245 lines
8.9 KiB
245 lines
8.9 KiB
import asyncio
import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import discord
from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
from redbot.core.bot import Red
from redbot.core.commands import Cog, parse_timedelta
from redbot.core.utils import AsyncIter
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify
log = logging.getLogger("red.fox_v3.timerole")
async def sleep_till_next_hour():
now = datetime.utcnow()
next_hour = datetime(year=now.year, month=now.month, day=now.day, hour=now.hour + 1)
log.debug("Sleeping for {} seconds".format((next_hour - datetime.utcnow()).seconds))
await asyncio.sleep((next_hour - datetime.utcnow()).seconds)
class Timerole(Cog):
"""Add roles to users based on time on server"""
def __init__(self, bot: Red):
self.bot = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True)
default_global = {}
default_guild = {"announce": None, "roles": {}}
self.updating = asyncio.create_task(self.check_hour())
async def red_delete_data_for_user(self, **kwargs):
"""Nothing to delete"""
def cog_unload(self):
async def runtimerole(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Trigger the hourly timerole
Useful for troubleshooting the initial setup
async with ctx.typing():
await self.timerole_update()
await ctx.tick()
async def timerole(self, ctx):
"""Adjust timerole settings"""
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
async def addrole(
self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, time: str, *requiredroles: discord.Role
"""Add a role to be added after specified time on server"""
guild = ctx.guild
parsed_time = parse_timedelta(time, allowed_units=["weeks", "days", "hours"])
except commands.BadArgument:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Error: Invalid time string.")
days = parsed_time.days
hours = parsed_time.seconds // 60 // 60
to_set = {"days": days, "hours": hours, "remove": False}
if requiredroles:
to_set["required"] = [r.id for r in requiredroles]
await self.config.guild(guild).roles.set_raw(role.id, value=to_set)
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
"Time Role for {0} set to {1} days and {2} hours until added".format(
role.name, days, hours
async def removerole(
self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, time: str, *requiredroles: discord.Role
Add a role to be removed after specified time on server
Useful with an autorole cog
guild = ctx.guild
parsed_time = parse_timedelta(time, allowed_units=["weeks", "days", "hours"])
except commands.BadArgument:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Error: Invalid time string.")
days = parsed_time.days
hours = parsed_time.seconds // 60 // 60
to_set = {"days": days, "hours": hours, "remove": True}
if requiredroles:
to_set["required"] = [r.id for r in requiredroles]
await self.config.guild(guild).roles.set_raw(role.id, value=to_set)
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
"Time Role for {0} set to {1} days and {2} hours until removed".format(
role.name, days, hours
async def channel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel):
"""Sets the announce channel for role adds"""
guild = ctx.guild
await self.config.guild(guild).announce.set(channel.id)
await ctx.send("Announce channel set to {0}".format(channel.mention))
async def delrole(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role):
"""Deletes a role from being added/removed after specified time"""
guild = ctx.guild
await self.config.guild(guild).roles.set_raw(role.id, value=None)
await ctx.send("{0} will no longer be applied".format(role.name))
async def list(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Lists all currently setup timeroles"""
guild = ctx.guild
role_dict = await self.config.guild(guild).roles()
out = "Current Timeroles:\n"
for r_id, r_data in role_dict.items():
if r_data is not None:
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=int(r_id))
r_roles = []
if role is None:
role = r_id
if "required" in r_data:
r_roles = [
str(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=int(new_id)))
for new_id in r_data["required"]
out += "{} | {} days | requires: {}\n".format(str(role), r_data["days"], r_roles)
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(out)
async def timerole_update(self):
async for guild in AsyncIter(self.bot.guilds):
addlist = []
removelist = []
role_dict = await self.config.guild(guild).roles()
if not any(role_data for role_data in role_dict.values()): # No roles
async for member in AsyncIter(guild.members):
has_roles = [r.id for r in member.roles]
add_roles = [
for rID, r_data in role_dict.items()
if r_data is not None and not r_data["remove"]
remove_roles = [
for rID, r_data in role_dict.items()
if r_data is not None and r_data["remove"]
check_add_roles = set(add_roles) - set(has_roles)
check_remove_roles = set(remove_roles) & set(has_roles)
await self.check_required_and_date(
addlist, check_add_roles, has_roles, member, role_dict
await self.check_required_and_date(
removelist, check_remove_roles, has_roles, member, role_dict
channel = await self.config.guild(guild).announce()
if channel is not None:
channel = guild.get_channel(channel)
title = "**These members have received the following roles**\n"
await self.announce_roles(title, addlist, channel, guild, to_add=True)
title = "**These members have lost the following roles**\n"
await self.announce_roles(title, removelist, channel, guild, to_add=False)
async def announce_roles(self, title, role_list, channel, guild, to_add: True):
results = ""
async for member, role_id in AsyncIter(role_list):
role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=role_id)
if to_add:
await member.add_roles(role, reason="Timerole")
await member.remove_roles(role, reason="Timerole")
except (discord.Forbidden, discord.NotFound) as e:
results += "{} : {} **(Failed)**\n".format(member.display_name, role.name)
results += "{} : {}\n".format(member.display_name, role.name)
if channel is not None and results:
await channel.send(title)
for page in pagify(results, shorten_by=50):
await channel.send(page)
elif results: # Channel is None, log the results
async def check_required_and_date(self, role_list, check_roles, has_roles, member, role_dict):
async for role_id in AsyncIter(check_roles):
# Check for required role
if "required" in role_dict[str(role_id)]:
if not set(role_dict[str(role_id)]["required"]) & set(has_roles):
# Doesn't have required role
if (
+ timedelta(
hours=role_dict[str(role_id)].get("hours", 0),
<= datetime.today()
# Qualifies
role_list.append((member, role_id))
async def check_hour(self):
await sleep_till_next_hour()
while self is self.bot.get_cog("Timerole"):
await self.timerole_update()
await sleep_till_next_hour()