@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
import discord
import asyncio
import os
from datetime import datetime
from discord.ext import commands
from .utils.dataIO import dataIO
from .utils import checks
class Immortal:
"""Creates a goodbye message when people leave"""
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.path = "data/Fox-Cogs/immortal"
self.file_path = "data/Fox-Cogs/immortal/immortal.json"
self.the_data = dataIO.load_json(self.file_path)
def save_data(self):
"""Saves the json"""
dataIO.save_json(self.file_path, self.the_data)
async def adj_roles(self, server, author, member: discord.Member=None, rrole_names=[], arole_names=[]):
# Thank you SML for the addrole code
# https://github.com/smlbiobot/SML-Cogs/tree/master/mm
rroles = [r for r in server.roles if r.name in rrole_names]
aroles = [r for r in server.roles if r.name in arole_names]
await self.bot.add_roles(member, *aroles)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
await self.bot.remove_roles(member, *rroles)
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
except discord.Forbidden:
await self.bot.say(
"{} does not have permission to edit {}’s roles.".format(
author.display_name, member.display_name))
except discord.HTTPException:
await self.bot.say(
"Failed to adjust roles.")
await self.bot.say("Unknown Exception")
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def iresort(self, ctx, member: discord.Member=None):
"""Sends someone on vacation!"""
if member is None:
await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
server = ctx.message.server
author = ctx.message.author
role_names = ["Member", "Immortal", "Eternal", "Phantom", "Ghost", "Undead", "Revenant", "Crypt", "Relocate", "Guest"]
arole_names = ["Resort"]
await self.adj_roles(server, author, member, role_names, arole_names)
if "Resort" in [r.name for r in member.roles]:
await self.bot.say("You are being sent on Vacation! :tada:" +
"Please relocate to Immortal Resort (#889L92UQ) when you find the time.")
await self.bot.send_message(member, "You are being sent on Vacation! :tada: Please relocate " +
"to Immortal Resort (#889L92UQ) when you find the time.\n" +
"You'll have limited access to the server until you rejoin a main clan")
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def icrypt(self, ctx, member: discord.Member=None):
"""Sends someone to Crypt!"""
if member is None:
await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
server = ctx.message.server
author = ctx.message.author
role_names = ["Immortal", "Eternal", "Ghost", "Phantom", "Revenant", "Undead", "Relocate", "Guest", "Resort"]
arole_names = ["Member", "Crypt"]
await self.adj_roles(server, author, member, role_names, arole_names)
if "Crypt" in [r.name for r in member.roles]:
await self.bot.say("Success")
await self.send_welcome(member)
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def irevenant(self, ctx, member: discord.Member=None):
"""Sends someone to Revenant!"""
if member is None:
await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
server = ctx.message.server
author = ctx.message.author
role_names = ["Immortal", "Eternal", "Ghost", "Phantom", "Undead", "Crypt", "Relocate", "Guest", "Resort"]
arole_names = ["Member", "Revenant"]
await self.adj_roles(server, author, member, role_names, arole_names)
if "Revenant" in [r.name for r in member.roles]:
await self.bot.say("Success")
await self.send_welcome(member)
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def iundead(self, ctx, member: discord.Member=None):
"""Sends someone to Undead!"""
if member is None:
await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
server = ctx.message.server
author = ctx.message.author
role_names = ["Immortal", "Eternal", "Ghost", "Phantom", "Revenant", "Crypt", "Relocate", "Guest", "Resort"]
arole_names = ["Member", "Undead"]
await self.adj_roles(server, author, member, role_names, arole_names)
if "Undead" in [r.name for r in member.roles]:
await self.bot.say("Success")
await self.send_welcome(member)
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def iphantom(self, ctx, member: discord.Member=None):
"""Sends someone to Phantom!"""
if member is None:
await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
server = ctx.message.server
author = ctx.message.author
role_names = ["Immortal", "Eternal", "Ghost", "Undead", "Revenant", "Crypt", "Relocate", "Guest", "Resort"]
arole_names = ["Member", "Phantom"]
await self.adj_roles(server, author, member, role_names, arole_names)
if "Phantom" in [r.name for r in member.roles]:
await self.bot.say("Success")
await self.send_welcome(member)
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def ieternal(self, ctx, member: discord.Member=None):
"""Sends someone to Eternal!"""
if member is None:
await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
server = ctx.message.server
author = ctx.message.author
role_names = ["Immortal", "Phantom", "Ghost", "Undead", "Revenant", "Crypt", "Relocate", "Guest", "Resort"]
arole_names = ["Member", "Eternal"]
await self.adj_roles(server, author, member, role_names, arole_names)
if "Eternal" in [r.name for r in member.roles]:
await self.bot.say("Success")
await self.send_welcome(member)
@commands.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def iimmortal(self, ctx, member: discord.Member=None):
"""Sends someone to Immortal!"""
if member is None:
await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
server = ctx.message.server
author = ctx.message.author
role_names = ["Eternal", "Phantom", "Ghost", "Undead", "Revenant", "Crypt", "Relocate", "Guest", "Resort"]
arole_names = ["Member", "Immortal"]
await self.adj_roles(server, author, member, role_names, arole_names)
if "Immortal" in [r.name for r in member.roles]:
await self.bot.say("Success")
await self.send_welcome(member)
@commands.group(aliases=['setimmortal'], pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def immortalset(self, ctx):
"""Adjust immortal settings"""
server = ctx.message.server
if server.id not in self.the_data:
self.the_data[server.id] = {}
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
@immortalset.command(pass_context=True, no_pm=True)
async def welcomechannel(self, ctx):
server = ctx.message.server
if 'WELCOMECHANNEL' not in self.the_data[server.id]:
self.the_data[server.id]['WELCOMECHANNEL'] = ''
self.the_data[server.id]['WELCOMECHANNEL'] = ctx.message.channel.id
await self.bot.say("Welcome Channel set to "+ctx.message.channel.name)
async def send_welcome(self, member):
server = member.server
if server.id in self.the_data:
await self.bot.send_message(server.get_channel(self.the_data[server.id]['WELCOMECHANNEL']),
"You now have access to the server, " + member.mention + "\n" +
"Check " + server.get_channel("257557008662790145").mention + " & " +
server.get_channel("257560603093106688").mention+" for clan rules etc.\n" +
"We recommend turning all message notifications on for " + server.get_channel("257560603093106688").mention +
" if you want to know when tourneys are posted and other important info.\n" +
"You can also type `!help` for a list of bot commands/features.")
# @immortalset.command(pass_context=True)
# async def channel(self, ctx):
# server = ctx.message.server
# if 'channel' not in self.the_data[server.id]:
# self.the_data[server.id]['channel'] = ''
# self.the_data[server.id]['channel'] = ctx.message.channel.id
# self.save_data()
# async def _when_leave(self, member):
# server = member.server
# if server.id not in self.the_data:
# return
# await self.bot.say("YOU LEFT ME "+member.mention)
# self.the_data[server.id]
def check_folders():
if not os.path.exists("data/Fox-Cogs"):
print("Creating data/Fox-Cogs folder...")
if not os.path.exists("data/Fox-Cogs/immortal"):
print("Creating data/Fox-Cogs/immortal folder...")
def check_files():
if not dataIO.is_valid_json("data/Fox-Cogs/immortal/immortal.json"):
dataIO.save_json("data/Fox-Cogs/immortal/immortal.json", {})
def setup(bot):
q = Immortal(bot)