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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
use Term::ANSIColor;
if ($ARGV[0] !~ /[a-z0-9\.]+/) {
print "Need... Arg...\n";
exit 1;
if ($^O == "linux") {
$regex=qr/(?<bytes>[0-9]+ bytes) from (?<rhost>[a-z\.-]+) \((?<rip>[0-9\.]+)\).*seq=(?<rseq>[0-9]+).*time=(?<rms>[0-9\.]+) ms/;
$dedjex=qr/no answer yet for icmp_seq=(?<rseq>[0-9]+)/
$pingcmd="ping -O"
} elsif ($^O == "MSWin32") {
# untested lol
$regex=qr/Reply from (?<rip>[0-9\.]+).*bytes time=(?<rms>[0-9\.]+)ms.*/;
$dedjex=qr/Request timed out|Destination host unreachable/
$pingcmd="ping -t"
} else {
print "IDK WHAT OS YOU ARE :(";
exit 1;
open(my $PING, "$pingcmd $dns|") or die "Cannot execute $!";
while (my $line = <$PING>) {
if ($line =~ $regex) {
if ($+{rms} > 100) {print color("bright_red");}
elsif ($+{rms} > 50) {print color("bright_yellow");}
printf "% 3s - % 4s ms - %s (%s)\n", $+{rseq}, $+{rms}, $+{rhost}, $+{rip};
if ($+{rms} > 50) {print color("reset");}
} elsif ($line =~ $dedjex) {
print color("bright_red");
printf "% 3s - no reply %s\n", $+{rseq}, $dns;
print color("reset");
} else {
print $line;