diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d8399cc..3a9ab8f 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Cog Function
| conquest | **Alpha** | Manage maps for war games and RPGs
Lots of additional features are planned, currently function with simple map |
| dad | **Beta** | Tell dad jokes
Works great! |
| exclusiverole | **Alpha** | Prevent certain roles from getting any other roles
Fully functional, but pretty simple |
+| fifo | **Alpha** | Schedule commands to be run at certain times or intervals
Just released, please report bugs as you find them. Only works for bot owner for now |
| fight | **Incomplete** | Organize bracket tournaments within discord
Still in-progress, a massive project |
| flag | **Alpha** | Create temporary marks on users that expire after specified time
Ported, will not import old data. Please report bugs |
| forcemention | **Alpha** | Mentions unmentionable roles
Very simple cog, mention doesn't persist |
diff --git a/fifo/__init__.py b/fifo/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..34cfd7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fifo/__init__.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+from .fifo import FIFO
+async def setup(bot):
+ cog = FIFO(bot)
+ bot.add_cog(cog)
+ await cog.initialize()
+def teardown(bot):
+ pass
diff --git a/fifo/datetime_cron_converters.py b/fifo/datetime_cron_converters.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d59ef37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fifo/datetime_cron_converters.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger
+from dateutil import parser
+from discord.ext.commands import BadArgument, Converter
+from fifo.timezones import assemble_timezones
+ DatetimeConverter = datetime
+ CronConverter = str
+ class DatetimeConverter(Converter):
+ async def convert(self, ctx, argument) -> datetime:
+ dt = parser.parse(argument, fuzzy=True, tzinfos=assemble_timezones())
+ if dt is not None:
+ return dt
+ raise BadArgument()
+ class CronConverter(Converter):
+ async def convert(self, ctx, argument) -> str:
+ try:
+ CronTrigger.from_crontab(argument)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise BadArgument()
+ return argument
diff --git a/fifo/fifo.py b/fifo/fifo.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e84e342
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fifo/fifo.py
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from typing import Optional, Union
+import discord
+from apscheduler.job import Job
+from apscheduler.jobstores.base import JobLookupError
+from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import AsyncIOScheduler
+from apscheduler.schedulers.base import STATE_PAUSED, STATE_RUNNING
+from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from redbot.core.commands import TimedeltaConverter
+from .datetime_cron_converters import CronConverter, DatetimeConverter
+from .task import Task
+schedule_log = logging.getLogger("red.fox_v3.fifo.scheduler")
+log = logging.getLogger("red.fox_v3.fifo")
+async def _execute_task(task_state):
+ log.info(f"Executing {task_state=}")
+ task = Task(**task_state)
+ if await task.load_from_config():
+ return await task.execute()
+ return False
+def _assemble_job_id(task_name, guild_id):
+ return f"{task_name}_{guild_id}"
+def _disassemble_job_id(job_id: str):
+ return job_id.split("_")
+class FIFO(commands.Cog):
+ """
+ Simple Scheduling Cog
+ Named after the simplest scheduling algorithm: First In First Out
+ """
+ def __init__(self, bot: Red):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=70737079, force_registration=True)
+ default_global = {"jobs": []}
+ default_guild = {"tasks": {}}
+ self.config.register_global(**default_global)
+ self.config.register_guild(**default_guild)
+ self.scheduler = None
+ self.jobstore = None
+ async def red_delete_data_for_user(self, **kwargs):
+ """Nothing to delete"""
+ return
+ def cog_unload(self):
+ # self.scheduler.remove_all_jobs()
+ if self.scheduler is not None:
+ self.scheduler.shutdown()
+ async def initialize(self):
+ job_defaults = {"coalesce": False, "max_instances": 1}
+ # executors = {"default": AsyncIOExecutor()}
+ # Default executor is already AsyncIOExecutor
+ self.scheduler = AsyncIOScheduler(job_defaults=job_defaults, logger=schedule_log)
+ from .redconfigjobstore import RedConfigJobStore
+ self.jobstore = RedConfigJobStore(self.config, self.bot)
+ await self.jobstore.load_from_config(self.scheduler, "default")
+ self.scheduler.add_jobstore(self.jobstore, "default")
+ self.scheduler.start()
+ async def _check_parsable_command(self, ctx: commands.Context, command_to_parse: str):
+ message: discord.Message = ctx.message
+ message.content = ctx.prefix + command_to_parse
+ message.author = ctx.author
+ new_ctx: commands.Context = await self.bot.get_context(message)
+ return new_ctx.valid
+ async def _delete_task(self, task: Task):
+ job: Union[Job, None] = await self._get_job(task)
+ if job is not None:
+ job.remove()
+ await task.delete_self()
+ async def _process_task(self, task: Task):
+ job: Union[Job, None] = await self._get_job(task)
+ if job is not None:
+ job.reschedule(await task.get_combined_trigger())
+ return job
+ return await self._add_job(task)
+ async def _get_job(self, task: Task) -> Job:
+ return self.scheduler.get_job(_assemble_job_id(task.name, task.guild_id))
+ async def _add_job(self, task: Task):
+ return self.scheduler.add_job(
+ _execute_task,
+ args=[task.__getstate__()],
+ id=_assemble_job_id(task.name, task.guild_id),
+ trigger=await task.get_combined_trigger(),
+ )
+ async def _resume_job(self, task: Task):
+ try:
+ job = self.scheduler.resume_job(job_id=_assemble_job_id(task.name, task.guild_id))
+ except JobLookupError:
+ job = await self._process_task(task)
+ return job
+ async def _pause_job(self, task: Task):
+ return self.scheduler.pause_job(job_id=_assemble_job_id(task.name, task.guild_id))
+ async def _remove_job(self, task: Task):
+ return self.scheduler.remove_job(job_id=_assemble_job_id(task.name, task.guild_id))
+ @checks.is_owner()
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ @commands.command()
+ async def fifoclear(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """Debug command to clear all current fifo data"""
+ self.scheduler.remove_all_jobs()
+ await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tasks.clear()
+ await self.config.jobs.clear()
+ await self.config.jobs_index.clear()
+ await ctx.tick()
+ @checks.is_owner() # Will be reduced when I figure out permissions later
+ @commands.guild_only()
+ @commands.group()
+ async def fifo(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """
+ Base command for handling scheduling of tasks
+ """
+ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
+ pass
+ @fifo.command(name="set")
+ async def fifo_set(
+ self,
+ ctx: commands.Context,
+ task_name: str,
+ author_or_channel: Union[discord.Member, discord.TextChannel],
+ ):
+ """
+ Sets a different author or in a different channel for execution of a task.
