[Rainmeter] Update=1000 @Include=#@#Globals\MeasureHDD.inc @Include2=#@#Globals\Formats.inc @Include3=Globals\Drive1.inc @Include4=Globals\Drive2.inc @Include5=Globals\Drive3.inc @Include6=Globals\Drive4.inc @Include7=Globals\Metadata.inc [Metadata] Name=Drive Display Author=Tuxwonder Version=1.0.0 Information=This skin displays the drives and how much free memory they have left. It recognizes any drive with a name, so if you plug in your flashdrive or throw in a CD into that drive, it'll display it. In @Resources\Globals\MeasureHDD.inc you can change which drives are measured at the top. This specific skin measures 4 drive slots. [Variables] drive1on=0 drive2on=0 drive3on=0 drive4on=0 #ofdrives=4 [HDD_Hud] Meter=Image ImageName=#@#Images\Drones\drives_hud4.png [Drive_Icon] Meter=Image ImageName=#@#Images\Drones\drives_icon0.png X=-14 Y=0 [Bar_Measure] Measure=Script ScriptFile="#CURRENTPATH#Globals/barcounter.lua"