member: discord.Member):
+ """Returns a pretty embed of flags on a member"""
+ flags = await self.config.guild(member.guild).flags.get_raw(str(member.id), default=[])
+ embed = discord.Embed(title="Flags for " + member.display_name,
+ description="User has {} active flags".format(len(flags)), color=0x804040)
+ for flag in flags:
+ embed.add_field(name="Reason: " + flag['reason'],
+ value="Expires on " + str(date(flag['expireyear'], flag['expiremonth'], flag['expireday'])),
+ inline=True)
+ embed.set_thumbnail(url=member.avatar_url)
+ return embed
+ async def _check_flags(self, guild: discord.Guild):
+ """Updates and removes expired flags"""
+ flag_data = await self.config.guild(guild).flags()
+ flag_d = {}
+ for memberid, flags in flag_data.items():
+ # for member in guild.members:
+ # flags = await self.config.guild(guild).flags.get_raw(str(member.id), default=[])
+ x = 0
+ while x < len(flags):
+ flag = flags[x]
+ if date.today() >= date(flag['expireyear'], flag['expiremonth'], flag['expireday']):
+ del flags[x]
+ else:
+ x += 1
+ await self.config.guild(guild).flags.set_raw(memberid, value=flags)
diff --git a/flag/info..json b/flag/info..json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0883f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/flag/info..json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Add expiring flags on members to track warnings or incidents",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Flag! Get started with `[p]load flag` and `[p]help Flag`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Add expiring flags to members",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "warning",
+ "warn",
+ "temp",
+ "tools",
+ "warning"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/forcemention/__init__.py b/forcemention/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2a8ee7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forcemention/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .forcemention import ForceMention
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(ForceMention(bot))
diff --git a/forcemention/forcemention.py b/forcemention/forcemention.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1d0452c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forcemention/forcemention.py
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+from discord.utils import get
+from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class ForceMention(Cog):
+ """
+ Mention the unmentionables
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bot: Red):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
+ default_global = {}
+ default_guild = {}
+ self.config.register_global(**default_global)
+ self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
+ @checks.admin_or_permissions(manage_roles=True)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def forcemention(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: str, *, message=''):
+ """
+ Mentions that role, regardless if it's unmentionable
+ """
+ role_obj = get(ctx.guild.roles, name=role)
+ if role_obj is None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Couldn't find role named {}".format(role))
+ return
+ if not role_obj.mentionable:
+ await role_obj.edit(mentionable=True)
+ await ctx.send("{}\n{}".format(role_obj.mention, message))
+ await role_obj.edit(mentionable=False)
+ else:
+ await ctx.send("{}\n{}".format(role_obj.mention, message))
diff --git a/forcemention/info..json b/forcemention/info..json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3a7b1e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forcemention/info..json
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Mentions roles that are unmentionable",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing ForceMention! Get started with `[p]load forcemention`, then `[p]forcemention`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Mention unmentionables",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "utils"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hangman/__init__.py b/hangman/__init__.py
index 2168fdf..88598f8 100644
--- a/hangman/__init__.py
+++ b/hangman/__init__.py
@@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ def setup(bot):
n = Hangman(bot)
data_manager.load_bundled_data(n, __file__)
- bot.add_listener(n._on_react, "on_reaction_add")
+ bot.add_listener(n.on_react, "on_reaction_add")
diff --git a/hangman/hangman.py b/hangman/hangman.py
index 766177f..0ca60ee 100644
--- a/hangman/hangman.py
+++ b/hangman/hangman.py
@@ -2,12 +2,14 @@ from collections import defaultdict
from random import randint
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
-from redbot.core import Config, checks
-from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path, load_basic_configuration
+from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
+from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
-class Hangman:
+class Hangman(Cog):
"""Lets anyone play a game of hangman with custom phrases"""
navigate = "🔼🔽"
letters = "🇦🇧🇨🇩🇪🇫🇬🇭🇮🇯🇰🇱🇲🇳🇴🇵🇶🇷🇸🇹🇺🇻🇼🇽🇾🇿"
@@ -17,6 +19,7 @@ class Hangman:
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=1049711010310997110)
default_guild = {
"theface": ':thinking:',
+ "emojis": True,
@@ -25,7 +28,7 @@ class Hangman:
lambda: {"running": False, "hangman": 0, "guesses": [], "trackmessage": False, "answer": ''})
self.path = str(cog_data_path(self)).replace('\\', '/')
- self.answer_path = self.path+"/bundled_data/hanganswers.txt"
+ self.answer_path = self.path + "/bundled_data/hanganswers.txt"
self.winbool = defaultdict(lambda: False)
@@ -127,11 +130,12 @@ class Hangman:
async def hangset(self, ctx):
"""Adjust hangman settings"""
- if not ctx.invoked_subcommand:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
+ pass
async def face(self, ctx: commands.Context, theface):
+ """Set the face of the hangman"""
message = ctx.message
# Borrowing FlapJack's emoji validation
# (https://github.com/flapjax/FlapJack-Cogs/blob/master/smartreact/smartreact.py)
@@ -149,6 +153,14 @@ class Hangman:
await self._update_hanglist()
await ctx.send("Face has been updated!")
+ @hangset.command(pass_context=True)
+ async def toggleemoji(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Toggles whether to automatically react with the alphabet"""
+ current = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).emojis()
+ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).emojis.set(not current)
+ await ctx.send("Emoji Letter reactions have been set to {}".format(not current))
@commands.command(aliases=['hang'], pass_context=True)
async def hangman(self, ctx, guess: str = None):
"""Play a game of hangman against the bot!"""
@@ -245,7 +257,7 @@ class Hangman:
await self._reprintgame(message)
- async def _on_react(self, reaction, user):
+ async def on_react(self, reaction, user):
""" Thanks to flapjack reactpoll for guidelines
@@ -253,7 +265,7 @@ class Hangman:
if user == self.bot.user:
- return # Don't remove bot's own reactions
+ return # Don't react to bot's own reactions
message = reaction.message
emoji = reaction.emoji
@@ -270,15 +282,27 @@ class Hangman:
if str(emoji) == self.navigate[-1]:
await self._reactmessage_nz(message)
+ async def _try_clear_reactions(self, message):
+ try:
+ await message.clear_reactions()
+ except discord.Forbidden:
+ pass
async def _reactmessage_menu(self, message):
"""React with menu options"""
- await message.clear_reactions()
+ if not await self.config.guild(message.guild).emojis():
+ return
+ await self._try_clear_reactions(message)
await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[0])
await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[-1])
async def _reactmessage_am(self, message):
- await message.clear_reactions()
+ if not await self.config.guild(message.guild).emojis():
+ return
+ await self._try_clear_reactions(message)
for x in range(len(self.letters)):
if x in [i for i, b in enumerate("ABCDEFGHIJKLM") if b not in self._guesslist(message.guild)]:
@@ -287,7 +311,10 @@ class Hangman:
await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[-1])
async def _reactmessage_nz(self, message):
- await message.clear_reactions()
+ if not await self.config.guild(message.guild).emojis():
+ return
+ await self._try_clear_reactions(message)
for x in range(len(self.letters)):
if x in [i for i, b in enumerate("NOPQRSTUVWXYZ") if b not in self._guesslist(message.guild)]:
@@ -297,11 +324,8 @@ class Hangman:
def _make_say(self, guild):
c_say = "Guess this: " + str(self._hideanswer(guild)) + "\n"
c_say += "Used Letters: " + str(self._guesslist(guild)) + "\n"
c_say += self.hanglist[guild][self.the_data[guild]["hangman"]] + "\n"
c_say += self.navigate[0] + " for A-M, " + self.navigate[-1] + " for N-Z"
return c_say
@@ -330,9 +354,3 @@ class Hangman:
await self._reactmessage_menu(message)
await self._checkdone(channel)
-def setup(bot):
- n = Hangman(bot)
- bot.add_cog(n)
- bot.add_listener(n._on_react, "on_reaction_add")
diff --git a/hangman/info.json b/hangman/info.json
index 655f00c..c9dadf0 100644
--- a/hangman/info.json
+++ b/hangman/info.json
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"description": "Play Hangman with your friends",
"hidden": false,
- "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Hangman!",
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Hangman! Get started with `[p]load hangman`, then `[p]help Hangman`",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Play Hangman",
"tags": [
diff --git a/howdoi/howdoi.py b/howdoi/howdoi.py
index bd6244b..3bc1876 100644
--- a/howdoi/howdoi.py
+++ b/howdoi/howdoi.py
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ class Howdoi:
"""Adjust howdoi settings
Settings are reset on reload"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
@howdoiset.command(pass_context=True, name="answers")
async def howdoiset_answers(self, ctx, num_answers: int = 1):
"""Adjust number of answers provided.
diff --git a/info.json b/info.json
index 713f4e5..4d8e5e1 100644
--- a/info.json
+++ b/info.json
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"AUTHOR": "Bobloy",
- "INSTALL_MSG": "Thank you for installing Fox-Cogs by Bobloy",
- "NAME": "Fox-Cogs",
+ "INSTALL_MSG": "Thank you for installing Fox-V3 by Bobloy",
+ "NAME": "Fox-V3",
"SHORT": "Cogs by Bobloy",
"DESCRIPTION": "Cogs for RED Discord Bot by Bobloy"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/leaver/__init__.py b/leaver/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed6689b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/leaver/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .leaver import Leaver
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(Leaver(bot))
diff --git a/leaver/info.json b/leaver/info.json
index a1a44c3..669689b 100644
--- a/leaver/info.json
+++ b/leaver/info.json
@@ -1,9 +1,20 @@
- "AUTHOR": "Bobloy",
- "INSTALL_MSG": "Thank you for installing leaver",
- "NAME": "Leaver",
- "SHORT": "Sends message on leave",
- "DESCRIPTION": "Keeps track of when people leave the server, and posts a message notifying",
- "TAGS": ["fox", "bobloy", "utilities", "tools", "tool"],
- "HIDDEN": false
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Keeps track of when people leave the server, and posts a message notifying",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Leaver. Get started with `[p]load leaver`, then `[p]help Leaver`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Send message on leave",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "utils",
+ "tools"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/leaver/leaver.py b/leaver/leaver.py
index a4a2b23..a74dc24 100644
--- a/leaver/leaver.py
+++ b/leaver/leaver.py
@@ -1,78 +1,45 @@
import discord
-import os
-from datetime import datetime
-from discord.ext import commands
-from .utils.dataIO import dataIO
-from .utils import checks
+from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
+from redbot.core.commands import Context
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
-class Leaver:
- """Creates a goodbye message when people leave"""
+class Leaver(Cog):
+ """
+ Creates a goodbye message when people leave
+ """
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
- self.path = "data/Fox-Cogs/leaver"
- self.file_path = "data/Fox-Cogs/leaver/leaver.json"
- self.the_data = dataIO.load_json(self.file_path)
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
+ default_guild = {
+ "channel": ''
+ }
- def save_data(self):
- """Saves the json"""
- dataIO.save_json(self.file_path, self.the_data)
+ self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
- @commands.group(aliases=['setleaver'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
+ @commands.group(aliases=['setleaver'])
async def leaverset(self, ctx):
"""Adjust leaver settings"""
- server = ctx.message.server
- if server.id not in self.the_data:
- self.the_data[server.id] = {}
- self.save_data()
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
+ pass
- @leaverset.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
- async def channel(self, ctx):
- server = ctx.message.server
- if 'CHANNEL' not in self.the_data[server.id]:
- self.the_data[server.id]['CHANNEL'] = ''
+ @leaverset.command()
+ async def channel(self, ctx: Context):
+ guild = ctx.guild
+ await self.config.guild(guild).channel.set(ctx.channel.id)
+ await ctx.send("Channel set to " + ctx.channel.name)
- self.the_data[server.id]['CHANNEL'] = ctx.message.channel.id
- self.save_data()
- await self.bot.say("Channel set to "+ctx.message.channel.name)
+ async def on_member_remove(self, member: discord.Member):
+ guild = member.guild
+ channel = await self.config.guild(guild).channel()
- async def when_leave(self, member):
- server = member.server
- if server.id in self.the_data:
- await self.bot.send_message(server.get_channel(self.the_data[server.id]['CHANNEL']),
- str(member) + "(*" + str(member.nick) +"*) has left the server!")
