import asyncio import json import os import pathlib from abc import ABC from shutil import copyfile from typing import Optional import discord from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageColor, ImageOps from discord.ext.commands import Greedy from redbot.core import Config, commands from import Red from redbot.core.data_manager import bundled_data_path, cog_data_path class Conquest(commands.Cog): """ Cog for """ default_zoom_json = {"enabled": False, "x": -1, "y": -1, "zoom": 1.0} def __init__(self, bot: Red): super().__init__() = bot self.config = Config.get_conf( self, identifier=67111110113117101115116, force_registration=True ) default_guild = {} default_global = {"current_map": None} self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.config.register_global(**default_global) self.data_path: pathlib.Path = cog_data_path(self) self.asset_path: Optional[pathlib.Path] = None self.current_map = None self.map_data = None self.ext = None self.ext_format = None async def red_delete_data_for_user(self, **kwargs): """Nothing to delete""" return async def load_data(self): """ Initial loading of data from bundled_data_path and config """ self.asset_path = bundled_data_path(self) / "assets" self.current_map = await self.config.current_map() await self.current_map_load() async def current_map_load(self): map_data_path = self.asset_path / self.current_map / "data.json" with as mapdata: self.map_data: dict = json.load(mapdata) self.ext = self.map_data["extension"] self.ext_format = "JPEG" if self.ext.upper() == "JPG" else self.ext.upper() async def conquest(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Base command for conquest cog. Start with `[p]conquest set map` to select a map. """ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: if self.current_map is not None: await self._conquest_current(ctx) @conquest.command(name="list") async def _conquest_list(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ List currently available maps """ maps_json = self.asset_path / "maps.json" with as maps: maps_json = json.load(maps) map_list = "\n".join(map_name for map_name in maps_json["maps"]) await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Current maps:\n{map_list}")"set") async def conquest_set(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Base command for admin actions like selecting a map""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: pass @conquest_set.command(name="resetzoom") async def _conquest_set_resetzoom(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Resets the zoom level of the current map""" if self.current_map is None: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("No map is currently set. See `[p]conquest set map`") return zoom_json_path = self.data_path / self.current_map / "settings.json" if not zoom_json_path.exists(): await ctx.maybe_send_embed( f"No zoom data found for {self.current_map}, reset not needed" ) return with"w+") as zoom_json: json.dump({"enabled": False}, zoom_json) await ctx.tick() @conquest_set.command(name="zoom") async def _conquest_set_zoom(self, ctx: commands.Context, x: int, y: int, zoom: float): """ Set the zoom level and position of the current map x: positive integer y: positive integer zoom: float greater than or equal to 1 """ if self.current_map is None: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("No map is currently set. See `[p]conquest set map`") return if x < 0 or y < 0 or zoom < 1: await ctx.send_help() return zoom_json_path = self.data_path / self.current_map / "settings.json" zoom_data = self.default_zoom_json.copy() zoom_data["enabled"] = True zoom_data["x"] = x zoom_data["y"] = y zoom_data["zoom"] = zoom with"w+") as zoom_json: json.dump(zoom_data, zoom_json) await ctx.tick() @conquest_set.command(name="zoomtest") async def _conquest_set_zoomtest(self, ctx: commands.Context, x: int, y: int, zoom: float): """ Test the zoom level and position of the current map x: positive integer y: positive integer zoom: float greater than or equal to 1 """ if self.current_map is None: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("No map is currently set. See `[p]conquest set map`") return if x < 0 or y < 0 or zoom < 1: await ctx.send_help() return zoomed_path = await self._create_zoomed_map( self.data_path / self.current_map / f"current.{self.ext}", x, y, zoom ) await ctx.send(file=discord.File(fp=zoomed_path, filename=f"current_zoomed.{self.ext}",)) async def _create_zoomed_map(self, map_path, x, y, zoom, **kwargs): current_map = w, h = current_map.size zoom2 = zoom * 2 zoomed_map = current_map.crop((x - w / zoom2, y - h / zoom2, x + w / zoom2, y + h / zoom2)) # zoomed_map = zoomed_map.resize((w, h), Image.LANCZOS) / self.current_map / f"zoomed.{self.ext}", self.ext_format) return self.data_path / self.current_map / f"zoomed.{self.ext}" @conquest_set.command(name="save") async def _conquest_set_save(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, save_name): """Save the current map to be loaded later""" if self.current_map is None: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("No map is currently set. See `[p]conquest set map`") return current_map_folder = self.data_path / self.current_map current_map = current_map_folder / f"current.{self.ext}" if not current_map_folder.exists() or not current_map.exists(): await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Current map doesn't exist! Try setting a new one") return copyfile(current_map, current_map_folder / f"{save_name}.{self.ext}") await ctx.tick() @conquest_set.command(name="load") async def _conquest_set_load(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, save_name): """Load a saved map to be the current map""" if self.current_map is None: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("No map is currently set. See `[p]conquest set map`") return current_map_folder = self.data_path / self.current_map current_map = current_map_folder / f"current.{self.ext}" saved_map = current_map_folder / f"{save_name}.