import discord from discord.ext import commands from redbot.core import Config from redbot.core import RedContext from import Red from werewolf.builder import GameBuilder from import Game class Werewolf: """ Base to host werewolf on a guild """ def __init__(self, bot: Red): = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=87101114101119111108102, force_registration=True) default_global = {} default_guild = { "role_id": None } self.config.register_global(**default_global) self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) = {} # Active games stored here, id is per guild def __unload(self): print("Unload called") for game in del game @commands.command() async def buildgame(self, ctx): gb = GameBuilder() code = await gb.build_game(ctx) if code is not None: await ctx.send("Your game code is **{}**".format(code)) else: await ctx.send("No code generated") async def wwset(self, ctx: RedContext): """ Base command to adjust settings. Check help for command list. """ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await ctx.send_help() @commands.guild_only() @wwset.command(name="role") async def wwset_role(self, ctx, role: discord.Role): """ Assign the game role This role should not be manually assigned """ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).role_id.set( await ctx.send("Game role has been set to **{}**".format( async def ww(self, ctx: RedContext): """ Base command for this cog. Check help for the commands list. """ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await ctx.send_help() @commands.guild_only() @ww.command() async def new(self, ctx, game_code=None): """ Create and join a new game of Werewolf """ game = await self._get_game(ctx, game_code) if not game: await ctx.send("Failed to start a new game") else: await ctx.send("Game is ready to join! Use `[p]ww join`") @commands.guild_only() @ww.command() async def join(self, ctx): """ Joins a game of Werewolf """ game = await self._get_game(ctx) if not game: await ctx.send("No game to join!\nCreate a new one with `[p]ww new`") return await game.join(, @commands.guild_only() @ww.command() async def quit(self, ctx): """ Quit a game of Werewolf """ game = await self._get_game(ctx) await game.quit(, @commands.guild_only() @ww.command() async def start(self, ctx): """ Checks number of players and attempts to start the game """ game = await self._get_game(ctx) if not game: await ctx.send("No game running, cannot start") await game.setup(ctx) @commands.guild_only() @ww.command() async def stop(self, ctx): """ Stops the current game """ game = await self._get_game(ctx) if not game: await ctx.send("No game running, cannot stop") game.game_over = True @commands.guild_only() @ww.command() async def vote(self, ctx, target_id: int): """ Vote for a player by ID """ try: target_id = int(target_id) except ValueError: target_id = None if target_id is None: await ctx.send("`id` must be an integer") return # if ctx.guild is None: # # DM nonsense, find their game # # If multiple games, panic # for game in # if await game.get_player_by_member( # break #game = game # else: # await ctx.send("You're not part of any werewolf game") # return # else: game = await self._get_game(ctx) if game is None: await ctx.send("No game running, cannot vote") return # Game handles response now channel = if channel == game.village_channel: await, target_id, channel) elif channel in (c["channel"] for c in game.p_channels.values()): await, target_id, channel) else: await ctx.send("Nothing to vote for in this channel") @ww.command() async def choose(self, ctx, data): """ Arbitrary decision making Handled by game+role Can be received by DM """ if ctx.guild is not None: await ctx.send("This action is only available in DM's") return # DM nonsense, find their game # If multiple games, panic for game in if await game.get_player_by_member( break # game = game else: await ctx.send("You're not part of any werewolf game") return await game.choose(ctx, data) async def _get_game(self, ctx: RedContext, game_code=None): if ctx.guild is None: # Private message, can't get guild ctx.send("Cannot start game from PM!") return None if not in or[].game_over: await ctx.send("Starting a new game...") role_id = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).role_id() role = discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, id=role_id) if role is None: ctx.send("Game role is invalid, cannot start new game") return None[] = Game(ctx.guild, role, game_code) return[] async def _game_start(self, game): await game.start()