import asyncio from datetime import datetime, timedelta import discord from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands from import Red from redbot.core.commands import Cog, parse_timedelta from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify class Timerole(Cog): """Add roles to users based on time on server""" def __init__(self, bot: Red): super().__init__() = bot self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9811198108111121, force_registration=True) default_global = {} default_guild = {"announce": None, "roles": {}} self.config.register_global(**default_global) self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.updating = asyncio.create_task(self.check_day()) async def red_delete_data_for_user(self, **kwargs): """Nothing to delete""" return def cog_unload(self): self.updating.cancel() @commands.command() @checks.guildowner() @commands.guild_only() async def runtimerole(self, ctx: commands.Context): """ Trigger the daily timerole Useful for troubleshooting the initial setup """ await self.timerole_update() await ctx.tick() @checks.mod_or_permissions(administrator=True) @commands.guild_only() async def timerole(self, ctx): """Adjust timerole settings""" if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: pass @timerole.command() async def addrole( self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, time: str, *requiredroles: discord.Role ): """Add a role to be added after specified time on server""" guild = ctx.guild try: parsed_time = parse_timedelta(time, allowed_units=["weeks", "days", "hours"]) except commands.BadArgument: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Error: Invalid time string.") return days = parsed_time.days hours = parsed_time.seconds // 60 // 60 to_set = {"days": days, "hours": hours, "remove": False} if requiredroles: to_set["required"] = [ for r in requiredroles] await self.config.guild(guild).roles.set_raw(, value=to_set) await ctx.maybe_send_embed( "Time Role for {0} set to {1} days and {2} hours until added".format(, days, hours ) ) @timerole.command() async def removerole( self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role, time: str, *requiredroles: discord.Role ): """ Add a role to be removed after specified time on server Useful with an autorole cog """ guild = ctx.guild try: parsed_time = parse_timedelta(time, allowed_units=["weeks", "days", "hours"]) except commands.BadArgument: await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Error: Invalid time string.") return days = parsed_time.days hours = parsed_time.seconds // 60 // 60 to_set = {"days": days, "hours": hours, "remove": True} if requiredroles: to_set["required"] = [ for r in requiredroles] await self.config.guild(guild).roles.set_raw(, value=to_set) await ctx.maybe_send_embed( "Time Role for {0} set to {1} days and {2} hours until removed".format(, days, hours ) ) @timerole.command() async def channel(self, ctx: commands.Context, channel: discord.TextChannel): """Sets the announce channel for role adds""" guild = ctx.guild await self.config.guild(guild).announce.set( await ctx.send("Announce channel set to {0}".format(channel.mention)) @timerole.command() async def delrole(self, ctx: commands.Context, role: discord.Role): """Deletes a role from being added/removed after specified time""" guild = ctx.guild await self.config.guild(guild).roles.set_raw(, value=None) await ctx.send("{0} will no longer be applied".format( @timerole.command() async def list(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Lists all currently setup timeroles""" guild = ctx.guild role_dict = await self.config.guild(guild).roles() out = "" for r_id, r_data in role_dict.items(): if r_data is not None: role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=int(r_id)) r_roles = [] if role is None: role = r_id if "required" in r_data: r_roles = [ str(discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=int(new_id))) for new_id in r_data["required"] ] out += "{} || {} days || requires: {}\n".format(str(role), r_data["days"], r_roles) await ctx.maybe_send_embed(out) async def timerole_update(self): for guild in addlist = [] removelist = [] role_dict = await self.config.guild(guild).roles() if not any(role_data for role_data in role_dict.values()): # No roles continue for member in guild.members: has_roles = [ for r in member.roles] add_roles = [ int(rID) for rID, r_data in role_dict.items() if r_data is not None and not r_data["remove"] ] remove_roles = [ int(rID) for rID, r_data in role_dict.items() if r_data is not None and r_data["remove"] ] check_add_roles = set(add_roles) - set(has_roles) check_remove_roles = set(remove_roles) & set(has_roles) await self.check_required_and_date( addlist, check_add_roles, has_roles, member, role_dict ) await self.check_required_and_date( removelist, check_remove_roles, has_roles, member, role_dict ) channel = await self.config.guild(guild).announce() if channel is not None: channel = guild.get_channel(channel) title = "**These members have received the following roles**\n" await self.announce_roles(title, addlist, channel, guild, to_add=True) title = "**These members have lost the following roles**\n" await self.announce_roles(title, removelist, channel, guild, to_add=False) async def announce_roles(self, title, role_list, channel, guild, to_add: True): results = "" for member, role_id in role_list: role = discord.utils.get(guild.roles, id=role_id) try: if to_add: await member.add_roles(role, reason="Timerole") else: await member.remove_roles(role, reason="Timerole") except discord.Forbidden: results += "{} : {} **(Failed)**\n".format(member.display_name, else: results += "{} : {}\n".format(member.display_name, if channel is not None and results: await channel.send(title) for page in pagify(results, shorten_by=50): await channel.send(page) async def check_required_and_date(self, role_list, check_roles, has_roles, member, role_dict): for role_id in check_roles: # Check for required role if "required" in role_dict[str(role_id)]: if not set(role_dict[str(role_id)]["required"]) & set(has_roles): # Doesn't have required role continue if ( member.joined_at + timedelta( days=role_dict[str(role_id)]["days"], hours=role_dict[str(role_id)].get("hours", 0), ) <= ): # Qualifies role_list.append((member, role_id)) async def check_day(self): while self is"Timerole"): await self.timerole_update() await asyncio.sleep(3600)