import os import math # from typing import Union import discord from discord.ext import commands from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box from redbot.core import Config from redbot.core import checks from random import randint # 0 - Robin, 1 - Single, 2 - Double, 3 - Triple, 4 - Guarentee, 5 - Compass T_TYPES = {0: "Round Robin", 1: "Single Elimination", 2: "Double Elimination", 3: "Triple Elimination", 4: "3 Game Guarentee", 5: "Compass Draw"} class Fight: """Cog for organizing fights""" def __init__(self, bot): = bot # self.path = "data/Fox-Cogs/fight/" # self.file_path = "data/Fox-Cogs/fight/fight.json" # self.the_data = dataIO.load_json(self.file_path) self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=49564952847684) default_global = { "srtracker": {}, "win": None, "winu": None, "loss": None, "lossu": None, "dispute": None, "disputeu": None } default_guild = { "current": None, "tourneys": {}, "settings": { "selfreport": True, "reportchnnl": None, "announcechnnl": None, "admin": None }, "emoji": { "nums": [], "undo": None, "appr": None } } self.default_tourney = { "PLAYERS": [], "NAME": "Tourney 0", "RULES": {"BESTOF": 1, "BESTOFFINAL": 1, "TYPE": 0}, "TYPEDATA": {}, "OPEN": False, "WINNER": None } self.default_match = { "TEAM1": [], "TEAM2": [], "SCORE1": 0, "SCORE2": 0, "USERSCORE1": { "SCORE1": 0, "SCORE2": 0 }, "USERSCORE2": { "SCORE1": 0, "SCORE2": 0 } } self.default_tracker = { "TID": None, "MID": None, "RID": None, "GUILDID": None } self.config.register_global(**default_global) self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) # def save_data(self): # """Saves the json""" # dataIO.save_json(self.file_path, self.the_data) # ************************v3 Shit************************ # def check(m): #Check Message from author # return == and == # ************************Fight command group start************************ @commands.guild_only() async def fight(self, ctx): """Participate in active fights!""" # guild = ctx.message.guild if not await self._activefight(ctx): await ctx.send("No tournament currently running!") else: await ctx.send("Current tournament ID: " + await self._activefight(ctx)) if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await ctx.send_help() # await ctx.send("I can do stuff!") @fight.command(name="join") async def fight_join(self, ctx, user: discord.Member=None): """Join the active fight""" # guild = ctx.message.guild if not user: user = currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx) tID = await self._activefight(ctx) if not currFight: await ctx.send("No tournament currently running!") return if not currFight["OPEN"]: await ctx.send("Tournament currently not accepting new players") return if await self._infight(ctx, tID, await ctx.send("You are already in this tournament!") return currFight["PLAYERS"].append( await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight) await ctx.send("User has been added to tournament") @fight.command(name="score") async def fight_score(self, ctx, tID=None, score1=None, score2=None): """Enters score for current match, or for passed tournament ID""" # guild = ctx.message.guild # user = currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx) if not currFight: await ctx.send("No tournament currently running!") return if not tID: tID = await self._activefight(ctx) if not await self._infight(ctx, tID, await ctx.send("You are not in a current tournament") return if not currFight["TYPEDATA"]: await ctx.send("Tournament has not started yet") return mID = await self._parseuser(ctx.guild, tID, if not mID: await ctx.send("You have no match to update!") return if currFight["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0: # Round-Robin await self._rr_score(ctx, tID, mID, score1, score2) @fight.command(name="leave") async def fight_leave(self, ctx, tID=None, user: discord.Member=None): """Forfeit your match and all future matches""" # guild = ctx.message.guild if not user: user = if not tID: tID = await self._activefight(ctx) await ctx.send("Todo Leave") # @fight.command(name="leaderboard", pass_context=True) # async def fight_leaderboard(self, ctx, ctag, ckind="Unranked", irank=0): # await ctx.send("Todo Leaderboard") # """Adds clan to grab-list""""bracket") async def fight_bracket(self, ctx, tID): """Shows your current match your next opponent, run [p]fight bracket full to see all matches""" await ctx.send("Todo Bracket") @fight_bracket.command(name="full") async def fight_bracket_full(self, ctx, tID): """Shows the full bracket""" await ctx.send("Todo Bracket Full") # **********************Fightset command group start********************* # def fightsetdec(func): # async def decorated(self, ctx, *args, **kwargs): # guild = ctx.message.guild # await func(self, ctx, guild, *args, **kwargs) # return decorated['setfight']) @commands.guild_only() @checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True) async def