import asyncio import collections import copy import datetime import json import time from random import choice from typing import Literal import discord from redbot.core import Config, bank, commands from import Red from redbot.core.data_manager import bundled_data_path from redbot.core.utils import AsyncIter class Gardener: """Gardener class""" def __init__(self, user: discord.User, config: Config): self.user = user self.config = config self.badges = [] self.points = 0 self.products = {} self.current = {} def __str__(self): return ( "Gardener named {}\n" "Badges: {}\n" "Points: {}\n" "Products: {}\n" "Current: {}".format(self.user, self.badges, self.points, self.products, self.current) ) def __repr__(self): return "{} - {} - {} - {} - {}".format( self.user, self.badges, self.points, self.products, self.current ) async def load_config(self): self.badges = await self.config.user(self.user).badges() self.points = await self.config.user(self.user).points() self.products = await self.config.user(self.user).products() self.current = await self.config.user(self.user).current() async def save_gardener(self): await self.config.user(self.user).badges.set(self.badges) await self.config.user(self.user).points.set(self.points) await self.config.user(self.user).products.set(self.products) await self.config.user(self.user).current.set(self.current) async def is_complete(self, now): message = None if self.current: then = self.current["timestamp"] health = self.current["health"] grow_time = self.current["time"] badge = self.current["badge"] reward = self.current["reward"] if (now - then) > grow_time: self.points += reward if badge not in self.badges: self.badges.append(badge) message = ( "Your plant made it! " "You are rewarded with the **{}** badge and you have received **{}** Thneeds.".format( badge, reward ) ) if health < 0: message = "Your plant died!" if message is not None: self.current = {} await self.save_gardener() await self.user.send(message) async def _die_in(gardener, degradation): # # Calculating how much time in minutes remains until the plant's health hits 0 # return int(gardener.current["health"] / degradation.degradation) async def _grow_time(gardener): # # Calculating the remaining grow time for a plant # now = int(time.time()) then = gardener.current["timestamp"] return (gardener.current["time"] - (now - then)) / 60 async def _send_message(channel, message): """Sendsa message""" em = discord.Embed(description=message, await channel.send(embed=em) async def _withdraw_points(gardener: Gardener, amount): # # Substract points from the gardener # if (gardener.points - amount) < 0: return False else: gardener.points -= amount return True class PlantTycoon(commands.Cog): """Grow your own plants! Be sure to take proper care of it.""" def __init__(self, bot: Red, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=80108971101168412199111111110) default_user = {"badges": [], "points": 0, "products": {}, "current": {}} self.config.register_user(**default_user) self.plants = None self.products = None self.defaults = { "points": { "buy": 5, "add_health": 5, "fertilize": 10, "pruning": 20, "pesticide": 25, "growing": 5, "damage": 25, }, "timers": {"degradation": 1, "completion": 1, "notification": 5}, "degradation": {"base_degradation": 1.5}, "notification": {"max_health": 50}, } self.badges = { "badges": { "Flower Power": {}, "Fruit Brute": {}, "Sporadic": {}, "Odd-pod": {}, "Greenfingers": {}, "Nobel Peas Prize": {}, "Annualsary": {}, } } self.notifications = { "messages": [ "The soil seems dry, maybe you could give your plant some water?", "Your plant seems a bit droopy. I would give it some fertilizer if I were you.", "Your plant seems a bit too overgrown. You should probably trim it a bit.", ] } # # Starting loops # self.completion_task = bot.loop.create_task(self.check_completion_loop()) # self.degradation_task = bot.loop.create_task(self.check_degradation()) self.notification_task = bot.loop.create_task(self.send_notification()) # # Loading bank # # = bot.get_cog('Economy').bank async def red_delete_data_for_user( self, *, requester: Literal["discord_deleted_user", "owner", "user", "user_strict"], user_id: int, ): await self.config.user_from_id(user_id).clear() async def _load_plants_products(self): """Runs in before cog is added to the bot""" plant_path = bundled_data_path(self) / "plants.json" product_path = bundled_data_path(self) / "products.json" with as json_data: self.plants = json.load(json_data) await self._load_event_seeds() with as json_data: self.products = json.load(json_data) for product in self.products: print("PlantTycoon: Loaded {}".format(product)) async def _load_event_seeds(self): self.plants["all_plants"] = copy.deepcopy(self.plants["plants"]) plant_options = self.plants["all_plants"] d = month = d.month if month == 1: plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["January"]) elif month == 2: plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["February"]) elif month == 3: plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["March"]) elif month == 4: plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["April"]) elif month == 10: plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["October"]) elif month == 11: plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["November"]) elif month == 12: plant_options.append(self.plants["event"]["December"]) async def _gardener(self, user: discord.User) -> Gardener: # # This function returns a Gardener object for the user # g = Gardener(user, self.config) await g.load_config() return g async def _degradation(self, gardener: Gardener): # # Calculating the rate of degradation per check_completion_loop() cycle. # if self.products is None: await self._load_plants_products() modifiers = sum( [ self.products[product]["modifier"] for product in gardener.products if gardener.products[product] > 0 ] ) degradation = ( 100 / (gardener.current["time"] / 60) * (self.defaults["degradation"]["base_degradation"] + gardener.current["degradation"]) ) + modifiers d = collections.namedtuple("degradation", "degradation time modifiers") return d(degradation=degradation, time=gardener.current["time"], modifiers=modifiers) # async def _get_member(self, user_id): # # # # # Return a member object # # # # return discord.User(id=user_id) # I made it a string just to be sure # # async def _send_notification(self, user_id, message): # # # # # Sends a Direct Message to the gardener # # # # member = await self._get_member(user_id) # em = discord.Embed(description=message, # await, embed=em) async def _add_health(self, channel, gardener: Gardener, product, product_category): # # The function to add health # if self.products is None: await self._load_plants_products() product = product.lower() product_category = product_category.lower() if product in self.products and self.products[product]["category"] == product_category: if product in gardener.products: if gardener.products[product] > 0: gardener.current["health"] += self.products[product]["health"] gardener.products[product] -= 1 if gardener.products[product] == 0: del gardener.products[product.lower()] if product_category == "water": emoji = ":sweat_drops:" elif product_category == "fertilizer": emoji = ":poop:" # elif product_category == "tool": else: emoji = ":scissors:" message = "Your plant got some health back! {}".format(emoji) if gardener.current["health"] > gardener.current["threshold"]: gardener.current["health"] -= self.products[product]["damage"] if product_category == "tool": damage_msg = "You used {} too many times!".format(product) else: damage_msg = "You gave too much of {}.".format(product) message = "{} Your plant lost some health. :wilted_rose:".format( damage_msg ) gardener.points += self.defaults["points"]["add_health"] await gardener.save_gardener() else: message = "You have no {}. Go buy some!".format(product) else: if product_category == "tool": message = "You don't have a {}. Go buy one!".format(product) else: message = "You have no {}. Go buy some!".format(product) else: message = "Are you sure you are using {}?".format(product_category) if product_category == "water": emcolor = elif product_category == "fertilizer": emcolor = discord.Color.dark_gold() # elif product_category == "tool": else: emcolor = discord.Color.dark_grey() em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=emcolor) await channel.send(embed=em)"gardening", autohelp=False) async def _gardening(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Gardening commands.""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: prefix = ctx.prefix title = "**Welcome to Plant Tycoon.**\n" description = """'Grow your own plant. Be sure to take proper care of yours.\n If it successfully grows, you get a reward.\n As you nurture your plant, you gain Thneeds which can be exchanged for credits.\n\n **Commands**\n\n ``{0}gardening seed``: Plant a seed inside the earth.