import asyncio import inspect import logging import random from collections import deque from typing import List, Any, Dict, Set, Union import discord from redbot.core import commands from import Red from redbot.core.utils import AsyncIter from werewolf.builder import parse_code from werewolf.player import Player from werewolf.role import Role from werewolf.votegroup import VoteGroup log = logging.getLogger("") HALF_DAY_LENGTH = 24 # FixMe: to 120 later for 4 minute days class Game: """ Base class to run a single game of Werewolf """ vote_groups: Dict[str, VoteGroup] roles: List[Role] players: List[Player] default_secret_channel = { "channel": None, "players": [], "votegroup": None, # uninitialized VoteGroup } morning_messages = [ "**The sun rises on day {} in the village..**", "**Morning has arrived on day {}..**", ] night_messages = ["**Dawn falls on day {}..****"] day_vote_count = 3 def __init__( self, bot: Red, guild: discord.Guild, role: discord.Role = None, category: discord.CategoryChannel = None, village: discord.TextChannel = None, log_channel: discord.TextChannel = None, game_code=None, ): = bot self.guild = guild self.game_code = game_code self.roles = [] # List[Role] self.players = [] # List[Player] self.day_vote = {} # author: target self.vote_totals = {} # id: total_votes self.started = False self.game_over = False self.any_votes_remaining = False self.used_votes = 0 self.day_time = False self.day_count = 0 self.ongoing_vote = False self.game_role = role # discord.Role self.channel_category = category # discord.CategoryChannel self.village_channel = village # discord.TextChannel self.log_channel = log_channel self.to_delete = set() self.save_perms = {} self.p_channels = {} # uses default_secret_channel self.vote_groups = {} # ID : VoteGroup() self.night_results = [] self.loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() self.action_queue = deque() self.current_action = None self.listeners = {} # def __del__(self): # """ # Cleanup channels as necessary # :return: # """ # # print("Delete is called") # # self.game_over = True # if self.village_channel: # asyncio.ensure_future(self.village_channel.delete("Werewolf game-over")) # # for c_data in self.p_channels.values(): # asyncio.ensure_future(c_data["channel"].delete("Werewolf game-over")) async def setup(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Runs the initial setup 1. Assign Roles 2. Create Channels 2a. Channel Permissions 3. Check Initial role setup (including alerts) 4. Start game """ if self.game_code: await self.get_roles(ctx) if len(self.players) != len(self.roles): await ctx.maybe_send_embed( f"Player count does not match role count, cannot start\n" f"Currently **{len(self.players)} / {len(self.roles)}**\n" f"Use `{ctx.prefix}ww code` to pick a game setup\n" f"Use `{ctx.prefix}buildgame` to generate a new game" ) self.roles = [] return False if self.game_role is None: try: self.game_role = await ctx.guild.create_role( name="WW Players", hoist=True, mentionable=True, reason="(BOT) Werewolf game role", ) self.to_delete.add(self.game_role) except (discord.Forbidden, discord.HTTPException): await ctx.maybe_send_embed( "Game role not configured and unable to generate one, cannot start" ) self.roles = [] return False try: for player in self.players: await player.member.add_roles(*[self.game_role]) except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send( f"Unable to add role **{}**\nBot is missing `manage_roles` permissions" ) return False await self.assign_roles() # Create category and channel with individual overwrites overwrite = { self.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True, send_messages=False, add_reactions=False ), discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True, send_messages=True, add_reactions=True, manage_messages=True, manage_channels=True, manage_roles=True, ), self.game_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True, send_messages=True), } if self.channel_category is None: self.channel_category = await self.guild.create_category( "Werewolf Game", overwrites=overwrite, reason="(BOT) New game of werewolf" ) else: # No need to modify categories pass # await self.channel_category.edit(name="πŸ”΄ Werewolf Game (ACTIVE)", reason="(BOT) New game of werewolf") # for target, ow in overwrite.items(): # await self.channel_category.set_permissions(target=target, # overwrite=ow, # reason="(BOT) New game of werewolf") if self.village_channel is None: try: self.village_channel = await