fightset(self, ctx): """Admin command for starting or managing tournaments""" # guild = ctx.message.guild # if not in self.the_data: # self.the_data[] = { # "CURRENT": None, # "TOURNEYS": {}, # "SETTINGS": { # "SELFREPORT": True, # "REPORTCHNNL": None, # "ANNOUNCECHNNL": None, # "ADMIN": None # }, # "SRTRACKER": { # "ROUND": None, # "CHNNLS": None, # }, # "EMOJI": { # "NUMS": [], # "UNDO": None, # "APPR": None # } # } # self.save_data() if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: await ctx.send_help() # await ctx.send("I can do stuff!") @fightset.command(name="emoji") async def fightset_emoji(self, ctx): """Set the global reaction emojis for reporting matches""" message = await ctx.send("Emoji Tests") message2 = await ctx.send("Secondary Emoji Tests") needed=["reporting a win","reporting a loss","disputing results"] for need in needed: try: emoji, actual_emoji, isUnicode = await self._wait_for_emoji(ctx, need) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time, please redo this command.") return try: await message.add_reaction(actual_emoji) except discord.HTTPException: await ctx.send("I can't add that emoji because I'm not in the guild that" " owns it.") return if need == "reporting a win": winEmoji = emoji winUnicode = isUnicode if need == "reporting a loss": lossEmoji = emoji lossUnicode = isUnicode if need == "disputing results": disputeEmoji = emoji disUnicode = isUnicode await await self.config.winu.set(winUnicode) await self.config.loss.set(lossEmoji) await self.config.lossu.set(lossUnicode) await self.config.dispute.set(disputeEmoji) await self.config.disputeu.set(disUnicode) await self._add_wld(message2) await ctx.send("Success") @fightset.command(name="reset") async def fightset_reset(self, ctx): """Clears all data, be careful!""" await self.config.clear_all() await ctx.send("Success") @fightset.command(name="bestof") async def fightset_bestof(self, ctx, incount, tID=None): """Adjust # of games played per match. Must be an odd number""" # guild = ctx.message.guild if not tID and not await self._activefight(ctx): await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust") return if not tID: tID = await self._activefight(ctx) currFight = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID) try: num = int(incount) except: await ctx.send("That is not a number") return if num % 2 != 1: await ctx.send("Must be an odd number") return if num < 1: await ctx.send("Must be greater than 0, idiot") return if num > 17: await ctx.send("I can't go that high! Max 17") return currFight["RULES"]["BESTOF"] = num await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight) await ctx.send("Tourney ID "+tID+" is now Best of "+str(num)) @fightset.command(name="bestoffinal") async def fightset_bestoffinal(self, ctx, incount, tID=None): """Adjust # of games played in finals. Must be an odd number (Does not apply to tournament types without finals, such as Round Robin)""" #guild = ctx.message.guild if not tID and not await self._activefight(ctx): await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust") return if not tID: tID = await self._activefight(ctx) currFight = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID) try: num = int(incount) except: await ctx.send("That is not a number") return if num % 2 != 1: await ctx.send("Must be an odd number") return if num < 1: await ctx.send("Must be greater than 0, idiot") return currFight["RULES"]["BESTOFFINAL"] = num await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight) await ctx.send("Tourney ID "+tID+" is now Best of "+str(num)+" in the Finals") @fightset.command(name="current") async def fightset_current(self, ctx, tID): """Sets the current tournament to passed ID""" #guild = ctx.message.guild currFight = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID) if not currFight: await ctx.send("No tourney found with that ID") return # self.the_data[]["CURRENT"] = tID # self.save_data() await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).current.set(tID) await ctx.send("Current tournament set to "+tID) @fightset.command(name="list") async def fightset_list(self, ctx): """Lists all current and past fights""" #guild = ctx.message.guild for page in pagify(str(await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tourneys())): await ctx.send(box(page)) await ctx.send("Done") @fightset.command(name="test") async def fightset_test(self, ctx): """testing""" await ctx.send(str(await self.config.all_guilds())) @fightset.command(name="open") async def fightset_open(self, ctx): """Toggles the open status of current tournament""" #guild = ctx.message.guild if not await self._activefight(ctx): await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust") return tID = await self._activefight(ctx) currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx) currFight["OPEN"] = not currFight["OPEN"] await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight) await