You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1152 lines
41 KiB

import math
import discord
import asyncio
from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config
from redbot.core import checks
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify
# from typing import Union
# 0 - Robin, 1 - Single, 2 - Double, 3 - Triple, 4 - Guarantee, 5 - Compass
T_TYPES = {0: "Round Robin", 1: "Single Elimination",
2: "Double Elimination", 3: "Triple Elimination",
4: "3 Game Guarantee", 5: "Compass Draw"}
class Fight:
"""Cog for organizing fights"""
def __init__(self, bot): = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=49564952847684, force_registration=True)
default_global = {
"srtracker": {},
"win": None,
"winu": None,
"loss": None,
"lossu": None,
"dispute": None,
"disputeu": None
default_guild = {
"current": None,
"tourneys": {},
"settings": {
"selfreport": True,
"reportchnnl": None,
"announcechnnl": None,
"admin": None
"emoji": {
"nums": [],
"undo": None,
"appr": None
self.default_tourney = {
"PLAYERS": [],
"NAME": "Tourney 0",
"RULES": {"BESTOF": 1, "BESTOFFINAL": 1, "TYPE": 0},
"OPEN": False,
"WINNER": None
self.default_match = {
"TEAM1": [],
"TEAM2": [],
"SCORE1": None,
"SCORE2": None,
"SCORE1": None,
"SCORE2": None
"SCORE1": None,
"SCORE2": None
"WINNER": None,
"DISPUTE": False
self.default_tracker = {
"TID": None,
"MID": None,
"RID": None,
# ************************Fight command group start************************
async def fight(self, ctx):
"""Participate in active fights!"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
if not await self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No tournament currently running!")
await ctx.send("Current tournament ID: " + await self._activefight(ctx))
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help()
# await ctx.send("I can do stuff!")
async def fight_join(self, ctx, user: discord.Member = None):
"""Join the active fight"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
if not user:
user =
curr_fight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx)
t_id = await self._activefight(ctx)
if not curr_fight:
await ctx.send("No tournament currently running!")
if not curr_fight["OPEN"]:
await ctx.send("Tournament currently not accepting new players")
if await self._infight(ctx, t_id,
await ctx.send("You are already in this tournament!")
await self._save_fight(ctx, t_id, curr_fight)
await ctx.send("User has been added to tournament")
# @fight.command(name="score")
# async def fight_score(self, ctx, tID=None, score1=None, score2=None):
# """Enters score for current match, or for passed tournament ID"""
# # guild = ctx.message.guild
# # user =
# currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx)
# if not currFight:
# await ctx.send("No tournament currently running!")
# return
# if not tID:
# tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
# if not await self._infight(ctx, tID,
# await ctx.send("You are not in a current tournament")
# return
# if not currFight["TYPEDATA"]:
# await ctx.send("Tournament has not started yet")
# return
# mID = await self._parseuser(ctx.guild, tID,
# if not mID:
# await ctx.send("You have no match to update!")
# return
# if currFight["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0: # Round-Robin
# await self._rr_score(ctx, tID, mID, score1, score2)
async def fight_leave(self, ctx, t_id=None, user: discord.Member = None):
"""Forfeit your match and all future matches"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
if not user:
user =
if not t_id:
t_id = await self._activefight(ctx)
await ctx.send("Todo Leave")"bracket")
async def fight_bracket(self, ctx, t_id):
"""Shows your current match your next opponent,
run [p]fight bracket full to see all matches"""
# ToDo Bracket
await ctx.send("Todo Bracket")
async def fight_bracket_full(self, ctx, t_id):
"""Shows the full bracket"""
# ToDo Bracket Full
await ctx.send("Todo Bracket Full")
# **********************Fightset command group start*********************
async def fadmin(self, ctx):
"""Admin command for managing the current tournament"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help()
async def fadmin_score(self, ctx, m_id, score1, score2):
"""Set's the score for matchID and clears disputes"""
curr_fight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx)
t_id = await self._activefight(ctx)
if not curr_fight:
await ctx.send("No tournament currently running!")
