import asyncio import random import discord from werewolf.builder import parse_code from werewolf.player import Player class Game: """ Base class to run a single game of Werewolf """ default_secret_channel = { "channel": None, "players": [], "votegroup": None # uninitialized VoteGroup } morning_messages = [ "**The sun rises on day {} in the village..**", "**Morning has arrived on day {}..**" ] day_vote_count = 3 # def __new__(cls, guild, game_code): # game_code = ["VanillaWerewolf", "Villager", "Villager"] # # return super().__new__(cls, guild, game_code) def __init__(self, guild, game_code): self.guild = guild self.game_code = ["VanillaWerewolf"] self.roles = [] self.players = [] self.day_vote = {} # author: target self.vote_totals = {} # id: total_votes self.started = False self.game_over = False self.can_vote = False self.used_votes = 0 self.day_time = False self.day_count = 0 self.channel_category = None self.village_channel = None self.p_channels = {} # uses default_secret_channel self.vote_groups = {} # ID : VoteGroup() self.night_results = [] self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() async def setup(self, ctx): """ Runs the initial setup 1. Assign Roles 2. Create Channels 2a. Channel Permissions 3. Check Initial role setup (including alerts) 4. Start game """ if self.game_code: await self.get_roles() if len(self.players) != len(self.roles): await ctx.send("Player count does not match role count, cannot start") self.roles = [] return False await self.assign_roles() # Create category and channel with individual overwrites overwrite = { self.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False, send_messages=True), discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True) } self.channel_category = await self.guild.create_category("ww-game", overwrites=overwrite, reason="New game of " "werewolf") for player in self.players: overwrite[player.member] = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) self.village_channel = await self.guild.create_text_channel("Village Square", overwrites=overwrite, reason="New game of werewolf", category=self.channel_category) # Assuming everything worked so far print("Pre at_game_start") await self._at_game_start() # This will queue channels and votegroups to be made print("Post at_game_start") for channel_id in self.p_channels: print("Channel id: "+channel_id) overwrite = { self.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) } for player in self.p_channels[channel_id]["players"]: overwrite[player.member] = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) channel = await self.guild.create_text_channel(channel_id, overwrites=overwrite, reason="Ww game secret channel", category=self.channel_category) self.p_channels[channel_id]["channel"] = channel if self.p_channels[channel_id]["votegroup"] is not None: vote_group = self.p_channels[channel_id]["votegroup"](self, channel) await vote_group.register_players(*self.p_channels[channel_id]["players"]) self.vote_groups[channel_id] = vote_group print("Pre-cycle") await asyncio.sleep(1) asyncio.ensure_future(self._cycle()) # Start the loop ############START Notify structure############ async def _cycle(self): """ Each event calls the next event _at_day_start() _at_voted() _at_kill() _at_day_end() _at_night_begin() _at_night_end() and repeat with _at_day_start() again """ await self._at_day_start() # Once cycle ends, this will trigger end_game await self._end_game() # Handle open channels async def _at_game_start(self): # ID 0 if self.game_over: return await self.village_channel.send( embed=discord.Embed(title="Game is starting, please wait for setup to complete")) await self._notify(0) async def _at_day_start(self): # ID 1 if self.game_over: return def check(): return not self.can_vote or not self.day_time or self.game_over self.day_count += 1 embed=discord.Embed(title=random.choice(self.morning_messages).format(self.day_count)) for result in self.night_results: embed.add_field(name=result, value="________", inline=False) self.day_time = True self.night_results = [] # Clear for next day await self.village_channel.send(embed=embed) await self.generate_targets(self.village_channel) await self.day_perms(self.village_channel) await self._notify(1) await self._check_game_over() if self.game_over: return self.can_vote = True await asyncio.sleep(120) # 4 minute days if check(): return await self.village_channel.send(embed=discord.Embed(title="**Two minutes of daylight remain...**")) await asyncio.sleep(120) # 4 minute days # Need a loop here to wait for trial to end (can_vote?) if check(): return await self._at_day_end() async def _at_voted(self, target): # ID 2 if self.game_over: return data = {"player": target} await self._notify(2, data) self.used_votes += 1 self.can_vote = False await self.speech_perms(self.village_channel, target.member) await self.village_channel.send( "**{} will be put to trial and has 30 seconds to defend themselves**".format(target.mention)) await asyncio.sleep(30) await self.speech_perms(self.village_channel, target.member, undo=True) message = await self.village_channel.send( "Everyone will now vote whether to lynch {}\n" "👍 to save, 👎 to lynch\n" "*Majority rules, no-lynch on ties, " "vote both or neither to abstain, 15 seconds to vote*".format(target.mention)) await self.village_channel.add_reaction("👍") await self.village_channel.add_reaction("👎") await asyncio.sleep(15) reaction_list = message.reactions up_votes = sum(p.emoji == "👍" and not for p in reaction_list) down_votes = sum(p.emoji == "👎" and not for p in reaction_list) if len(down_votes) > len(up_votes): embed=discord.Embed(title="Vote Results", color=0xff0000) else: embed=discord.Embed(title="Vote Results", color=0x80ff80) embed.add_field(name="👎", value="**{}**".format(len(up_votes)), inline=True) embed.add_field(name="👍", value="**{}**".format(len(down_votes)), inline=True) await self.village_channel.send(embed=embed) if len(down_votes) > len(up_votes): await self.village_channel.send("**Voted to lynch {}!