# Fox-V3
Cog Function
| Name | Status | Description (Click to see full status)
| --- | --- | --- |
| announcedaily | **Alpha** | Send daily announcements to all servers at a specified times
Commissioned release, so suggestions will not be accepted |
| ccrole | **Beta** | Create custom commands that also assign roles
May have some bugs, please create an issue if you find any |
| chatter | **Alpha** | Chat-bot trained to talk like your guild
Missing some key features, but currently functional |
| coglint | **Alpha** | Error check code in python syntax posted to discord
Works, but probably needs more turning to work for cogs |
| fight | **Incomplete** | Organize bracket tournaments within discord
Still in-progress, a massive project |
| flag | **Alpha** | Create temporary marks on users that expire after specified time
Ported, will not import old data. Please report bugs |
| forcemention | **Alpha** | Mentions unmentionable roles
Very simple cog, mention doesn't persist |
| hangman | **Alpha** | Play a game of hangman
Some visual glitches and needs more customization |
| howdoi | **Incomplete** | Ask coding questions and get results from StackExchange
Not yet functional |
| leaver | **Alpha** | Send a message in a channel when a user leaves the server
Just released, please report bugs |
| lseen | **Alpha** | Track when a member was last online
Alpha release, please report bugs |
| reactrestrict | **Alpha** | Removes reactions by role per channel
A bit clunky, but functional |
| sayurl | **Alpha** | Convert any URL into text and post to discord
No error checking and pretty spammy |
| secrethitler | **Incomplete** | Play the Secret Hitler game
Concept, no work done yet |
| stealemoji | **Alpha** | Steals any custom emoji it sees in a reaction
Some planned upgrades for server generation |
| timerole | **Alpha** | Add roles to members after specified time on the server
Upgraded from V2, please report any bugs |
| tts | **Alpha** | Send a Text-to-Speech message as an uploaded mp3
Alpha release, please report any bugs |
| qrinvite | **Alpha** | Create a QR code invite for the server
Alpha release, please report any bugs |
| werewolf | **Alpha** | Play the classic party game Werewolf within discord
Another massive project currently being developed, will be fully customizable |
Check out my V2 cogs at [Fox-Cogs v2](https://github.com/bobloy/Fox-Cogs)
Get support on the [Third Party Cog Server](https://discord.gg/GET4DVk)