#ToDo allow score adjustment
# **********************Fightset command group start*********************['setfight'])
async def fightset(self, ctx):
"""Admin command for starting or managing tournaments"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await ctx.send_help()
async def fightset_emoji(self, ctx):
"""Set the global reaction emojis for reporting matches"""
message = await ctx.send("Emoji Tests")
message2 = await ctx.send("Secondary Emoji Tests")
needed = ["reporting a win", "reporting a loss", "disputing results"]
for need in needed:
emoji, actual_emoji, isUnicode = await self._wait_for_emoji(ctx, need)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time, please redo this command.")
await message.add_reaction(actual_emoji)
except discord.HTTPException:
await ctx.send("I can't add that emoji because I'm not in the guild that"
" owns it.")
if need == "reporting a win":
winEmoji = emoji
winUnicode = isUnicode
if need == "reporting a loss":
lossEmoji = emoji
lossUnicode = isUnicode
if need == "disputing results":
disputeEmoji = emoji
disUnicode = isUnicode
await self.config.winu.set(winUnicode)
await self.config.loss.set(lossEmoji)
await self.config.lossu.set(lossUnicode)
await self.config.dispute.set(disputeEmoji)
await self.config.disputeu.set(disUnicode)
await self._add_wld(message2)
await ctx.send("Success")
async def fightset_reset(self, ctx):
"""Clears all data, be careful!"""
await self.config.clear_all()
await ctx.send("Success")
async def fightset_trackreset(self, ctx):
"""Clears all message trackers!"""
await self.config.srtracker.set({})
await ctx.send("Success")
async def fightset_bestof(self, ctx, incount, tID=None):
"""Adjust # of games played per match. Must be an odd number"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
if not tID and not await self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust")
if not tID:
tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
currFight = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID)
num = int(incount)
await ctx.send("That is not a number")
if num % 2 != 1:
await ctx.send("Must be an odd number")
if num < 1:
await ctx.send("Must be greater than 0, idiot")
if num > 17:
await ctx.send("I can't go that high! Max 17")
currFight["RULES"]["BESTOF"] = num
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight)
await ctx.send("Tourney ID " + tID + " is now Best of " + str(num))
async def fightset_bestoffinal(self, ctx, incount, tID=None):
"""Adjust # of games played in finals. Must be an odd number
(Does not apply to tournament types without finals, such as Round Robin)"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
if not tID and not await self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust")
if not tID:
tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
currFight = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID)
num = int(incount)
await ctx.send("That is not a number")
if num % 2 != 1:
await ctx.send("Must be an odd number")
if num < 1:
await ctx.send("Must be greater than 0, idiot")
currFight["RULES"]["BESTOFFINAL"] = num
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight)
await ctx.send("Tourney ID " + tID + " is now Best of " + str(num) + " in the Finals")
async def fightset_current(self, ctx, tID):
"""Sets the current tournament to passed ID"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
currFight = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID)
if not currFight:
await ctx.send("No tourney found with that ID")
# self.the_data[]["CURRENT"] = tID
# self.save_data()
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).current.set(tID)
await ctx.send("Current tournament set to " + tID)
async def fightset_list(self, ctx):
"""Lists all current and past fights"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
for page in pagify(str(await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tourneys())):
await ctx.send(box(page))
await ctx.send("Done")
async def fightset_test(self, ctx):
await ctx.send(str(await self.config.all_guilds()))
async def fightset_open(self, ctx):
"""Toggles the open status of current tournament"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
if not await self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust")
tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx)
currFight["OPEN"] = not currFight["OPEN"]
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight)
await ctx.send("Tournament Open status is now set to: " + str(currFight["OPEN"]))
async def fightset_name(self, ctx, inname, tID=None):
"""Renames the tournament"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
if not tID and not await self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust")
if not tID:
tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
currFight = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID)
currFight["NAME"] = inname
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight)
await ctx.send("Tourney ID " + tID + " is now called " + inname)
async def fightset_start(self, ctx):
"""Starts the current tournament, must run setup first"""
def check(m): # Check Message from author
return == and ==
currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx)
tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
if not tID:
await ctx.send("No current fight to start")
if (await is None: # Emoji not setup
await ctx.send("Emojis have not been configured, see `[p]fightset emoji`")
if (await self._get_announcechnnl(ctx.guild)) is None: # Announcechnnl not setup
await ctx.send("Announcement channel has not been configured, see `[p]fightset guild announce`")
if (await self._get_reportchnnl(ctx.guild)) is None: # Reportchnnl not setup
await ctx.send("Self-Report channel has not been configured, see `[p]fightset guild report`")
if currFight["TYPEDATA"]: # Empty dicionary {} resolves to False
await ctx.send(
"Looks like this tournament has already started.\nDo you want to delete all match data and restart? (yes/no)")
# answer = await, author=author)
answer = await'message', check=check, timeout=120)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Cancelled due to timeout")
if not answer.content or answer.content.upper() not in ["YES", "Y"]:
await ctx.send("Cancelled")
currFight["OPEN"] = False # first close the tournament
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight)
if currFight["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0: # Round-Robin
await self._rr_start(ctx, tID)
async def fightset_setup(self, ctx):
"""Setup a new tournament!