**".format(target.mention)) await self.lynch(target) else: await self.village_channel.send("**{} has been spared!**".format(target.mention)) if self.used_votes >= self.day_vote_count: await self.village_channel.send("**All votes have been used! Day is now over!**") else: await self.village_channel.send( "**{}**/**{}** of today's votes have been used!\n" "Nominate carefully..".format(self.used_votes, self.day_vote_count)) self.can_vote = True # Only re-enable voting if more votes remain if not self.can_vote: await self._at_day_end() async def _at_kill(self, target): # ID 3 if self.game_over: return data = {"player": target} await self._notify(3, data) async def _at_hang(self, target): # ID 4 if self.game_over: return data = {"player": target} await self._notify(4, data) async def _at_day_end(self): # ID 5 await self._check_game_over() if self.game_over: return self.can_vote = False self.day_vote = {} self.vote_totals = {} self.day_time = False await self.night_perms(self.village_channel) await self.village_channel.send(embed=discord.Embed(title="**The sun sets on the village...**")) await self._notify(5) await asyncio.sleep(5) await self._at_night_start() async def _at_night_start(self): # ID 6 if self.game_over: return await self._notify(6) await asyncio.sleep(120) # 2 minutes await self.village_channel.send(embed=discord.Embed(title="**Two minutes of night remain...**")) await asyncio.sleep(90) # 1.5 minutes await self.village_channel.send(embed=discord.Embed(title="**Thirty seconds until sunrise...**")) await asyncio.sleep(30) # .5 minutes await self._at_night_end() async def _at_night_end(self): # ID 7 if self.game_over: return await self._notify(7) await asyncio.sleep(15) await self._at_day_start() async def _at_visit(self, target, source): # ID 8 if self.game_over: return data = {"target": target, "source": source} await self._notify(8, data) async def _notify(self, event, data=None): for i in range(1,7): # action guide 1-6 (0 is no action) tasks = [] # Role priorities role_order = [role for role in self.roles if role.action_list[event][1]==i] for role in role_order: tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(role.on_event(event, data), loop=self.loop)) # VoteGroup priorities vote_order = [vg for vg in self.vote_groups.values() if vg.action_list[event][1]==i] for vote_group in vote_order: tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(vote_group.on_event(event, data), loop=self.loop)) if tasks: await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # Run same-priority task simultaneously ############END Notify structure############ async def generate_targets(self, channel): embed=discord.Embed(title="Remaining Players") for i in range(len(self.players)): player = self.players[i] if player.alive: status = "" else: status = "*Dead*" embed.add_field(name="ID# **{}**".format(i), value="{} {}".format(status, player.member.display_name), inline=True) return await channel.send(embed=embed) async def register_channel(self, channel_id, role, votegroup=None): """ Queue a channel to be created by game_start """ if channel_id not in self.p_channels: self.p_channels[channel_id] = self.default_secret_channel.copy() await asyncio.sleep(1) # This will have multiple calls self.p_channels[channel_id]["players"].append(role.player) if votegroup: self.p_channels[channel_id]["votegroup"] = votegroup async def join(self, member: discord.Member, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Have a member join a game """ if self.started: await channel.send("**Game has already started!**") return if await self.get_player_by_member(member) is not None: await channel.send("{} is already in the game!".format(member.mention)) return self.players.append(Player(member)) await channel.send("{} has been added to the game, " "total players is **{}**".format(member.mention, len(self.players))) async def quit(self, member: discord.Member, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Have a member quit a game """ player = await self.get_player_by_member(member) if player is None: return "You're not in a game!" if self.started: await self._quit(player) await channel.send("{} has left the game".format(member.mention)) else: self.players = [player for player in self.players if player.member != member] await channel.send("{} chickened out, player count is now **{}**".format(member.mention, len(self.players))) async def choose(self, ctx, data): """ Arbitrary decision making Example: seer picking target to see """ player = await self.get_player_by_member( if player is None: await ctx.send("You're not in this game!") return if not player.alive: await ctx.send("**Corpses** can't vote...") return if player.role.blocked: await ctx.send("Something is preventing you from doing this...") return # Let role do target validation, might be alternate targets # I.E. Go on alert? y/n await player.choose(ctx, data) async def _visit(self, target, source): await target.role.visit(source) await self._at_visit(target, source) async def visit(self, target_id, source): """ Night visit target_id Returns a target for role information (i.e. Seer) """ if source.role.blocked: # Blocker handles text return target = await self.get_night_target(target_id, source) await self._visit(target, source) return