import bisect import logging from collections import defaultdict from random import choice import discord # Import all roles here from redbot.core import commands # from .roles.seer import Seer # from .roles.vanillawerewolf import VanillaWerewolf # from .roles.villager import Villager from werewolf import roles from redbot.core.utils.menus import menu, prev_page, next_page, close_menu from werewolf.role import Role log = logging.getLogger("red.fox_v3.werewolf.builder") # All roles in this list for iterating ROLE_DICT = {name: cls for name, cls in roles.__dict__.items() if isinstance(cls, type)} ROLE_LIST = sorted( [cls for cls in ROLE_DICT.values()], key=lambda x: x.alignment, ) log.debug(f"{ROLE_DICT=}") ALIGNMENT_COLORS = [0x008000, 0xFF0000, 0xC0C0C0] # TOWN_ROLES = [(idx, role) for idx, r_tuple in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if role.alignment == 1] # WW_ROLES = [(idx, role) for idx, r_tuple in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if role.alignment == 2] # OTHER_ROLES = [ # (idx, role) for idx, r_tuple in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if role.alignment not in [0, 1] # ] ROLE_PAGES = [] PAGE_GROUPS = [0] ROLE_CATEGORIES = { 1: "Random", 2: "Investigative", 3: "Protective", 4: "Government", 5: "Killing", 6: "Power (Special night action)", 11: "Random", 12: "Deception", 15: "Killing", 16: "Support", 21: "Benign", 22: "Evil", 23: "Killing", } CATEGORY_COUNT = [] def role_embed(idx, role, color): embed = discord.Embed( title=f"**{idx}** - {role.__name__}", description=role.game_start_message, color=color, ) embed.add_field( name="Alignment", value=["Town", "Werewolf", "Neutral"][role.alignment - 1], inline=True ) embed.add_field(name="Multiples Allowed", value=str(not role.unique), inline=True) embed.add_field( name="Role Type", value=", ".join(ROLE_CATEGORIES[x] for x in role.category), inline=True ) embed.add_field(name="Random Option", value=str(role.rand_choice), inline=True) return embed def setup(): # Roles last_alignment = ROLE_LIST[0].alignment for idx, role in enumerate(ROLE_LIST): if role.alignment != last_alignment and len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1 not in PAGE_GROUPS: PAGE_GROUPS.append(len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1) last_alignment = role.alignment ROLE_PAGES.append(role_embed(idx, role, ALIGNMENT_COLORS[role.alignment - 1])) # Random Town Roles if len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1 not in PAGE_GROUPS: PAGE_GROUPS.append(len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1) for k, v in ROLE_CATEGORIES.items(): if 0 < k <= 6: ROLE_PAGES.append( discord.Embed(title="RANDOM:Town Role", description=f"Town {v}", color=0x008000) ) CATEGORY_COUNT.append(k) # Random WW Roles if len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1 not in PAGE_GROUPS: PAGE_GROUPS.append(len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1) for k, v in ROLE_CATEGORIES.items(): if 10 < k <= 16: ROLE_PAGES.append( discord.Embed( title="RANDOM:Werewolf Role", description=f"Werewolf {v}", color=0xFF0000, ) ) CATEGORY_COUNT.append(k) # Random Neutral Roles if len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1 not in PAGE_GROUPS: PAGE_GROUPS.append(len(ROLE_PAGES) - 1) for k, v in ROLE_CATEGORIES.items(): if 20 < k <= 26: ROLE_PAGES.append( discord.Embed( title=f"RANDOM:Neutral Role", description="Neutral {v}", color=0xC0C0C0 ) ) CATEGORY_COUNT.append(k) """ Example code: 0 = Villager 1 = VanillaWerewolf T1 - T6 = Random Town (1: Random, 2: Investigative, 3: Protective, 4: Government, 5: Killing, 6: Power (Special night action)) W1, W2, W5, W6 = Random Werewolf N1 = Benign Neutral 0001-1112T11W112N2 0,0,0,1,11,12,E1,R1,R1,R1,R2,P2 pre-letter = exact role position double digit position preempted by `-` """ async def parse_code(code, game): """Do the magic described above""" decode = [] digits = 1 built = "" category = "" for c in code: if len(built) < digits: built += c if built == "T" or built == "W" or built == "N": # Random Towns category = built built = "" digits = 1 continue elif built == "-": built = "" digits += 1 continue try: idx = int(built) except ValueError: raise ValueError("Invalid code") if category == "": # no randomness yet decode.append(ROLE_LIST[idx](game)) else: options = [] if category == "T": options = [role for role in ROLE_LIST if idx in role.category] elif category == "W": options = [role for role in ROLE_LIST if 10 + idx in role.category] elif category == "N": options = [role for role in ROLE_LIST if 20 + idx in role.category] pass if not options: raise IndexError("No