+ """
+ task = Task(task_name, ctx.guild.id, self.config, bot=self.bot)
+ await task.load_from_config()
+ if task.data is None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task by the name of {task_name} is not found in this guild"
+ )
+ return
+ if isinstance(author_or_channel, discord.Member):
+ if task.author_id == author_or_channel.id:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Already executing as that member")
+ return
+ await task.set_author(author_or_channel) # also saves
+ elif isinstance(author_or_channel, discord.TextChannel):
+ if task.channel_id == author_or_channel.id:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Already executing in that channel")
+ return
+ await task.set_channel(author_or_channel)
+ else:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Unsupported result")
+ return
+ await ctx.tick()
+ @fifo.command(name="resume")
+ async def fifo_resume(self, ctx: commands.Context, task_name: Optional[str] = None):
+ """
+ Provide a task name to resume execution of a task.
+ Otherwise resumes execution of all tasks on all guilds
+ If the task isn't currently scheduled, will schedule it
+ """
+ if task_name is None:
+ if self.scheduler.state == STATE_PAUSED:
+ self.scheduler.resume()
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed("All task execution for all guilds has been resumed")
+ else:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Task execution is not paused, can't resume")
+ else:
+ task = Task(task_name, ctx.guild.id, self.config, bot=self.bot)
+ await task.load_from_config()
+ if task.data is None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task by the name of {task_name} is not found in this guild"
+ )
+ return
+ if await self._resume_job(task):
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Execution of {task_name=} has been resumed")
+ else:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Failed to resume {task_name=}")
+ @fifo.command(name="pause")
+ async def fifo_pause(self, ctx: commands.Context, task_name: Optional[str] = None):
+ """
+ Provide a task name to pause execution of a task
+ Otherwise pauses execution of all tasks on all guilds
+ """
+ if task_name is None:
+ if self.scheduler.state == STATE_RUNNING:
+ self.scheduler.pause()
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed("All task execution for all guilds has been paused")
+ else:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Task execution is not running, can't pause")
+ else:
+ task = Task(task_name, ctx.guild.id, self.config, bot=self.bot)
+ await task.load_from_config()
+ if task.data is None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task by the name of {task_name} is not found in this guild"
+ )
+ return
+ if await self._pause_job(task):
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Execution of {task_name=} has been paused")
+ else:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Failed to pause {task_name=}")
+ @fifo.command(name="details")
+ async def fifo_details(self, ctx: commands.Context, task_name: str):
+ """
+ Provide all the details on the specified task name
+ """
+ task = Task(task_name, ctx.guild.id, self.config, bot=self.bot)
+ await task.load_from_config()
+ if task.data is None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task by the name of {task_name} is not found in this guild"
+ )
+ return
+ embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Task: {task_name}")
+ embed.add_field(
+ name="Task command", value=f"{ctx.prefix}{task.get_command_str()}", inline=False
+ )
+ guild: discord.Guild = self.bot.get_guild(task.guild_id)
+ if guild is not None:
+ author: discord.Member = guild.get_member(task.author_id)
+ channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel(task.channel_id)
+ embed.add_field(name="Server", value=guild.name)
+ if author is not None:
+ embed.add_field(name="Author", value=author.mention)
+ if channel is not None:
+ embed.add_field(name="Channel", value=channel.mention)
+ else:
+ embed.add_field(name="Server", value="Server not found", inline=False)
+ trigger_str = "\n".join(str(t) for t in await task.get_triggers())
+ if trigger_str:
+ embed.add_field(name="Triggers", value=trigger_str, inline=False)
+ job = await self._get_job(task)
+ if job and job.next_run_time:
+ embed.timestamp = job.next_run_time
+ await ctx.send(embed=embed)
+ @fifo.command(name="list")
+ async def fifo_list(self, ctx: commands.Context, all_guilds: bool = False):
+ """
+ Lists all current tasks and their triggers.
+ Do `[p]fifo list True` to see tasks from all guilds
+ """
+ if all_guilds:
+ pass
+ else:
+ out = ""
+ all_tasks = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tasks()
+ for task_name, task_data in all_tasks.items():
+ out += f"{task_name}: {task_data}\n"
+ if out:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(out)
+ else:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed("No tasks to list")
+ @fifo.command(name="add")
+ async def fifo_add(self, ctx: commands.Context, task_name: str, *, command_to_execute: str):
+ """
+ Add a new task to this guild's task list
+ """
+ if (await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tasks.get_raw(task_name, default=None)) is not None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Task already exists with {task_name=}")
+ return
+ if "_" in task_name: # See _disassemble_job_id
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Task name cannot contain underscores")
+ return
+ if not await self._check_parsable_command(ctx, command_to_execute):
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ "Failed to parse command. Make sure not to include the prefix"
+ )
+ return
+ task = Task(task_name, ctx.guild.id, self.config, ctx.author.id, ctx.channel.id, self.bot)
+ await task.set_commmand_str(command_to_execute)
+ await task.save_all()
+ await ctx.tick()
+ @fifo.command(name="delete")
+ async def fifo_delete(self, ctx: commands.Context, task_name: str):
+ """
+ Deletes a task from this guild's task list
+ """
+ task = Task(task_name, ctx.guild.id, self.config, bot=self.bot)
+ await task.load_from_config()
+ if task.data is None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task by the name of {task_name} is not found in this guild"
+ )
+ return
+ await self._delete_task(task)
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Task[{task_name}] has been deleted from this guild")
+ @fifo.command(name="cleartriggers", aliases=["cleartrigger"])
+ async def fifo_cleartriggers(self, ctx: commands.Context, task_name: str):
+ """
+ Removes all triggers from specified task
+ Useful to start over with new trigger
+ """
+ task = Task(task_name, ctx.guild.id, self.config, bot=self.bot)
+ await task.load_from_config()
+ if task.data is None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task by the name of {task_name} is not found in this guild"
+ )
+ return
+ await task.clear_triggers()
+ await ctx.tick()
+ @fifo.group(name="addtrigger", aliases=["trigger"])
+ async def fifo_trigger(self, ctx: commands.Context):
+ """
+ Add a new trigger for a task from the current guild.
