from collections import defaultdict from random import randint from typing import Union import discord from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands from redbot.core.commands import Cog from redbot.core.data_manager import bundled_data_path class Hangman(Cog): """Lets anyone play a game of hangman with custom phrases""" navigate = "🔼🔽" letters = "🇦🇧🇨🇩🇪🇫🇬ðŸ‡ðŸ‡®ðŸ‡¯ðŸ‡°ðŸ‡±ðŸ‡²ðŸ‡³ðŸ‡´ðŸ‡µðŸ‡¶ðŸ‡·ðŸ‡¸ðŸ‡¹ðŸ‡ºðŸ‡»ðŸ‡¼ðŸ‡½ðŸ‡¾ðŸ‡¿" def __init__(self, bot): super().__init__() = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=1049711010310997110) default_guild = {"theface": ":thinking:", "emojis": True} self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.the_data = defaultdict( lambda: { "running": False, "hangman": 0, "guesses": [], "trackmessage": False, "answer": "", } ) # self.path = str(cog_data_path(self)).replace("\\", "/") # self.answer_path = self.path + "/bundled_data/hanganswers.txt" self.answer_path = bundled_data_path(self) / "hanganswers.txt" self.winbool = defaultdict(lambda: False) self.hanglist = {} async def red_delete_data_for_user(self, **kwargs): """Nothing to delete""" return async def _update_hanglist(self): for guild in theface = await self.config.guild(guild).theface() self.hanglist[guild] = ( """> \\_________ |/ | | | | | |\\___ """, """> \\_________ |/ | | | | | | |\\___ H""", """> \\_________ |/ | | """ + theface + """ | | | | |\\___ HA""", """> \\________ |/ | | """ + theface + """ | | | | | | |\\___ HAN""", """> \\_________ |/ | | """ + theface + """ | /| | | | | |\\___ HANG""", """> \\_________ |/ | | """ + theface + """ | /|\\ | | | | |\\___ HANGM""", """> \\________ |/ | | """ + theface + """ | /|\\ | | | / | |\\___ HANGMA""", """> \\________ |/ | | """ + theface + """ | /|\\ | | | / \\ | |\\___ HANGMAN""", )["sethang"]) @checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def hangset(self, ctx): """Adjust hangman settings""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: pass @hangset.command() async def face(self, ctx: commands.Context, theface): """Set the face of the hangman""" message = ctx.message # Borrowing FlapJack's emoji validation # ( if theface[:2] == "<:": theface =":")[2][:-1])) if theface is None: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("I could not find that emoji") return try: # Use the face as reaction to see if it's valid (THANKS FLAPJACK <3) await message.add_reaction(theface) except discord.errors.HTTPException: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("That's not an emoji I recognize.") return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).theface.set(str(theface)) await self._update_hanglist() await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Face has been updated!") @hangset.command() async def toggleemoji(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Toggles whether to automatically react with the alphabet""" current = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).emojis() await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).emojis.set(not current) await ctx.maybe_send_embed( "Emoji Letter reactions have been set to {}".format(not current) ) @commands.command(aliases=["hang"]) async def hangman(self, ctx, guess: str = None): """Play a game of hangman against the bot!""" if guess is None: if self.the_data[ctx.guild]["running"]: await ctx.maybe_send_embed( "Game of hangman is already running!\nEnter your guess!" ) await self._printgame( """await""" else: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Starting a game of hangman!") self._startgame(ctx.guild) await self._printgame( elif not self.the_data[ctx.guild]["running"]: await ctx.maybe_send_embed( "Game of hangman is not yet running!\nStarting a game of hangman!" ) self._startgame(ctx.guild) await self._printgame( else: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Guess by reacting to the message") # await self._guessletter(guess, def _startgame(self, guild): """Starts a new game of hangman""" self.the_data[guild]["answer"] = self._getphrase().upper() self.the_data[guild]["hangman"] = 0 self.the_data[guild]["guesses"] = [] self.winbool[guild] = False self.the_data[guild]["running"] = True self.the_data[guild]["trackmessage"] = False def _stopgame(self, guild): """Stops the game in current state""" self.the_data[guild]["running"] = False self.the_data[guild]["trackmessage"] = False async def _checkdone(self, channel): if self.winbool[channel.guild]: await channel.send("You Win!") self._stopgame(channel.guild) elif self.the_data[channel.guild]["hangman"] >= 7: await channel.send( "You Lose!