# Build instructions:
# https://medium.com/@eplt/5-minutes-to-install-imagemagick-with-heic-support-on-ubuntu-18-04-digitalocean-fe2d09dcef1
# Command:
# https://zwbetz.com/convert-heic-images-to-jpg/
# The folder with the files you want to convert
directory = /path/to/your/uploads
# Set to 0 to delete the original .heic files after they are converted
keeporiginals = 1
# Set to 0 for PNG (much larger file size)
saveasjpg = 1
# Make sure the mogrify command is available. If this is being
# run as a cron job the which command will fail so we check the
# default location just in case.
which mogrify > /dev/null
if [ [ $? -eq 1 ] ] ; then
if [ [ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/mogrify" ] ] ; then
echo "Unable to run the mogrify command. Please follow the build and installation instructions at the top of the script to install the program on your system."
# Change into the folder with our images
cd " $directory "
# Loop over all the .heic files in the folder
for heic in *.heic; do
# Drop the .heic extension and append .jpg instead
if [ $saveasjpg -eq 0 ] ; then
img = ` echo " $heic " | rev | cut -d. -f2- | rev` .png
img = ` echo " $heic " | rev | cut -d. -f2- | rev` .jpg
# If the file we are going to make does not exist, run the command to convert it
if [ $saveasjpg -eq 0 ] ; then
[ -f " $img " ] || /usr/local/bin/mogrify -format png " $heic "
[ -f " $img " ] || /usr/local/bin/mogrify -format jpg " $heic "
# If we don't want the originals, give them the axe
[ $keeporiginals -eq 0 ] && rm " $heic "