
579 lines
22 KiB

import asyncio
import logging
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union
import discord
from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
from import Red
from redbot.core.commands import Cog
# 10 minutes. Rate limit is 2 per 10, so 1 per 6 is safe.
RATE_LIMIT_DELAY = 60 * 6 # If you're willing to risk rate limiting, you can decrease the delay
log = logging.getLogger("red.fox_v3.infochannel")
async def get_channel_counts(category, guild):
# Gets count of bots
bot_num = len([m for m in guild.members if])
# Gets count of roles in the server
roles_num = len(guild.roles) - 1
# Gets count of channels in the server
# <number of total channels> - <number of channels in the stats category> - <categories>
channels_num = len(guild.channels) - len(category.voice_channels) - len(guild.categories)
# Gets all counts of members
members = guild.member_count
offline_num = len(list(filter(lambda m: m.status is discord.Status.offline, guild.members)))
online_num = members - offline_num
# Gets count of actual users
human_num = members - bot_num
return {
"members": members,
"humans": human_num,
"bots": bot_num,
"roles": roles_num,
"channels": channels_num,
"online": online_num,
"offline": offline_num,
class InfoChannel(Cog):
Create a channel with updating server info
This relies on editing channels, which is a strictly rate-limited activity.
As such, updates will not be frequent. Currently capped at 1 per 5 minutes per server.
def __init__(self, bot: Red):
super().__init__() = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(
self, identifier=731101021116710497110110101108, force_registration=True
# self. so I can get the keys from this later
self.default_channel_names = {
"members": "Members: {count}",
"humans": "Humans: {count}",
"bots": "Bots: {count}",
"roles": "Roles: {count}",
"channels": "Channels: {count}",
"online": "Online: {count}",
"offline": "Offline: {count}",
default_channel_ids = {k: None for k in self.default_channel_names}
# Only members is enabled by default
default_enabled_counts = {k: k == "members" for k in self.default_channel_names}
default_guild = {
"category_id": None,
"channel_ids": default_channel_ids,
"enabled_channels": default_enabled_counts,
"channel_names": self.default_channel_names,
self.default_role = {"enabled": False, "channel_id": None, "name": "{role}: {count}"}
self._critical_section_wooah_ = 0
self.channel_data = defaultdict(dict)
self.edit_queue = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda: asyncio.Queue(maxsize=2)))
self._rate_limited_edits: Dict[int, Dict[str, Optional[asyncio.Task]]] = defaultdict(
lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None)
async def red_delete_data_for_user(self, **kwargs):
"""Nothing to delete"""
async def initialize(self):
for guild in
await self.update_infochannel(guild)
def cog_unload(self):
7 years ago
async def infochannel(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Toggle info channel for this server
def check(m):
return (
m.content.upper() in ["Y", "YES", "N", "NO"]
and ==
and ==
guild: discord.Guild = ctx.guild
category_id = await self.config.guild(guild).category_id()
category = None
if category_id is not None:
category: Union[discord.CategoryChannel, None] = guild.get_channel(category_id)
if category_id is not None and category is None:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Info category has been deleted, recreate it?")
elif category_id is None:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Enable info channels on this server?")
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Do you wish to delete current info channels?")
msg = await"message", check=check)
if msg.content.upper() in ["N", "NO"]:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Cancelled")
if category is None:
await self.make_infochannel(guild)
except discord.Forbidden:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
"Failure: Missing permission to create necessary channels"
await self.delete_all_infochannels(guild)
ctx.message = msg
if not await ctx.tick():
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Done!")
4 years ago["icset"])
async def infochannelset(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Toggle different types of infochannels
4 years ago
async def _infochannelset_togglechannel(
self, ctx: commands.Context, channel_type: str, enabled: Optional[bool] = None
"""Toggles the infochannel for the specified channel type.
Valid Types are:
- `members`: Total members on the server
- `humans`: Total members that aren't bots
- `bots`: Total bots
- `roles`: Total number of roles
- `channels`: Total number of channels excluding infochannels,
- `online`: Total online members,
- `offline`: Total offline members,
guild = ctx.guild
if channel_type not in self.default_channel_names.keys():
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Invalid channel type provided.")
if enabled is None:
enabled = not await self.config.guild(guild).enabled_channels.get_raw(channel_type)
await self.config.guild(guild).enabled_channels.set_raw(channel_type, value=enabled)
await self.make_infochannel(ctx.guild, channel_type=channel_type)
if enabled:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"InfoChannel `{channel_type}` has been enabled.")
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"InfoChannel `{channel_type}` has been disabled.")
4 years ago
async def _infochannelset_rolecount(
self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, enabled: bool = None
"""Toggle an infochannel that shows the count of users with the specified role"""
if enabled is None:
enabled = not await self.config.role(role).enabled()
await self.config.role(role).enabled.set(enabled)
await self.make_infochannel(ctx.guild, channel_role=role)
if enabled:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"InfoChannel for {} count has been enabled.")
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"InfoChannel for {} count has been disabled.")
async def _infochannelset_name(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel_type: str, *, text=None):
Change the name of the infochannel for the specified channel type.