+ if channel != '':
+ channel = guild.get_channel(channel)
+ await channel.send(str(member) + "(*" + str(member.nick) + "*) has left the server!")
- await self.bot.send_message(server.default_channel.id, str(member) + " (*" + str(member.nick) +"*) has left the server!")
-def check_folders():
- if not os.path.exists("data/Fox-Cogs"):
- print("Creating data/Fox-Cogs folder...")
- os.makedirs("data/Fox-Cogs")
- if not os.path.exists("data/Fox-Cogs/leaver"):
- print("Creating data/Fox-Cogs/leaver folder...")
- os.makedirs("data/Fox-Cogs/leaver")
-def check_files():
- if not dataIO.is_valid_json("data/Fox-Cogs/leaver/leaver.json"):
- dataIO.save_json("data/Fox-Cogs/leaver/leaver.json", {})
-def setup(bot):
- check_folders()
- check_files()
- q = Leaver(bot)
- bot.add_listener(q.when_leave, "on_member_remove")
- bot.add_cog(q)
\ No newline at end of file
+ pass
diff --git a/lovecalculator/__init__.py b/lovecalculator/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5284684
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lovecalculator/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .lovecalculator import LoveCalculator
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(LoveCalculator(bot))
diff --git a/lovecalculator/info.json b/lovecalculator/info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..20601b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lovecalculator/info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy",
+ "SnappyDragon"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Calculate the love percentage for two users",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing LoveCalculator. Love is in the air.\n Get started with `[p]load lovecalculator`, then `[p]help LoveCalculator`",
+ "requirements": [
+ "beautifulsoup4"
+ ],
+ "short": "Calculate love percentage",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "fun",
+ "love"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lovecalculator/lovecalculator.py b/lovecalculator/lovecalculator.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5430825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lovecalculator/lovecalculator.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+import aiohttp
+import discord
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from redbot.core import commands
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class LoveCalculator(Cog):
+ """Calculate the love percentage for two users!"""
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ self.bot = bot
+ @commands.command(aliases=['lovecalc'])
+ async def lovecalculator(self, ctx: commands.Context, lover: discord.Member, loved: discord.Member):
+ """Calculate the love percentage!"""
+ x = lover.display_name
+ y = loved.display_name
+ url = 'https://www.lovecalculator.com/love.php?name1={}&name2={}'.format(x.replace(" ", "+"),
+ y.replace(" ", "+"))
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.get(url) as response:
+ soup_object = BeautifulSoup(await response.text(), "html.parser")
+ try:
+ description = soup_object.find('div', attrs={'class': 'result score'}).get_text().strip()
+ except:
+ description = 'Dr. Love is busy right now'
+ try:
+ z = description[:2]
+ z = int(z)
+ if z > 50:
+ emoji = '❤'
+ else:
+ emoji = '💔'
+ title = 'Dr. Love says that the love percentage for {} and {} is:'.format(x, y)
+ except:
+ emoji = ''
+ title = 'Dr. Love has left a note for you.'
+ description = emoji + ' ' + description + ' ' + emoji
+ em = discord.Embed(title=title, description=description, color=discord.Color.red())
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
diff --git a/lseen/info..json b/lseen/info..json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5e5eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lseen/info..json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Keep track of when users were last seen online",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing LastSeen. Get started with `[p]load lseen`, then `[p]help LastSeen`",
+ "requirements": ["python-dateutil"],
+ "short": "Last seen tracker",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "utils",
+ "tools"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lseen/lseen.py b/lseen/lseen.py
index c4c0c42..6f59b63 100644
--- a/lseen/lseen.py
+++ b/lseen/lseen.py
@@ -2,14 +2,18 @@ from datetime import datetime
import dateutil.parser
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
-from redbot.core import Config, RedContext
+from redbot.core import Config
from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from redbot.core import commands
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
-class LastSeen:
+class LastSeen(Cog):
- V3 Cog Template
+ Report when a user was last seen online
online_status = discord.Status.online
@@ -37,13 +41,13 @@ class LastSeen:
return d
@commands.group(aliases=['setlseen'], name='lseenset')
- async def lset(self, ctx: RedContext):
+ async def lset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Change settings for lseen"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
- async def lset_toggle(self, ctx: RedContext):
+ async def lset_toggle(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Toggles tracking seen for this server"""
enabled = not await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled()
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled.set(
@@ -54,11 +58,9 @@ class LastSeen:
"Enabled" if enabled else "Disabled"))
- async def lseen(self, ctx: RedContext, member: discord.Member):
+ async def lseen(self, ctx: commands.Context, member: discord.Member):
Just says the time the user was last seen
- :param member:
if member.status != self.offline_status:
@@ -72,19 +74,11 @@ class LastSeen:
# embed = discord.Embed(
# description="{} was last seen at this date and time".format(member.display_name),
- # timestamp=self.get_date_time(last_seen))
+ # timestamp=last_seen)
embed = discord.Embed(timestamp=last_seen)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
- # async def on_socket_raw_receive(self, data):
- # try:
- # if type(data) == str:
- # raw = json.loads(data)
- # print(data)
- # except:
- # print(data)
async def on_member_update(self, before: discord.Member, after: discord.Member):
if before.status != self.offline_status and after.status == self.offline_status:
if not await self.config.guild(before.guild).enabled():
diff --git a/nudity/__init__.py b/nudity/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d32df6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nudity/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .nudity import Nudity
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(Nudity(bot))
diff --git a/nudity/info..json b/nudity/info..json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba1594e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nudity/info..json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Keep track of when users were last seen online",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing LastSeen. Get started with `[p]load nudity`, then `[p]help Nudity`",
+ "requirements": ["nudepy"],
+ "short": "Last seen tracker",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "utils",
+ "tools"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nudity/nudity.py b/nudity/nudity.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be30ee4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nudity/nudity.py
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+import discord
+import nude
+from nude import Nude
+from redbot.core import Config
+from redbot.core import commands
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+class Nudity:
+ """
+ V3 Cog Template
+ """
+ online_status = discord.Status.online
+ offline_status = discord.Status.offline
+ def __init__(self, bot: Red):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
+ default_guild = {
+ "enabled": False
+ }
+ self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
+ @commands.command(aliases=['togglenudity'], name='nudity')
+ async def nudity(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Toggle nude-checking on or off"""
+ is_on = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled()
+ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).enabled.set(not is_on)
+ await ctx.send("Nude checking is now set to {}".format(not is_on))
+ async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
+ is_on = await self.config.guild(message.guild).enabled()
+ if not is_on:
+ return
+ if not message.attachments:
+ return
diff --git a/planttycoon/__init__.py b/planttycoon/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c43d7b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planttycoon/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .planttycoon import PlantTycoon
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(PlantTycoon(bot))
diff --git a/planttycoon/data/badges.json b/planttycoon/data/badges.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a93b7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planttycoon/data/badges.json
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+ "badges": {
+ "Flower Power": {},
+ "Fruit Brute": {},
+ "Sporadic": {},
+ "Odd-pod": {},
+ "Greenfingers": {},
+ "Nobel Peas Prize": {},
+ "Annualsary": {}
+ }
diff --git a/planttycoon/data/defaults.json b/planttycoon/data/defaults.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cf9357f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planttycoon/data/defaults.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "points": {
+ "buy": 5,
+ "add_health": 5,
+ "fertilize": 10,
+ "pruning": 20,
+ "pesticide": 25,
+ "growing": 5,
+ "damage": 25
+ },
+ "timers": {
+ "degradation": 1,
+ "completion": 1,
+ "notification": 5
+ },
+ "degradation": {
+ "base_degradation": 1.5
+ },
+ "notification": {
+ "max_health": 50
+ }
diff --git a/planttycoon/data/notifications.json b/planttycoon/data/notifications.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0b68d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planttycoon/data/notifications.json
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ "messages": [
+ "The soil seems dry, maybe you could give your plant some water?",
+ "Your plant seems a bit droopy. I would give it some fertilizer if I were you.",
+ "Your plant seems a bit too overgrown. You should probably trim it a bit."
