import inspect
import logging

from werewolf.listener import WolfListener, wolflistener

log = logging.getLogger("red.fox_v3.werewolf.role")

class Role(WolfListener):
    Base Role class for werewolf game

    Category enrollment guide as follows (category property):
        1: Random, 2: Investigative, 3: Protective, 4: Government,
        5: Killing, 6: Power (Special night action)

        11: Random, 12: Deception, 15: Killing, 16: Support

        21: Benign, 22: Evil, 23: Killing

        Example category:
        category = [1, 5, 6] Could be Veteran
        category = [1, 5] Could be Bodyguard
        category = [11, 16] Could be Werewolf Silencer
        category = [22] Could be Blob (non-killing)
        category = [22, 23] Could be Serial-Killer

    Action priority guide as follows (on_event function):
        0. No Action
        1. Detain actions (Jailer/Kidnapper)
        2. Group discussions and choose targets

        0. No Action
        1. Self actions (Veteran)
        2. Target switching and role blocks (bus driver, witch, escort)
        3. Protection / Preempt actions (bodyguard/framer)
        4. Non-disruptive actions (seer/silencer)
        5. Disruptive actions (Killing)
        6. Role altering actions (Cult / Mason / Shifter)

    # Determines if it can be picked as a random role (False for unusually disruptive roles)
    rand_choice = False  # TODO: Rework random with categories
    town_balance = 0  # Guess at power level and it's balance on the town
    category = [0]  # List of enrolled categories (listed above)
    alignment = 0  # 1: Town, 2: Werewolf, 3: Neutral
    channel_name = ""  # Empty for no private channel
    unique = False  # Only one of this role per game
    game_start_message = (
        "Your role is **Default**\n"
        "You win by testing the game\n"
        "Lynch players during the day with `[p]ww vote <ID>`"
    description = (
        "This is the basic role\n"
        "All roles are based on this Class\n"
        "Has no special significance"
    icon_url = None  # Adding a URL here will enable a thumbnail of the role

    def __init__(self, game):
        super().__init__(game) = game
        self.player = None
        self.blocked = False = {}  # Extra data for other roles (i.e. arsonist)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.player.__repr__()})"

    async def assign_player(self, player):
        Give this role a player
        Can be used after the game has started  (Cult, Mason, other role swap)

        player.role = self
        self.player = player

        log.debug(f"Assigned {self} to {player}")

    async def get_alignment(self, source=None):
        Interaction for powerful access of alignment
        (Village, Werewolf, Other)
        Unlikely to be able to deceive this
        return self.alignment

    async def see_alignment(self, source=None):
        Interaction for investigative roles attempting
        to see alignment (Village, Werewolf, Other)
        return "Other"

    async def get_role(self, source=None):
        Interaction for powerful access of role
        Unlikely to be able to deceive this
        return "Role"

    async def see_role(self, source=None):
        Interaction for investigative roles.
        More common to be able to deceive this action
        return "Default"

    @wolflistener("at_game_start", priority=2)
    async def _at_game_start(self):
        if self.channel_name:
            await, self)

            await self.player.send_dm(self.game_start_message)  # Maybe embeds eventually
        except AttributeError as e:
            raise e

    async def kill(self, source):
        Called when someone is trying to kill you!
        Can you do anything about it?
        self.player.alive is now set to False, set to True to stay alive

    async def visit(self, source):
        Called whenever a night action targets you
        Source is the player who visited you

    async def choose(self, ctx, data):
        """Handle night actions"""