Match Found") decode.append(choice(options)(game)) built = "" return decode async def encode(roles, rand_roles): """Convert role list to code""" out_code = "" digit_sort = sorted(role for role in roles if role < 10) for role in digit_sort: out_code += str(role) digit_sort = sorted(role for role in roles if 10 <= role < 100) if digit_sort: out_code += "-" for role in digit_sort: out_code += str(role) # That covers up to 99 roles, add another set here if we breach 100 if rand_roles: # town sort digit_sort = sorted(role for role in rand_roles if role <= 6) if digit_sort: out_code += "T" for role in digit_sort: out_code += str(role) # werewolf sort digit_sort = sorted(role for role in rand_roles if 10 < role <= 20) if digit_sort: out_code += "W" for role in digit_sort: out_code += str(role) # neutral sort digit_sort = sorted(role for role in rand_roles if 20 < role <= 30) if digit_sort: out_code += "N" for role in digit_sort: out_code += str(role) return out_code async def next_group( ctx: commands.Context, pages: list, controls: dict, message: discord.Message, page: int, timeout: float, emoji: str, ): perms = if perms.manage_messages: # Can manage messages, so remove react try: await message.remove_reaction(emoji, except discord.NotFound: pass page = bisect.bisect_right(PAGE_GROUPS, page) if page == len(PAGE_GROUPS): page = PAGE_GROUPS[0] else: page = PAGE_GROUPS[page] return await menu(ctx, pages, controls, message=message, page=page, timeout=timeout) async def prev_group( ctx: commands.Context, pages: list, controls: dict, message: discord.Message, page: int, timeout: float, emoji: str, ): perms = if perms.manage_messages: # Can manage messages, so remove react try: await message.remove_reaction(emoji, except discord.NotFound: pass page = PAGE_GROUPS[bisect.bisect_left(PAGE_GROUPS, page) - 1] return await menu(ctx, pages, controls, message=message, page=page, timeout=timeout) def role_from_alignment(alignment): return [ role_embed(idx, role, ALIGNMENT_COLORS[role.alignment - 1]) for idx, role in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if alignment == role.alignment ] def role_from_category(category): return [ role_embed(idx, role, ALIGNMENT_COLORS[role.alignment - 1]) for idx, role in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if category in role.category ] def role_from_id(idx): try: role = ROLE_LIST[idx] except IndexError: return None return role_embed(idx, role, ALIGNMENT_COLORS[role.alignment - 1]) def role_from_name(name: str): return [ role_embed(idx, role, ALIGNMENT_COLORS[role.alignment - 1]) for idx, role in enumerate(ROLE_LIST) if name in role.__name__ ] def say_role_list(code_list, rand_roles): roles = [ROLE_LIST[idx] for idx in code_list] embed = discord.Embed(title="Currently selected roles") role_dict = defaultdict(int) for role in roles: role_dict[str(role.__name__)] += 1 for role in rand_roles: if 0 < role <= 6: role_dict[f"Town {ROLE_CATEGORIES[role]}"] += 1 if 10 < role <= 16: role_dict[f"Werewolf {ROLE_CATEGORIES[role]}"] += 1 if 20 < role <= 26: role_dict[f"Neutral {ROLE_CATEGORIES[role]}"] += 1 for k, v in role_dict.items(): embed.add_field(name=k, value=f"Count: {v}", inline=True) return embed class GameBuilder: def __init__(self): self.code = [] self.rand_roles = [] setup() async def build_game(self, ctx: commands.Context): new_controls = { "⏪": prev_group, "⬅": prev_page, "☑": self.select_page, "➡": next_page, "⏩": next_group, "📇": self.list_roles, "❌": close_menu, } await ctx.send("Browse through roles and add the ones you want using the check mark") await menu(ctx, ROLE_PAGES, new_controls, timeout=60) out = await encode(self.code, self.rand_roles) return out async def list_roles( self, ctx: commands.Context, pages: list, controls: dict, message: discord.Message, page: int, timeout: float, emoji: str, ): perms = if perms.manage_messages: # Can manage messages, so remove react try: await message.remove_reaction(emoji, except discord.NotFound: pass await ctx.send(embed=say_role_list(self.code, self.rand_roles)) return await menu(ctx, pages, controls, message=message, page=page, timeout=timeout) async def select_page( self, ctx: commands.Context, pages: list, controls: dict, message: discord.Message, page: int, timeout: float, emoji: str, ): perms = if perms.manage_messages: # Can manage messages, so remove react try: await message.remove_reaction(emoji, except discord.NotFound: pass if page >= len(ROLE_LIST): self.rand_roles.append(CATEGORY_COUNT[page - len(ROLE_LIST)]) else: self.code.append(page) return await menu(ctx, pages, controls, message=message, page=page, timeout=timeout)