+ ]
diff --git a/planttycoon/data/plants.json b/planttycoon/data/plants.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21cb05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planttycoon/data/plants.json
@@ -0,0 +1,690 @@
+ "plants": [
+ {
+ "name": "Poppy",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/S4hjyUX.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Dandelion",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/emqnQP2.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Daisy",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/lcFq4AB.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Chrysanthemum",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/5jLtqWL.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Pansy",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/f7TgD1b.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Lavender",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/g3OmOSK.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Lily",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/0hzy7lO.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Petunia",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/rJm8ISv.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Sunflower",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/AzgzQK9.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Daffodil",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/pnCCRsH.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Clover",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/jNTgirw.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Tulip",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/kodIFjE.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Rose",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/sdTNiOH.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Aster",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/1tN04Hl.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Aloe Vera",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/WFAYIpx.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Orchid",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/IQrQYDC.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Dragon Fruit Plant",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/pfngpDS.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Mango Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/ybR78Oc.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Lychee Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/w9LkfhX.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Durian Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/jh249fz.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Fig Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/YkhnpEV.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Jack Fruit Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/2D79TlA.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Prickly Pear Plant",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/GrcGAGj.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Pineapple Plant",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/VopYQtr.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Citron Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/zh7Dr23.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Cherimoya Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/H62gQK6.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Mangosteen Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/McNnMqa.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Guava Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/iy8WgPt.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Orange Tree",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/lwjEJTm.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Apple Tree",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/QI3UTR3.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Sapodilla Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/6BvO5Fu.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Franklin Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/hoh17hp.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Parrot's Beak",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/lhSjfQY.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Koki'o",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/Dhw9ync.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Jade Vine",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/h4fJo2R.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Venus Fly Trap",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/NoSdxXh.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Chocolate Cosmos",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/4ArSekX.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Pizza Plant",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 9000,
+ "rarity": "super-rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/ASZXr7C.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Odd-pod",
+ "reward": 3600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "tba",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 9000,
+ "rarity": "super-rare",
+ "image": "tba",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Odd-pod",
+ "reward": 3600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Pirahna Plant",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 9000,
+ "rarity": "super-rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/c03i9W7.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Odd-pod",
+ "reward": 3600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "tba",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 9000,
+ "rarity": "super-rare",
+ "image": "tba",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Odd-pod",
+ "reward": 3600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Peashooter",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 9000,
+ "rarity": "super-rare",
+ "image": "https://i.imgur.com/Vo4v2Ry.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Odd-pod",
+ "reward": 3600
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "tba",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 10800,
+ "rarity": "epic",
+ "image": "tba",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Greenfingers",
+ "reward": 5400
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Pikmin",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 10800,
+ "rarity": "epic",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/sizf7hE.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Greenfingers",
+ "reward": 5400
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Flora Colossus",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 10800,
+ "rarity": "epic",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/9f5QzaW.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Greenfingers",
+ "reward": 5400
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Plantera Bulb",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 10800,
+ "rarity": "epic",
+ "image": "https://i.imgur.com/ExqLLHO.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Greenfingers",
+ "reward": 5400
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Chorus Tree",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 10800,
+ "rarity": "epic",
+ "image": "https://i.imgur.com/tv2B72j.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Greenfingers",
+ "reward": 5400
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Money Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 35400,
+ "rarity": "legendary",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/MIJQDLL.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 3,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Nobel Peas Prize",
+ "reward": 10800
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Truffula Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 35400,
+ "rarity": "legendary",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/cFSmaHH.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 3,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Nobel Peas Prize",
+ "reward": 10800
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Whomping Willow",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 35400,
+ "rarity": "legendary",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/Ibwm2xY.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 3,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Nobel Peas Prize",
+ "reward": 10800
+ }
+ ],
+ "event": {
+ "January": {
+ "name": "Tanabata Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/FD38JJj.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600
+ },
+ "February": {
+ "name": "Chocolate Rose",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/Sqg6pcG.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600
+ },
+ "March": {
+ "name": "Shamrock",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/kVig04M.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600
+ },
+ "April": {
+ "name": "Easter Egg Eggplant",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/5jltGQa.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600
+ },
+ "October": {
+ "name": "Jack O' Lantern",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/efApsxG.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600
+ },
+ "November": {
+ "name": "Mayflower",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/nntNtoL.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600
+ },
+ "December": {
+ "name": "Holly",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/maDLmJC.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/planttycoon/data/products.json b/planttycoon/data/products.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d5b98d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planttycoon/data/products.json
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+ "water": {
+ "cost": 5,
+ "health": 10,
+ "damage": 45,
+ "modifier": 0,
+ "category": "water",
+ "uses": 1
+ },
+ "manure": {
+ "cost": 20,
+ "health": 20,
+ "damage": 55,
+ "modifier": -0.035,
+ "category": "fertilizer",
+ "uses": 1
+ },
+ "vermicompost": {
+ "cost": 35,
+ "health": 30,
+ "damage": 60,
+ "modifier": -0.5,
+ "category": "fertilizer",
+ "uses": 1
+ },
+ "nitrates": {
+ "cost": 70,
+ "health": 60,
+ "damage": 75,
+ "modifier": -0.08,
+ "category": "fertilizer",
+ "uses": 1
+ },
+ "pruner": {
+ "cost": 500,
+ "health": 40,
+ "damage": 90,
+ "modifier": -0.065,
+ "category": "tool",
+ "uses": 10
+ }
diff --git a/planttycoon/info.json b/planttycoon/info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..32fe8e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planttycoon/info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy",
+ "SnappyDragon",
+ "PaddoInWonderland"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Grow your own plants! Be sure to take care of it. Do `[p]gardening` to get started",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing PlantTycoon. Check out all the commands with `[p]help PlantTycoon`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Grow your own plants! Do `[p]gardening` to get started.",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "games",
+ "environment"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/planttycoon/planttycoon.py b/planttycoon/planttycoon.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ae78ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/planttycoon/planttycoon.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1419 @@
+import asyncio
+import collections
+import datetime
+import time
+from random import choice
+import discord
+from redbot.core import commands, Config, bank
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class Gardener:
+ """Gardener class"""
+ def __init__(self, user: discord.User, config: Config):
+ self.user = user
+ self.config = config
+ self.badges = []
+ self.points = 0
+ self.products = {}
+ self.current = {}
+ def __str__(self):
+ return (
+ "Gardener named {}\n"
+ "Badges: {}\n"
+ "Points: {}\n"
+ "Products: {}\n"
+ "Current: {}".format(self.user, self.badges, self.points, self.products, self.current)
+ )
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return "{} - {} - {} - {} - {}".format(
+ self.user, self.badges, self.points, self.products, self.current
+ )
+ async def _load_config(self):
+ self.badges = await self.config.user(self.user).badges()
+ self.points = await self.config.user(self.user).points()
+ self.products = await self.config.user(self.user).products()
+ self.current = await self.config.user(self.user).current()
+ async def save_gardener(self):
+ await self.config.user(self.user).badges.set(self.badges)
+ await self.config.user(self.user).points.set(self.points)
+ await self.config.user(self.user).products.set(self.products)
+ await self.config.user(self.user).current.set(self.current)
+async def _die_in(gardener, degradation):
+ #
+ # Calculating how much time in minutes remains until the plant's health hits 0
+ #
+ return int(gardener.current["health"] / degradation.degradation)
+async def _grow_time(gardener):
+ #
+ # Calculating the remaining grow time for a plant
+ #
+ now = int(time.time())
+ then = gardener.current["timestamp"]
+ return (gardener.current["time"] - (now - then)) / 60
+async def _send_message(channel, message):
+ """Sendsa message"""
+ em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
+ await channel.send(embed=em)
+async def _withdraw_points(gardener: Gardener, amount):
+ #
+ # Substract points from the gardener
+ #
+ if (gardener.points - amount) < 0:
+ return False
+ else:
+ gardener.points -= amount
+ return True
+class PlantTycoon(Cog):
+ """Grow your own plants! Be sure to take proper care of it."""
+ def __init__(self, bot: Red):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=80108971101168412199111111110)
+ default_user = {"badges": [], "points": 0, "products": {}, "current": {}}
+ self.config.register_user(**default_user)
+ self.plants = {
+ "plants": [
+ {
+ "name": "Poppy",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/S4hjyUX.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Dandelion",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/emqnQP2.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Daisy",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/lcFq4AB.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Chrysanthemum",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/5jLtqWL.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Pansy",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/f7TgD1b.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Lavender",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/g3OmOSK.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Lily",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/0hzy7lO.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Petunia",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/rJm8ISv.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Sunflower",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/AzgzQK9.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Daffodil",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/pnCCRsH.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Clover",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/jNTgirw.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Tulip",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/kodIFjE.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Rose",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/sdTNiOH.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Aster",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/1tN04Hl.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Aloe Vera",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/WFAYIpx.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Orchid",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 3600,
+ "rarity": "common",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/IQrQYDC.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.625,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Flower Power",
+ "reward": 600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Dragon Fruit Plant",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/pfngpDS.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Mango Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/ybR78Oc.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Lychee Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/w9LkfhX.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Durian Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/jh249fz.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Fig Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/YkhnpEV.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Jack Fruit Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/2D79TlA.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Prickly Pear Plant",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/GrcGAGj.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Pineapple Plant",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/VopYQtr.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Citron Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/zh7Dr23.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Cherimoya Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/H62gQK6.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Mangosteen Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/McNnMqa.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Guava Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/iy8WgPt.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Orange Tree",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/lwjEJTm.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Apple Tree",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/QI3UTR3.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Sapodilla Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 5400,
+ "rarity": "uncommon",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/6BvO5Fu.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 0.75,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Fruit Brute",
+ "reward": 1200,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Franklin Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/hoh17hp.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Parrot's Beak",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/lhSjfQY.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Koki'o",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/Dhw9ync.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Jade Vine",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/h4fJo2R.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Venus Fly Trap",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/NoSdxXh.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Chocolate Cosmos",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 7200,
+ "rarity": "rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/4ArSekX.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 1.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Sporadic",
+ "reward": 2400,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Pizza Plant",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 9000,
+ "rarity": "super-rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/ASZXr7C.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Odd-pod",
+ "reward": 3600,
+ },
+ # {
+ # "name": "tba",
+ # "article": "a",
+ # "time": 9000,
+ # "rarity": "super-rare",
+ # "image": "tba",
+ # "health": 100,
+ # "degradation": 1.5,
+ # "threshold": 110,
+ # "badge": "Odd-pod",
+ # "reward": 3600
+ # },
+ {
+ "name": "Piranha Plant",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 9000,
+ "rarity": "super-rare",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/c03i9W7.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Odd-pod",
+ "reward": 3600,
+ },
+ # {
+ # "name": "tba",
+ # "article": "a",
+ # "time": 9000,
+ # "rarity": "super-rare",
+ # "image": "tba",
+ # "health": 100,
+ # "degradation": 1.5,
+ # "threshold": 110,
+ # "badge": "Odd-pod",
+ # "reward": 3600
+ # },
+ {
+ "name": "Peashooter",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 9000,
+ "rarity": "super-rare",
+ "image": "https://i.imgur.com/Vo4v2Ry.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Odd-pod",
+ "reward": 3600,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Eldergleam Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 10800,
+ "rarity": "epic",
+ "image": "https://i.imgur.com/pnZYKZc.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Greenfingers",
+ "reward": 5400,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Pikmin",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 10800,
+ "rarity": "epic",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/sizf7hE.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Greenfingers",
+ "reward": 5400,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Flora Colossus",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 10800,
+ "rarity": "epic",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/9f5QzaW.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Greenfingers",
+ "reward": 5400,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Plantera Bulb",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 10800,
+ "rarity": "epic",
+ "image": "https://i.imgur.com/ExqLLHO.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Greenfingers",
+ "reward": 5400,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Chorus Tree",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 10800,
+ "rarity": "epic",
+ "image": "https://i.imgur.com/tv2B72j.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 2.5,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Greenfingers",
+ "reward": 5400,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Money Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 35400,
+ "rarity": "legendary",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/MIJQDLL.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 8,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Nobel Peas Prize",
+ "reward": 10800,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Truffula Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 35400,
+ "rarity": "legendary",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/cFSmaHH.png",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 8,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Nobel Peas Prize",
+ "reward": 10800,
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Whomping Willow",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 35400,
+ "rarity": "legendary",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/Ibwm2xY.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 8,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Nobel Peas Prize",
+ "reward": 10800,
+ },
+ ],
+ "event": {
+ "January": {
+ "name": "Tanabata Tree",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/FD38JJj.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600,
+ },
+ "February": {
+ "name": "Chocolate Rose",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/Sqg6pcG.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600,
+ },
+ "March": {
+ "name": "Shamrock",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/kVig04M.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600,
+ },
+ "April": {
+ "name": "Easter Egg Eggplant",
+ "article": "an",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/5jltGQa.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600,
+ },
+ "October": {
+ "name": "Jack O' Lantern",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/efApsxG.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600,
+ },
+ "November": {
+ "name": "Mayflower",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/nntNtoL.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600,
+ },
+ "December": {
+ "name": "Holly",
+ "article": "a",
+ "time": 70800,
+ "rarity": "event",
+ "image": "http://i.imgur.com/maDLmJC.jpg",
+ "health": 100,
+ "degradation": 9,
+ "threshold": 110,
+ "badge": "Annualsary",
+ "reward": 21600,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ self.products = {
+ "water": {
+ "cost": 5,
+ "health": 10,
+ "damage": 45,
+ "modifier": 0,
+ "category": "water",
+ "uses": 1,
+ },
+ "manure": {
+ "cost": 20,
+ "health": 20,
+ "damage": 55,
+ "modifier": -0.035,
+ "category": "fertilizer",
+ "uses": 1,
+ },
+ "vermicompost": {
+ "cost": 35,
+ "health": 30,
+ "damage": 60,
+ "modifier": -0.5,
+ "category": "fertilizer",
+ "uses": 1,
+ },
+ "nitrates": {
+ "cost": 70,
+ "health": 60,
+ "damage": 75,
+ "modifier": -0.08,
+ "category": "fertilizer",
+ "uses": 1,
+ },
+ "pruner": {
+ "cost": 500,
+ "health": 40,
+ "damage": 90,
+ "modifier": -0.065,
+ "category": "tool",
+ "uses": 10,
+ },
+ }
+ self.defaults = {
+ "points": {
+ "buy": 5,
+ "add_health": 5,
+ "fertilize": 10,
+ "pruning": 20,
+ "pesticide": 25,
+ "growing": 5,
+ "damage": 25,
+ },
+ "timers": {"degradation": 1, "completion": 1, "notification": 5},
+ "degradation": {"base_degradation": 1.5},
+ "notification": {"max_health": 50},
+ }
+ self.badges = {
+ "badges": {
+ "Flower Power": {},
+ "Fruit Brute": {},
+ "Sporadic": {},
+ "Odd-pod": {},
+ "Greenfingers": {},
+ "Nobel Peas Prize": {},
+ "Annualsary": {},
+ }
+ }
+ self.notifications = {
+ "messages": [
+ "The soil seems dry, maybe you could give your plant some water?",
+ "Your plant seems a bit droopy. I would give it some fertilizer if I were you.",
+ "Your plant seems a bit too overgrown. You should probably trim it a bit.",
+ ]
+ }
+ #
+ # Starting loops
+ #
+ self.completion_task = bot.loop.create_task(self.check_completion())
+ self.degradation_task = bot.loop.create_task(self.check_degradation())
+ self.notification_task = bot.loop.create_task(self.send_notification())
+ #
+ # Loading bank
+ #
+ # self.bank = bot.get_cog('Economy').bank
+ async def _gardener(self, user: discord.User) -> Gardener:
+ #
+ # This function returns an individual gardener namedtuple
+ #
+ g = Gardener(user, self.config)
+ await g._load_config()
+ return g
+ async def _degradation(self, gardener: Gardener):
+ #
+ # Calculating the rate of degradation per check_completion() cycle.
