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79 lines
3.5 KiB
79 lines
3.5 KiB
use warnings;
use strict;
use Term::ANSIColor;
my %temp = ('warn' => 38, 'bad' => 42);
my %color = ('good' => 'green', 'warn' => 'yellow', 'bad' => 'red');
my $devdir='/dev';
my $smartctl='/usr/sbin/smartctl';
my $infinity=clean(`/usr/bin/echo \xE2\x88\x9E`);
my @udisks = ();
my @disks = ();
# Needs to be manually updated
my %disklocs = ('HKT01QJ2'=>'Bay 2 Slot 1',
'HKT01QJP'=>'Bay 2 Slot 2',
'S2TVNX0K402024'=>'Bay 2 Slot 3',
'S2TVNX0K400456'=>'Bay 2 Slot 4',
'S2TVNX0K402163'=>'Bay 2 Slot 5',
'S2TVNX0K301389'=>'Bay 2 Slot 6',
'ZR53ZB2F'=>'Bay 1 Slot 1',
'3GJY8UKG'=>'Bay 1 Slot 2',
'ZR58XJCF'=>'Bay 1 Slot 3',
'3FGBP6VV'=>'Bay 1 Slot 4',
'ZR58LSCD'=>'Bay 1 Slot 5');
opendir my($DH), $devdir or die $!;
my @devicelist=readdir $DH;
closedir $DH;
for(@devicelist) {
my $device =$_;
# Directory listing includes . and .. but these aren't disks!
if ($device eq "." or $device eq "..") {next;}
# We don't' care about partitions
if ($device =~ /sd[a-z][0-9]/) {next;}
if ($device =~ /sd[a-z]/) {
printf("\n%-9s %-13s %-6s %-15s %-5s %-5s %-10s %-10s\n","Disk","Runtime","Pwr On","Serial","Temp","Max","Speed","Location");
sub clean {my $text = shift; $text=~s/\n//g; $text=~s/\r//g;return $text;}
for (@disks) {
my %diskdata=("disk_name"=>"/dev/$_");
open my $cmd, '-|', "$smartctl -x $diskdata{'disk_name'}";
while (my $line = <$cmd>) {
# EX: Page Offset Size Value Flags Description
# 0x01 0x010 4 37496 --- Power-on Hours
# <explicit>x2 \s+ \d+ \s+ (\d+) [\s\-a-zA-Z0-9]+
if ($line =~ /0x05\s+0x008\s+\d+\s+(\d+)/) {$diskdata{"current_temp"}=int($1);}
elsif ($line =~ /0x05\s+0x058\s+\d+\s+(\d+)/) {$diskdata{"maximum_temp"}=int($1);}
elsif ($line =~ /0x01\s+0x010\s+\d+\s+(\d+)/) {$diskdata{"power_hours"}=int($1);}
elsif ($line =~ /0x01\s+0x008\s+\d+\s+(\d+)/) {$diskdata{"power_cycles"}=int($1);}
#elsif ($line =~ /0x05\s+0x058\s+\d+\s+(\d+)/) {$diskdata{"maximum_temp"}=int($1);}
elsif ($line =~ /Serial Number:\s+([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/) {$diskdata{"serial"}="$1";}
elsif ($line =~ /Rotation Rate:\s+(Solid State Device|\d+\s*rpm)/) {
if ($line =~ /.*:\s+(\d+\s+rpm)/) {$diskdata{"rotation_rate"}="$1";}
else {$diskdata{"rotation_rate"}="SSD";}
#else {$diskdata{"rotation_rate"}="$infinity rpm ";} # Unicode is a pain in the butt to align
close $cmd;
my $cstr="";
if ($diskdata{"current_temp"} > $temp{"bad"}) {$cstr=colored($diskdata{"current_temp"}, $color{"bad"});}
elsif($diskdata{"current_temp"} > $temp{"warn"}) {$cstr=colored($diskdata{"current_temp"}, $color{"warn"});}
else {$cstr=colored($diskdata{"current_temp"}, $color{"good"});}
# |---- padded due to color being interpreted as printable characters
# dev ser tmp V max rot loc
printf("%-9s %-13s %-6s %-15s %-5s %-5s %-10s %-10s\n","$diskdata{'disk_name'}","$diskdata{power_hours} hours","$diskdata{power_cycles}","$diskdata{serial}",clean($cstr),clean("$diskdata{'maximum_temp'}"),clean("$diskdata{'rotation_rate'}"), "$disklocs{$diskdata{serial}}");