+ """
+ if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
+ pass
+ @fifo_trigger.command(name="interval")
+ async def fifo_trigger_interval(
+ self, ctx: commands.Context, task_name: str, *, interval_str: TimedeltaConverter
+ ):
+ """
+ Add an interval trigger to the specified task
+ """
+ task = Task(task_name, ctx.guild.id, self.config, bot=self.bot)
+ await task.load_from_config()
+ if task.data is None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task by the name of {task_name} is not found in this guild"
+ )
+ return
+ result = await task.add_trigger("interval", interval_str)
+ if not result:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ "Failed to add an interval trigger to this task, see console for logs"
+ )
+ return
+ await task.save_data()
+ job: Job = await self._process_task(task)
+ delta_from_now: timedelta = job.next_run_time - datetime.now(job.next_run_time.tzinfo)
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task `{task_name}` added interval of {interval_str} to its scheduled runtimes\n"
+ f"Next run time: {job.next_run_time} ({delta_from_now.total_seconds()} seconds)"
+ )
+ @fifo_trigger.command(name="date")
+ async def fifo_trigger_date(
+ self, ctx: commands.Context, task_name: str, *, datetime_str: DatetimeConverter
+ ):
+ """
+ Add a "run once" datetime trigger to the specified task
+ """
+ task = Task(task_name, ctx.guild.id, self.config)
+ await task.load_from_config()
+ if task.data is None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task by the name of {task_name} is not found in this guild"
+ )
+ return
+ result = await task.add_trigger("date", datetime_str)
+ if not result:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ "Failed to add a date trigger to this task, see console for logs"
+ )
+ return
+ await task.save_data()
+ job: Job = await self._process_task(task)
+ delta_from_now: timedelta = job.next_run_time - datetime.now(job.next_run_time.tzinfo)
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task `{task_name}` added {datetime_str} to its scheduled runtimes\n"
+ f"Next run time: {job.next_run_time} ({delta_from_now.total_seconds()} seconds)"
+ )
+ @fifo_trigger.command(name="cron")
+ async def fifo_trigger_cron(
+ self, ctx: commands.Context, task_name: str, *, cron_str: CronConverter
+ ):
+ """
+ Add a cron "time of day" trigger to the specified task
+ See https://crontab.guru/ for help generating the cron_str
+ """
+ task = Task(task_name, ctx.guild.id, self.config)
+ await task.load_from_config()
+ if task.data is None:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task by the name of {task_name} is not found in this guild"
+ )
+ return
+ result = await task.add_trigger("cron", cron_str)
+ if not result:
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ "Failed to add a cron trigger to this task, see console for logs"
+ )
+ return
+ await task.save_data()
+ job: Job = await self._process_task(task)
+ delta_from_now: timedelta = job.next_run_time - datetime.now(job.next_run_time.tzinfo)
+ await ctx.maybe_send_embed(
+ f"Task `{task_name}` added cron_str to its scheduled runtimes\n"
+ f"Next run time: {job.next_run_time} ({delta_from_now.total_seconds()} seconds)"
+ )
diff --git a/fifo/info.json b/fifo/info.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c8c2ed9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fifo/info.json
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+ "author": [
+ "Bobloy"
+ ],
+ "min_bot_version": "3.3.0",
+ "description": "[ALPHA] Schedule commands to be run at certain times or intervals",
+ "hidden": false,
+ "install_msg": "Thank you for installing FIFO.\nGet started with `[p]load fifo`, then `[p]help FIFO`",
+ "short": "[ALPHA] Schedule commands to be run at certain times or intervals\"",
+ "end_user_data_statement": "This cog does not store any End User Data",
+ "requirements": [
+ "apscheduler",
+ "dateutil"
+ ],
+ "tags": [
+ "bobloy",
+ "utilities",
+ "tool",
+ "roles",
+ "schedule",
+ "cron",
+ "interval",
+ "date",
+ "datetime",
+ "time",
+ "calendar"
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/fifo/redconfigjobstore.py b/fifo/redconfigjobstore.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e68697
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fifo/redconfigjobstore.py
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+import asyncio
+import base64
+import logging
+import pickle
+from datetime import datetime
+from typing import Tuple, Union
+from apscheduler.job import Job
+from apscheduler.jobstores.base import ConflictingIdError, JobLookupError
+from apscheduler.jobstores.memory import MemoryJobStore
+from apscheduler.schedulers.asyncio import run_in_event_loop
+from apscheduler.util import datetime_to_utc_timestamp
+from redbot.core import Config
+# TODO: use get_lock on config
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+from redbot.core.utils import AsyncIter
+log = logging.getLogger("red.fox_v3.fifo.jobstore")
+save_task_objects = []
+class RedConfigJobStore(MemoryJobStore):
+ def __init__(self, config: Config, bot: Red):
+ super().__init__()
+ self.config = config
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.pickle_protocol = pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL
+ self._eventloop = self.bot.loop
+ # TODO: self.config.jobs_index is never used,
+ # fine but maybe a sign of inefficient use of config
+ # task = asyncio.create_task(self.load_from_config())
+ # while not task.done():
+ # sleep(0.1)
+ # future = asyncio.ensure_future(self.load_from_config(), loop=self.bot.loop)
+ @run_in_event_loop
+ def start(self, scheduler, alias):
+ super().start(scheduler, alias)
+ async def load_from_config(self, scheduler, alias):
+ super().start(scheduler, alias)
+ _jobs = await self.config.jobs()
+ self._jobs = [
+ (await self._decode_job(job), timestamp) async for (job, timestamp) in AsyncIter(_jobs)
+ ]
+ # self._jobs_index = await self.config.jobs_index.all() # Overwritten by next
+ self._jobs_index = {job.id: (job, timestamp) for job, timestamp in self._jobs}
+ def _encode_job(self, job: Job):
+ job_state = job.__getstate__()
+ new_args = list(job_state["args"])
+ new_args[0]["config"] = None
+ new_args[0]["bot"] = None
+ job_state["args"] = tuple(new_args)
+ encoded = base64.b64encode(pickle.dumps(job_state, self.pickle_protocol))
+ out = {
+ "_id": job.id,
+ "next_run_time": datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time),
+ "job_state": encoded.decode("ascii"),
+ }
+ new_args = list(job_state["args"])
+ new_args[0]["config"] = self.config
+ new_args[0]["bot"] = self.bot
+ job_state["args"] = tuple(new_args)
+ # log.debug(f"Encoding job id: {job.id}\n"
+ # f"Encoded as: {out}")
+ return out
+ async def _decode_job(self, in_job):
+ if in_job is None:
+ return None
+ job_state = in_job["job_state"]
+ job_state = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(job_state))
+ new_args = list(job_state["args"])
+ new_args[0]["config"] = self.config
+ new_args[0]["bot"] = self.bot
+ job_state["args"] = tuple(new_args)
+ job = Job.__new__(Job)
+ job.__setstate__(job_state)
+ job._scheduler = self._scheduler
+ job._jobstore_alias = self._alias
+ # task_name, guild_id = _disassemble_job_id(job.id)
+ # task = Task(task_name, guild_id, self.config)
+ # await task.load_from_config()
+ # save_task_objects.append(task)
+ #
+ # job.func = task.execute
+ # log.debug(f"Decoded job id: {job.id}\n"
+ # f"Decoded as {job_state}")
+ return job
+ @run_in_event_loop
+ def add_job(self, job: Job):
+ if job.id in self._jobs_index:
+ raise ConflictingIdError(job.id)
+ # log.debug(f"Check job args: {job.args=}")
+ timestamp = datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time)
+ index = self._get_job_index(timestamp, job.id) # This is fine
+ self._jobs.insert(index, (job, timestamp))
+ self._jobs_index[job.id] = (job, timestamp)
+ asyncio.create_task(self._async_add_job(job, index, timestamp))
+ # log.debug(f"Added job: {self._jobs[index][0].args}")
+ async def _async_add_job(self, job, index, timestamp):
+ encoded_job = self._encode_job(job)
+ job_tuple = tuple([encoded_job, timestamp])
+ async with self.config.jobs() as jobs:
+ jobs.insert(index, job_tuple)
+ # await self.config.jobs_index.set_raw(job.id, value=job_tuple)
+ return True
+ @run_in_event_loop
+ def update_job(self, job):
+ old_tuple: Tuple[Union[Job, None], Union[datetime, None]] = self._jobs_index.get(
+ job.id, (None, None)
+ )
+ old_job = old_tuple[0]
+ old_timestamp = old_tuple[1]
+ if old_job is None:
+ raise JobLookupError(job.id)
+ # If the next run time has not changed, simply replace the job in its present index.