\n ``{0}gardening profile``: Check your gardening profile.\n ``{0}gardening plants``: Look at the list of the available plants.\n ``{0}gardening plant``: Look at the details of a plant.\n ``{0}gardening state``: Check the state of your plant.\n ``{0}gardening buy``: Buy gardening supplies.\n ``{0}gardening convert``: Exchange Thneeds for credits.\n ``{0}shovel``: Shovel your plant out.\n ``{0}water``: Water your plant.\n ``{0}fertilize``: Fertilize the soil.\n ``{0}prune``: Prune your plant.\n""" em = discord.Embed( title=title, description=description.format(prefix),, ) em.set_thumbnail(url="") em.set_footer( text="This cog was made by SnappyDragon18 and PaddoInWonderland. Inspired by The Lorax (2012)." ) await ctx.send(embed=em) @commands.cooldown(1, 60 * 10, commands.BucketType.user) @_gardening.command(name="seed") async def _seed(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Plant a seed inside the earth.""" if self.plants is None: await self._load_plants_products() author = # server = context.message.server # if not in self.gardeners: # self.gardeners[] = {} # self.gardeners[]['current'] = False # self.gardeners[]['points'] = 0 # self.gardeners[]['badges'] = [] # self.gardeners[]['products'] = {} gardener = await self._gardener(author) if not gardener.current: plant_options = self.plants["all_plants"] plant = choice(plant_options) plant["timestamp"] = int(time.time()) plant["degrade_count"] = 0 # index = len(self.plants["plants"]) - 1 # del [self.plants["plants"][index]] message = ( "During one of your many heroic adventures, you came across a mysterious bag that said " '"pick one". To your surprise it had all kinds of different seeds in them. ' "And now that you're home, you want to plant it. " "You went to a local farmer to identify the seed, and the farmer " "said it was {} **{} ({})** seed.\n\n" "Take good care of your seed and water it frequently. " "Once it blooms, something nice might come from it. " "If it dies, however, you will get nothing.".format( plant["article"], plant["name"], plant["rarity"] ) ) if "water" not in gardener.products: gardener.products["water"] = 0 gardener.products["water"] += 5 gardener.current = plant await gardener.save_gardener() em = discord.Embed(description=message, else: plant = gardener.current message = "You're already growing {} **{}**, silly.".format( plant["article"], plant["name"] ) em = discord.Embed(description=message, await ctx.send(embed=em) @_gardening.command(name="profile") async def _profile(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, member: discord.Member = None): """Check your gardening profile.""" if member is not None: author = member else: author = gardener = await self._gardener(author) try: await self._apply_degradation(gardener) except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send("ERROR\nYou blocked me, didn't you?") em = discord.Embed( # , description='\a\n') avatar = author.avatar_url if author.avatar else author.default_avatar_url em.set_author(name="Gardening profile of {}".format(, icon_url=avatar) em.add_field(name="**Thneeds**", value=str(gardener.points)) if not gardener.current: em.add_field(name="**Currently growing**", value="None") else: em.set_thumbnail(url=gardener.current["image"]) em.add_field( name="**Currently growing**", value="{0} ({1:.2f}%)".format( gardener.current["name"], gardener.current["health"] ), ) if not gardener.badges: em.add_field(name="**Badges**", value="None") else: badges = "" for badge in gardener.badges: badges += "{}\n".format(badge.capitalize()) em.add_field(name="**Badges**", value=badges) if not gardener.products: em.add_field(name="**Products**", value="None") else: products = "" for product_name, product_data in gardener.products.items(): if self.products[product_name] is None: continue products += "{} ({}) {}\n".format( product_name.capitalize(), product_data / self.products[product_name]["uses"], self.products[product_name]["modifier"], ) em.add_field(name="**Products**", value=products) if gardener.current: degradation = await self._degradation(gardener) die_in = await _die_in(gardener, degradation) to_grow = await _grow_time(gardener) em.set_footer( text="Total degradation: {0:.2f}% / {1} min (100 / ({2} / 60) * (BaseDegr {3:.2f} + PlantDegr {4:.2f}))" " + ModDegr {5:.2f}) Your plant will die in {6} minutes " "and {7:.1f} minutes to go for flowering.".format( degradation.degradation, self.defaults["timers"]["degradation"], degradation.time, self.defaults["degradation"]["base_degradation"], gardener.current["degradation"], degradation.modifiers, die_in, to_grow, ) ) await