4 years ago
{count} must be used to display number of total members in the server.
Leave blank to set back to default.
- `[p]infochannelset name members Cool Cats: {count}`
- `[p]infochannelset name bots {count} Robot Overlords`
Valid Types are:
- `members`: Total members on the server
- `humans`: Total members that aren't bots
- `bots`: Total bots
- `roles`: Total number of roles
- `channels`: Total number of channels excluding infochannels
- `online`: Total online members
- `offline`: Total offline members
Warning: This command counts against the channel update rate limit and may be queued.
guild = ctx.guild
if channel_type not in self.default_channel_names.keys():
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Invalid channel type provided.")
if text is None:
text = self.default_channel_names.get(channel_type)
elif "{count}" not in text:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
"Improperly formatted. Make sure to use `{count}` in your channel name"
elif len(text) > 93:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Name is too long, max length is 93.")
await self.config.guild(guild).channel_names.set_raw(channel_type, value=text)
await self.update_infochannel(guild, channel_type=channel_type)
if not await ctx.tick():
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Done!")
4 years ago
async def _infochannelset_rolename(
self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, *, text=None
Change the name of the infochannel for specific roles.
{count} must be used to display number members with the given role.
{role} can be used for the roles name.
Leave blank to set back to default.
Default is set to: `{role}: {count}`
- `[p]infochannelset rolename @Patrons {role}: {count}`
- `[p]infochannelset rolename Elite {count} members with {role} role`
- `[p]infochannelset rolename "Space Role" Total boosters: {count}`
Warning: This command counts against the channel update rate limit and may be queued.
guild = ctx.message.guild
if text is None:
text = self.default_role["name"]
elif "{count}" not in text:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
"Improperly formatted. Make sure to use `{count}` in your channel name"
await self.config.role(role).name.set(text)
await self.update_infochannel(guild, channel_role=role)
if not await ctx.tick():
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Done!")
async def create_individual_channel(
self, guild, category: discord.CategoryChannel, overwrites, channel_type, count
# Delete the channel if it exists
channel_id = await self.config.guild(guild).channel_ids.get_raw(channel_type)
if channel_id is not None:
channel: discord.VoiceChannel = guild.get_channel(channel_id)
if channel:
self.stop_queue(, channel_type)
await channel.delete(reason="InfoChannel delete")
4 years ago
# Only make the channel if it's enabled
if await self.config.guild(guild).enabled_channels.get_raw(channel_type):
name = await self.config.guild(guild).channel_names.get_raw(channel_type)
name = name.format(count=count)
channel = await category.create_voice_channel(
name, reason="InfoChannel make", overwrites=overwrites
await self.config.guild(guild).channel_ids.set_raw(channel_type,
return channel
return None
async def create_role_channel(
self, guild, category: discord.CategoryChannel, overwrites, role: discord.Role
# Delete the channel if it exists
channel_id = await self.config.role(role).channel_id()
if channel_id is not None:
channel: discord.VoiceChannel = guild.get_channel(channel_id)
if channel:
await channel.delete(reason="InfoChannel delete")
# Only make the channel if it's enabled
if await self.config.role(role).enabled():
count = len(role.members)
name = await self.config.role(role).name()
name = name.format(, count=count)
channel = await category.create_voice_channel(
name, reason="InfoChannel make", overwrites=overwrites
await self.config.role(role).channel_id.set(
return channel
return None
async def make_infochannel(self, guild: discord.Guild, channel_type=None, channel_role=None):
overwrites = {
guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(connect=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(manage_channels=True, connect=True),
# Check for and create the Infochannel category
category_id = await self.config.guild(guild).category_id()
if category_id is not None:
category: discord.CategoryChannel = guild.get_channel(category_id)
if category is None: # Category id is invalid, probably deleted.