self.guild.create_text_channel( "πŸ”΅Werewolf", overwrites=overwrite, reason="(BOT) New game of werewolf", category=self.channel_category, ) except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send( "Unable to create Game Channel and none was provided\n" "Grant Bot appropriate permissions or assign a game_channel" ) return False else: self.save_perms[self.village_channel] = self.village_channel.overwrites try: await self.village_channel.edit( name="πŸ”΅Werewolf", category=self.channel_category, reason="(BOT) New game of werewolf", ) except discord.Forbidden as e: log.exception("Unable to rename Game Channel") await ctx.send("Unable to rename Game Channel, ignoring") try: for target, ow in overwrite.items(): curr = self.village_channel.overwrites_for(target) curr.update(**{perm: value for perm, value in ow}) await self.village_channel.set_permissions( target=target, overwrite=curr, reason="(BOT) New game of werewolf" ) except discord.Forbidden: await ctx.send( "Unable to edit Game Channel permissions\n" "Grant Bot appropriate permissions to manage permissions" ) return self.started = True # Assuming everything worked so far log.debug("Pre at_game_start") await self._at_game_start() # This will queue channels and votegroups to be made log.debug("Post at_game_start") for channel_id in self.p_channels: log.debug("Setup Channel id: " + channel_id) overwrite = { self.guild.default_role: discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=False), discord.PermissionOverwrite( read_messages=True, send_messages=True, add_reactions=True, manage_messages=True, manage_channels=True, manage_roles=True, ), } for player in self.p_channels[channel_id]["players"]: overwrite[player.member] = discord.PermissionOverwrite(read_messages=True) channel = await self.guild.create_text_channel( channel_id, overwrites=overwrite, reason="(BOT) WW game secret channel", category=self.channel_category, ) self.p_channels[channel_id]["channel"] = channel if self.p_channels[channel_id]["votegroup"] is not None: vote_group = self.p_channels[channel_id]["votegroup"](self, channel) await vote_group.register_players(*self.p_channels[channel_id]["players"]) self.vote_groups[channel_id] = vote_group log.debug("Pre-cycle") await asyncio.sleep(1) await asyncio.ensure_future(self._cycle()) # Start the loop # ###########START Notify structure############ async def _cycle(self): """ Each event enqueues the next event _at_day_start() _at_voted() _at_kill() _at_day_end() _at_night_begin() _at_night_end() and repeat with _at_day_start() again """ self.action_queue.append(self._at_day_start()) while self.action_queue and not self.game_over: current_action = asyncio.create_task(self.action_queue.popleft()) try: await current_action except asyncio.CancelledError: log.debug("Cancelled task") # # await self._at_day_start() # # Once cycle ends, this will trigger end_game await self._end_game() # Handle open channels async def _at_game_start(self): # ID 0 if self.game_over: return await self.village_channel.send( embed=discord.Embed(title="Game is starting, please wait for setup to complete") ) await self._notify("at_game_start") async def _at_day_start(self): # ID 1 if self.game_over: return self.action_queue.append(self._at_day_end()) # Get this ready in case day is cancelled def check(): return not self.any_votes_remaining or not self.day_time or self.game_over self.day_count += 1 # Print the results of who died during the night embed = discord.Embed(title=random.choice(self.morning_messages).format(self.day_count)) for result in self.night_results: embed.add_field(name=result, value="________", inline=False) self.day_time = True # True while day self.night_results = [] # Clear for next day await self.village_channel.send(embed=embed) await self.generate_targets(self.village_channel) # Print remaining players for voting await self.day_perms(self.village_channel) await self._notify("at_day_start") # Wait for day_start actions await self._check_game_over() if self.game_over: # If game ended because of _notify return self.any_votes_remaining = True # Now we sleep and let the day happen. Print the remaining daylight half way through await asyncio.sleep(HALF_DAY_LENGTH) # 4 minute days FixMe to 120 later if check(): return await self.village_channel.send( embed=discord.Embed(title=f"**{HALF_DAY_LENGTH/60} minutes of daylight remain...