You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
330 lines
11 KiB
330 lines
11 KiB
import bisect
from collections import defaultdict
from random import choice
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
# Import all roles here
from redbot.core import RedContext
from werewolf.roles.seer import Seer
from werewolf.roles.vanillawerewolf import VanillaWerewolf
from werewolf.roles.villager import Villager
from redbot.core.utils.menus import menu, prev_page, next_page, close_menu
# All roles in this list for iterating
ROLE_LIST = sorted([Villager, Seer, VanillaWerewolf], key=lambda x: x.alignment)
ALIGNMENT_COLORS = [0x008000, 0xff0000, 0xc0c0c0]
TOWN_ROLES = [(idx, role) for idx, role in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if role.alignment == 1]
WW_ROLES = [(idx, role) for idx, role in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if role.alignment == 2]
OTHER_ROLES = [(idx, role) for idx, role in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if role.alignment not in [0, 1]]
1: "Random", 2: "Investigative", 3: "Protective", 4: "Government",
5: "Killing", 6: "Power (Special night action)",
11: "Random", 12: "Deception", 15: "Killing", 16: "Support",
21: "Benign", 22: "Evil", 23: "Killing"}
def role_embed(idx, role, color):
embed = discord.Embed(title="**{}** - {}".format(idx, str(role.__name__)), description=role.game_start_message,
embed.add_field(name='Alignment', value=['Town', 'Werewolf', 'Neutral'][role.alignment - 1], inline=True)
embed.add_field(name='Multiples Allowed', value=str(not role.unique), inline=True)
embed.add_field(name='Role Type', value=", ".join(ROLE_CATEGORIES[x] for x in role.category), inline=True)
embed.add_field(name='Random Option', value=str(role.rand_choice), inline=True)
return embed
def setup():
# Roles
last_alignment = ROLE_LIST[0].alignment
for idx, role in enumerate(ROLE_LIST):
if role.alignment != last_alignment and len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1 not in PAGE_GROUPS:
PAGE_GROUPS.append(len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1)
last_alignment = role.alignment
ROLE_PAGES.append(role_embed(idx, role, ALIGNMENT_COLORS[role.alignment - 1]))
# Random Town Roles
if len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1 not in PAGE_GROUPS:
PAGE_GROUPS.append(len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1)
for k, v in ROLE_CATEGORIES.items():
if 0 < k <= 6:
ROLE_PAGES.append(discord.Embed(title="RANDOM:Town Role", description="Town {}".format(v), color=0x008000))
# Random WW Roles
if len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1 not in PAGE_GROUPS:
PAGE_GROUPS.append(len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1)
for k, v in ROLE_CATEGORIES.items():
if 10 < k <= 16:
discord.Embed(title="RANDOM:Werewolf Role", description="Werewolf {}".format(v), color=0xff0000))
# Random Neutral Roles
if len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1 not in PAGE_GROUPS:
PAGE_GROUPS.append(len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1)
for k, v in ROLE_CATEGORIES.items():
if 20 < k <= 26:
discord.Embed(title="RANDOM:Neutral Role", description="Neutral {}".format(v), color=0xc0c0c0))
Example code:
0 = Villager
1 = VanillaWerewolf
T1 - T6 = Random Town (1: Random, 2: Investigative, 3: Protective, 4: Government,
5: Killing, 6: Power (Special night action))
W1, W2, W5, W6 = Random Werewolf
N1 = Benign Neutral
pre-letter = exact role position
double digit position preempted by `-`
async def parse_code(code, game):
"""Do the magic described above"""
decode = []
digits = 1
built = ""
category = ""
for c in code:
if len(built) < digits:
built += c
if built == "T" or built == "W" or built == "N":
# Random Towns
category = built
built = ""
digits = 1
elif built == "-":
built = ""
digits += 1
idx = int(built)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError("Invalid code")
if category == "": # no randomness yet
options = []
if category == "T":
options = [role for role in ROLE_LIST if idx in role.category]
elif category == "W":
options = [role for role in ROLE_LIST if 10 + idx in role.category]
elif category == "N":
options = [role for role in ROLE_LIST if 20 + idx in role.category]
if not options:
raise IndexError("No Match Found")
built = ""
return decode
async def encode(roles, rand_roles):
"""Convert role list to code"""