+ #
+ modifiers = sum(
+ [
+ self.products[product]["modifier"]
+ for product in gardener.products
+ if gardener.products[product] > 0
+ ]
+ )
+ degradation = (
+ 100
+ / (gardener.current["time"] / 60)
+ * (self.defaults["degradation"]["base_degradation"] + gardener.current["degradation"])
+ ) + modifiers
+ d = collections.namedtuple("degradation", "degradation time modifiers")
+ return d(degradation=degradation, time=gardener.current["time"], modifiers=modifiers)
+ # async def _get_member(self, user_id):
+ #
+ # #
+ # # Return a member object
+ # #
+ #
+ # return discord.User(id=user_id) # I made it a string just to be sure
+ #
+ # async def _send_notification(self, user_id, message):
+ #
+ # #
+ # # Sends a Direct Message to the gardener
+ # #
+ #
+ # member = await self._get_member(user_id)
+ # em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
+ # await self.bot.send_message(member, embed=em)
+ async def _add_health(self, channel, gardener: Gardener, product, product_category):
+ #
+ # The function to add health
+ #
+ product = product.lower()
+ product_category = product_category.lower()
+ if product in self.products and self.products[product]["category"] == product_category:
+ if product in gardener.products:
+ if gardener.products[product] > 0:
+ gardener.current["health"] += self.products[product]["health"]
+ gardener.products[product] -= 1
+ if gardener.products[product] == 0:
+ del gardener.products[product.lower()]
+ if product_category == "water":
+ emoji = ":sweat_drops:"
+ elif product_category == "fertilizer":
+ emoji = ":poop:"
+ # elif product_category == "tool":
+ else:
+ emoji = ":scissors:"
+ message = "Your plant got some health back! {}".format(emoji)
+ if gardener.current["health"] > gardener.current["threshold"]:
+ gardener.current["health"] -= self.products[product]["damage"]
+ if product_category == "tool":
+ damage_msg = "You used {} too many times!".format(product)
+ else:
+ damage_msg = "You gave too much of {}.".format(product)
+ message = "{} Your plant lost some health. :wilted_rose:".format(
+ damage_msg
+ )
+ gardener.points += self.defaults["points"]["add_health"]
+ await gardener.save_gardener()
+ else:
+ message = "You have no {}. Go buy some!".format(product)
+ else:
+ if product_category == "tool":
+ message = "You have don't have a {}. Go buy one!".format(product)
+ else:
+ message = "You have no {}. Go buy some!".format(product)
+ else:
+ message = "Are you sure you are using {}?".format(product_category)
+ if product_category == "water":
+ emcolor = discord.Color.blue()
+ elif product_category == "fertilizer":
+ emcolor = discord.Color.dark_gold()
+ # elif product_category == "tool":
+ else:
+ emcolor = discord.Color.dark_grey()
+ em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=emcolor)
+ await channel.send(embed=em)
+ @commands.group(name="gardening", autohelp=False)
+ async def _gardening(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Gardening commands."""
+ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
+ prefix = ctx.prefix
+ title = "**Welcome to Plant Tycoon.**\n"
+ description = """'Grow your own plant. Be sure to take proper care of yours.\n
+ If it successfully grows, you get a reward.\n
+ As you nurture your plant, you gain Thneeds which can be exchanged for credits.\n\n
+ **Commands**\n\n
+ ``{0}gardening seed``: Plant a seed inside the earth.\n
+ ``{0}gardening profile``: Check your gardening profile.\n
+ ``{0}gardening plants``: Look at the list of the available plants.\n
+ ``{0}gardening plant``: Look at the details of a plant.\n
+ ``{0}gardening state``: Check the state of your plant.\n
+ ``{0}gardening buy``: Buy gardening supplies.\n
+ ``{0}gardening convert``: Exchange Thneeds for credits.\n
+ ``{0}shovel``: Shovel your plant out.\n
+ ``{0}water``: Water your plant.\n
+ ``{0}fertilize``: Fertilize the soil.\n
+ ``{0}prune``: Prune your plant.\n"""
+ em = discord.Embed(
+ title=title, description=description.format(prefix), color=discord.Color.green()
+ )
+ em.set_thumbnail(url="https://image.prntscr.com/image/AW7GuFIBSeyEgkR2W3SeiQ.png")
+ em.set_footer(
+ text="This cog was made by SnappyDragon18 and PaddoInWonderland. Inspired by The Lorax (2012)."
+ )
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ @_gardening.command(name="seed")
+ async def _seed(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Plant a seed inside the earth."""
+ author = ctx.author
+ # server = context.message.server
+ # if author.id not in self.gardeners:
+ # self.gardeners[author.id] = {}
+ # self.gardeners[author.id]['current'] = False
+ # self.gardeners[author.id]['points'] = 0
+ # self.gardeners[author.id]['badges'] = []
+ # self.gardeners[author.id]['products'] = {}
+ gardener = await self._gardener(author)
+ if not gardener.current:
+ d = datetime.date.today()
+ month = d.month
+ #
+ # Event Plant Check start
+ #
+ plant_options = self.plants["plants"]
+ if month == 1:
+ plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["January"])
+ elif month == 2:
+ plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["February"])
+ elif month == 3:
+ plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["March"])
+ elif month == 4:
+ plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["April"])
+ elif month == 10:
+ plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["October"])
+ elif month == 11:
+ plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["November"])
+ elif month == 12:
+ plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["December"])
+ #
+ # Event Plant Check end
+ #
+ plant = choice(plant_options)
+ plant["timestamp"] = int(time.time())
+ # index = len(self.plants["plants"]) - 1
+ # del [self.plants["plants"][index]]
+ message = (
+ "During one of your many heroic adventures, you came across a mysterious bag that said "
+ '"pick one". To your surprise it had all kinds of different seeds in them. '
+ "And now that you're home, you want to plant it. "
+ "You went to a local farmer to identify the seed, and the farmer "
+ "said it was {} **{} ({})** seed.\n\n"
+ "Take good care of your seed and water it frequently. "
+ "Once it blooms, something nice might come from it. "
+ "If it dies, however, you will get nothing.".format(
+ plant["article"], plant["name"], plant["rarity"]
+ )
+ )
+ if "water" not in gardener.products:
+ gardener.products["water"] = 0
+ gardener.products["water"] += 5
+ gardener.current = plant
+ await gardener.save_gardener()
+ em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
+ else:
+ plant = gardener.current
+ message = "You're already growing {} **{}**, silly.".format(
+ plant["article"], plant["name"]
+ )
+ em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ @_gardening.command(name="profile")
+ async def _profile(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, member: discord.Member = None):
+ """Check your gardening profile."""
+ if member:
+ author = member
+ else:
+ author = ctx.author
+ gardener = await self._gardener(author)
+ em = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.green()) # , description='\a\n')
+ avatar = author.avatar_url if author.avatar else author.default_avatar_url
+ em.set_author(name="Gardening profile of {}".format(author.name), icon_url=avatar)
+ em.add_field(name="**Thneeds**", value=str(gardener.points))
+ if not gardener.current:
+ em.add_field(name="**Currently growing**", value="None")
+ else:
+ em.set_thumbnail(url=gardener.current["image"])
+ em.add_field(
+ name="**Currently growing**",
+ value="{0} ({1:.2f}%)".format(
+ gardener.current["name"], gardener.current["health"]
+ ),
+ )
+ if not gardener.badges:
+ em.add_field(name="**Badges**", value="None")
+ else:
+ badges = ""
+ for badge in gardener.badges:
+ badges += "{}\n".format(badge.capitalize())
+ em.add_field(name="**Badges**", value=badges)
+ if not gardener.products:
+ em.add_field(name="**Products**", value="None")
+ else:
+ products = ""
+ for product in gardener.products:
+ products += "{} ({}) {}\n".format(
+ product.capitalize(),
+ gardener.products[product] / self.products[product.lower()]["uses"],
+ self.products[product]["modifier"],
+ )
+ em.add_field(name="**Products**", value=products)
+ if gardener.current:
+ degradation = await self._degradation(gardener)
+ die_in = await _die_in(gardener, degradation)
+ to_grow = await _grow_time(gardener)
+ em.set_footer(
+ text="Total degradation: {0:.2f}% / {1} min (100 / ({2} / 60) * (BaseDegr {3:.2f} + PlantDegr {4:.2f}))"
+ " + ModDegr {5:.2f}) Your plant will die in {6} minutes "
+ "and {7:.1f} minutes to go for flowering.".format(
+ degradation.degradation,
+ self.defaults["timers"]["degradation"],
+ degradation.time,
+ self.defaults["degradation"]["base_degradation"],
+ gardener.current["degradation"],
+ degradation.modifiers,
+ die_in,
+ to_grow,
+ )
+ )
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ @_gardening.command(name="plants")
+ async def _plants(self, ctx):
+ """Look at the list of the available plants."""
+ tick = ""
+ tock = ""
+ tick_tock = 0
+ for plant in self.plants["plants"]:
+ if tick_tock == 0:
+ tick += "**{}**\n".format(plant["name"])
+ tick_tock = 1
+ else:
+ tock += "**{}**\n".format(plant["name"])
+ tick_tock = 0
+ em = discord.Embed(title="All plants that are growable", color=discord.Color.green())
+ em.add_field(name="\a", value=tick)
+ em.add_field(name="\a", value=tock)
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ @_gardening.command(name="plant")
+ async def _plant(self, ctx: commands.Context, *plant):
+ """Look at the details of a plant."""
+ plant = " ".join(plant)
+ t = False
+ for p in self.plants["plants"]:
+ if p["name"].lower() == plant.lower():
+ plant = p
+ t = True
+ break
+ if t:
+ em = discord.Embed(
+ title="Plant statistics of {}".format(plant["name"]), color=discord.Color.green()
+ )
+ em.set_thumbnail(url=plant["image"])
+ em.add_field(name="**Name**", value=plant["name"])
+ em.add_field(name="**Rarity**", value=plant["rarity"].capitalize())
+ em.add_field(name="**Grow Time**", value="{0:.1f} minutes".format(plant["time"] / 60))
+ em.add_field(name="**Damage Threshold**", value="{}%".format(plant["threshold"]))
+ em.add_field(name="**Badge**", value=plant["badge"])
+ em.add_field(name="**Reward**", value="{} τ".format(plant["reward"]))
+ else:
+ message = "What plant?"
+ em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.red())
+ await ctx.send_help()
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ @_gardening.command(name="state")
+ async def _state(self, ctx):
+ """Check the state of your plant."""
+ author = ctx.author
+ gardener = await self._gardener(author)
+ if not gardener.current:
+ message = "You're currently not growing a plant."