**") ) await asyncio.sleep(HALF_DAY_LENGTH) # 4 minute days FixMe to 120 later # Need a loop here to wait for trial to end while self.ongoing_vote: await asyncio.sleep(5) # Abruptly ends, assuming _day_end is next in queue async def _at_voted(self, target): # ID 2 if self.game_over: return # Notify that a target has been chosen await self._notify("at_voted", player=target) # TODO: Support pre-vote target modifying roles self.ongoing_vote = True self.used_votes += 1 await self.speech_perms(self.village_channel, target.member) # Only target can talk await self.village_channel.send( f"**{target.mention} will be put to trial and has 30 seconds to defend themselves**", allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False, users=[target]), ) await asyncio.sleep(30) await self.speech_perms(self.village_channel, target.member, undo=True) # No one can talk vote_message: discord.Message = await self.village_channel.send( f"Everyone will now vote whether to lynch {target.mention}\n" "πŸ‘ to save, πŸ‘Ž to lynch\n" "*Majority rules, no-lynch on ties, " "vote both or neither to abstain, 15 seconds to vote*", allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False, users=[target]), ) await vote_message.add_reaction("πŸ‘") await vote_message.add_reaction("πŸ‘Ž") await asyncio.sleep(15) reaction_list = vote_message.reactions if True: # TODO: Allow customizable vote history deletion. await vote_message.delete() raw_up_votes = sum(p for p in reaction_list if p.emoji == "πŸ‘" and not raw_down_votes = sum(p for p in reaction_list if p.emoji == "πŸ‘Ž" and not # TODO: Support vote count modifying roles. (Need notify and count function) voted_to_lynch = raw_down_votes > raw_up_votes if voted_to_lynch: embed = discord.Embed( title="Vote Results", description=f"**Voted to lynch {target.mention}!**", color=0xFF0000, ) else: embed = discord.Embed( title="Vote Results", description=f"**{target.mention} has been spared!**", color=0x80FF80, ) embed.add_field(name="πŸ‘Ž", value=f"**{raw_up_votes}**", inline=True) embed.add_field(name="πŸ‘", value=f"**{raw_down_votes}**", inline=True) await self.village_channel.send(embed=embed) if voted_to_lynch: await self.lynch(target) self.any_votes_remaining = False else: if self.used_votes >= self.day_vote_count: await self.village_channel.send("**All votes have been used! Day is now over!**") self.any_votes_remaining = False else: await self.village_channel.send( f"**{self.used_votes}**/**{self.day_vote_count}** of today's votes have been used!\n" "Nominate carefully.." ) self.ongoing_vote = False if not self.any_votes_remaining and self.day_time: self.current_action.cancel() else: await self.normal_perms(self.village_channel) # No point if about to be night async def _at_kill(self, target): # ID 3 if self.game_over: return await self._notify("at_kill", player=target) async def _at_hang(self, target): # ID 4 if self.game_over: return await self._notify("at_hang", player=target) async def _at_day_end(self): # ID 5 await self._check_game_over() if self.game_over: return self.any_votes_remaining = False self.day_vote = {} self.vote_totals = {} self.day_time = False await self.night_perms(self.village_channel) await self.village_channel.send( embed=discord.Embed(title="**The sun sets on the village...**") ) await self._notify("at_day_end") await asyncio.sleep(5) self.action_queue.append(self._at_night_start()) async def _at_night_start(self): # ID 6 if self.game_over: return await self._notify("at_night_start") await asyncio.sleep(12) # 2 minutes FixMe to 120 later await self.village_channel.send( embed=discord.Embed(title="**Two minutes of night remain...**") ) await asyncio.sleep(9) # 1.5 minutes FixMe to 90 later await self.village_channel.send( embed=discord.Embed(title="**Thirty seconds until sunrise...**") ) await asyncio.sleep(3) # .5 minutes FixMe to 30 Later self.action_queue.append(self._at_night_end()) async def _at_night_end(self): # ID 7 if self.game_over: return await self._notify("at_night_end") await asyncio.sleep(10) self.action_queue.append(self._at_day_start()) async def _at_visit(self, target, source): # ID 8 if self.game_over: return await self._notify("at_visit", target=target, source=source) async def _notify(self, event, **kwargs): for i in range(1, 7): # action guide 1-6 (0 is no action) tasks = [] for event in self.listeners.get(event, {}).get(i, []): tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(event(**kwargs), loop=self.loop)) # Run same-priority task simultaneously await asyncio.gather(*tasks) #"{event}", data=data, priority=i) # # tasks = [] # # Role priorities # role_order = [role for role in self.roles if role.action_list[event][1] == i] # for role in role_order: # tasks.append(asyncio.ensure_future(role.on_event(event, data), loop=self.loop)) # # VoteGroup priorities # vote_order = [vg for vg in self.vote_groups.values() if vg.action_list[event][1] == i] # for vote_group in vote_order: # tasks.append( # asyncio.ensure_future(vote_group.on_event(event, data), loop=self.loop) # ) # if tasks: # await asyncio.gather(*tasks) # Run same-priority task simultaneously # ###########END Notify structure############ async def generate_targets(self, channel, with_roles=False): embed = discord.Embed(title="Remaining Players") for i, player in enumerate(self.players): if player.alive: status = "" else: status = "*[Dead]*-" if with_roles or not player.alive: embed.add_field( name=f"ID# **{i}**", value=f"{status}{player.member.display_name}-{player.role}", inline=True, ) else: embed.add_field( name=f"ID# **{i}**", value=f"{status}{player.member.display_name}", inline=True, ) return await channel.send(embed=embed) async def register_channel(self, channel_id, role, votegroup=None): """ Queue a channel to be created by game_start """ if channel_id not in self.p_channels: self.p_channels[channel_id] = self.default_secret_channel.copy() for x in range(10): # Retry 10 times try: await asyncio.sleep(1) # This will have multiple calls self.p_channels[channel_id]["players"].append(role.player) if votegroup is not None: self.p_channels[channel_id]["votegroup"] = votegroup except AttributeError: continue else: break async def join(self, member: discord.Member, channel: discord.TextChannel): """ Have a member join a game """ if self.started: await channel.send("**Game has already started!**") return if await self.get_player_by_member(member) is not None: await channel.send(f"{member.display_name} is already in the game!") return self.players.append(Player(member)) if self.game_role is not None: try: await member.add_roles(*[self.game_role]) except discord.Forbidden: await channel.send( f"Unable to add role **{}**\n" f"Bot is missing `manage_roles` permissions" ) await channel.send( f"{member.display_name} has been added to the game, " f"total players is **{len(self.players)}**" ) async def quit(self, member: discord.Member, channel: discord.TextChannel = None): """ Have a member quit a game """ player = await self.get_player_by_member(member) if player is None: return "You're not in a game!" if self.started: await self._quit(player) await channel.send( f"{member.mention} has left the game", allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False, users=[member]), ) else: self.players = [player for player in self.players if player.member != member] await member.remove_roles(*[self.game_role]) await channel.send( f"{member.mention} chickened out, player count is now **{len(self.players)}**", allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False, users=[member]), ) async def choose(self, ctx, data): """ Arbitrary decision making Example: seer picking target to see """ player = await self.get_player_by_member( if player is None: await ctx.send("You're not in this game!") return if not player.alive: await ctx.send("**Corpses** can't participate...") return if player.role.blocked: await ctx.send("Something is preventing you from doing this...") return # Let role do target validation, might be alternate targets # I.E. Go on alert? y/n await player.role.choose(ctx, data) async def _visit(self, target, source): await target.role.visit(source) await self._at_visit(target, source) async def visit(self, target_id, source) -> Union[Player, None]: """ Night visit target_id Returns a target for role information (i.e. Seer) """ if source.role.blocked: # Blocker handles text return None target = await self.get_night_target(target_id, source) await self._visit(target, source) return target async def vote(self, author, target_id, channel): """ Member attempts to cast a vote (usually to lynch) Also used in vote groups """ player = await self.get_player_by_member(author) if player is None: await channel.send("You're not in this game!") return if not player.alive: await channel.send("Corpses can't vote...") return if channel == self.village_channel: if not self.any_votes_remaining: await channel.send("Voting is not allowed right now") return elif in self.p_channels: pass else: # Not part of the game await channel.send("Cannot vote in this channel") return try: target = self.players[target_id] except IndexError: target = None if target is None: await channel.send("Not a valid ID") return # Now handle village vote or send to votegroup if channel == self.village_channel: await