\nThe Answer was: **" + self.the_data[channel.guild]["answer"] + "**" ) self._stopgame(channel.guild) def _getphrase(self): """Get a new phrase for the game and returns it""" with open(self.answer_path, "r") as phrasefile: phrases = phrasefile.readlines() outphrase = "" while outphrase == "": outphrase = phrases[randint(0, len(phrases) - 1)].partition(" (")[0] return outphrase def _hideanswer(self, guild): """Returns the obscured answer""" out_str = "" self.winbool[guild] = True for i in self.the_data[guild]["answer"]: if i == " " or i == "-": out_str += i * 2 elif i in self.the_data[guild]["guesses"] or i not in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ": out_str += "__" + i + "__ " else: out_str += "**\\_** " self.winbool[guild] = False return out_str def _guesslist(self, guild): """Returns the current letter list""" out_str = "" for i in self.the_data[guild]["guesses"]: out_str += str(i) + "," out_str = out_str[:-1] return out_str async def _guessletter(self, guess, message): """Checks the guess on a letter and prints game if acceptable guess""" channel = if guess.upper() not in "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" or len(guess) != 1: await channel.send("Invalid guess. Only A-Z is accepted") return if guess.upper() in self.the_data[channel.guild]["guesses"]: await channel.send("Already guessed that! Try again") return if guess.upper() not in self.the_data[channel.guild]["answer"]: self.the_data[channel.guild]["hangman"] += 1 self.the_data[channel.guild]["guesses"].append(guess.upper()) await self._reprintgame(message) @commands.Cog.listener("on_reaction_add") async def on_react(self, reaction, user: Union[discord.User, discord.Member]): """Thanks to flapjack reactpoll for guidelines""" guild: discord.Guild = getattr(user, "guild", None) if guild is None: return if != self.the_data[guild]["trackmessage"]: return if return # Don't react to bot reactions if await, guild): return message = reaction.message emoji = reaction.emoji if str(emoji) in self.letters: letter = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[self.letters.index(str(emoji))] await self._guessletter(letter, message) await message.remove_reaction(emoji, user) await message.remove_reaction(emoji, if str(emoji) in self.navigate: if str(emoji) == self.navigate[0]: await self._reactmessage_am(message) if str(emoji) == self.navigate[-1]: await self._reactmessage_nz(message) async def _try_clear_reactions(self, message): try: await message.clear_reactions() except discord.Forbidden: pass async def _reactmessage_menu(self, message): """React with menu options""" if not await self.config.guild(message.guild).emojis(): return await self._try_clear_reactions(message) await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[0]) await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[-1]) async def _reactmessage_am(self, message): if not await self.config.guild(message.guild).emojis(): return await self._try_clear_reactions(message) for x in range(len(self.letters)): if x in [ i for i, b in enumerate("ABCDEFGHIJKLM") if b not in self._guesslist(message.guild) ]: await message.add_reaction(self.letters[x]) await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[-1]) async def _reactmessage_nz(self, message): if not await self.config.guild(message.guild).emojis(): return await self._try_clear_reactions(message) for x in range(len(self.letters)): if x in [ i for i, b in enumerate("NOPQRSTUVWXYZ") if b not in self._guesslist(message.guild) ]: await message.add_reaction(self.letters[x + 13]) await message.add_reaction(self.navigate[0]) async def _make_say(self, guild): c_say = "Guess this: " + str(self._hideanswer(guild)) + "\n" c_say += "Used Letters: " + str(self._guesslist(guild)) + "\n" c_say += self.hanglist[guild][self.the_data[guild]["hangman"]] + "\n" if await self.config.guild(guild).emojis(): c_say += "{} for A-M, {} for N-Z".format(self.navigate[0], self.navigate[-1]) else: c_say += "React with {} - {} to guess".format(self.letters[0], self.letters[-1]) return c_say async def _reprintgame(self, message): if message.guild not in self.hanglist: await self._update_hanglist() c_say = await self._make_say(message.guild) await message.edit(content=c_say) self.the_data[message.guild]["trackmessage"] = await self._checkdone( async def _printgame(self, channel): """Print the current state of game""" if channel.guild not in self.hanglist: await self._update_hanglist() c_say = await self._make_say(channel.guild) message = await channel.send(c_say) self.the_data[channel.guild]["trackmessage"] = await self._reactmessage_menu(message) await self._checkdone(channel)