115 lines
2.9 KiB
115 lines
2.9 KiB
import asyncio
import discord
from redbot.core import Config, commands
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from werewolf.game import Game
class Werewolf:
Base to host werewolf on a guild
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=87101114101119111108102, force_registration=True)
default_global = {}
default_guild = {
self.games = {} # Active games stored here, id is per guild
async def ww(self, ctx: commands.Context):
Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list.
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
async def new(self, ctx, game_code):
Create and join a new game of Werewolf
game = self._get_game(ctx.guild, game_code)
if not game:
await ctx.send("Failed to start a new game")
await ctx.send("New game has started")
async def join(self, ctx):
Joins a game of Werewolf
game = self._get_game(ctx.guild)
if not game:
await ctx.send("No game to join!\nCreate a new one with `[p]ww new`")
await game.join(ctx.author, ctx.channel)
async def quit(self, ctx):
Quit a game of Werewolf
game = self._get_game(ctx.guild)
await game.quit(ctx.author, ctx.channel)
async def start(self, ctx):
Checks number of players and attempts to start the game
game = self._get_game(ctx.guild)
if not game:
await ctx.send("No game running, cannot start")
await game.setup(ctx)
async def vote(self, ctx, id):
Vote for a player by ID
game = self._get_game(ctx.guild)
if not game:
await ctx.send("No game running, cannot vote")
# Game handles response now
channel = ctx.channel
if channel is game.village_channel:
await game.vote(ctx.author, id, channel)
if channel in (c["channel"] for c in game.p_channels.values()):
await game.vote(ctx.author, id, channel)
def _get_game(self, guild, game_code=None):
if guild.id not in self.games:
if not game_code:
return None
self.games[guild.id] = Game(guild, game_code)
return self.games[guild.id]
async def _game_start(self, game):
await game.start()