+ # Otherwise, reinsert the job to the list to preserve the ordering.
+ old_index = self._get_job_index(old_timestamp, old_job.id)
+ new_timestamp = datetime_to_utc_timestamp(job.next_run_time)
+ asyncio.create_task(
+ self._async_update_job(job, new_timestamp, old_index, old_job, old_timestamp)
+ )
+ async def _async_update_job(self, job, new_timestamp, old_index, old_job, old_timestamp):
+ encoded_job = self._encode_job(job)
+ if old_timestamp == new_timestamp:
+ self._jobs[old_index] = (job, new_timestamp)
+ async with self.config.jobs() as jobs:
+ jobs[old_index] = (encoded_job, new_timestamp)
+ else:
+ del self._jobs[old_index]
+ new_index = self._get_job_index(new_timestamp, job.id) # This is fine
+ self._jobs.insert(new_index, (job, new_timestamp))
+ async with self.config.jobs() as jobs:
+ del jobs[old_index]
+ jobs.insert(new_index, (encoded_job, new_timestamp))
+ self._jobs_index[old_job.id] = (job, new_timestamp)
+ # await self.config.jobs_index.set_raw(old_job.id, value=(encoded_job, new_timestamp))
+ log.debug(f"Async Updated {job.id=}")
+ log.debug(f"Check job args: {job.args=}")
+ @run_in_event_loop
+ def remove_job(self, job_id):
+ job, timestamp = self._jobs_index.get(job_id, (None, None))
+ if job is None:
+ raise JobLookupError(job_id)
+ index = self._get_job_index(timestamp, job_id)
+ del self._jobs[index]
+ del self._jobs_index[job.id]
+ asyncio.create_task(self._async_remove_job(index, job))
+ async def _async_remove_job(self, index, job):
+ async with self.config.jobs() as jobs:
+ del jobs[index]
+ # await self.config.jobs_index.clear_raw(job.id)
+ @run_in_event_loop
+ def remove_all_jobs(self):
+ super().remove_all_jobs()
+ asyncio.create_task(self._async_remove_all_jobs())
+ async def _async_remove_all_jobs(self):
+ await self.config.jobs.clear()
+ # await self.config.jobs_index.clear()
+ def shutdown(self):
+ """Removes all jobs without clearing config"""
+ super().remove_all_jobs()
diff --git a/fifo/task.py b/fifo/task.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83158d8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fifo/task.py
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+import logging
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from typing import Dict, List, Union
+import discord
+from apscheduler.triggers.base import BaseTrigger
+from apscheduler.triggers.combining import OrTrigger
+from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger
+from apscheduler.triggers.date import DateTrigger
+from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger
+from discord.utils import time_snowflake
+from redbot.core import Config, commands
+from redbot.core.bot import Red
+log = logging.getLogger("red.fox_v3.fifo.task")
+async def _do_nothing(*args, **kwargs):
+ pass
+def get_trigger(data):
+ if data["type"] == "interval":
+ parsed_time = data["time_data"]
+ return IntervalTrigger(days=parsed_time.days, seconds=parsed_time.seconds)
+ if data["type"] == "date":
+ return DateTrigger(data["time_data"])
+ if data["type"] == "cron":
+ return CronTrigger.from_crontab(data["time_data"])
+ return False
+def parse_triggers(data: Union[Dict, None]):
+ if data is None or not data.get("triggers", False): # No triggers
+ return None
+ if len(data["triggers"]) > 1: # Multiple triggers
+ return OrTrigger(get_trigger(t_data) for t_data in data["triggers"])
+ return get_trigger(data["triggers"][0])
+class FakeMessage:
+ def __init__(self, message: discord.Message):
+ d = {k: getattr(message, k, None) for k in dir(message)}
+ self.__dict__.update(**d)
+def neuter_message(message: FakeMessage):
+ message.delete = _do_nothing
+ message.edit = _do_nothing
+ message.publish = _do_nothing
+ message.pin = _do_nothing
+ message.unpin = _do_nothing
+ message.add_reaction = _do_nothing
+ message.remove_reaction = _do_nothing
+ message.clear_reaction = _do_nothing
+ message.clear_reactions = _do_nothing
+ message.ack = _do_nothing
+ return message
+class Task:
+ default_task_data = {"triggers": [], "command_str": ""}
+ default_trigger = {
+ "type": "",
+ "time_data": None, # Used for Interval and Date Triggers
+ }
+ def __init__(
+ self, name: str, guild_id, config: Config, author_id=None, channel_id=None, bot: Red = None
+ ):
+ self.name = name
+ self.guild_id = guild_id
+ self.config = config
+ self.bot = bot
+ self.author_id = author_id
+ self.channel_id = channel_id
+ self.data = None
+ async def _encode_time_triggers(self):
+ if not self.data or not self.data.get("triggers", None):
+ return []
+ triggers = []
+ for t in self.data["triggers"]:
+ if t["type"] == "interval": # Convert into timedelta
+ td: timedelta = t["time_data"]
+ triggers.append(
+ {"type": t["type"], "time_data": {"days": td.days, "seconds": td.seconds}}
+ )
+ continue
+ if t["type"] == "date": # Convert into datetime
+ dt: datetime = t["time_data"]
+ triggers.append({"type": t["type"], "time_data": dt.isoformat()})
+ # triggers.append(
+ # {
+ # "type": t["type"],
+ # "time_data": {
+ # "year": dt.year,
+ # "month": dt.month,
+ # "day": dt.day,
+ # "hour": dt.hour,
+ # "minute": dt.minute,
+ # "second": dt.second,
+ # "tzinfo": dt.tzinfo,
+ # },
+ # }
+ # )
+ continue
+ if t["type"] == "cron":
+ triggers.append(t) # already a string, nothing to do
+ continue
+ raise NotImplemented
+ return triggers
+ async def _decode_time_triggers(self):
+ if not self.data or not self.data.get("triggers", None):
+ return
+ for n, t in enumerate(self.data["triggers"]):
+ if t["type"] == "interval": # Convert into timedelta
+ self.data["triggers"][n]["time_data"] = timedelta(**t["time_data"])
+ continue
+ if t["type"] == "date": # Convert into datetime
+ # self.data["triggers"][n]["time_data"] = datetime(**t["time_data"])
+ self.data["triggers"][n]["time_data"] = datetime.fromisoformat(t["time_data"])
+ continue
+ if t["type"] == "cron":
+ continue # already a string
+ raise NotImplemented
+ # async def load_from_data(self, data: Dict):
+ # self.data = data.copy()