self._village_vote(target, author, target_id) elif self.p_channels[]["votegroup"] is not None: await self.vote_groups[].vote(target, author, target_id) else: # Somehow previous check failed await channel.send("Cannot vote in this channel") return async def _village_vote(self, target, author, target_id): if author in self.day_vote: self.vote_totals[self.day_vote[author]] -= 1 self.day_vote[author] = target_id if target_id not in self.vote_totals: self.vote_totals[target_id] = 1 else: self.vote_totals[target_id] += 1 required_votes = len([player for player in self.players if player.alive]) // 7 + 2 if self.vote_totals[target_id] < required_votes: await self.village_channel.send( f"{author.mention} has voted to put {target.member.mention} to trial. " f"{required_votes - self.vote_totals[target_id]} more votes needed", allowed_mentions=discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False, users=[author, target]), ) else: self.vote_totals[target_id] = 0 self.day_vote = { k: v for k, v in self.day_vote.items() if v != target_id } # Remove votes for this id await self._at_voted(target) async def eval_results(self, target, source=None, method=None): if method is not None: out = "**{ID}** - " + method return out.format(, target=target.member.display_name) else: return "**{ID}** - {target} the {role} was found dead".format(, target=target.member.display_name, role=await target.role.get_role() ) async def _quit(self, player): """ Have player quit the game """ player.alive = False await self._at_kill(player) player.alive = False # Do not allow resurrection await self.dead_perms(self.village_channel, player.member) # Add a punishment system for quitting games later async def kill(self, target_id, source=None, method: str = None, novisit=False): """ Attempt to kill a target Source allows admin override Be sure to remove permissions appropriately Important to finish execution before triggering notify """ if source is None: target = self.players[target_id] elif self.day_time: target = await self.get_day_target(target_id, source) else: target = await self.get_night_target(target_id, source) if source is not None: if source.role.blocked: # Do nothing if blocked, blocker handles text return if not novisit: # Arsonist wouldn't visit before killing await self._visit(target, source) # Visit before killing if not target.protected: target.alive = False # Set them as dead first await target.role.kill(source) # Notify target that someone is trying to kill them await self._at_kill(target) # Notify other roles of the kill attempt if not target.alive: # Still dead after notifying if not self.day_time: self.night_results.append(await self.eval_results(target, source, method)) await self.dead_perms(self.village_channel, target.member) else: target.protected = False async def lynch(self, target_id): """ Attempt to lynch a target Important to finish execution before triggering notify """ target = await self.get_day_target(target_id) # Allows target modification target.alive = False # Kill them, await self._at_hang(target) if not target.alive: # Still dead after notifying await self.dead_perms(self.village_channel, target.member) async def get_night_target(self, target_id, source=None) -> Player: return self.players[target_id] # ToDo check source async def get_day_target(self, target_id, source=None) -> Player: return self.players[target_id] # ToDo check source async def set_code(self, ctx: commands.Context, game_code): if game_code is not None: self.game_code = game_code await ctx.send("Code has been set") async def get_roles(self, ctx, game_code=None): if game_code is not None: self.game_code = game_code if self.game_code is None: return False try: self.roles = await parse_code(self.game_code, self) except ValueError as e: await ctx.send("Invalid Code: Code contains unknown character\n{}".format(e)) return False except IndexError as e: await ctx.send("Invalid Code: Code references unknown role\n{}".format(e)) if not self.roles: return False async def assign_roles(self): """len(self.roles) must == len(self.players)""" random.shuffle(self.roles) self.players.sort(key=lambda pl: pl.member.display_name.lower()) if len(self.roles) != len(self.players): await self.village_channel.send("Unhandled error - roles!