## dismyreadme **Waveshare e-Paper repo: https://github.com/waveshare/e-Paper** .gitignored files: \- **secrets.py** - file containing two variables: octoprint & apikey. octoprint should be your octoprint server's IP address or domain name and apikey is your octoprint api key. Minimum permissions: guest. \- **epd\_4in2\_test.py** - the demo file from waveshare, available on their github page. \- **\_\_pycache\_\_/** - aint nobody got time for compiled python binaries. \- **lib/** - library files from waveshare, available on their github page. \- **img/Font.ttc** - font file provided by waveshare, available on their github page. **ePaper Pins:** Raspberry Pi EPAPER BCM2835 Board VCC 3.3V 3.3V GND GND GND DIN MOSI 19 CLK SCLK 23 CS CE0 24 DC 25 22 RST 17 11 BUSY 24 18