Default settings are as follows
Name: Tourney # (counts from 0)
Best of: 1
Best of (final): 1
Self Report: True
Type: 0 (Round Robin)"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
# currServ = self.the_data[]
tID = str(len(await self.config.guild(
ctx.guild).tourneys())) # Can just be len without +1, tourney 0 makes len 1, tourney 1 makes len 2, etc
# currServ["CURRENT"] = tID
currFight = self.default_tourney.copy()
currFight["NAME"] = "Tourney " + str(tID)
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight)
await ctx.send("Tournament has been created!\n\n" + str(currFight))
await ctx.send("Adjust settings as necessary, then open the tournament with [p]fightset open")
async def fightset_stop(self, ctx):
"""Stops current tournament"""
def check(m): # Check Message from author
return == and ==
# guild = ctx.message.guild
if not await self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust")
# author =
# currServ = self.the_data[]
await ctx.send(
"Current fight ID is " + str(await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).current()) + "\nOkay to stop? (yes/no)")
answer = await'message', check=check, timeout=120)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Cancelled due to timeout")
if not answer.content or answer.content.upper() not in ["YES", "Y"]:
await ctx.send("Cancelled")
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).current.set(None)
await ctx.send("Fight has been stopped")
# ***************************Fightset_guild command group start**************************"guild")
async def fightset_guild(self, ctx):
"""Adjust guild wide settings"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None or isinstance(ctx.invoked_subcommand, commands.Group):
await ctx.send_help()
async def fightset_guild_selfreport(self, ctx):
"""Toggles the ability to self-report scores for all tournaments"""
curflag = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings.selfreport()
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings.selfreport.set(not curflag)
await ctx.send("Self-Reporting ability is now set to: " + str(not curflag))
async def fightset_guild_report(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
"""Set the channel for self-reporting matches"""
if channel is None:
channel =
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings.reportchnnl.set(
channel = (await self._get_reportchnnl(ctx.guild))
await ctx.send("Self-Reporting Channel is now set to: " + channel.mention)
async def fightset_guild_announce(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel = None):
"""Set the channel for tournament announcements"""
if channel is None:
channel =
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings.announcechnnl.set(
channel = (await self._get_announcechnnl(ctx.guild))
await ctx.send("Announcement Channel is now set to: " + channel.mention)
async def fightset_guild_setadmin(self, ctx, role: discord.Role = None):
"""Chooses the tournament-admin role. CAREFUL: This grants the ability to override self-reported scores!"""
await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings.admin.set(
await ctx.send("Tournament Admin role is now set to: " + role.mention)
# **********************Private command group start*********************
async def _add_wld(self, message: discord.Message):
"""Adds assigned Win-Loss-Dispute reactions to message"""
win = await
loss = await self.config.loss()
dispute = await self.config.dispute()
if not (await self.config.winu()): # If not unicode
win =
if not (await self.config.lossu()):
loss =
if not (await self.config.disputeu()):
dispute =
await message.add_reaction(win)
await message.add_reaction(loss)
await message.add_reaction(dispute)
async def _get_win_str(self):
"""Returns win emoji ready for str"""
win = await
if not (await self.config.winu()): # If not unicode
win = str(
return win
async def _get_loss_str(self):
"""Returns loss emoji ready for str"""
loss = await self.config.loss()
if not (await self.config.lossu()):
loss = str(
return loss
async def _get_dispute_str(self):
"""Returns dispute emoji ready for str"""
dispute = await self.config.dispute()
if not (await self.config.disputeu()):
dispute = str(
return dispute
async def _wait_for_emoji(self, ctx: commands.Context, messagetext):
Asks the user to react to this message and returns the emoji string if unicode
or ID if custom.