+ async def load_from_config(self):
+ data = await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.get_raw(
+ self.name, default=None
+ )
+ if not data:
+ return
+ self.author_id = data["author_id"]
+ self.guild_id = data["guild_id"]
+ self.channel_id = data["channel_id"]
+ self.data = data["data"]
+ await self._decode_time_triggers()
+ return self.data
+ async def get_triggers(self) -> List[Union[IntervalTrigger, DateTrigger]]:
+ if not self.data:
+ await self.load_from_config()
+ if self.data is None or "triggers" not in self.data: # No triggers
+ return []
+ return [get_trigger(t) for t in self.data["triggers"]]
+ async def get_combined_trigger(self) -> Union[BaseTrigger, None]:
+ if not self.data:
+ await self.load_from_config()
+ return parse_triggers(self.data)
+ # async def set_job_id(self, job_id):
+ # if self.data is None:
+ # await self.load_from_config()
+ #
+ # self.data["job_id"] = job_id
+ async def save_all(self):
+ """To be used when creating an new task"""
+ data_to_save = self.default_task_data.copy()
+ if self.data:
+ data_to_save["command_str"] = self.get_command_str()
+ data_to_save["triggers"] = await self._encode_time_triggers()
+ to_save = {
+ "guild_id": self.guild_id,
+ "author_id": self.author_id,
+ "channel_id": self.channel_id,
+ "data": data_to_save,
+ }
+ await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.set_raw(self.name, value=to_save)
+ async def save_data(self):
+ """To be used when updating triggers"""
+ if not self.data:
+ return
+ data_to_save = self.data.copy()
+ data_to_save["triggers"] = await self._encode_time_triggers()
+ await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.set_raw(
+ self.name, "data", value=data_to_save
+ )
+ async def execute(self):
+ if not self.data or not self.get_command_str():
+ log.warning(f"Could not execute task due to data problem: {self.data=}")
+ return False
+ guild: discord.Guild = self.bot.get_guild(self.guild_id) # used for get_prefix
+ if guild is None:
+ log.warning(f"Could not execute task due to missing guild: {self.guild_id}")
+ return False
+ channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel(self.channel_id)
+ if channel is None:
+ log.warning(f"Could not execute task due to missing channel: {self.channel_id}")
+ return False
+ author: discord.User = guild.get_member(self.author_id)
+ if author is None:
+ log.warning(f"Could not execute task due to missing author: {self.author_id}")
+ return False
+ actual_message: discord.Message = channel.last_message
+ # I'd like to present you my chain of increasingly desperate message fetching attempts
+ if actual_message is None:
+ # log.warning("No message found in channel cache yet, skipping execution")
+ # return
+ actual_message = await channel.fetch_message(channel.last_message_id)
+ if actual_message is None: # last_message_id was an invalid message I guess
+ actual_message = await channel.history(limit=1).flatten()
+ if not actual_message: # Basically only happens if the channel has no messages
+ actual_message = await author.history(limit=1).flatten()
+ if not actual_message: # Okay, the *author* has never sent a message?
+ log.warning("No message found in channel cache yet, skipping execution")
+ return
+ actual_message = actual_message[0]
+ message = FakeMessage(actual_message)
+ # message = FakeMessage2
+ message.author = author
+ message.guild = guild # Just in case we got desperate
+ message.channel = channel
+ message.id = time_snowflake(datetime.now()) # Pretend to be now
+ message = neuter_message(message)
+ # absolutely weird that this takes a message object instead of guild
+ prefixes = await self.bot.get_prefix(message)
+ if isinstance(prefixes, str):
+ prefix = prefixes
+ else:
+ prefix = prefixes[0]
+ message.content = f"{prefix}{self.get_command_str()}"
+ if not message.guild or not message.author or not message.content:
+ log.warning(f"Could not execute task due to message problem: {message}")
+ return False
+ new_ctx: commands.Context = await self.bot.get_context(message)
+ new_ctx.assume_yes = True
+ if not new_ctx.valid:
+ log.warning(
+ f"Could not execute Task[{self.name}] due invalid context: {new_ctx.invoked_with}"
+ )
+ return False
+ await self.bot.invoke(new_ctx)
+ return True
+ async def set_bot(self, bot: Red):
+ self.bot = bot
+ async def set_author(self, author: Union[discord.User, discord.Member, str]):
+ self.author_id = getattr(author, "id", None) or author
+ await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.set_raw(
+ self.name, "author_id", value=self.author_id
+ )
+ async def set_channel(self, channel: Union[discord.TextChannel, str]):
+ self.channel_id = getattr(channel, "id", None) or channel
+ await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.set_raw(
+ self.name, "channel_id", value=self.channel_id
+ )
+ def get_command_str(self):
+ return self.data.get("command_str", "")
+ async def set_commmand_str(self, command_str):
+ if not self.data:
+ self.data = self.default_task_data.copy()
+ self.data["command_str"] = command_str
+ return True
+ async def add_trigger(self, param, parsed_time: Union[timedelta, datetime, str]):
+ trigger_data = {"type": param, "time_data": parsed_time}
+ if not get_trigger(trigger_data):
+ return False
+ if not self.data:
+ self.data = self.default_task_data.copy()
+ self.data["triggers"].append(trigger_data)
+ return True
+ def __setstate__(self, task_state):
+ self.name = task_state["name"]
+ self.guild_id = task_state["guild_id"]
+ self.config = task_state["config"]
+ self.bot = None
+ self.author_id = None
+ self.channel_id = None
+ self.data = None
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return {
+ "name": self.name,
+ "guild_id": self.guild_id,
+ "config": self.config,
+ "bot": self.bot,
+ }
+ async def clear_triggers(self):
+ self.data["triggers"] = []
+ await self.save_data()
+ async def delete_self(self):
+ """Hopefully nothing uses the object after running this..."""