ctx.send("Tournament Open status is now set to: " + str(currFight["OPEN"])) @fightset.command(name="name") async def fightset_name(self, ctx, inname, tID=None): """Renames the tournament""" #guild = ctx.message.guild if not tID and not await self._activefight(ctx): await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust") return if not tID: tID = await self._activefight(ctx) currFight = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID) currFight["NAME"] = inname await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight) await ctx.send("Tourney ID "+tID+" is now called "+inname) @fightset.command(name="start") async def fightset_start(self, ctx): """Starts the current tournament, must run setup first""" def check(m): #Check Message from author return == and == currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx) tID = await self._activefight(ctx) if not tID: await ctx.send("No current fight to start") return if (await is None: #Emoji not setup await ctx.send("Emojis have not been configured, see `[p]fightset emoji`") return if (await self._get_announcechnnl(ctx.guild)) is None: #Announcechnnl not setup await ctx.send("Announcement channel has not been configured, see `[p]fightset guild announcechnnl`") return if (await self._get_reportchnnl(ctx.guild)) is None: #Reportchnnl not setup await ctx.send("Self-Report channel has not been configured, see `[p]fightset guild reportchnnl`") return if currFight["TYPEDATA"]: # Empty dicionary {} resolves to False await ctx.send("Looks like this tournament has already started.\nDo you want to delete all match data and restart? (yes/no)") # answer = await, author=author) try: answer = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Cancelled due to timeout") return if not answer.content or answer.content.upper() not in ["YES", "Y"]: await ctx.send("Cancelled") return currFight["OPEN"] = False # first close the tournament await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight) if currFight["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0: # Round-Robin await self._rr_start(ctx, tID) @fightset.command(name="setup") async def fightset_setup(self, ctx): """Setup a new tournament! Default settings are as follows Name: Tourney # (counts from 0) Best of: 1 Best of (final): 1 Self Report: True Type: 0 (Round Robin)""" #guild = ctx.message.guild # currServ = self.the_data[] tID = str(len(await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tourneys())) # Can just be len without +1, tourney 0 makes len 1, tourney 1 makes len 2, etc # currServ["CURRENT"] = tID currFight = self.default_tourney currFight["NAME"] = "Tourney "+str(tID) await self._save_fight(ctx, tID, currFight) await ctx.send("Tournament has been created!\n\n" + str(currFight)) await ctx.send("Adjust settings as necessary, then open the tournament with [p]fightset toggleopen") @fightset.command(name="stop") async def fightset_stop(self, ctx): """Stops current tournament""" def check(m): #Check Message from author return == and == # guild = ctx.message.guild if not await self._activefight(ctx): await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust") return # author = # currServ = self.the_data[] await ctx.send("Current fight ID is "+str(await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).current())+"\nOkay to stop? (yes/no)") try: answer = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Cancelled due to timeout") return if not answer.content or answer.content.upper() not in ["YES", "Y"]: await ctx.send("Cancelled") return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).current.set(None) await ctx.send("Fight has been stopped") # ***************************Fightset_guild command group start**************************"guild") async def fightset_guild(self, ctx): """Adjust guild wide settings""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None or isinstance(ctx.invoked_subcommand, commands.Group): await ctx.send_help() @fightset_guild.command(name="selfreport") async def fightset_guild_selfreport(self, ctx): """Toggles the ability to self-report scores for all tournaments""" curflag = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings.selfreport() await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings.selfreport.set(not curflag) await ctx.send("Self-Reporting ability is now set to: " + str(not curflag)) @fightset_guild.command(name="reportchnnl") async def fightset_guild_reportchnnl(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel=None): """Set the channel for self-reporting matches""" if channel is None: channel = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings.reportchnnl.set( channel = (await self._get_reportchnnl(ctx.guild)) await ctx.send("Self-Reporting Channel is now set to: " + channel.mention) @fightset_guild.command(name="announcechnnl") async def fightset_guild_announcechnnl(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel=None): """Set