ctx.send(embed=em) @_gardening.command(name="plants") async def _plants(self, ctx): """Look at the list of the available plants.""" if self.plants is None: await self._load_plants_products() tick = "" tock = "" tick_tock = 0 for plant in self.plants["all_plants"]: if tick_tock == 0: tick += "**{}**\n".format(plant["name"]) tick_tock = 1 else: tock += "**{}**\n".format(plant["name"]) tick_tock = 0 em = discord.Embed(title="All plants that are growable", em.add_field(name="\a", value=tick) em.add_field(name="\a", value=tock) await ctx.send(embed=em) @_gardening.command(name="plant") async def _plant(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, plantname): """Look at the details of a plant.""" if not plantname: await ctx.send_help() if self.plants is None: await self._load_plants_products() t = False plant = None for p in self.plants["all_plants"]: if p["name"].lower() == plantname.lower().strip('"'): plant = p t = True break if t: em = discord.Embed( title="Plant statistics of {}".format(plant["name"]),, ) em.set_thumbnail(url=plant["image"]) em.add_field(name="**Name**", value=plant["name"]) em.add_field(name="**Rarity**", value=plant["rarity"].capitalize()) em.add_field(name="**Grow Time**", value="{0:.1f} minutes".format(plant["time"] / 60)) em.add_field(name="**Damage Threshold**", value="{}%".format(plant["threshold"])) em.add_field(name="**Badge**", value=plant["badge"]) em.add_field(name="**Reward**", value="{} τ".format(plant["reward"])) else: message = "I can't seem to find that plant." em = discord.Embed(description=message, await ctx.send(embed=em) @_gardening.command(name="state") async def _state(self, ctx): """Check the state of your plant.""" author = gardener = await self._gardener(author) try: await self._apply_degradation(gardener) except discord.Forbidden: # Couldn't DM the degradation await ctx.send("ERROR\nYou blocked me, didn't you?") if not gardener.current: message = "You're currently not growing a plant." em_color = else: plant = gardener.current degradation = await self._degradation(gardener) die_in = await _die_in(gardener, degradation) to_grow = await _grow_time(gardener) message = ( "You're growing {0} **{1}**. " "Its health is **{2:.2f}%** and still has to grow for **{3:.1f}** minutes. " "It is losing **{4:.2f}%** per minute and will die in **{5:.1f}** minutes.".format( plant["article"], plant["name"], plant["health"], to_grow, degradation.degradation, die_in, ) ) em_color = em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=em_color) await ctx.send(embed=em) @_gardening.command(name="buy") async def _buy(self, ctx, product=None, amount: int = 1): """Buy gardening supplies.""" if self.products is None: await self._load_plants_products() author = if product is None: em = discord.Embed( title="All gardening supplies that you can buy:",, ) for pd in self.products: em.add_field( name="**{}**".format(pd.capitalize()), value="Cost: {} τ\n+{} health\n-{}% damage\nUses: {}\nCategory: {}".format( self.products[pd]["cost"], self.products[pd]["health"], self.products[pd]["damage"], self.products[pd]["uses"], self.products[pd]["category"], ), ) await ctx.send(embed=em) else: if amount <= 0: message = "Invalid amount! Must be greater than 1" else: gardener = await self._gardener(author) if product.lower() in self.products and amount > 0: cost = self.products[product.lower()]["cost"] * amount withdraw_points = await _withdraw_points(gardener, cost) if withdraw_points: if product.lower() not in gardener.products: gardener.products[product.lower()] = 0 # gardener.products[product.lower()] += amount # Only add it once gardener.products[product.lower()] += ( amount * self.products[product.lower()]["uses"] ) await gardener.save_gardener() message = "You bought {}.".format(product.lower()) else: message = ( "You don't have enough Thneeds. You have {}, but need {}.".format( gardener.points, self.products[product.lower()]["cost"] * amount, ) ) else: message = "I don't have this product." em = discord.Embed(description=message, await ctx.send(embed=em) @_gardening.command(name="convert") async def _convert(self, ctx: commands.Context, amount: int): """Exchange Thneeds for credits.""" author = gardener = await self._gardener(author) withdraw_points = await _withdraw_points(gardener, amount) plural = "" if amount > 0: plural = "s" if withdraw_points: await