import asyncio import functools import logging import re import discord import launchlibrary as ll from redbot.core import Config, commands from import Red from launchlib.countrymapper import country_mapping log = logging.getLogger("red.fox_v3.launchlib") class LaunchLib(commands.Cog): """ Cog using `thespacedevs` API to get details about rocket launches """ def __init__(self, bot: Red): super().__init__() = bot self.config = Config.get_conf( self, identifier=7697117110991047610598, force_registration=True ) default_guild = {} self.config.register_guild(**default_guild) self.api = ll.Api() async def red_delete_data_for_user(self, **kwargs): """Nothing to delete""" return async def _embed_launch_data(self, launch: ll.AsyncLaunch): # status: ll.AsyncLaunchStatus = await launch.get_status() status = launch.status rocket: ll.AsyncRocket = launch.rocket title = description = status["name"] urls = launch.vid_urls + launch.info_urls if rocket: urls += [rocket.info_url, rocket.wiki_url] if launch.pad: urls += [launch.pad.info_url, launch.pad.wiki_url] url = next((url for url in urls if urls is not None), None) if urls else None color = if status["id"] in [1, 3] else em = discord.Embed(title=title, description=description, url=url, color=color) if rocket and rocket.image_url and rocket.image_url != "Array": em.set_image(url=rocket.image_url) elif launch.pad and launch.pad.map_image: em.set_image(url=launch.pad.map_image) agency = getattr(launch, "agency", None) if agency is not None: em.set_author(, url=agency.wiki_url, icon_url=f"{country_mapping(agency.country_code)}/flat/64.png", ) field_options = [ ("failreason", "Fail Reason"), ("holdreason", "Hold Reason"), ("id", "ID"), ("hashtag", "Hashtag"), ] for f in field_options: data = getattr(launch, f[0], None) if data is not None and data: em.add_field(name=f[1], value=data) if launch.missions: field_options = [ ("description", "Mission Description"), ("typeName", "Mission Type"), ("name", "Mission Name"), ] for mission in launch.missions: for f in field_options: data = mission.get(f[0], None) if data is not None and data: em.add_field(name=f[1], value=data) if launch.pad: location_url = getattr(launch.pad, "map_url", None) pad_name = getattr(launch.pad, "name", None) if pad_name is not None: if location_url is not None: location_url = re.sub( "[^a-zA-Z0-9/:.'+\"°?=,-]", "", location_url ) # Fix bad URLS em.add_field(name="Launch Pad Name", value=f"[{pad_name}]({location_url})") else: em.add_field(name="Launch Pad Name", value=pad_name) if rocket and em.add_field(name="Rocket Family", em.timestamp = launch.windowstart em.set_footer() return em async def launchlib(self, ctx: commands.Context): """Base command for getting launches""" pass @launchlib.command() async def next(self, ctx: commands.Context, num_launches: int = 1): """ Show the next launches Use `num_launches` to get more than one. """ # launches = await api.async_next_launches(num_launches) # loop = asyncio.get_running_loop() # # launches = await loop.run_in_executor( # None, functools.partial(self.api.fetch_launch, num=num_launches) # ) # launches = await self.api.async_fetch_launch(num=num_launches) # log.debug(str(launches)) async with ctx.typing(): for x, launch in enumerate(launches): if x >= num_launches: return em = await self._embed_launch_data(launch) if em is not None: try: await ctx.send(embed=em) except discord.HTTPException: await ctx.send(str(launch)) log.exception("Failed to send embed") await asyncio.sleep(2)