target async def vote(self, author, target_id, channel): """ Member attempts to cast a vote (usually to lynch) Also used in vote groups """ player = await self.get_player_by_member(author) if player is None: await channel.send("You're not in this game!") return if not player.alive: await channel.send("Corpses can't vote") return if channel == self.village_channel: if not self.can_vote: await channel.send("Voting is not allowed right now") return elif in self.p_channels: pass else: # Not part of the game await channel.send("Cannot vote in this channel") return try: target = self.players[target_id] except IndexError: target = None if target is None: await channel.send("Not a valid ID") return # Now handle village vote or send to votegroup if channel == self.village_channel: await self._village_vote(target, author, target_id) elif self.p_channels[]["votegroup"] is not None: await self.vote_groups[].vote(target, author, target_id) else: # Somehow previous check failed await channel.send("Cannot vote in this channel") return async def _village_vote(self, target, author, target_id): if author in self.day_vote: self.vote_totals[self.day_vote[author]] -= 1 self.day_vote[author] = target_id if target_id not in self.vote_totals: self.vote_totals[target_id] = 1 else: self.vote_totals[target_id] += 1 required_votes = len([player for player in self.players if player.alive]) // 7 + 2 if self.vote_totals[target_id] < required_votes: await self.village_channel.send("" "{} has voted to put {} to trial. " "{} more votes needed".format(author.mention, target.member.mention, required_votes - self.vote_totals[target_id])) else: self.vote_totals[target_id] = 0 self.day_vote = {k: v for k, v in self.day_vote.items() if v != target_id} # Remove votes for this id await self._at_voted(target) async def eval_results(self, target, source=None, method=None): if method is not None: out = "**{ID}** - " + method return out.format(, target=target.member.display_name) else: return "**{ID}** - {target} was found dead".format(, target=target.member.display_name) async def _quit(self, player): """ Have player quit the game """ player.alive = False await self._at_kill(player) player.alive = False # Do not allow resurrection await self.dead_perms(self.village_channel, player.member) # Add a punishment system for quitting games later async def kill(self, target_id, source=None, method: str=None, novisit=False): """ Attempt to kill a target Source allows admin override Be sure to remove permissions appropriately Important to finish execution before triggering notify """ if source is None: target = self.players[target_id] elif self.day_time: target = self.get_day_target(target_id, source) else: target = await self.get_night_target(target_id, source) if source is not None: if source.role.blocked: # Do nothing if blocked, blocker handles text return if not novisit: # Arsonist wouldn't visit before killing await self._visit(target, source) # Visit before killing if not target.protected: target.alive = False await target.kill(source) await self._at_kill(target) if not target.alive: # Still dead after notifying if not self.day_time: self.night_results.append(await self.eval_results(target, source, method)) await self.dead_perms(self.village_channel, target.member) else: target.protected = False async def lynch(self, target_id): """ Attempt to lynch a target Important to finish execution before triggering notify """ target = await self.get_day_target(target_id) target.alive = False await self._at_hang(target) if not target.alive: # Still dead after notifying await self.dead_perms(self.village_channel, target.member) async def get_night_target(self, target_id, source=None): return self.players[target_id] # For now async def get_day_target(self, target_id, source=None): return self.players[target_id] # For now async def get_roles(self, game_code=None): if game_code is not None: self.game_code = game_code if self.game_code is None: return False self.roles = await parse_code(self.game_code) if not self.roles: return False async def assign_roles(self): """len(self.roles) must == len(self.players)""" random.shuffle(self.roles) self.players.sort(key=lambda pl: pl.member.display_name.lower()) if len(self.roles) != len(self.players): await self.village_channel("Unhandled error - roles!=players") return False for idx, role in enumerate(self.roles): self.roles[idx] = role(self) await self.roles[idx].assign_player(self.players[idx]) # Sorted players, now assign id's await self.players[idx].assign_id(idx) async def get_player_by_member(self, member): for player in self.players: if player.member == member: return player return None async def dead_perms(self, channel, member): await channel.set_permissions(member, read_messages=True, send_message=False, add_reactions=False) async def night_perms(self, channel): await channel.set_permissions(self.guild.default_role, read_messages=False, send_messages=False) async def day_perms(self, channel): await channel.set_permissions(self.guild.default_role, read_messages=False) async def speech_perms(self, channel, member, undo=False): if undo: await channel.set_permissions(member, read_messages=True) else: await channel.set_permissions(self.guild.default_role, read_messages=False, send_messages=False) await channel.set_permissions(member, read_messages=True, send_messages=True) async def normal_perms(self, channel, member_list): await channel.set_permissions(self.guild.default_role, read_messages=False) for member in member_list: await channel.set_permissions(member, read_messages=True) async def _check_game_over(self): # ToDo pass async def _end_game(self): # ToDo pass