the channel for tournament announcements""" if channel is None: channel = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings.announcechnnl.set( channel = (await self._get_announcechnnl(ctx.guild)) await ctx.send("Announcement Channel is now set to: " + channel.mention) @fightset_guild.command(name="setadmin") async def fightset_guild_setadmin(self, ctx, role: discord.Role=None): """Chooses the tournament-admin role. CAREFUL: This grants the ability to override self-reported scores!""" await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings.admin.set( await ctx.send("Tournament Admin role is now set to: " + role.mention) # **********************Private command group start********************* async def _add_wld(self, message: discord.Message): """Adds assigned Win-Loss-Dispute reactions to message""" win = await loss = await self.config.loss() dispute = await self.config.dispute() if not (await self.config.winu()): #If not unicode win = if not (await self.config.lossu()): loss = if not (await self.config.disputeu()): dispute = await message.add_reaction(win) await message.add_reaction(loss) await message.add_reaction(dispute) async def _get_win_str(self): """Returns win emoji ready for str""" win = await if not (await self.config.winu()): #If not unicode win = str( return win async def _get_loss_str(self): """Returns loss emoji ready for str""" loss = await self.config.loss() if not (await self.config.lossu()): loss = str( return loss async def _get_dispute_str(self): """Returns dispute emoji ready for str""" dispute = await self.config.dispute() if not (await self.config.disputeu()): dispute = str( return dispute async def _wait_for_emoji(self, ctx: commands.Context, messagetext): """ Asks the user to react to this message and returns the emoji string if unicode or ID if custom. :param ctx: :raises asyncio.TimeoutError: If the user does not respond in time. :return: """ if messagetext: message = await ctx.send("Please react to this message with the reaction you" " would like for "+messagetext+", you have 20 seconds to" " respond.") else: message = await ctx.send("Please react to this message with the reaction you" " would like, you have 20 seconds to" " respond.") def _wait_check(react, user): msg = react.message return == and == reaction, _ = await'reaction_add', check=_wait_check, timeout=20) try: ret = isUnicode = False except AttributeError: # The emoji is unicode ret = reaction.emoji isUnicode = True return ret, reaction.emoji, isUnicode async def _save_fight(self, ctx, tID, currFight): """Save a passed fight""" allTourney = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tourneys() allTourney[tID] = currFight await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tourneys.set(allTourney) async def _save_tracker(self, ctx, messageid, matchData): """Save a passed fight""" allTracker = await self.config.srtracker() allTracker[messageid] = matchData await self.config.srtracker.set(allTracker) async def _guildsettings(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Returns the dictionary of guild settings""" # return self.the_data[guildID]["SETTINGS"] return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings() async def _messagetracker(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Returns the dictionary of message tracking""" # return self.the_data[guildID]["SRTRACKER"] return await self.config.srtracker() async def _activefight(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Returns id for active fight, or None if no active fight""" # return self.the_data[guildID]["CURRENT"] return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).current() async def _infight(self, ctx: commands.Context, tID, userid): """Checks if passed member is already in the tournament""" # return userid in self.the_data[guildID]["TOURNEYS"][tID]["PLAYERS"] return userid in (await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tourneys())[tID]["PLAYERS"] async def _embed_tourney(self, ctx, tID): """Prints a pretty embed of the tournament""" await ctx.send("_placeholder Todo") async def _comparescores(self): """Checks user submitted scores for inconsistancies""" await ctx.send("_comparescores Todo") async def _parseuser(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, userid): """Finds user in the tournament""" # if self._getfight(guildID, tID)["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0: # RR theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID) if userid not in theT["PLAYERS"]: # Shouldn't happen, _infight check first return False if theT["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0: return await self._rr_parseuser(guild, tID, userid) return False def _get_team(self, ctx: commands.Context, teaminfo): """Team info is a list of userid's. Returns a list of user objects""" outlist = [] for playerid in teaminfo: outlist.append(self._get_user_from_id(playerid)) return outlist # async def _getsettings(self, ctx: commands.Context): # # return self.the_data[guildID]["SETTINGS"] # return await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).settings() # async def _get_message_from_id_old(self, channelid, messageid): # return await, messageid) async def _get_message_from_id(self, ctx: commands.Context, message_id: int): """ Tries to find a message by ID in the current guild context. :param ctx: :param message_id: :return: """ for channel in ctx.guild.text_channels: try: return await channel.get_message(message_id) except discord.NotFound: pass except AttributeError: # VoiceChannel object has no attribute 'get_message' pass return None async def _get_announcechnnl(self, guild: discord.Guild): channelid = await self.config.guild(guild).settings.announcechnnl() channel = self._get_channel_from_id(channelid) return channel async def _get_reportchnnl(self, guild: discord.Guild): channelid = await self.config.guild(guild).settings.reportchnnl() channel = self._get_channel_from_id(channelid) return channel def _get_channel_from_id(self, channelid): return def _get_user_from_id(self, userid): # guild = self._get_guild_from_id(guildID) # return discord.utils.get(guild.members, id=userid) return def _get_guild_from_id(self, guildID): return async def _getfight(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID): # return self.the_data[guildID]["TOURNEYS"][tID] return (await self.config.guild(guild).tourneys())[tID] async def _getcurrentfight(self, ctx: commands.Context): # if not self._activefight(guildID): # return None # return self._getfight(guildID, self._activefight(guildID)) isactive = await self._activefight(ctx) if not isactive: return None return await self._getfight(ctx.guild, isactive) # *********** References to "TYPEDATA" must be done per tournament mode (Below this line) ******* # **********************Single Elimination*************************** async def _elim_setup(self, tID): await ctx.send("Elim setup todo") async def _elim_start(self, tID): await ctx.send("Elim start todo") async def _elim_update(self, matchID, ): await ctx.send("Elim update todo") # **********************Round-Robin********************************** async def _rr_parseuser(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, userid): theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID) matches = theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"] schedule = theT["TYPEDATA"]["SCHEDULE"] for round in schedule: for mID in round: teamnum = await self._rr_matchperms(guild, tID, userid, mID) if teamnum and not await self._rr_matchover(guild, tID, mID): # User is in this match, check if it's done yet return mID return False # All matches done or not in tourney async def _rr_matchover(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, mID): theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID) match = theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"][mID] if (match["SCORE1"] == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"]/2) or match["SCORE1"] == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"]/2)): return True return False async def _rr_roundover(self, ctx: commands.Context, tID): theT = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID) theR = theT["TYPEDATA"]["SCHEDULE"][theT["TYPEDATA"]["ROUND"]] for mID in theR: if not await self._rr_matchover(ctx, tID, mID): return False return True async def _rr_matchperms(self, guild: discord.Guild, tID, userid, mID): # if self._get_user_from_id(guildID, userid) # Do an if-admin at start theT = await self._getfight(guild, tID) if userid in theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"][mID]["TEAM1"]: return 1 if userid in theT["TYPEDATA"]["MATCHES"][mID]["TEAM2"]: return 2 return False async def _rr_setup(self, ctx: commands.Context, tID): theT = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID) theD = theT["TYPEDATA"] get_schedule = self._rr_schedule(theT["PLAYERS"]) theD["SCHEDULE"] = get_schedule[0] theD["MATCHES"] = get_schedule[1] theD["ROUND"] = 0 self._save_fight(ctx, tID, theT) async def _rr_printround(self, ctx: commands.Context, tID, rID): theT = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID) theD = theT["TYPEDATA"] channel = await self._get_announcechnnl(ctx.guild) if channel: # rID starts at 0, so print +1. Never used for computation, so doesn't matter await channel.send("**Round "+str(rID+1)+" is starting**") channel = await self._get_reportchnnl(ctx.guild) for mID in theD["SCHEDULE"][rID]: team1 = self._get_team(ctx, theD["MATCHES"][mID]["TEAM1"]) team2 = self._get_team(ctx, theD["MATCHES"][mID]["TEAM2"]) for i in range(len(team1)): if team1[i]: team1[i] = team1[i].mention else: team1[i] = "BYE" for i in range(len(team2)): if team2[i]: team2[i] = team2[i].mention else: team2[i] = "BYE" mention1 = ", ".join(team1) mention2 = ", ".join(team2) outembed=discord.Embed(title="Match ID: " + mID, color=0x0000bf) outembed.add_field(name="Team 1", value=mention1, inline=True) outembed.add_field(name="Team 2", value=mention2, inline=True) outembed.set_footer(text=(await self._get_win_str())+" Report Win || "+(await self._get_loss_str())+" Report Loss || "+(await self._get_dispute_str())+" Dispute Result") if channel: message = channel.send(embed=outembed) await self._add_wld(message) trackmessage = self.default_tracker trackmessage["TID"] = tID trackmessage["MID"] = mID trackmessage["RID"] = rID trackmessage["GUILDID"] = self._save_tracker(ctx,, trackmessage) # await ctx.send(team1 + " vs " + team2 + " || Match ID: " + match) async def _rr_start(self, ctx, tID): await self._rr_setup(ctx, tID) channel = await self._get_announcechnnl(ctx.guild) if channel: await channel.send("**Tournament is Starting**") await self._rr_printround(ctx, tID, 0) async def _rr_score(self, ctx: commands.Context, tID, mID, t1points, t2points): def check(m): #Check Message from author return == and == theT = await self._getfight(ctx.guild, tID) theD = theT["TYPEDATA"] # if t1points and t2points: # theD["MATCHES"][mID]["SCORE1"] = t1points # theD["MATCHES"][mID]["SCORE2"] = t2points # self.save_data() # return if not t1points: await ctx.send("Entering scores for match ID: " + mID + "\n\n") await ctx.send("How many points did TEAM1 get?") if await self._rr_matchperms(ctx.guild, tID,, mID) == 1: await ctx.send("*HINT: You are on TEAM1*") # answer = await, author=author) try: answer = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Cancelled due to timeout") return try: t1points = int(answer.content) except: await ctx.send("That's not a number!") return if not t2points: await ctx.send("How many points did TEAM2 get?") if await self._rr_matchperms(ctx.guild, tID,, mID) == 2: await ctx.send("*HINT: You are on TEAM2*") # answer = await, author=author) try: answer = await'message', check=check, timeout=120) except asyncio.TimeoutError: await ctx.send("Cancelled due to timeout") return try: t2points = int(answer.content) except: await ctx.send("That's not a number!") return if (t1points == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"]/2) or t2points == math.ceil(theT["RULES"]["BESTOF"]/2)): theD["MATCHES"][mID]["SCORE1"] = t1points theD["MATCHES"][mID]["SCORE2"] = t2points else: await ctx.send("Invalid scores, nothing will be updated") return await self._save_fight(theT) await ctx.send("Scores have been saved successfully!") # if self._rr_checkround(guildID, tID) def _rr_schedule(self, inlist): """ Create a schedule for the teams in the list and return it""" s = [] # Schedule list outID = {} # Matches firstID = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "X", "Y", "Z"] # God dammit this could've been a string if len(inlist) % 2 == 1: inlist = inlist + ["BYE"] for i in range(len(inlist)): mid = int(len(inlist) / 2) l1 = inlist[:mid] l2 = inlist[mid:] l2.reverse() matchLetter = "" j = i while j+1 > 26: matchLetter += firstID[int(j + 1) % 26 - 1] j = (j + 1) / 26 - 1 matchLetter += firstID[int(j+1) % 26-1] matchLetter = matchLetter[::-1] matchID = [] for ix in range(len(l1)): matchID += [matchLetter+str(ix)] rPlayers = list(zip(l1, l2)) TeamCnt = 0 for ID in matchID: outID[ID] = self.default_match outID[ID]["TEAM1"] = [rPlayers[TeamCnt][0]] outID[ID]["TEAM2"] = [rPlayers[TeamCnt][1]] # outID[ID] = { # "TEAM1": [rPlayers[TeamCnt][0]], # "TEAM2": [rPlayers[TeamCnt][1]], # "SCORE1": 0, # "SCORE2": 0, # "USERSCORE1": {"SCORE1": 0, "SCORE2": 0}, # "USERSCORE2": {"SCORE1": 0, "SCORE2": 0} # } TeamCnt += 1 # List of match ID's is now done s += [matchID] # Schedule of matches inlist.insert(1, inlist.pop()) outlist = [[], {}] outlist[0] = s outlist[1] = outID # outlist[0] is list schedule of matches # outlist[1] is dict data of matches return outlist #**************** Attempt 2, borrow from Squid******* async def on_raw_reaction_add(self, emoji: discord.PartialReactionEmoji, message_id: int, channel_id: int, user_id: int): """ Event handler for long term reaction watching. :param discord.PartialReactionEmoji emoji: :param int message_id: :param int channel_id: :param int user_id: :return: """ tracker = await self.config.srtracker() if message_id not in tracker: return tracker = tracker[message_id] guild =["GUILDID"]) member = guild.get_member(user_id) if return if tracker["MID"] != (await self._parseuser(guild, tracker["TID"], message = guild.get_message(message_id) await message.remove_reaction(emoji, member) return channel = guild.get_channel(channel_id) message = channel.get_message(message_id) if emoji.is_custom_emoji(): emoji_id = else: emoji_id = wld = [(await, (await self.config.loss()), (await self.config.dispute())] if emoji_id not in wld: # Not sure if this works await message.remove_reaction(emoji, member) return if emoji_id == wld[0]: await self._report_win() if emoji_id == wld[1]: await self._report_loss() if emoji_id == wld[2]: await self._report_dispute()