:param ctx:
:raises asyncio.TimeoutError:
If the user does not respond in time.
if messagetext:
message = await ctx.send("Please react to this message with the reaction you"
" would like for " + messagetext + ", you have 20 seconds to"
" respond.")
message = await ctx.send("Please react to this message with the reaction you"
" would like, you have 20 seconds to"
" respond.")
def _wait_check(react, user):
msg = react.message
return == and ==
reaction, _ = await'reaction_add', check=_wait_check, timeout=20)
ret =
isUnicode = False
except AttributeError:
# The emoji is unicode
ret = reaction.emoji
isUnicode = True
return ret, reaction.emoji, isUnicode
async def _save_fight(self, ctx, tID, currFight):
"""Save a passed fight"""
guild_group = self.config.guild(ctx.guild)
async with guild_group.tourneys() as allTourney:
allTourney[tID] = currFight
# allTourney = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tourneys()
# allTourney[tID] = currFight
# await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tourneys.set(allTourney)
async def _save_tracker(self, ctx, messageid: int, matchData):
"""Save a passed fight"""
async with self.config.srtracker() as allTracker:
allTracker[str(messageid)] = matchData
# allTracker = dict(await self.config.srtracker())
# allTracker[messageid] = matchData
# await self.config.srtracker.set(allTracker)
async def _guildsettings(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Returns the dictionary of guild settings"""
# return self.the_data[guildID]["SETTINGS"]
return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings()
async def _messagetracker(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Returns the dictionary of message tracking"""
# return self.the_data[guildID]["SRTRACKER"]
return await self.config.srtracker()
async def _activefight(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Returns id for active fight, or None if no active fight"""
# return self.the_data[guildID]["CURRENT"]
return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).current()
async def _infight(self, ctx: commands.Context, tID, userid):
"""Checks if passed member is already in the tournament"""
# return userid in self.the_data[guildID]["TOURNEYS"][tID]["PLAYERS"]
return userid in (await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tourneys())[tID]["PLAYERS"]
async def _embed_tourney(self, ctx, tID):
"""Prints a pretty embed of the tournament"""
await ctx.send("_placeholder Todo")
async def _comparescores(self):
"""Checks user submitted scores for inconsistancies"""
await ctx.send("_comparescores Todo")
async def _parseuser(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, userid):
"""Finds user in the tournament"""
# if self._getfight(guildID, tID)["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0: # RR
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
if userid not in theT["PLAYERS"]: # Shouldn't happen, _infight check first
return False
if theT["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0:
return await self._rr_parseuser(guild, tID, userid)
return False
def _get_team(self, ctx: commands.Context, teaminfo):
"""Team info is a list of userid's. Returns a list of user objects"""
outlist = []
for playerid in teaminfo:
return outlist
# async def _getsettings(self, ctx: commands.Context):
# # return self.the_data[guildID]["SETTINGS"]
# return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings()
# async def _get_message_from_id_old(self, channelid, messageid):
# return await, messageid)
async def _get_message_from_id(self, guild: discord.Guild, message_id: int):
Tries to find a message by ID in the current guild context.