+ em_color = discord.Color.red()
+ else:
+ plant = gardener.current
+ degradation = await self._degradation(gardener)
+ die_in = await _die_in(gardener, degradation)
+ to_grow = await _grow_time(gardener)
+ message = (
+ "You're growing {0} **{1}**. "
+ "Its health is **{2:.2f}%** and still has to grow for **{3:.1f}** minutes. "
+ "It is losing **{4:.2f}%** per minute and will die in **{5:.1f}** minutes.".format(
+ plant["article"],
+ plant["name"],
+ plant["health"],
+ to_grow,
+ degradation.degradation,
+ die_in,
+ )
+ )
+ em_color = discord.Color.green()
+ em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=em_color)
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ @_gardening.command(name="buy")
+ async def _buy(self, ctx, product=None, amount: int = 1):
+ """Buy gardening supplies."""
+ author = ctx.author
+ if product is None:
+ em = discord.Embed(
+ title="All gardening supplies that you can buy:", color=discord.Color.green()
+ )
+ for product in self.products:
+ em.add_field(
+ name="**{}**".format(product.capitalize()),
+ value="Cost: {} τ\n+{} health\n-{}% damage\nUses: {}\nCategory: {}".format(
+ self.products[product]["cost"],
+ self.products[product]["health"],
+ self.products[product]["damage"],
+ self.products[product]["uses"],
+ self.products[product]["category"],
+ ),
+ )
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ else:
+ if amount <= 0:
+ message = "Invalid amount! Must be greater than 1"
+ else:
+ gardener = await self._gardener(author)
+ if product.lower() in self.products and amount > 0:
+ cost = self.products[product.lower()]["cost"] * amount
+ withdraw_points = await _withdraw_points(gardener, cost)
+ if withdraw_points:
+ if product.lower() not in gardener.products:
+ gardener.products[product.lower()] = 0
+ gardener.products[product.lower()] += amount
+ gardener.products[product.lower()] += (
+ amount * self.products[product.lower()]["uses"]
+ )
+ await gardener.save_gardener()
+ message = "You bought {}.".format(product.lower())
+ else:
+ message = "You don't have enough Thneeds. You have {}, but need {}.".format(
+ gardener.points, self.products[product.lower()]["cost"] * amount
+ )
+ else:
+ message = "I don't have this product."
+ em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ @_gardening.command(name="convert")
+ async def _convert(self, ctx: commands.Context, amount: int):
+ """Exchange Thneeds for credits."""
+ author = ctx.author
+ gardener = await self._gardener(author)
+ withdraw_points = await _withdraw_points(gardener, amount)
+ plural = ""
+ if amount > 0:
+ plural = "s"
+ if withdraw_points:
+ await bank.deposit_credits(author, amount)
+ message = "{} Thneed{} successfully exchanged for credits.".format(amount, plural)
+ await gardener.save_gardener()
+ else:
+ message = "You don't have enough Thneed{}. " "You have {}, but need {}.".format(
+ plural, gardener.points, amount
+ )
+ em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ @commands.cooldown(1, 60 * 10, commands.BucketType.user)
+ @commands.command(name="shovel")
+ async def _shovel(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Shovel your plant out."""
+ author = ctx.author
+ gardener = await self._gardener(author)
+ if not gardener.current:
+ message = "You're currently not growing a plant."
+ else:
+ gardener.current = {}
+ message = "You sucessfuly shovelled your plant out."
+ if gardener.points < 0:
+ gardener.points = 0
+ await gardener.save_gardener()
+ em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.dark_grey())
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ @commands.command(name="water")
+ async def _water(self, ctx):
+ """Water your plant."""
+ author = ctx.author
+ channel = ctx.channel
+ gardener = await self._gardener(author)
+ product = "water"
+ product_category = "water"
+ if not gardener.current:
+ message = "You're currently not growing a plant."
+ await _send_message(channel, message)
+ else:
+ await self._add_health(channel, gardener, product, product_category)
+ @commands.command(name="fertilize")
+ async def _fertilize(self, ctx, fertilizer):
+ """Fertilize the soil."""
+ gardener = await self._gardener(ctx.author)
+ channel = ctx.channel
+ product = fertilizer
+ product_category = "fertilizer"
+ if not gardener.current:
+ message = "You're currently not growing a plant."
+ await _send_message(channel, message)
+ else:
+ await self._add_health(channel, gardener, product, product_category)
+ @commands.command(name="prune")
+ async def _prune(self, ctx):
+ """Prune your plant."""
+ gardener = await self._gardener(ctx.author)
+ channel = ctx.channel
+ product = "pruner"
+ product_category = "tool"
+ if not gardener.current:
+ message = "You're currently not growing a plant."
+ await _send_message(channel, message)
+ else:
+ await self._add_health(channel, gardener, product, product_category)
+ async def check_degradation(self):
+ while "PlantTycoon" in self.bot.cogs:
+ users = await self.config.all_users()
+ for user_id in users:
+ user = self.bot.get_user(user_id)
+ gardener = await self._gardener(user)
+ if gardener.current:
+ degradation = await self._degradation(gardener)
+ gardener.current["health"] -= degradation.degradation
+ gardener.points += self.defaults["points"]["growing"]
+ await gardener.save_gardener()
+ await asyncio.sleep(self.defaults["timers"]["degradation"] * 60)
+ async def check_completion(self):
+ while "PlantTycoon" in self.bot.cogs:
+ now = int(time.time())
+ users = await self.config.all_users()
+ for user_id in users:
+ message = None
+ user = self.bot.get_user(user_id)
+ gardener = await self._gardener(user)
+ if gardener.current:
+ then = gardener.current["timestamp"]
+ health = gardener.current["health"]
+ grow_time = gardener.current["time"]
+ badge = gardener.current["badge"]
+ reward = gardener.current["reward"]
+ if (now - then) > grow_time:
+ gardener.points += reward
+ if badge not in gardener.badges:
+ gardener.badges.append(badge)
+ message = (
+ "Your plant made it! "
+ "You are rewarded with the **{}** badge and you have received **{}** Thneeds.".format(
+ badge, reward
+ )
+ )
+ if health < 0:
+ message = "Your plant died!"
+ if message is not None:
+ await user.send(message)
+ gardener.current = {}
+ await gardener.save_gardener()
+ await asyncio.sleep(self.defaults["timers"]["completion"] * 60)
+ async def send_notification(self):
+ while "PlantTycoon" in self.bot.cogs:
+ users = await self.config.all_users()
+ for user_id in users:
+ user = self.bot.get_user(user_id)
+ gardener = await self._gardener(user)
+ if gardener.current:
+ health = gardener.current["health"]
+ if health < self.defaults["notification"]["max_health"]:
+ message = choice(self.notifications["messages"])
+ await user.send(message)
+ await asyncio.sleep(self.defaults["timers"]["notification"] * 60)
+ def __unload(self):
+ self.completion_task.cancel()
+ self.degradation_task.cancel()
+ self.notification_task.cancel()
diff --git a/qrinvite/__init__.py b/qrinvite/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a91023a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qrinvite/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .qrinvite import QRInvite
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(QRInvite(bot))
diff --git a/qrinvite/info..json b/qrinvite/info..json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0db8d11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qrinvite/info..json
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Create a QR code invite for the server",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing QRInvite! Get started with `[p]load qrinvite`, then `[p]help QRInvite`",
+ "requirements": [
+ "MyQR"
+ ],
+ "short": "Create a QR code invite",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "tools",
+ "qr",
+ "code"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/qrinvite/qrinvite.py b/qrinvite/qrinvite.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bbeaeca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/qrinvite/qrinvite.py
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+import pathlib
+import aiohttp
+import discord
+from MyQR import myqr
+from PIL import Image
+from redbot.core import Config, commands
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class QRInvite(Cog):
+ """
+ V3 Cog Template
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bot: Red):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
+ default_global = {}
+ default_guild = {}
+ self.config.register_global(**default_global)
+ self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def qrinvite(self, ctx: commands.Context, invite: str = None, colorized: bool = False, image_url: str = None):
+ """
+ Create a custom QR code invite for this server
+ """
+ if invite is None:
+ try:
+ invite = await ctx.channel.create_invite()
+ except discord.Forbidden:
+ try:
+ invite = await ctx.channel.invites()
+ invite = invite[0]
+ except discord.Forbidden:
+ await ctx.send("No permission to get an invite, please provide one")
+ return
+ invite = invite.code
+ if image_url is None:
+ image_url = ctx.guild.icon_url
+ if image_url == "": # Still
+ await ctx.send(
+ "Could not get an image, please provide one. *(`{}help qrinvite` for details)*".format(ctx.prefix))
+ return
+ extension = pathlib.Path(image_url).parts[-1].replace('.', '?').split('?')[1]
+ path: pathlib.Path = cog_data_path(self)
+ image_path = path / (ctx.guild.icon + "." + extension)
+ async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
+ async with session.get(image_url) as response:
+ image = await response.read()
+ with image_path.open("wb") as file:
+ file.write(image)
+ if extension == "webp":
+ new_path = convert_png(str(image_path))
+ else:
+ new_path = str(image_path)
+ myqr.run(invite, picture=new_path, save_name=ctx.guild.icon + "_qrcode.png",
+ save_dir=str(cog_data_path(self)), colorized=colorized, )
+ png_path: pathlib.Path = path / (ctx.guild.icon + "_qrcode.png")
+ with png_path.open("rb") as png_fp:
+ await ctx.send(file=discord.File(png_fp.read(), "qrcode.png"))
+def convert_png(path):
+ im = Image.open(path)
+ im.load()
+ alpha = im.split()[-1]
+ im = im.convert('RGB').convert('P', palette=Image.ADAPTIVE, colors=255)
+ mask = Image.eval(alpha, lambda a: 255 if a <= 128 else 0)
+ im.paste(255, mask)
+ new_path = path.replace(".webp", ".png")
+ im.save(new_path, transparency=255)
+ return new_path
diff --git a/reactrestrict/info.json b/reactrestrict/info.json
index cf33705..2695630 100644
--- a/reactrestrict/info.json
+++ b/reactrestrict/info.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"author" : ["Bobloy"],
"bot_version" : [3,0,0],
"description" : "Cog to prevent reactions on specific messages from certain users",
- "hidden" : false,
+ "hidden" : true,
"install_msg" : "Thank you for installing ReactRestrict.",
"requirements" : [],
"short" : "[Incomplete] Prevent reactions",
diff --git a/reactrestrict/reactrestrict.py b/reactrestrict/reactrestrict.py
index 0141ab3..24133a5 100644
--- a/reactrestrict/reactrestrict.py
+++ b/reactrestrict/reactrestrict.py
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-import asyncio
from typing import List, Union
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config
+from redbot.core import commands
from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
class ReactRestrictCombo:
@@ -15,8 +16,8 @@ class ReactRestrictCombo:
def __eq__(self, other: "ReactRestrictCombo"):
return (
- self.message_id == other.message_id and
- self.role_id == other.role_id
+ self.message_id == other.message_id and
+ self.role_id == other.role_id
def to_json(self):
@@ -33,7 +34,7 @@ class ReactRestrictCombo:
-class ReactRestrict:
+class ReactRestrict(Cog):
Prevent specific roles from reacting to specific messages
@@ -79,14 +80,10 @@ class ReactRestrict:
async def add_reactrestrict(self, message_id: int, role: discord.Role):
Adds a react|role combo.
- :param int message_id:
- :param str or int emoji:
- :param discord.Role role:
# is_custom = True
# if isinstance(emoji, str):
- # is_custom = False
+ # is_custom = False
combo = ReactRestrictCombo(message_id, role.id)
@@ -98,10 +95,10 @@ class ReactRestrict:
async def remove_react(self, message_id: int, role: discord.Role):
- Removes a given reaction.
+ Removes a given reaction
- :param int message_id:
- :param str or int emoji:
+ :param message_id:
+ :param role:
current_combos = await self.combo_list()
@@ -112,14 +109,13 @@ class ReactRestrict:
if to_keep != current_combos:
await self.set_combo_list(to_keep)
- async def has_reactrestrict_combo(self, message_id: int)\
+ async def has_reactrestrict_combo(self, message_id: int) \
-> (bool, List[ReactRestrictCombo]):
- Determines if there is an existing role combo for a given message
+ Determines if there is an existing role combo for a given message
and emoji ID.