out_code = ""
digit_sort = sorted(role for role in roles if role < 10)
for role in digit_sort:
out_code += str(role)
digit_sort = sorted(role for role in roles if 10 <= role < 100)
if digit_sort:
out_code += "-"
for role in digit_sort:
out_code += str(role)
# That covers up to 99 roles, add another set here if we breach 100
if rand_roles:
# town sort
digit_sort = sorted(role for role in rand_roles if role <= 6)
if digit_sort:
out_code += "T"
for role in digit_sort:
out_code += str(role)
# werewolf sort
digit_sort = sorted(role for role in rand_roles if 10 < role <= 20)
if digit_sort:
out_code += "W"
for role in digit_sort:
out_code += str(role)
# neutral sort
digit_sort = sorted(role for role in rand_roles if 20 < role <= 30)
if digit_sort:
out_code += "N"
for role in digit_sort:
out_code += str(role)
return out_code
async def next_group(ctx: RedContext, pages: list,
controls: dict, message: discord.Message, page: int,
timeout: float, emoji: str):
perms =
if perms.manage_messages: # Can manage messages, so remove react
await message.remove_reaction(emoji,
except discord.NotFound:
page = bisect.bisect_right(PAGE_GROUPS, page)
if page == len(PAGE_GROUPS):
page = PAGE_GROUPS[0]
page = PAGE_GROUPS[page]
return await menu(ctx, pages, controls, message=message,
page=page, timeout=timeout)
async def prev_group(ctx: RedContext, pages: list,
controls: dict, message: discord.Message, page: int,
timeout: float, emoji: str):
perms =
if perms.manage_messages: # Can manage messages, so remove react
await message.remove_reaction(emoji,
except discord.NotFound:
page = PAGE_GROUPS[bisect.bisect_left(PAGE_GROUPS, page) - 1]
return await menu(ctx, pages, controls, message=message,
page=page, timeout=timeout)
def role_from_alignment(alignment):
return [role_embed(idx, role, ALIGNMENT_COLORS[role.alignment - 1])
for idx, role in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if alignment == role.alignment]
def role_from_category(category):
return [role_embed(idx, role, ALIGNMENT_COLORS[role.alignment - 1])
for idx, role in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if category in role.category]
def role_from_id(idx):
role = ROLE_LIST[idx]
except IndexError:
return None
return role_embed(idx, role, ALIGNMENT_COLORS[role.alignment - 1])
def role_from_name(name: str):
return [role_embed(idx, role, ALIGNMENT_COLORS[role.alignment - 1])
for idx, role in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if name in role.__name__]
def say_role_list(code_list, rand_roles):
roles = [ROLE_LIST[idx] for idx in code_list]
embed = discord.Embed(title="Currently selected roles")
role_dict = defaultdict(int)
for role in roles:
role_dict[str(role.__name__)] += 1
for role in rand_roles:
if 0 < role <= 6:
role_dict["Town {}".format(ROLE_CATEGORIES[role])] += 1
if 10 < role <= 16:
role_dict["Werewolf {}".format(ROLE_CATEGORIES[role])] += 1
if 20 < role <= 26:
role_dict["Neutral {}".format(ROLE_CATEGORIES[role])] += 1
for k, v in role_dict.items():
embed.add_field(name=k, value="Count: {}".format(v), inline=True)
return embed
class GameBuilder:
def __init__(self):
self.code = []
self.rand_roles = []
async def build_game(self, ctx: RedContext):
new_controls = {
'⏪': prev_group,
"⬅": prev_page,
'☑': self.select_page,
"➡": next_page,
'⏩': next_group,
'📇': self.list_roles,
"❌": close_menu
await ctx.send("Browse through roles and add the ones you want using the check mark")
await menu(ctx, ROLE_PAGES, new_controls, timeout=60)
out = await encode(self.code, self.rand_roles)
return out
async def list_roles(self, ctx: RedContext, pages: list,
controls: dict, message: discord.Message, page: int,
timeout: float, emoji: str):
perms =
if perms.manage_messages: # Can manage messages, so remove react
await message.remove_reaction(emoji,
except discord.NotFound:
await ctx.send(embed=say_role_list(self.code, self.rand_roles))
return await menu(ctx, pages, controls, message=message,
page=page, timeout=timeout)
async def select_page(self, ctx: RedContext, pages: list,
controls: dict, message: discord.Message, page: int,
timeout: float, emoji: str):
perms =
if perms.manage_messages: # Can manage messages, so remove react
await message.remove_reaction(emoji,
except discord.NotFound:
if page >= len(ROLE_LIST):
return await menu(ctx, pages, controls, message=message,
page=page, timeout=timeout)