  "author": [
  "min_bot_version": "3.4.0",
  "description": "Create an offline chatbot that talks like your average member using Machine Learning. See setup instructions at https://github.com/bobloy/Fox-V3/tree/master/chatter",
  "hidden": false,
  "install_msg": "Thank you for installing Chatter! Please make sure you check the install instructions at https://github.com/bobloy/Fox-V3/blob/master/chatter/README.md\nAfter that, get started ith `[p]load chatter` and `[p]help Chatter`",
  "requirements": [
  "short": "Local Chatbot run on machine learning",
  "end_user_data_statement": "This cog only stores anonymous conversations data; no End User Data is stored.",
  "tags": [