:param ctx:
:param message_id:
for channel in guild.text_channels:
return await channel.get_message(message_id)
except discord.NotFound:
except AttributeError: # VoiceChannel object has no attribute 'get_message'
return None
async def _get_announcechnnl(self, guild: discord.Guild):
channelid = await self.config.guild(guild).settings.announcechnnl()
channel = self._get_channel_from_id(channelid)
return channel
async def _get_reportchnnl(self, guild: discord.Guild):
channelid = await self.config.guild(guild).settings.reportchnnl()
channel = self._get_channel_from_id(channelid)
return channel
def _get_channel_from_id(self, channelid):
def _get_user_from_id(self, userid):
# guild = self._get_guild_from_id(guildID)
# return discord.utils.get(guild.members, id=userid)
def _get_guild_from_id(self, guildID):
async def _getfight(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID):
# return self.the_data[guildID]["TOURNEYS"][tID]
return (await self.config.guild(guild).tourneys())[tID]
async def _getcurrentfight(self, ctx: commands.Context):
# if not self._activefight(guildID):
# return None
# return self._getfight(guildID, self._activefight(guildID))
isactive = await self._activefight(ctx)
if not isactive:
return None
return await self._getfight(ctx.guild, isactive)
async def _report_win(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, mID, member: discord.Member):
"""Reports a win for member in match"""
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
if not in theT["PLAYERS"]: # Shouldn't happen
return False
if theT["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0:
return await self._rr_report_wl(guild, tID, mID, member, True)
async def _report_loss(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, mID, member: discord.Member):
"""Reports a win for member in match"""
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
if not in theT["PLAYERS"]: # Shouldn't happen
return False
if theT["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0:
return await self._rr_report_wl(guild, tID, mID, member, False)
async def _report_dispute(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, mID):
"""Reports a win for member in match"""
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
if not in theT["PLAYERS"]: # Shouldn't happen
return False
if theT["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0:
return await self._rr_report_dispute(guild, tID, mID)
return False
# *********** References to "TYPEDATA" must be done per tournament mode (Below this line) *******
# **********************Single Elimination***************************
async def _elim_setup(self, tID):
await ctx.send("Elim setup todo")
async def _elim_start(self, tID):
await ctx.send("Elim start todo")
async def _elim_update(self, matchID):
await ctx.send("Elim update todo")
# **********************Round-Robin**********************************
async def _rr_report_wl(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, mID, user: discord.Member, lWin):
"""User reports a win or loss for member in match"""
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
teamnum = await self._rr_matchperms(guild, tID,, mID)
# _rr_parseuser has already be run in on_raw_reaction_add, should be safe to proceed without checking again
if (lWin and teamnum == 1) or (not lWin and teamnum == 2):
score1 = math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"] / 2)
score2 = 0
score1 = 0
score2 = math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"] / 2)
if teamnum == 1:
theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"][mID]["USERSCORE1"]["SCORE1"] = score1
theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"][mID]["USERSCORE1"]["SCORE2"] = score2
if teamnum == 2:
theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"][mID]["USERSCORE2"]["SCORE1"] = score1
theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"][mID]["USERSCORE2"]["SCORE2"] = score2
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, theT)
async def _rr_report_dispute(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, mID):
"""Reports a disputed match"""
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, theT)
async def _rr_finalize(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, mID):
"""Applies scores to all non-disputed matches"""
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
for mID in theR:
if not await self._rr_matchover(guild, tID, mID):
match = theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"][mID]
if ((match["USERSCORE1"]["SCORE1"] == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"] / 2)) !=
(match["USERSCORE1"]["SCORE2"] == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"] / 2)) and
(match["USERSCORE2"]["SCORE1"] == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"] / 2)) !=
(match["USERSCORE2"]["SCORE2"] == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"] / 2)) and
(match["USERSCORE1"]["SCORE1"] == match["USERSCORE2"]["SCORE1"]) and
(match["USERSCORE1"]["SCORE2"] == match["USERSCORE2"]["SCORE2"])):
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, theT)
await self._rr_report_dispute(guild, tID, mID)
async def _rr_parseuser(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, userid):
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
matches = theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"]
schedule = theT["TYPEDATA"]["SCHEDULE"]
for rnd in schedule:
for mID in rnd:
teamnum = await self._rr_matchperms(guild, tID, userid, mID)
if teamnum and not await self._rr_matchover(guild, tID,
mID): # User is in this match, check if it's done yet
return mID
return False # All matches done or not in tourney
async def _rr_matchover(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, mID):
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
match = theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"][mID]
if ((match["SCORE1"] == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"] / 2)) !=
(match["SCORE2"] == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"] / 2))):
return True
return False
async def _rr_roundover(self, ctx: commands.Context, tID):
theT = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID)
for mID in theR:
if not await self._rr_matchover(ctx.guild, tID, mID):
return False
return True
async def _rr_matchperms(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, userid, mID):
# if self._get_user_from_id(guildID, userid) # Do an if-admin at start
theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID)
if userid in theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"][mID]["TEAM1"]:
return 1
if userid in theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"][mID]["TEAM2"]:
return 2
return False
async def _rr_setup(self, ctx: commands.Context, tID):
theT = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID)
theD = theT["TYPEDATA"]
get_schedule = self._rr_schedule(theT["PLAYERS"])
theD["SCHEDULE"] = get_schedule[0]
theD["MATCHES"] = get_schedule[1]
theD["ROUND"] = 0
await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, theT)
async def _rr_printround(self, ctx: commands.Context, tID, rID):
theT = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID)
theD = theT["TYPEDATA"]
channel = await self._get_announcechnnl(ctx.guild)
if channel: # rID starts at 0, so print +1. Never used for computation, so doesn't matter
await channel.send("**Round " + str(rID + 1) + " is starting**")
channel = await self._get_reportchnnl(ctx.guild)
for mID in theD["SCHEDULE"][rID]:
team1 = self._get_team(ctx, theD["MATCHES"][mID]["TEAM1"])
team2 = self._get_team(ctx, theD["MATCHES"][mID]["TEAM2"])
for i in range(len(team1)):
if team1[i]:
team1[i] = team1[i].mention
team1[i] = "BYE"
for i in range(len(team2)):
if team2[i]:
team2[i] = team2[i].mention
team2[i] = "BYE"
mention1 = ", ".join(team1)
mention2 = ", ".join(team2)
outembed = discord.Embed(title="Match ID: " + mID, color=0x0000bf)
outembed.add_field(name="Team 1", value=mention1, inline=False)
outembed.add_field(name="Team 2", value=mention2, inline=False)
outembed.set_footer(text=(await self._get_win_str()) + " Report Win || " + (
await self._get_loss_str()) + " Report Loss || " + (await self._get_dispute_str()) + " Dispute Result")
if channel:
message = await channel.send(embed=outembed)
await self._add_wld(message)
trackmessage = self.default_tracker.copy()
trackmessage["TID"] = tID
trackmessage["MID"] = mID
trackmessage["RID"] = rID
trackmessage["GUILDID"] =
await self._save_tracker(ctx,, trackmessage)
# await ctx.send(team1 + " vs " + team2 + " || Match ID: " + match)
async def _rr_start(self, ctx, tID):
await self._rr_setup(ctx, tID)
channel = await self._get_announcechnnl(ctx.guild)
if channel:
await channel.send("**Tournament is Starting**")
await self._rr_printround(ctx, tID, 0)