- :param int message_id:
- :param str or int emoji:
+ :param message_id:
if not await self.is_registered(message_id):
@@ -172,27 +168,23 @@ class ReactRestrict:
raise LookupError("No role found.")
return role
- async def _get_message_from_channel(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int)\
+ async def _get_message_from_channel(self, channel_id: int, message_id: int) \
-> Union[discord.Message, None]:
Tries to find a message by ID in the current guild context.
- :param ctx:
- :param message_id:
- :return:
channel = self.bot.get_channel(channel_id)
return await channel.get_message(message_id)
except discord.NotFound:
- except AttributeError: # VoiceChannel object has no attribute 'get_message'
+ except AttributeError: # VoiceChannel object has no attribute 'get_message'
return None
- async def _get_message(self, ctx: commands.Context, message_id: int)\
+ async def _get_message(self, ctx: commands.Context, message_id: int) \
-> Union[discord.Message, None]:
Tries to find a message by ID in the current guild context.
@@ -206,12 +198,10 @@ class ReactRestrict:
return await channel.get_message(message_id)
except discord.NotFound:
- except AttributeError: # VoiceChannel object has no attribute 'get_message'
+ except AttributeError: # VoiceChannel object has no attribute 'get_message'
except discord.Forbidden: # No access to channel, skip
return None
@@ -221,7 +211,7 @@ class ReactRestrict:
Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list.
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
async def add(self, ctx: commands.Context, message_id: int, *, role: discord.Role):
@@ -235,18 +225,18 @@ class ReactRestrict:
# try:
- # emoji, actual_emoji = await self._wait_for_emoji(ctx)
+ # emoji, actual_emoji = await self._wait_for_emoji(ctx)
# except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- # await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time, please redo this command.")
- # return
+ # await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time, please redo this command.")
+ # return
+ #
# try:
- # await message.add_reaction(actual_emoji)
+ # await message.add_reaction(actual_emoji)
# except discord.HTTPException:
- # await ctx.send("I can't add that emoji because I'm not in the guild that"
- # " owns it.")
- # return
+ # await ctx.send("I can't add that emoji because I'm not in the guild that"
+ # " owns it.")
+ # return
+ #
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
await self.add_reactrestrict(message_id, role)
@@ -258,10 +248,10 @@ class ReactRestrict:
Removes role associated with a given reaction.
# try:
- # emoji, actual_emoji = await self._wait_for_emoji(ctx)
+ # emoji, actual_emoji = await self._wait_for_emoji(ctx)
# except asyncio.TimeoutError:
- # await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time, please redo this command.")
- # return
+ # await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time, please redo this command.")
+ # return
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
await self.remove_react(message_id, role)
@@ -305,50 +295,50 @@ class ReactRestrict:
for apprrole in roles:
if apprrole in member.roles:
message = await self._get_message_from_channel(channel_id, message_id)
await message.remove_reaction(emoji, member)
- # try:
- # await member.add_roles(*roles)
- # except discord.Forbidden:
- # pass
+ # try:
+ # await member.add_roles(*roles)
+ # except discord.Forbidden:
+ # pass
+ #
# async def on_raw_reaction_remove(self, emoji: discord.PartialReactionEmoji,
- # message_id: int, channel_id: int, user_id: int):
- # """
- # Event handler for long term reaction watching.
- # :param discord.PartialReactionEmoji emoji:
- # :param int message_id:
- # :param int channel_id:
- # :param int user_id:
- # :return:
- # """
- # if emoji.is_custom_emoji():
- # emoji_id = emoji.id
- # else:
- # emoji_id = emoji.name
- # has_reactrestrict, combos = await self.has_reactrestrict_combo(message_id, emoji_id)
- # if not has_reactrestrict:
- # return
- # try:
- # member = self._get_member(channel_id, user_id)
- # except LookupError:
- # return
- # if member.bot:
- # return
- # try:
- # roles = [self._get_role(member.guild, c.role_id) for c in combos]
- # except LookupError:
- # return
- # try:
- # await member.remove_roles(*roles)
- # except discord.Forbidden:
- # pass
+ # message_id: int, channel_id: int, user_id: int):
+ # """
+ # Event handler for long term reaction watching.
+ #
+ # :param discord.PartialReactionEmoji emoji:
+ # :param int message_id:
+ # :param int channel_id:
+ # :param int user_id:
+ # :return:
+ # """
+ # if emoji.is_custom_emoji():
+ # emoji_id = emoji.id
+ # else:
+ # emoji_id = emoji.name
+ #
+ # has_reactrestrict, combos = await self.has_reactrestrict_combo(message_id, emoji_id)
+ #
+ # if not has_reactrestrict:
+ # return
+ #
+ # try:
+ # member = self._get_member(channel_id, user_id)
+ # except LookupError:
+ # return
+ #
+ # if member.bot:
+ # return
+ #
+ # try:
+ # roles = [self._get_role(member.guild, c.role_id) for c in combos]
+ # except LookupError:
+ # return
+ #
+ # try:
+ # await member.remove_roles(*roles)
+ # except discord.Forbidden:
+ # pass
diff --git a/recyclingplant/__init__.py b/recyclingplant/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e012d18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recyclingplant/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from redbot.core import data_manager
+from .recyclingplant import RecyclingPlant
+def setup(bot):
+ plant = RecyclingPlant(bot)
+ data_manager.load_bundled_data(plant, __file__)
+ bot.add_cog(plant)
diff --git a/recyclingplant/data/junk.json b/recyclingplant/data/junk.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c77f881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recyclingplant/data/junk.json
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+ "can": [
+ {
+ "object": "Apple Core",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Paper Cup",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Banana Peel",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Paper Bag",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Old Taco",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Newspaper",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Chewed Gum",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Polythene Bag",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Rotten Eggs",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Outdated Telephone Directory",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Stale Bread",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Used Notebook",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Sour Milk",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Old Textbook",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Week-Old Sandwich",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Paper Ball",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Leftovers",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Toy Car",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Fish Bones",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Superhero Costume",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Dirty Diaper",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Silcone Mould",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Mouldy Broccoli",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "TV Remote",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Withered Rose Bouquet",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Paper Plate",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Slimy Bacon",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Folders",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Fly Agaric Mushrooms",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Phone case",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Napkins",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Broken Dualshock 4 Controller",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Wax Paper",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "iPad",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Paint Can",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Glass Bottle",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Light Bulb",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Nintendo 3DS",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Styrofoam Container",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Flash Cards",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Motor Oil Can",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Candy Wrapper",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Waxed Cardboard",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Empty Bottle",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Used Toilet Paper",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Outdated Calendar",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Ceramic Mug",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Plastic Cup",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Gift Wrapping",
+ "action": "trash"
+ },
+ {
+ "object": "Soda Bottle",
+ "action": "recycle"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/recyclingplant/info.json b/recyclingplant/info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cab34d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recyclingplant/info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy",
+ "SnappyDragon"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Apply for a job at the recycling plant! Sort out the garbage!",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing RecyclingPlant. Start recycling today with `[p]load recyclingplant`, then `[p]recyclingplant`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Apply for a job at the recycling plant!",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "environment",
+ "games"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/recyclingplant/recyclingplant.py b/recyclingplant/recyclingplant.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..171e5de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/recyclingplant/recyclingplant.py
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+import asyncio
+import json
+import random
+from redbot.core import bank
+from redbot.core import commands
+from redbot.core.data_manager import cog_data_path
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class RecyclingPlant(Cog):
+ """Apply for a job at the recycling plant!"""
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.path = str(cog_data_path(self)).replace('\\', '/')
+ self.junk_path = self.path + "/bundled_data/junk.json"
+ with open(self.junk_path) as json_data:
+ self.junk = json.load(json_data)
+ @commands.command(aliases=["recycle"])
+ async def recyclingplant(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Apply for a job at the recycling plant!"""
+ x = 0
+ reward = 0
+ await ctx.send(
+ '{0} has signed up for a shift at the Recycling Plant! Type ``exit`` to terminate it early.'.format(
+ ctx.author.display_name))
+ while x in range(0, 10):
+ used = random.choice(self.junk['can'])
+ if used['action'] == 'trash':
+ opp = 'recycle'
+ else:
+ opp = 'trash'
+ await ctx.send('``{}``! Will {} ``trash`` it or ``recycle`` it?'.format(used['object'],
+ ctx.author.display_name))
+ def check(m):
+ return m.author == ctx.author and m.channel == ctx.channel
+ try:
+ answer = await self.bot.wait_for('message', timeout=120, check=check)
+ except asyncio.TimeoutError:
+ answer = None
+ if answer is None:
+ await ctx.send('``{}`` fell down the conveyor belt to be sorted again!'.format(used['object']))
+ elif answer.content.lower().strip() == used['action']:
+ await ctx.send(
+ 'Congratulations! You put ``{}`` down the correct chute! (**+50**)'.format(used['object']))
+ reward = reward + 50
+ x += 1
+ elif answer.content.lower().strip() == opp:
+ await ctx.send('{}, you little brute, you put it down the wrong chute! (**-50**)'.format(
+ ctx.author.display_name))
+ reward = reward - 50
+ elif answer.content.lower().strip() == 'exit':
+ await ctx.send('{} has been relived of their duty.'.format(ctx.author.display_name))
+ break
+ else:
+ await ctx.send('``{}`` fell down the conveyor belt to be sorted again!'.format(used['object']))
+ else:
+ if reward > 0:
+ bank.deposit_credits(ctx.author, reward)
+ await ctx.send(
+ '{} been given **{} {}s** for your services.'.format(ctx.author.display_name, reward,
+ bank.get_currency_name(ctx.guild)))
diff --git a/rpsls/__init__.py b/rpsls/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46a1600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpsls/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .rpsls import RPSLS
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(RPSLS(bot))
diff --git a/rpsls/info.json b/rpsls/info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1ac3b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpsls/info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy",
+ "SnappyDragon"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Play Rock Papers Scissor Lizard Spock by Sam Kass in Discord!",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing RPSLP. Get started with `[p]load rpsls`, then `[p]rpsls`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Play Rock Papers Scissor Lizard Spock in Discord!",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "star trek",
+ "games"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/rpsls/rpsls.py b/rpsls/rpsls.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7152cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rpsls/rpsls.py
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import asyncio
+import random
+import discord
+from redbot.core import commands
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class RPSLS(Cog):
+ """Play Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock."""
+ weaknesses = {
+ "rock": [
+ "paper",
+ "spock"
+ ],
+ "paper": [
+ "scissors",
+ "lizard"
+ ],
+ "scissors": [
+ "spock",
+ "rock"
+ ],
+ "lizard": [
+ "scissors",
+ "rock"
+ ],
+ "spock": [
+ "paper",
+ "lizard"
+ ]
+ }
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ self.bot = bot
+ @commands.command()
+ async def rpsls(self, ctx: commands.Context, choice: str):
+ """
+ Play Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock by Sam Kass in Discord!