+ await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.clear_raw(self.name)
diff --git a/fifo/timezones.py b/fifo/timezones.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a322a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/fifo/timezones.py
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+Timezone information for the dateutil parser
+All credit to https://github.com/prefrontal/dateutil-parser-timezones
+from dateutil.tz import gettz
+def assemble_timezones():
+ """
+ Assembles a dictionary of timezone abbreviations and values
+ :return: Dictionary of abbreviation keys and timezone values
+ """
+ timezones = {}
+ timezones['ACDT'] = gettz('Australia/Darwin') # Australian Central Daylight Savings Time (UTC+10:30)
+ timezones['ACST'] = gettz('Australia/Darwin') # Australian Central Standard Time (UTC+09:30)
+ timezones['ACT'] = gettz('Brazil/Acre') # Acre Time (UTC−05)
+ timezones['ADT'] = gettz('America/Halifax') # Atlantic Daylight Time (UTC−03)
+ timezones['AEDT'] = gettz('Australia/Sydney') # Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time (UTC+11)
+ timezones['AEST'] = gettz('Australia/Sydney') # Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC+10)
+ timezones['AFT'] = gettz('Asia/Kabul') # Afghanistan Time (UTC+04:30)
+ timezones['AKDT'] = gettz('America/Juneau') # Alaska Daylight Time (UTC−08)
+ timezones['AKST'] = gettz('America/Juneau') # Alaska Standard Time (UTC−09)
+ timezones['AMST'] = gettz('America/Manaus') # Amazon Summer Time (Brazil)[1] (UTC−03)
+ timezones['AMT'] = gettz('America/Manaus') # Amazon Time (Brazil)[2] (UTC−04)
+ timezones['ART'] = gettz('America/Cordoba') # Argentina Time (UTC−03)
+ timezones['AST'] = gettz('Asia/Riyadh') # Arabia Standard Time (UTC+03)
+ timezones['AWST'] = gettz('Australia/Perth') # Australian Western Standard Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['AZOST'] = gettz('Atlantic/Azores') # Azores Summer Time (UTC±00)
+ timezones['AZOT'] = gettz('Atlantic/Azores') # Azores Standard Time (UTC−01)
+ timezones['AZT'] = gettz('Asia/Baku') # Azerbaijan Time (UTC+04)
+ timezones['BDT'] = gettz('Asia/Brunei') # Brunei Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['BIOT'] = gettz('Etc/GMT+6') # British Indian Ocean Time (UTC+06)
+ timezones['BIT'] = gettz('Pacific/Funafuti') # Baker Island Time (UTC−12)
+ timezones['BOT'] = gettz('America/La_Paz') # Bolivia Time (UTC−04)
+ timezones['BRST'] = gettz('America/Sao_Paulo') # Brasilia Summer Time (UTC−02)
+ timezones['BRT'] = gettz('America/Sao_Paulo') # Brasilia Time (UTC−03)
+ timezones['BST'] = gettz('Asia/Dhaka') # Bangladesh Standard Time (UTC+06)
+ timezones['BTT'] = gettz('Asia/Thimphu') # Bhutan Time (UTC+06)
+ timezones['CAT'] = gettz('Africa/Harare') # Central Africa Time (UTC+02)
+ timezones['CCT'] = gettz('Indian/Cocos') # Cocos Islands Time (UTC+06:30)
+ timezones['CDT'] = gettz('America/Chicago') # Central Daylight Time (North America) (UTC−05)
+ timezones['CEST'] = gettz('Europe/Berlin') # Central European Summer Time (Cf. HAEC) (UTC+02)
+ timezones['CET'] = gettz('Europe/Berlin') # Central European Time (UTC+01)
+ timezones['CHADT'] = gettz('Pacific/Chatham') # Chatham Daylight Time (UTC+13:45)
+ timezones['CHAST'] = gettz('Pacific/Chatham') # Chatham Standard Time (UTC+12:45)
+ timezones['CHOST'] = gettz('Asia/Choibalsan') # Choibalsan Summer Time (UTC+09)
+ timezones['CHOT'] = gettz('Asia/Choibalsan') # Choibalsan Standard Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['CHST'] = gettz('Pacific/Guam') # Chamorro Standard Time (UTC+10)
+ timezones['CHUT'] = gettz('Pacific/Chuuk') # Chuuk Time (UTC+10)
+ timezones['CIST'] = gettz('Etc/GMT-8') # Clipperton Island Standard Time (UTC−08)
+ timezones['CIT'] = gettz('Asia/Makassar') # Central Indonesia Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['CKT'] = gettz('Pacific/Rarotonga') # Cook Island Time (UTC−10)
+ timezones['CLST'] = gettz('America/Santiago') # Chile Summer Time (UTC−03)
+ timezones['CLT'] = gettz('America/Santiago') # Chile Standard Time (UTC−04)
+ timezones['COST'] = gettz('America/Bogota') # Colombia Summer Time (UTC−04)
+ timezones['COT'] = gettz('America/Bogota') # Colombia Time (UTC−05)
+ timezones['CST'] = gettz('America/Chicago') # Central Standard Time (North America) (UTC−06)
+ timezones['CT'] = gettz('Asia/Chongqing') # China time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['CVT'] = gettz('Atlantic/Cape_Verde') # Cape Verde Time (UTC−01)
+ timezones['CXT'] = gettz('Indian/Christmas') # Christmas Island Time (UTC+07)
+ timezones['DAVT'] = gettz('Antarctica/Davis') # Davis Time (UTC+07)
+ timezones['DDUT'] = gettz('Antarctica/DumontDUrville') # Dumont d'Urville Time (UTC+10)
+ timezones['DFT'] = gettz('Europe/Berlin') # AIX equivalent of Central European Time (UTC+01)
+ timezones['EASST'] = gettz('Chile/EasterIsland') # Easter Island Summer Time (UTC−05)
+ timezones['EAST'] = gettz('Chile/EasterIsland') # Easter Island Standard Time (UTC−06)
+ timezones['EAT'] = gettz('Africa/Mogadishu') # East Africa Time (UTC+03)
+ timezones['ECT'] = gettz('America/Guayaquil') # Ecuador Time (UTC−05)
+ timezones['EDT'] = gettz('America/New_York') # Eastern Daylight Time (North America) (UTC−04)