# async def _rr_score(self, ctx: commands.Context, tID, mID, t1points, t2points):
# def check(m): #Check Message from author
# return == and ==
# theT = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID)
# theD = theT["TYPEDATA"]
# # if t1points and t2points:
# # theD["MATCHES"][mID]["SCORE1"] = t1points
# # theD["MATCHES"][mID]["SCORE2"] = t2points
# # self.save_data()
# # return
# if not t1points:
# await ctx.send("Entering scores for match ID: " + mID + "\n\n")
# await ctx.send("How many points did TEAM1 get?")
# if await self._rr_matchperms(ctx.guild, tID,, mID) == 1:
# await ctx.send("*HINT: You are on TEAM1*")
# # answer = await, author=author)
# try:
# answer = await'message', check=check, timeout=120)
# except asyncio.TimeoutError:
# await ctx.send("Cancelled due to timeout")
# return
# try:
# t1points = int(answer.content)
# except:
# await ctx.send("That's not a number!")
# return
# if not t2points:
# await ctx.send("How many points did TEAM2 get?")
# if await self._rr_matchperms(ctx.guild, tID,, mID) == 2:
# await ctx.send("*HINT: You are on TEAM2*")
# # answer = await, author=author)
# try:
# answer = await'message', check=check, timeout=120)
# except asyncio.TimeoutError:
# await ctx.send("Cancelled due to timeout")
# return
# try:
# t2points = int(answer.content)
# except:
# await ctx.send("That's not a number!")
# return
# if (t1points == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"]/2) or
# t2points == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"]/2)):
# theD["MATCHES"][mID]["SCORE1"] = t1points
# theD["MATCHES"][mID]["SCORE2"] = t2points
# else:
# await ctx.send("Invalid scores, nothing will be updated")
# return
# await self._save_fight(theT)
# await ctx.send("Scores have been saved successfully!")
# # if self._rr_checkround(guildID, tID)
def _rr_schedule(self, inlist):
""" Create a schedule for the teams in the list and return it"""
s = [] # Schedule list
outID = {} # Matches
firstID = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F",
"G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L",
"M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R",
"S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X",
"Y", "Z"] # God dammit this could've been a string
if len(inlist) % 2 == 1:
inlist = inlist + ["BYE"]
for i in range(len(inlist)):
mid = int(len(inlist) / 2)
l1 = inlist[:mid]
l2 = inlist[mid:]
matchLetter = ""
j = i
while j + 1 > 26:
matchLetter += firstID[int(j + 1) % 26 - 1]
j = (j + 1) / 26 - 1
matchLetter += firstID[int(j + 1) % 26 - 1]
matchLetter = matchLetter[::-1]
matchID = []
for ix in range(len(l1)):
matchID += [matchLetter + str(ix)]
rPlayers = list(zip(l1, l2))
TeamCnt = 0
for ID in matchID:
outID[ID] = self.default_match.copy()
outID[ID]["TEAM1"] = [rPlayers[TeamCnt][0]]
outID[ID]["TEAM2"] = [rPlayers[TeamCnt][1]]
# outID[ID] = {
# "TEAM1": [rPlayers[TeamCnt][0]],
# "TEAM2": [rPlayers[TeamCnt][1]],
# "SCORE1": 0,
# "SCORE2": 0,
# "USERSCORE1": {"SCORE1": 0, "SCORE2": 0},
# "USERSCORE2": {"SCORE1": 0, "SCORE2": 0}
# }
TeamCnt += 1
# List of match ID's is now done
s += [matchID] # Schedule of matches
inlist.insert(1, inlist.pop())
outlist = [[], {}]
outlist[0] = s
outlist[1] = outID
# outlist[0] is list schedule of matches
# outlist[1] is dict data of matches
return outlist
# **************** Attempt 2, borrow from Squid*******
async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, emoji: discord.PartialReactionEmoji,
message_id: int, channel_id: int, user_id: int):
Event handler for long term reaction watching.
:param discord.PartialReactionEmoji emoji:
:param int message_id:
:param int channel_id:
:param int user_id:
tracker = await self.config.srtracker()
if str(message_id) not in tracker:
log_channel = self._get_channel_from_id(390927071553126402)
# await log_channel.send("Message ID: "+str(message_id)+" was just reacted to")
tracker = tracker[str(message_id)]
guild =["GUILDID"])
member = guild.get_member(user_id)
if tracker["MID"] != (await self._parseuser(guild, tracker["TID"],
message = (await self._get_message_from_id(guild, message_id))
await message.remove_reaction(emoji, member)
channel = guild.get_channel(channel_id)
message = await channel.get_message(message_id)
if emoji.is_custom_emoji():
emoji_id =
emoji_id =
wld = [(await, (await self.config.loss()), (await self.config.dispute())]
if emoji_id not in wld: # Not sure if this works # It does
await message.remove_reaction(emoji, member)
if emoji_id == wld[0]:
await self._report_win()
await log_channel.send("Message ID: " + str(message_id) + " was reporting a win")
if emoji_id == wld[1]:
await self._report_loss()
await log_channel.send("Message ID: " + str(message_id) + " was reporting a loss")
if emoji_id == wld[2]:
await self._report_dispute(guild, tracker["TID"], tracker["MID"])
await log_channel.send("Message ID: " + str(message_id) + " was reporting a dispute")