+ Rules:
+ Scissors cuts Paper
+ Paper covers Rock
+ Rock crushes Lizard
+ Lizard poisons Spock
+ Spock smashes Scissors
+ Scissors decapitates Lizard
+ Lizard eats Paper
+ Paper disproves Spock
+ Spock vaporizes Rock
+ And as it has always Rock crushes Scissors
+ """
+ player_choice = choice.lower()
+ player_emote = self.get_emote(player_choice)
+ if player_emote is None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Invalid Choice")
+ return
+ bot_choice = random.choice(list(self.weaknesses.keys()))
+ bot_emote = self.get_emote(bot_choice)
+ message = '{} vs. {}, who will win?'.format(player_emote, bot_emote)
+ em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.blue())
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ await asyncio.sleep(2)
+ if player_choice in self.weaknesses[bot_choice]:
+ message = 'You win! :sob:'
+ em_color = discord.Color.green()
+ elif bot_choice in self.weaknesses[player_choice]:
+ message = 'I win! :smile:'
+ em_color = discord.Color.red()
+ else:
+ message = 'It\'s a draw! :neutral_face:'
+ em_color = discord.Color.blue()
+ em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=em_color)
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ def get_emote(self, choice):
+ if choice == 'rock':
+ emote = ':moyai:'
+ elif choice == 'spock':
+ emote = ':vulcan:'
+ elif choice == 'paper':
+ emote = ':page_facing_up:'
+ elif choice in ['scissors', 'lizard']:
+ emote = ':{}:'.format(choice)
+ else:
+ emote = None
+ return emote
diff --git a/sayurl/info..json b/sayurl/info..json
index 63c9589..1c44fb1 100644
--- a/sayurl/info..json
+++ b/sayurl/info..json
@@ -9,8 +9,8 @@
"description": "Convert any website into text and post it in chat",
"hidden": true,
- "install_msg": "Thank you for installing SayUrl",
- "requirements": [],
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing SayUrl! Get started with `[p]load forcemention`, then `[p]help SayUrl",
+ "requirements": ["html2text"],
"short": "Convert URL to text",
"tags": [
diff --git a/sayurl/sayurl.py b/sayurl/sayurl.py
index ce81409..d56720e 100644
--- a/sayurl/sayurl.py
+++ b/sayurl/sayurl.py
@@ -1,19 +1,21 @@
import aiohttp
import html2text
-from discord.ext import commands
-from redbot.core import Config, RedContext
+from redbot.core import Config, commands
from redbot.core.bot import Red
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
async def fetch_url(session, url):
- with aiohttp.Timeout(20):
- async with session.get(url) as response:
- assert response.status == 200
- return await response.text()
+ async with session.get(url) as response:
+ assert response.status == 200
+ return await response.text()
-class SayUrl:
+class SayUrl(Cog):
V3 Cog Template
@@ -28,12 +30,11 @@ class SayUrl:
- async def sayurl(self, ctx: RedContext, url):
+ async def sayurl(self, ctx: commands.Context, url):
Converts a URL to something readable
- :param url:
- :return:
+ Works better on smaller websites
h = html2text.HTML2Text()
diff --git a/scp/__init__.py b/scp/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bded2a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scp/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .scp import SCP
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(SCP(bot))
diff --git a/scp/info.json b/scp/info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4ac9ea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scp/info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy",
+ "SnappyDragon"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Look up SCP articles. Warning: Some of them may be too creepy or gruesome.",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "You are now connected to the SCP database. You may now proceed to access the data using `[p]load scp`, then `[p]help SCP`",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Look up SCP articles.",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "gruesom"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/scp/scp.py b/scp/scp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1457ca1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scp/scp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+import discord
+from redbot.core import commands
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class SCP(Cog):
+ """Look up SCP articles. Warning: Some of them may be too creepy or gruesome."""
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ self.bot = bot
+ @commands.command()
+ async def scp(self, ctx: commands.Context, num: int):
+ """Look up SCP articles.
+ Warning: Some of them may be too creepy or gruesome.
+ Reminder: You must specify a number between 1 and 4999.
+ """
+ # Thanks Shigbeard and Redjumpman for helping me!
+ if 0 < num <= 4999:
+ msg = "http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-{:03}".format(num)
+ c = discord.Color.green()
+ else:
+ msg = "You must specify a number between 1 and 4999."
+ c = discord.Color.red()
+ if ctx.embed_requested():
+ await ctx.send(embed=discord.Embed(description=msg, color=c))
+ else:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def scpj(self, ctx: commands.Context, joke: str):
+ """Look up SCP-Js.
+ Reminder: Enter the correct name or else the resultant page will be invalid.
+ Use 001, etc. in case of numbers less than 100.
+ """
+ msg = "http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-{}-j".format(joke)
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def scparc(self, ctx: commands.Context, num: int):
+ """Look up SCP archives.
+ Warning: Some of them may be too creepy or gruesome."""
+ valid_archive = (
+ 13, 48, 51, 89, 91, 112, 132, 138, 157, 186, 232, 234,
+ 244, 252, 257, 338, 356, 361, 400, 406, 503, 515, 517,
+ 578, 728, 744, 776, 784, 837, 922, 987, 1023)
+ if num in valid_archive:
+ msg = "http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-{:03}-arc".format(num)
+ c = discord.Color.green()
+ em = discord.Embed(description=msg, color=c)
+ else:
+ ttl = "You must specify a valid archive number."
+ msg = "{}".format(valid_archive)
+ c = discord.Color.red()
+ em = discord.Embed(title=ttl, description=msg, color=c)
+ if ctx.embed_requested():
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ else:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def scpex(self, ctx: commands.Context, num: int):
+ """Look up explained SCP articles.
+ Warning: Some of them may be too creepy or gruesome.
+ """
+ valid_archive = (711, 920, 1841, 1851, 1974, 2600, 4023, 8900)
+ if num in valid_archive:
+ msg = "http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-{:03}-ex".format(num)
+ c = discord.Color.green()
+ em = discord.Embed(description=msg, color=c)
+ else:
+ ttl = "You must specify a valid archive number."
+ msg = "{}".format(valid_archive)
+ c = discord.Color.red()
+ em = discord.Embed(title=ttl, description=msg, color=c)
+ if ctx.embed_requested():
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ else:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def anomalousitems(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Look through the log of anomalous items."""
+ msg = "http://www.scp-wiki.net/log-of-anomalous-items"
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def extranormalevents(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Look through the log of extranormal events."""
+ msg = "http://www.scp-wiki.net/log-of-extranormal-events"
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
+ @commands.command()
+ async def unexplainedlocations(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Look through the log of unexplained locations."""
+ msg = "http://www.scp-wiki.net/log-of-unexplained-locations"
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(msg)
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(SCP(bot))
diff --git a/secrethitler/__init__.py b/secrethitler/__init__.py
index 9430e4a..c97eef1 100644
--- a/secrethitler/__init__.py
+++ b/secrethitler/__init__.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from .werewolf import Werewolf
+from .secrethitler import Werewolf
def setup(bot):
diff --git a/secrethitler/secrethitler.py b/secrethitler/secrethitler.py
index 9e98c09..2f9360b 100644
--- a/secrethitler/secrethitler.py
+++ b/secrethitler/secrethitler.py
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
import asyncio
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
-from redbot.core import Config
+from redbot.core import Config, commands
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class Werewolf:
Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list.
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
async def new(self, ctx, game_code):
diff --git a/stealemoji/stealemoji.py b/stealemoji/stealemoji.py
index 8c96fbe..155d596 100644
--- a/stealemoji/stealemoji.py
+++ b/stealemoji/stealemoji.py
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
import aiohttp
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
-from redbot.core import Config, RedContext
+from redbot.core import Config, commands
from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
async def fetch_img(session, url):
@@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ async def fetch_img(session, url):
return await response.read()
-class StealEmoji:
+class StealEmoji(Cog):
This cog steals emojis and creates servers for them
@@ -41,12 +43,12 @@ class StealEmoji:
- async def stealemoji(self, ctx: RedContext):
+ async def stealemoji(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list.
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
async def se_collect(self, ctx):
@@ -59,7 +61,7 @@ class StealEmoji:
async def se_bank(self, ctx):
"""Add current server as emoji bank"""
await ctx.send("This will upload custom emojis to this server\n"
- "Are you sure you want to make the current server an emoji bank? (y/n)")
+ "Are you sure you want to make the current server an emoji bank? (y//n)")
def check(m):
return m.content.upper() in ["Y", "YES", "N", "NO"] and m.channel == ctx.channel and m.author == ctx.author
diff --git a/timerole/__init__.py b/timerole/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e7f94b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/timerole/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .timerole import Timerole
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(Timerole(bot))
diff --git a/timerole/info.json b/timerole/info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce0c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/timerole/info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Apply roles based on the # of days on server",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing timerole.\nGet started with `[p]load timerole`. Configure with [p]timerole",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Apply roles after # of days",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "utilities",
+ "tools",
+ "tool",
+ "roles"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/timerole/timerole.py b/timerole/timerole.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9582bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/timerole/timerole.py
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+import asyncio
+from datetime import timedelta, datetime
+import discord
+from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class Timerole(Cog):
+ """Add roles to users based on time on server"""
+ def __init__(self, bot: Red):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
+ default_global = {}
+ default_guild = {
+ 'announce': None,
+ 'roles': {}
+ }
+ self.config.register_global(**default_global)
+ self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
+ @commands.command()
+ @checks.guildowner()
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ async def runtimerole(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Trigger the daily timerole"""
+ await self.timerole_update()
+ await ctx.send("Success")
+ @commands.group()
+ @checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True)
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ async def timerole(self, ctx):
+ """Adjust timerole settings"""
+ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
+ pass
+ @timerole.command()
+ async def addrole(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, days: int, *requiredroles: discord.Role):
+ """Add a role to be added after specified time on server"""
+ guild = ctx.guild
+ to_set = {'days': days}
+ if requiredroles:
+ to_set['required'] = [r.id for r in requiredroles]
+ await self.config.guild(guild).roles.set_raw(role.id, value=to_set)
+ await ctx.send("Time Role for {0} set to {1} days".format(role.name, days))
+ @timerole.command()
+ async def channel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel):
+ """Sets the announce channel for role adds"""
+ guild = ctx.guild
+ await self.config.guild(guild).announce.set(channel.id)
+ await ctx.send("Announce channel set to {0}".format(channel.mention))
+ @timerole.command()
+ async def removerole(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role):
+ """Removes a role from being added after specified time"""
+ guild = ctx.guild
+ await self.config.guild(guild).roles.set_raw(role.id, value=None)
+ await ctx.send("{0} will no longer be applied".format(role.name))
+ @timerole.command()
+ async def list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Lists all currently setup timeroles"""
+ guild = ctx.guild
+ role_dict = await self.config.guild(guild).roles()
+ out = ""
+ for r_id, r_data in role_dict.items():
+ if r_data is not None:
+ role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=int(r_id))
+ r_roles = []
+ if role is None:
+ role = r_id
+ if 'required' in r_data:
+ r_roles = [str(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=int(new_id))) for new_id in r_data['required']]
+ out += "{} || {} days || requires: {}\n".format(str(role), r_data['days'], r_roles)
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(out)
+ async def timerole_update(self):
+ for guild in self.bot.guilds:
+ addlist = []
+ role_dict = await self.config.guild(guild).roles()
+ if not any(role_data for role_data in role_dict.values()): # No roles
+ continue
+ for member in guild.members:
+ has_roles = [r.id for r in member.roles]
+ get_roles = [int(rID) for rID, r_data in role_dict.items() if r_data is not None]
+ check_roles = set(get_roles) - set(has_roles)
+ for role_id in check_roles:
+ # Check for required role
+ if 'required' in role_dict[str(role_id)]:
+ if not set(role_dict[str(role_id)]['required']) & set(has_roles):
+ # Doesn't have required role
+ continue
+ if member.joined_at + timedelta(
+ days=role_dict[str(role_id)]['days']) <= datetime.today():
+ # Qualifies
+ addlist.append((member, role_id))
+ channel = await self.config.guild(guild).announce()
+ if channel is not None:
+ channel = guild.get_channel(channel)
+ title = "**These members have received the following roles**\n"
+ results = ""
+ for member, role_id in addlist:
+ role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=role_id)
+ await member.add_roles(role, reason="Timerole")
+ results += "{} : {}\n".format(member.display_name, role.name)
+ if channel is not None and results:
+ await channel.send(title)
+ for page in pagify(
+ results, shorten_by=50):
+ await channel.send(page)
+ async def check_day(self):
+ while self is self.bot.get_cog("Timerole"):
+ tomorrow = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=1)
+ midnight = datetime(year=tomorrow.year, month=tomorrow.month,
+ day=tomorrow.day, hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
+ await asyncio.sleep((midnight - datetime.now()).seconds)
+ await self.timerole_update()
+ await asyncio.sleep(3)
+ # then start loop over again
diff --git a/tts/__init__.py b/tts/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47959b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tts/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .tts import TTS
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(TTS(bot))
diff --git a/tts/info..json b/tts/info..json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6810a42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tts/info..json
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Send Text2Speech messages as an uploaded mp3",
+ "hidden": true,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing TTS. Get started with `[p]load tts`, then `[p]help TTS`",
+ "requirements": [
+ "gTTS"
+ ],
+ "short": "Send TTS messages as uploaded mp3",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "utils",
+ "audio"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/tts/tts.py b/tts/tts.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7288a9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tts/tts.py
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+import io
+import discord
+from gtts import gTTS
+from redbot.core import Config, commands
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class TTS(Cog):
+ """
+ Send Text-to-Speech messages
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bot: Red):
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
+ default_global = {}
+ default_guild = {}
+ self.config.register_global(**default_global)
+ self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
+ @commands.command(aliases=["t2s", "text2"])
+ async def tts(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, text: str):
+ """
+ Send Text to speech messages as an mp3
+ """
+ mp3_fp = io.BytesIO()
+ tts = gTTS(text, 'en')
+ tts.write_to_fp(mp3_fp)
+ await ctx.send(file=discord.File(mp3_fp.getvalue(), "text.mp3"))
diff --git a/unicode/__init__.py b/unicode/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..410d42c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unicode/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from .unicode import Unicode
+def setup(bot):
+ bot.add_cog(Unicode(bot))
diff --git a/unicode/info.json b/unicode/info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d8d24b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unicode/info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy",
+ "SnappyDragon"
+ ],
+ "bot_version": [
+ 3,
+ 0,
+ 0
+ ],
+ "description": "Encode/Decode Unicode characters!",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "\u0048\u0065\u006c\u006c\u006f\u0021 \u0054\u0068\u0069\u0073 \u006d\u0065\u0073\u0073\u0061\u0067\u0065 \u0077\u0061\u0073 \u0077\u0072\u0069\u0074\u0074\u0065\u006e \u0069\u006e \u0055\u004e\u0049\u0043\u004f\u0044\u0045\u002e",
+ "requirements": [],
+ "short": "Encode/Decode Unicode characters!",
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "utility",
+ "tools"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/unicode/unicode.py b/unicode/unicode.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e305ad4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/unicode/unicode.py
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+import codecs as c
+import discord
+from redbot.core import commands
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
+class Unicode(Cog):
+ """Encode/Decode Unicode characters!"""