=players") return False for idx, role in enumerate(self.roles): await self.roles[idx].assign_player(self.players[idx]) # Sorted players, now assign id's await self.players[idx].assign_id(idx) async def get_player_by_member(self, member: discord.Member): for player in self.players: if player.member == member: return player return None async def dead_perms(self, channel, member): await channel.set_permissions(member, overwrite=None) await member.remove_roles(*[self.game_role]) async def night_perms(self, channel): await channel.set_permissions(self.game_role, read_messages=True, send_messages=False) async def day_perms(self, channel): await channel.set_permissions(self.game_role, read_messages=True, send_messages=True) async def speech_perms(self, channel, member, undo=False): if undo: await channel.set_permissions(member, overwrite=None) else: await channel.set_permissions(self.game_role, read_messages=True, send_messages=False) await channel.set_permissions(member, send_messages=True) async def normal_perms(self, channel): await channel.set_permissions(self.game_role, read_messages=True, send_messages=True) async def _check_game_over(self): # return # ToDo: re-enable game-over checking alive_players = [player for player in self.players if player.alive] if len(alive_players) <= 0: await self.village_channel.send( embed=discord.Embed(title="**Everyone is dead! Game Over!**") ) self.game_over = True elif len(alive_players) == 1: self.game_over = True await self._announce_winners(alive_players) elif len(alive_players) == 2: # Check 1v1 victory conditions ToDo self.game_over = True alignment1 = alive_players[0].role.alignment alignment2 = alive_players[1].role.alignment if alignment1 == alignment2: # Same team winners = alive_players else: winners = [max(alive_players, key=lambda p: p.role.alignment)] await self._announce_winners(winners) else: # Check if everyone is on the same team alignment = alive_players[0].role.alignment # Get first allignment and compare to rest for player in alive_players: if player.role.alignment != alignment: return # Only remaining team wins self.game_over = True await self._announce_winners(alive_players) # If no return, cleanup and end game await self._end_game() async def _announce_winners(self, winnerlist): await self.village_channel.send(self.game_role.mention) embed = discord.Embed(title="Game Over", description="The Following Players have won!") for player in winnerlist: embed.add_field(name=player.member.display_name, value=str(player.role), inline=True) embed.set_thumbnail( url="" ) await self.village_channel.send(embed=embed) await self.generate_targets(self.village_channel, True) async def _end_game(self): # Remove game_role access for potential archiving for now reason = "(BOT) End of WW game" for obj in self.to_delete: log.debug(f"End_game: Deleting object {obj}") await obj.delete(reason=reason) try: await self.village_channel.edit(reason=reason, name="Werewolf") async for channel, overwrites in AsyncIter(self.save_perms.items()): async for target, overwrite in AsyncIter(overwrites.items()): await channel.set_permissions(target, overwrite=overwrite, reason=reason) # for target, overwrites in self.save_perms[self.village_channel]: # await self.village_channel.set_permissions( # target, overwrite=overwrites, reason=reason # ) await self.village_channel.set_permissions( self.game_role, overwrite=None, reason=reason ) except (discord.HTTPException, discord.NotFound, discord.errors.NotFound): pass # Optional dynamic channels/categories def add_ww_listener(self, func, priority=0, name=None): """Adds a listener from the pool of listeners. Parameters ----------- func: :ref:`coroutine ` The function to call. priority: Optional[:class:`int`] Priority of the listener. Defaults to 0 (no-action) name: Optional[:class:`str`] The name of the event to listen for. Defaults to ``func.__name__``. do_sort: Optional[:class:`bool`] Whether or not to sort listeners after. Skip sorting during mass appending """ name = func.__name__ if name is None else name if not asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): raise TypeError("Listeners must be coroutines") if name in self.listeners: if priority in self.listeners[name]: self.listeners[name][priority].append(func) else: self.listeners[name][priority] = [func] else: self.listeners[name] = {priority: [func]} # self.listeners[name].sort(reverse=True) # def remove_wolf_listener(self, func, name=None): # """Removes a listener from the pool of listeners. # # Parameters # ----------- # func # The function that was used as a listener to remove. # name: :class:`str` # The name of the event we want to remove. Defaults to # ``func.__name__``. # """ # # name = func.__name__ if name is None else name # # if name in self.listeners: # try: # self.listeners[name].remove(func) # except ValueError: # pass