category_id = None
if category_id is None:
category: discord.CategoryChannel = await guild.create_category(
"Server Stats", reason="InfoChannel Category make"
await self.config.guild(guild).category_id.set(
4 years ago
await category.edit(position=0)
category_id =
4 years ago
category: discord.CategoryChannel = guild.get_channel(category_id)
4 years ago
channel_data = await get_channel_counts(category, guild)
# Only update a single channel
if channel_type is not None:
await self.create_individual_channel(
guild, category, overwrites, channel_type, channel_data[channel_type]
if channel_role is not None:
await self.create_role_channel(guild, category, overwrites, channel_role)
# Update all channels
for channel_type in self.default_channel_names.keys():
await self.create_individual_channel(
guild, category, overwrites, channel_type, channel_data[channel_type]
for role in guild.roles:
await self.create_role_channel(guild, category, overwrites, role)
# await self.update_infochannel(guild)
async def delete_all_infochannels(self, guild: discord.Guild):
self.stop_guild_queues( # Stop processing edits
# Delete regular channels
for channel_type in self.default_channel_names.keys():
channel_id = await self.config.guild(guild).channel_ids.get_raw(channel_type)
if channel_id is not None:
channel = guild.get_channel(channel_id)
if channel is not None:
await channel.delete(reason="InfoChannel delete")
await self.config.guild(guild).channel_ids.clear_raw(channel_type)
# Delete role channels
for role in guild.roles:
channel_id = await self.config.role(role).channel_id()
if channel_id is not None:
channel = guild.get_channel(channel_id)
if channel is not None:
await channel.delete(reason="InfoChannel delete")
await self.config.role(role).channel_id.clear()
# Delete the category last
category_id = await self.config.guild(guild).category_id()
if category_id is not None:
category = guild.get_channel(category_id)
if category is not None:
await category.delete(reason="InfoChannel delete")
4 years ago
async def add_to_queue(self, guild, channel, identifier, count, formatted_name):
self.channel_data[][identifier] = (count, formatted_name,
if not self.edit_queue[][identifier].full():
except asyncio.QueueFull:
pass # If queue is full, disregard
if self._rate_limited_edits[][identifier] is None:
await self.start_queue(, identifier)
async def update_individual_channel(self, guild, channel_type, count, guild_data):
name = guild_data["channel_names"][channel_type]
name = name.format(count=count)
channel = guild.get_channel(guild_data["channel_ids"][channel_type])
if channel is None:
return # abort
await self.add_to_queue(guild, channel, channel_type, count, name)
async def update_role_channel(self, guild, role: discord.Role, role_data):
if not role_data["enabled"]:
return # Not enabled
count = len(role.members)
name = role_data["name"]
name = name.format(, count=count)
channel = guild.get_channel(role_data["channel_id"])
if channel is None:
return # abort
await self.add_to_queue(guild, channel,, count, name)
async def update_infochannel(self, guild: discord.Guild, channel_type=None, channel_role=None):
if channel_type is None and channel_role is None:
return await self.trigger_updates_for(
4 years ago
if channel_type is not None:
return await self.trigger_updates_for(guild, **{channel_type: True})
return await self.trigger_updates_for(guild, extra_roles={channel_role})
async def start_queue(self, guild_id, identifier):
self._rate_limited_edits[guild_id][identifier] = asyncio.create_task(
self._process_queue(guild_id, identifier)
def stop_queue(self, guild_id, identifier):
if self._rate_limited_edits[guild_id][identifier] is not None:
def stop_guild_queues(self, guild_id):
for identifier in self._rate_limited_edits[guild_id].keys():
self.stop_queue(guild_id, identifier)
def stop_all_queues(self):
for guild_id in self._rate_limited_edits.keys():
4 years ago
async def _process_queue(self, guild_id, identifier):
while True:
identifier = await self.edit_queue[guild_id][identifier].get() # Waits forever
count, formatted_name, channel_id = self.channel_data[guild_id][identifier]
channel: discord.VoiceChannel =
if == formatted_name:
continue # Nothing to process
log.debug(f"Processing guild_id: {guild_id} - identifier: {identifier}")
await channel.edit(reason="InfoChannel update", name=formatted_name)
except (discord.Forbidden, discord.HTTPException):
pass # Don't bother figuring it out
except discord.InvalidArgument:
log.exception(f"Invalid formatted infochannel: {formatted_name}")
await asyncio.sleep(RATE_LIMIT_DELAY) # Wait a reasonable amount of time
async def trigger_updates_for(self, guild, **kwargs):
extra_roles: Optional[set] = kwargs.pop("extra_roles", False)
guild_data = await self.config.guild(guild).all()
to_update = (
kwargs.keys() & guild_data["enabled_channels"].keys()
) # Value in kwargs doesn't matter
if to_update or extra_roles:
category = guild.get_channel(guild_data["category_id"])
if category is None:
return # Nothing to update, must be off
channel_data = await get_channel_counts(category, guild)
if to_update:
for channel_type in to_update:
await self.update_individual_channel(
guild, channel_type, channel_data[channel_type], guild_data
if extra_roles:
role_data = await self.config.all_roles()
for channel_role in extra_roles:
if in role_data:
await self.update_role_channel(
guild, channel_role, role_data[]
async def on_member_join_remove(self, member: discord.Member):
if await, member.guild):
await self.trigger_updates_for(
member.guild, members=True, bots=True, online=True, offline=True
await self.trigger_updates_for(
member.guild, members=True, humans=True, online=True, offline=True
async def on_member_update(self, before: discord.Member, after: discord.Member):
if await, after.guild):
if before.status != after.status:
return await self.trigger_updates_for(after.guild, online=True, offline=True)
c = set(after.roles) ^ set(before.roles)
if c:
await self.trigger_updates_for(after.guild, extra_roles=c)
async def on_guild_channel_create_delete(self, channel: discord.TextChannel):
if await, channel.guild):
await self.trigger_updates_for(channel.guild, channels=True)
4 years ago
async def on_guild_role_create(self, role):
if await, role.guild):
await self.trigger_updates_for(role.guild, roles=True)
4 years ago
async def on_guild_role_delete(self, role):
if await, role.guild):
await self.trigger_updates_for(role.guild, roles=True)
4 years ago
role_channel_id = await self.config.role(role).channel_id()
if role_channel_id is not None:
rolechannel: discord.VoiceChannel = role.guild.get_channel(role_channel_id)
if rolechannel:
await rolechannel.delete(reason="InfoChannel delete")
await self.config.role(role).clear()