+ def __init__(self, bot):
+ self.bot = bot
+ @commands.group(name='unicode', pass_context=True)
+ async def unicode(self, ctx):
+ """Encode/Decode a Unicode character."""
+ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
+ pass
+ @unicode.command()
+ async def decode(self, ctx: commands.Context, character):
+ """Decode a Unicode character."""
+ try:
+ data = 'U+{:04X}'.format(ord(character[0]))
+ color = discord.Color.green()
+ except ValueError:
+ data = ''
+ color = discord.Color.red()
+ em = discord.Embed(title=character, description=data, color=color)
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
+ @unicode.command()
+ async def encode(self, ctx:commands.Context, character):
+ """Encode an Unicode character."""
+ try:
+ if character[:2] == '\\u':
+ data = repr(c.decode(character, 'unicode-escape'))
+ data = data.strip("'")
+ color = discord.Color.green()
+ elif character[:2] == 'U+':
+ data = chr(int(character.lstrip('U+'), 16))
+ color = discord.Color.green()
+ else:
+ data = ''
+ color = discord.Color.red()
+ except ValueError:
+ data = ''
+ color = discord.Color.red()
+ em = discord.Embed(title=character, description=data, color=color)
+ await ctx.send(embed=em)
diff --git a/werewolf/builder.py b/werewolf/builder.py
index c673e3f..da0bf1e 100644
--- a/werewolf/builder.py
+++ b/werewolf/builder.py
@@ -3,9 +3,11 @@ from collections import defaultdict
from random import choice
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
# Import all roles here
+from redbot.core import commands
from werewolf.roles.seer import Seer
from werewolf.roles.vanillawerewolf import VanillaWerewolf
from werewolf.roles.villager import Villager
@@ -118,8 +120,6 @@ async def parse_code(code, game):
digits += 1
idx = int(built)
except ValueError:
@@ -144,7 +144,6 @@ async def parse_code(code, game):
built = ""
return decode
@@ -319,7 +318,7 @@ class GameBuilder:
if page >= len(ROLE_LIST):
- self.rand_roles.append(CATEGORY_COUNT[page-len(ROLE_LIST)])
+ self.rand_roles.append(CATEGORY_COUNT[page - len(ROLE_LIST)])
diff --git a/werewolf/game.py b/werewolf/game.py
index 438659f..181c198 100644
--- a/werewolf/game.py
+++ b/werewolf/game.py
@@ -1,17 +1,23 @@
import asyncio
import random
+from typing import List, Any, Dict, Set, Union
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
+from redbot.core import commands
from werewolf.builder import parse_code
from werewolf.player import Player
+from werewolf.role import Role
+from werewolf.votegroup import VoteGroup
class Game:
Base class to run a single game of Werewolf
+ vote_groups: Dict[str, VoteGroup]
+ roles: List[Role]
+ players: List[Player]
default_secret_channel = {
"channel": None,
diff --git a/werewolf/info.json b/werewolf/info.json
index d46e1d2..5fbc50b 100644
--- a/werewolf/info.json
+++ b/werewolf/info.json
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"description": "Customizable Werewolf Game",
"hidden": false,
- "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Werewolf! Use [p]wwset to run inital setup",
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Werewolf! Get started with `[p]load werewolf`\n Use `[p]wwset` to run inital setup",
"requirements": [],
"short": "Werewolf Game",
"tags": [
diff --git a/werewolf/night_powers.py b/werewolf/night_powers.py
index ca35e8b..215e8eb 100644
--- a/werewolf/night_powers.py
+++ b/werewolf/night_powers.py
@@ -3,3 +3,21 @@ from werewolf.role import Role
def night_immune(role: Role):
role.player.alive = True
+async def pick_target(role: Role, ctx, data):
+ if not role.player.alive: # FixMe: Game handles this?
+ await role.player.send_dm("You're already dead!")
+ return None
+ target_id = int(data)
+ try:
+ target = role.game.players[target_id]
+ except IndexError:
+ target = None
+ if target is None:
+ await ctx.send("Not a valid ID")
+ return None
+ return target_id, target
diff --git a/werewolf/player.py b/werewolf/player.py
index d1f9359..c84d87f 100644
--- a/werewolf/player.py
+++ b/werewolf/player.py
@@ -30,4 +30,4 @@ class Player:
await self.member.send(message) # Lets do embeds later
except discord.Forbidden:
- await self.role.game.village_channel.send("Couldn't DM {}, uh oh".format(self.mention))
\ No newline at end of file
+ await self.role.game.village_channel.send("Couldn't DM {}, uh oh".format(self.mention))
diff --git a/werewolf/roles/seer.py b/werewolf/roles/seer.py
index b005b9a..63b62a2 100644
--- a/werewolf/roles/seer.py
+++ b/werewolf/roles/seer.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from werewolf.night_powers import pick_target
from werewolf.role import Role
@@ -16,7 +17,6 @@ class Seer(Role):
description = "A mystic in search of answers in a chaotic town.\n" \
"Calls upon the cosmos to discern those of Lycan blood"
def __init__(self, game):
# self.game = game
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class Seer(Role):
self.see_target = None
await self.game.generate_targets(self.player.member)
- await self.player.send_dm("**Pick a target to see tonight**\n")
+ await self.player.send_dm("**Pick a target to see tonight**")
async def _at_night_end(self, data=None):
if self.see_target is None:
@@ -84,19 +84,7 @@ class Seer(Role):
async def choose(self, ctx, data):
"""Handle night actions"""
- if not self.player.alive: # FixMe: Game handles this?
- await self.player.send_dm("You're already dead!")
- return
- target_id = int(data)
- try:
- target = self.game.players[target_id]
- except IndexError:
- target = None
- if target is None:
- await ctx.send("Not a valid ID")
- return
+ await super().choose(ctx, data)
- self.see_target = target_id
+ self.see_target, target = await pick_target(self, ctx, data)
await ctx.send("**You will attempt to see the role of {} tonight...**".format(target.member.display_name))
diff --git a/werewolf/roles/shifter.py b/werewolf/roles/shifter.py
index 50973ef..d7ba956 100644
--- a/werewolf/roles/shifter.py
+++ b/werewolf/roles/shifter.py
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+from werewolf.night_powers import pick_target
from werewolf.role import Role
@@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ class Shifter(Role):
def __init__(self, game):
+ self.shift_target = None
self.action_list = [
(self._at_game_start, 1), # (Action, Priority)
(self._at_day_start, 0),
@@ -74,7 +76,7 @@ class Shifter(Role):
async def see_alignment(self, source=None):
Interaction for investigative roles attempting
- to see alignment (Village, Werewolf Other)
+ to see alignment (Village, Werewolf, Other)
return "Other"
@@ -90,14 +92,38 @@ class Shifter(Role):
Interaction for investigative roles.
More common to be able to deceive this action
- return "MyRole"
+ return "Shifter"
async def _at_night_start(self, data=None):
await super()._at_night_start(data)
+ self.shift_target = None
+ await self.game.generate_targets(self.player.member)
+ await self.player.send_dm("**Pick a target to shift into**")
async def _at_night_end(self, data=None):
await super()._at_night_end(data)
+ if self.shift_target is None:
+ if self.player.alive:
+ await self.player.send_dm("You will not use your powers tonight...")
+ return
+ target = await self.game.visit(self.shift_target, self.player)
+ if target and target.player.alive:
+ await target.role.assign_player(self.player)
+ await self.assign_player(target)
+ # Roles have now been swapped
+ await self.player.send_dm("Your role has been stolen...\n"
+ "You are now a **Shifter**.")
+ await self.player.send_dm(self.game_start_message)
+ await target.send_dm(target.role.game_start_message)
+ else:
+ await self.player.send_dm("**Your shift failed...**")
async def choose(self, ctx, data):
"""Handle night actions"""
await super().choose(ctx, data)
+ self.shift_target, target = await pick_target(self, ctx, data)
+ await ctx.send("**You will attempt to see the role of {} tonight...**".format(target.member.display_name))
diff --git a/werewolf/werewolf.py b/werewolf/werewolf.py
index 65e73c1..17634ec 100644
--- a/werewolf/werewolf.py
+++ b/werewolf/werewolf.py
@@ -1,15 +1,19 @@
import discord
-from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config, checks
from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from redbot.core import commands
from werewolf.builder import GameBuilder, role_from_name, role_from_alignment, role_from_category, role_from_id
from werewolf.game import Game
from redbot.core.utils.menus import menu, DEFAULT_CONTROLS
+from typing import Any
+Cog: Any = getattr(commands, "Cog", object)
-class Werewolf:
+class Werewolf(Cog):
Base to host werewolf on a guild
@@ -52,7 +56,7 @@ class Werewolf:
Base command to adjust settings. Check help for command list.
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
@@ -135,7 +139,7 @@ class Werewolf:
Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list.
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
- await ctx.send_help()
+ pass
@@ -388,4 +392,3 @@ class Werewolf:
return False, None, None, None, None
return True, role, category, channel, log_channel