bank.deposit_credits(author, amount) message = "{} Thneed{} successfully exchanged for credits.".format(amount, plural) await gardener.save_gardener() else: message = "You don't have enough Thneed{}. " "You have {}, but need {}.".format( plural, gardener.points, amount ) em = discord.Embed(description=message, await ctx.send(embed=em) @commands.command(name="shovel") async def _shovel(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Shovel your plant out.""" author = gardener = await self._gardener(author) if not gardener.current: message = "You're currently not growing a plant." else: gardener.current = {} message = "You successfully shovelled your plant out." if gardener.points < 0: gardener.points = 0 await gardener.save_gardener() em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.dark_grey()) await ctx.send(embed=em) @commands.command(name="water") async def _water(self, ctx): """Water your plant.""" author = channel = gardener = await self._gardener(author) try: await self._apply_degradation(gardener) except discord.Forbidden: # Couldn't DM the degradation await ctx.send("ERROR\nYou blocked me, didn't you?") product = "water" product_category = "water" if not gardener.current: message = "You're currently not growing a plant." await _send_message(channel, message) else: await self._add_health(channel, gardener, product, product_category) @commands.command(name="fertilize") async def _fertilize(self, ctx, fertilizer): """Fertilize the soil.""" gardener = await self._gardener( try: await self._apply_degradation(gardener) except discord.Forbidden: # Couldn't DM the degradation await ctx.send("ERROR\nYou blocked me, didn't you?") channel = product = fertilizer product_category = "fertilizer" if not gardener.current: message = "You're currently not growing a plant." await _send_message(channel, message) else: await self._add_health(channel, gardener, product, product_category) @commands.command(name="prune") async def _prune(self, ctx): """Prune your plant.""" gardener = await self._gardener( try: await self._apply_degradation(gardener) except discord.Forbidden: # Couldn't DM the degradation await ctx.send("ERROR\nYou blocked me, didn't you?") channel = product = "pruner" product_category = "tool" if not gardener.current: message = "You're currently not growing a plant." await _send_message(channel, message) else: await self._add_health(channel, gardener, product, product_category) # async def check_degradation(self): # while "PlantTycoon" in # users = await self.config.all_users() # for user_id in users: # user = # gardener = await self._gardener(user) # await self._apply_degradation(gardener) # await asyncio.sleep(self.defaults["timers"]["degradation"] * 60) async def _apply_degradation(self, gardener): if gardener.current: degradation = await self._degradation(gardener) now = int(time.time()) timestamp = gardener.current["timestamp"] degradation_count = (now - timestamp) // (self.defaults["timers"]["degradation"] * 60) degradation_count -= gardener.current["degrade_count"] gardener.current["health"] -= degradation.degradation * degradation_count gardener.points += self.defaults["points"]["growing"] * degradation_count gardener.current["degrade_count"] += degradation_count await gardener.save_gardener() await gardener.is_complete(now) async def check_completion_loop(self): while "PlantTycoon" in now = int(time.time()) users = await self.config.all_users() for user_id in users: user = if not user: continue gardener = await self._gardener(user) if not gardener: continue try: await self._apply_degradation(gardener) await gardener.is_complete(now) except discord.Forbidden: # Couldn't DM the results pass await asyncio.sleep(self.defaults["timers"]["completion"] * 60) async def send_notification(self): while "PlantTycoon" in users = await self.config.all_users() for user_id in users: user = if not user: continue gardener = await self._gardener(user) if not gardener: continue try: await self._apply_degradation(gardener) except discord.Forbidden: # Couldn't DM the degradation pass if gardener.current: health = gardener.current["health"] if health < self.defaults["notification"]["max_health"]: message = choice(self.notifications["messages"]) try: await user.send(message) except discord.Forbidden: # Couldn't DM the results pass await asyncio.sleep(self.defaults["timers"]["notification"] * 60) def __unload(self): self.completion_task.cancel() # self.degradation_task.cancel() self.notification_task.cancel()