printf "$padding%-20s%s\n" "--dir [directory]" "Specify a directory other than current"
printf "$padding%-20s%s\n" "-d --delete" "Delete original files (default keeps originals)"
printf "$padding%-20s%s\n" "-q --quiet" "Suppresses progress output (summaries are still displayed)"
printf "$padding%-20s%s\n" "[--png|--jpg]" "Save as jpg/png (default is jpg)"
printf "$padding%-20s%s\n" "-h" "Print this help message and exit"
exit 0
# The folder with the files you want to convert
# Set to 0 to delete the original .heic files after they are converted
# Set to 0 for PNG (much larger file size)
# Suppress progress output
for _arg in ${@}; do
if [ $customdir -eq 1 ]; then directory="$_arg"; customdir=2; continue; fi
if [ "$_arg" == "--dir" ]; then customdir=1; continue; fi
if [ "$_arg" == "-d" ]; then keeporiginals=0; continue; fi
if [ "$_arg" == "--delete" ]; then keeporiginals=0; continue; fi
if [ "$_arg" == "-q" ]; then keepquiet=1; continue; fi
if [ "$_arg" == "--quiet" ]; then keepquiet=1; continue; fi
if [ "$_arg" == "--png" ]; then saveasjpg=0; continue; fi
if [ "$_arg" == "--jpg" ]; then saveasjpg=1; continue; fi
# Make sure the mogrify command is available. If this is being
# run as a cron job the which command will fail so we check the
# default location just in case.
which mogrify > /dev/null
if [[ $? -eq 1 ]]; then
if [[ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/mogrify" ]]; then
echo "Unable to run the mogrify command. Please follow the build and installation instructions at the top of the script to install the program on your system."