{self.ext}" if not current_map_folder.exists() or not saved_map.exists(): await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Saved map not found in the {self.current_map} folder") return copyfile(saved_map, current_map) await ctx.tick() @conquest_set.command(name="map") async def _conquest_set_map(self, ctx: commands.Context, mapname: str, reset: bool = False): """ Select a map from current available maps To add more maps, see the guide (WIP) """ map_dir = self.asset_path / mapname if not map_dir.exists() or not map_dir.is_dir(): await ctx.maybe_send_embed( f"Map `{mapname}` was not found in the {self.asset_path} directory" ) return self.current_map = mapname await self.config.current_map.set(self.current_map) # Save to config too await self.current_map_load() # map_data_path = self.asset_path / mapname / "data.json" # with as mapdata: # self.map_data = json.load(mapdata) # # self.ext = self.map_data["extension"] current_map_folder = self.data_path / self.current_map current_map = current_map_folder / f"current.{self.ext}" if not reset and current_map.exists(): await ctx.maybe_send_embed( "This map is already in progress, resuming from last game\n" "Use `[p]conquest set map [mapname] True` to start a new game" ) else: if not current_map_folder.exists(): os.makedirs(current_map_folder) copyfile(self.asset_path / mapname / f"blank.{self.ext}", current_map) await ctx.tick() @conquest.command(name="current") async def _conquest_current(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Send the current map. """ if self.current_map is None: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("No map is currently set. See `[p]conquest set map`") return current_img = self.data_path / self.current_map / f"current.{self.ext}" await self._send_maybe_zoomed_map(ctx, current_img, f"current_map.{self.ext}") async def _send_maybe_zoomed_map(self, ctx, map_path, filename): zoom_data = {"enabled": False} zoom_json_path = self.data_path / self.current_map / "settings.json" if zoom_json_path.exists(): with as zoom_json: zoom_data = json.load(zoom_json) if zoom_data["enabled"]: map_path = await self._create_zoomed_map(map_path, **zoom_data) await ctx.send(file=discord.File(fp=map_path, filename=filename)) @conquest.command("blank") async def _conquest_blank(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Print the blank version of the current map, for reference. """ if self.current_map is None: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("No map is currently set. See `[p]conquest set map`") return current_blank_img = self.asset_path / self.current_map / f"blank.{self.ext}" await self._send_maybe_zoomed_map(ctx, current_blank_img, f"blank_map.{self.ext}") @conquest.command("numbered") async def _conquest_numbered(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Print the numbered version of the current map, for reference. """ if self.current_map is None: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("No map is currently set. See `[p]conquest set map`") return numbers_path = self.asset_path / self.current_map / f"numbers.{self.ext}" if not numbers_path.exists(): await ctx.send( file=discord.File( fp=self.asset_path / self.current_map / f"numbered.{self.ext}", filename=f"numbered.{self.ext}", ) ) return current_map = / self.current_map / f"current.{self.ext}") numbers ="L") inverted_map = ImageOps.invert(current_map) loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() current_numbered_img = await loop.run_in_executor( None, Image.composite, current_map, inverted_map, numbers ) self.data_path / self.current_map / f"current_numbered.{self.ext}", self.ext_format ) await self._send_maybe_zoomed_map( ctx, self.data_path / self.current_map / f"current_numbered.{self.ext}", f"current_numbered.{self.ext}", ) @conquest.command(name="multitake") async def _conquest_multitake( self, ctx: commands.Context, start_region: int, end_region: int, color: str ): if self.current_map is None: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("No map is currently set. See `[p]conquest set map`") return try: color = ImageColor.getrgb(color) except ValueError: await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Invalid color {color}") return if end_region > self.map_data["region_max"] or start_region < 1: await ctx.maybe_send_embed( f"Max region number is {self.map_data['region_max']}, minimum is 1" ) return regions = [r for r in range(start_region, end_region + 1)] await self._process_take_regions(color, ctx, regions) async def _process_take_regions(self, color, ctx, regions): current_img_path = self.data_path / self.current_map / f"current.{self.ext}" im = async with ctx.typing(): out: Image.Image = await self._composite_regions(im, regions, color), self.ext_format) await self._send_maybe_zoomed_map(ctx, current_img_path, f"map.{self.ext}") @conquest.command(name="take") async def _conquest_take(self, ctx: commands.Context, regions: Greedy[int], *, color: str): """ Claim a territory or list of territories for a specified color :param regions: List of integer regions :param color: Color to claim regions """ if not regions: await ctx.send_help() return if self.current_map is None: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("No map is currently set. See `[p]conquest set map`") return try: color = ImageColor.getrgb(color) except ValueError: await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Invalid color {color}") return for region in regions: if region > self.map_data["region_max"] or region < 1: await ctx.maybe_send_embed( f"Max region number is {self.map_data['region_max']}, minimum is 1" ) return await self._process_take_regions(color, ctx, regions) async def _composite_regions(self, im, regions, color) -> Image.Image: im2 ="RGB", im.size, color) loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() combined_mask = None for region in regions: mask = self.asset_path / self.current_map / "masks" / f"{region}.{self.ext}" ).convert("L") if combined_mask is None: combined_mask = mask else: # combined_mask = ImageChops.logical_or(combined_mask, mask) combined_mask = await loop.run_in_executor( None, ImageChops.multiply, combined_mask, mask ) out = await loop.run_in_executor(None, Image.composite, im, im2, combined_mask) return out