+ timezones['EEST'] = gettz('Europe/Bucharest') # Eastern European Summer Time (UTC+03)
+ timezones['EET'] = gettz('Europe/Bucharest') # Eastern European Time (UTC+02)
+ timezones['EGST'] = gettz('America/Scoresbysund') # Eastern Greenland Summer Time (UTC±00)
+ timezones['EGT'] = gettz('America/Scoresbysund') # Eastern Greenland Time (UTC−01)
+ timezones['EIT'] = gettz('Asia/Jayapura') # Eastern Indonesian Time (UTC+09)
+ timezones['EST'] = gettz('America/New_York') # Eastern Standard Time (North America) (UTC−05)
+ timezones['FET'] = gettz('Europe/Minsk') # Further-eastern European Time (UTC+03)
+ timezones['FJT'] = gettz('Pacific/Fiji') # Fiji Time (UTC+12)
+ timezones['FKST'] = gettz('Atlantic/Stanley') # Falkland Islands Summer Time (UTC−03)
+ timezones['FKT'] = gettz('Atlantic/Stanley') # Falkland Islands Time (UTC−04)
+ timezones['FNT'] = gettz('Brazil/DeNoronha') # Fernando de Noronha Time (UTC−02)
+ timezones['GALT'] = gettz('Pacific/Galapagos') # Galapagos Time (UTC−06)
+ timezones['GAMT'] = gettz('Pacific/Gambier') # Gambier Islands (UTC−09)
+ timezones['GET'] = gettz('Asia/Tbilisi') # Georgia Standard Time (UTC+04)
+ timezones['GFT'] = gettz('America/Cayenne') # French Guiana Time (UTC−03)
+ timezones['GILT'] = gettz('Pacific/Tarawa') # Gilbert Island Time (UTC+12)
+ timezones['GIT'] = gettz('Pacific/Gambier') # Gambier Island Time (UTC−09)
+ timezones['GMT'] = gettz('GMT') # Greenwich Mean Time (UTC±00)
+ timezones['GST'] = gettz('Asia/Muscat') # Gulf Standard Time (UTC+04)
+ timezones['GYT'] = gettz('America/Guyana') # Guyana Time (UTC−04)
+ timezones['HADT'] = gettz('Pacific/Honolulu') # Hawaii-Aleutian Daylight Time (UTC−09)
+ timezones['HAEC'] = gettz('Europe/Paris') # Heure Avancée d'Europe Centrale (CEST) (UTC+02)
+ timezones['HAST'] = gettz('Pacific/Honolulu') # Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time (UTC−10)
+ timezones['HKT'] = gettz('Asia/Hong_Kong') # Hong Kong Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['HMT'] = gettz('Indian/Kerguelen') # Heard and McDonald Islands Time (UTC+05)
+ timezones['HOVST'] = gettz('Asia/Hovd') # Khovd Summer Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['HOVT'] = gettz('Asia/Hovd') # Khovd Standard Time (UTC+07)
+ timezones['ICT'] = gettz('Asia/Ho_Chi_Minh') # Indochina Time (UTC+07)
+ timezones['IDT'] = gettz('Asia/Jerusalem') # Israel Daylight Time (UTC+03)
+ timezones['IOT'] = gettz('Etc/GMT+3') # Indian Ocean Time (UTC+03)
+ timezones['IRDT'] = gettz('Asia/Tehran') # Iran Daylight Time (UTC+04:30)
+ timezones['IRKT'] = gettz('Asia/Irkutsk') # Irkutsk Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['IRST'] = gettz('Asia/Tehran') # Iran Standard Time (UTC+03:30)
+ timezones['IST'] = gettz('Asia/Kolkata') # Indian Standard Time (UTC+05:30)
+ timezones['JST'] = gettz('Asia/Tokyo') # Japan Standard Time (UTC+09)
+ timezones['KGT'] = gettz('Asia/Bishkek') # Kyrgyzstan time (UTC+06)
+ timezones['KOST'] = gettz('Pacific/Kosrae') # Kosrae Time (UTC+11)
+ timezones['KRAT'] = gettz('Asia/Krasnoyarsk') # Krasnoyarsk Time (UTC+07)
+ timezones['KST'] = gettz('Asia/Seoul') # Korea Standard Time (UTC+09)
+ timezones['LHST'] = gettz('Australia/Lord_Howe') # Lord Howe Standard Time (UTC+10:30)
+ timezones['LINT'] = gettz('Pacific/Kiritimati') # Line Islands Time (UTC+14)
+ timezones['MAGT'] = gettz('Asia/Magadan') # Magadan Time (UTC+12)
+ timezones['MART'] = gettz('Pacific/Marquesas') # Marquesas Islands Time (UTC−09:30)
+ timezones['MAWT'] = gettz('Antarctica/Mawson') # Mawson Station Time (UTC+05)
+ timezones['MDT'] = gettz('America/Denver') # Mountain Daylight Time (North America) (UTC−06)
+ timezones['MEST'] = gettz('Europe/Paris') # Middle European Summer Time Same zone as CEST (UTC+02)
+ timezones['MET'] = gettz('Europe/Berlin') # Middle European Time Same zone as CET (UTC+01)
+ timezones['MHT'] = gettz('Pacific/Kwajalein') # Marshall Islands (UTC+12)
+ timezones['MIST'] = gettz('Antarctica/Macquarie') # Macquarie Island Station Time (UTC+11)
+ timezones['MIT'] = gettz('Pacific/Marquesas') # Marquesas Islands Time (UTC−09:30)
+ timezones['MMT'] = gettz('Asia/Rangoon') # Myanmar Standard Time (UTC+06:30)
+ timezones['MSK'] = gettz('Europe/Moscow') # Moscow Time (UTC+03)
+ timezones['MST'] = gettz('America/Denver') # Mountain Standard Time (North America) (UTC−07)
+ timezones['MUT'] = gettz('Indian/Mauritius') # Mauritius Time (UTC+04)
+ timezones['MVT'] = gettz('Indian/Maldives') # Maldives Time (UTC+05)
+ timezones['MYT'] = gettz('Asia/Kuching') # Malaysia Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['NCT'] = gettz('Pacific/Noumea') # New Caledonia Time (UTC+11)
+ timezones['NDT'] = gettz('Canada/Newfoundland') # Newfoundland Daylight Time (UTC−02:30)
+ timezones['NFT'] = gettz('Pacific/Norfolk') # Norfolk Time (UTC+11)
+ timezones['NPT'] = gettz('Asia/Kathmandu') # Nepal Time (UTC+05:45)
+ timezones['NST'] = gettz('Canada/Newfoundland') # Newfoundland Standard Time (UTC−03:30)
+ timezones['NT'] = gettz('Canada/Newfoundland') # Newfoundland Time (UTC−03:30)
+ timezones['NUT'] = gettz('Pacific/Niue') # Niue Time (UTC−11)
+ timezones['NZDT'] = gettz('Pacific/Auckland') # New Zealand Daylight Time (UTC+13)
+ timezones['NZST'] = gettz('Pacific/Auckland') # New Zealand Standard Time (UTC+12)
