# Running `endlessh` on OpenBSD ## Covering IPv4 and IPv6 If you want to cover both IPv4 and IPv6 you'll need to run *two* instances of `endlessh` due to OpenBSD limitations. Here's how I did it: - copy the `endlessh` script to `rc.d` twice, as `endlessh` and `endlessh6` - copy the `config` file to `/etc/endlessh` twice, as `config` and `config6` - use `BindFamily 4` in `config` - use `BindFamily 6` in `config6` - in `rc.conf.local` force `endlessh6` to load `config6` like so: ``` endlessh6_flags=-s -f /etc/endlessh/config6 endlessh_flags=-s ``` ## Covering more than 128 connections The defaults in OpenBSD only allow for 128 open file descriptors per process, so regardless of the `MaxClients` setting in `/etc/config` you'll end up with something like 124 clients at the most. You can increase these limits in `/etc/login.conf` for `endlessh` (and `endlessh6`) like so: ``` endlessh:\ :openfiles=1024:\ :tc=daemon: endlessh6:\ :openfiles=1024:\ :tc=daemon: ```