""" Role Constants Role Alignment guide as follows: Town: 1 Werewolf: 2 Neutral: 3 Additional alignments may be added when warring factions are added (Rival werewolves, cultists, vampires) Role Category enrollment guide as follows (See Role.category): Town: 1: Random, 2: Investigative, 3: Protective, 4: Government, 5: Killing, 6: Power (Special night action) Werewolf: 11: Random, 12: Deception, 15: Killing, 16: Support Neutral: 21: Benign, 22: Evil, 23: Killing Example category: category = [1, 5, 6] Could be Veteran category = [1, 5] Could be Bodyguard category = [11, 16] Could be Werewolf Silencer category = [22] Could be Blob (non-killing) category = [22, 23] Could be Serial-Killer """ ALIGNMENT_TOWN = 1 ALIGNMENT_WEREWOLF = 2 ALIGNMENT_NEUTRAL = 3 ALIGNMENT_MAP = {"Town": 1, "Werewolf": 2, "Neutral": 3} # 0-9: Town Role Categories # 10-19: Werewolf Role Categories # 20-29: Neutral Role Categories CATEGORY_TOWN_RANDOM = 1 CATEGORY_TOWN_INVESTIGATIVE = 2 CATEGORY_TOWN_PROTECTIVE = 3 CATEGORY_TOWN_GOVERNMENT = 4 CATEGORY_TOWN_KILLING = 5 CATEGORY_TOWN_POWER = 6 CATEGORY_WW_RANDOM = 11 CATEGORY_WW_DECEPTION = 12 CATEGORY_WW_KILLING = 15 CATEGORY_WW_SUPPORT = 16 CATEGORY_NEUTRAL_BENIGN = 21 CATEGORY_NEUTRAL_EVIL = 22 CATEGORY_NEUTRAL_KILLING = 23 ROLE_CATEGORY_DESCRIPTIONS = { CATEGORY_TOWN_RANDOM: "Random", CATEGORY_TOWN_INVESTIGATIVE: "Investigative", CATEGORY_TOWN_PROTECTIVE: "Protective", CATEGORY_TOWN_GOVERNMENT: "Government", CATEGORY_TOWN_KILLING: "Killing", CATEGORY_TOWN_POWER: "Power (Special night action)", CATEGORY_WW_RANDOM: "Random", CATEGORY_WW_DECEPTION: "Deception", CATEGORY_WW_KILLING: "Killing", CATEGORY_WW_SUPPORT: "Support", CATEGORY_NEUTRAL_BENIGN: "Benign", CATEGORY_NEUTRAL_EVIL: "Evil", CATEGORY_NEUTRAL_KILLING: "Killing", } """ Listener Actions Priority Guide Action priority guide as follows (see listeners.py for wolflistener): _at_night_start 0. No Action 1. Detain actions (Jailer/Kidnapper) 2. Group discussions and choose targets _at_night_end 0. No Action 1. Self actions (Veteran) 2. Target switching and role blocks (bus driver, witch, escort) 3. Protection / Preempt actions (bodyguard/framer) 4. Non-disruptive actions (seer/silencer) 5. Disruptive actions (Killing) 6. Role altering actions (Cult / Mason / Shifter) """