+ timezones['OMST'] = gettz('Asia/Omsk') # Omsk Time (UTC+06)
+ timezones['ORAT'] = gettz('Asia/Oral') # Oral Time (UTC+05)
+ timezones['PDT'] = gettz('America/Los_Angeles') # Pacific Daylight Time (North America) (UTC−07)
+ timezones['PET'] = gettz('America/Lima') # Peru Time (UTC−05)
+ timezones['PETT'] = gettz('Asia/Kamchatka') # Kamchatka Time (UTC+12)
+ timezones['PGT'] = gettz('Pacific/Port_Moresby') # Papua New Guinea Time (UTC+10)
+ timezones['PHOT'] = gettz('Pacific/Enderbury') # Phoenix Island Time (UTC+13)
+ timezones['PKT'] = gettz('Asia/Karachi') # Pakistan Standard Time (UTC+05)
+ timezones['PMDT'] = gettz('America/Miquelon') # Saint Pierre and Miquelon Daylight time (UTC−02)
+ timezones['PMST'] = gettz('America/Miquelon') # Saint Pierre and Miquelon Standard Time (UTC−03)
+ timezones['PONT'] = gettz('Pacific/Pohnpei') # Pohnpei Standard Time (UTC+11)
+ timezones['PST'] = gettz('America/Los_Angeles') # Pacific Standard Time (North America) (UTC−08)
+ timezones['PYST'] = gettz('America/Asuncion') # Paraguay Summer Time (South America)[7] (UTC−03)
+ timezones['PYT'] = gettz('America/Asuncion') # Paraguay Time (South America)[8] (UTC−04)
+ timezones['RET'] = gettz('Indian/Reunion') # Réunion Time (UTC+04)
+ timezones['ROTT'] = gettz('Antarctica/Rothera') # Rothera Research Station Time (UTC−03)
+ timezones['SAKT'] = gettz('Asia/Vladivostok') # Sakhalin Island time (UTC+11)
+ timezones['SAMT'] = gettz('Europe/Samara') # Samara Time (UTC+04)
+ timezones['SAST'] = gettz('Africa/Johannesburg') # South African Standard Time (UTC+02)
+ timezones['SBT'] = gettz('Pacific/Guadalcanal') # Solomon Islands Time (UTC+11)
+ timezones['SCT'] = gettz('Indian/Mahe') # Seychelles Time (UTC+04)
+ timezones['SGT'] = gettz('Asia/Singapore') # Singapore Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['SLST'] = gettz('Asia/Colombo') # Sri Lanka Standard Time (UTC+05:30)
+ timezones['SRET'] = gettz('Asia/Srednekolymsk') # Srednekolymsk Time (UTC+11)
+ timezones['SRT'] = gettz('America/Paramaribo') # Suriname Time (UTC−03)
+ timezones['SST'] = gettz('Asia/Singapore') # Singapore Standard Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['SYOT'] = gettz('Antarctica/Syowa') # Showa Station Time (UTC+03)
+ timezones['TAHT'] = gettz('Pacific/Tahiti') # Tahiti Time (UTC−10)
+ timezones['TFT'] = gettz('Indian/Kerguelen') # Indian/Kerguelen (UTC+05)
+ timezones['THA'] = gettz('Asia/Bangkok') # Thailand Standard Time (UTC+07)
+ timezones['TJT'] = gettz('Asia/Dushanbe') # Tajikistan Time (UTC+05)
+ timezones['TKT'] = gettz('Pacific/Fakaofo') # Tokelau Time (UTC+13)
+ timezones['TLT'] = gettz('Asia/Dili') # Timor Leste Time (UTC+09)
+ timezones['TMT'] = gettz('Asia/Ashgabat') # Turkmenistan Time (UTC+05)
+ timezones['TOT'] = gettz('Pacific/Tongatapu') # Tonga Time (UTC+13)
+ timezones['TVT'] = gettz('Pacific/Funafuti') # Tuvalu Time (UTC+12)
+ timezones['ULAST'] = gettz('Asia/Ulan_Bator') # Ulaanbaatar Summer Time (UTC+09)
+ timezones['ULAT'] = gettz('Asia/Ulan_Bator') # Ulaanbaatar Standard Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['USZ1'] = gettz('Europe/Kaliningrad') # Kaliningrad Time (UTC+02)
+ timezones['UTC'] = gettz('UTC') # Coordinated Universal Time (UTC±00)
+ timezones['UYST'] = gettz('America/Montevideo') # Uruguay Summer Time (UTC−02)
+ timezones['UYT'] = gettz('America/Montevideo') # Uruguay Standard Time (UTC−03)
+ timezones['UZT'] = gettz('Asia/Tashkent') # Uzbekistan Time (UTC+05)
+ timezones['VET'] = gettz('America/Caracas') # Venezuelan Standard Time (UTC−04)
+ timezones['VLAT'] = gettz('Asia/Vladivostok') # Vladivostok Time (UTC+10)
+ timezones['VOLT'] = gettz('Europe/Volgograd') # Volgograd Time (UTC+04)
+ timezones['VOST'] = gettz('Antarctica/Vostok') # Vostok Station Time (UTC+06)
+ timezones['VUT'] = gettz('Pacific/Efate') # Vanuatu Time (UTC+11)
+ timezones['WAKT'] = gettz('Pacific/Wake') # Wake Island Time (UTC+12)
+ timezones['WAST'] = gettz('Africa/Lagos') # West Africa Summer Time (UTC+02)
+ timezones['WAT'] = gettz('Africa/Lagos') # West Africa Time (UTC+01)
+ timezones['WEST'] = gettz('Europe/London') # Western European Summer Time (UTC+01)
+ timezones['WET'] = gettz('Europe/London') # Western European Time (UTC±00)
+ timezones['WIT'] = gettz('Asia/Jakarta') # Western Indonesian Time (UTC+07)
+ timezones['WST'] = gettz('Australia/Perth') # Western Standard Time (UTC+08)
+ timezones['YAKT'] = gettz('Asia/Yakutsk') # Yakutsk Time (UTC+09)
+ timezones['YEKT'] = gettz('Asia/Yekaterinburg') # Yekaterinburg Time (UTC+05)
+ return timezones
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/infochannel/infochannel.py b/infochannel/infochannel.py
index c7297b8..b8d36a3 100644
--- a/infochannel/infochannel.py
+++ b/infochannel/infochannel.py
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import asyncio
+from typing import Union
import discord
from redbot.core import Config, checks, commands
@@ -61,10 +62,9 @@ class InfoChannel(Cog):
guild: discord.Guild = ctx.guild
channel_id = await self.config.guild(guild).channel_id()
+ channel = None
if channel_id is not None:
- channel: discord.VoiceChannel = guild.get_channel(channel_id)
- else:
- channel: discord.VoiceChannel = None
+ channel: Union[discord.VoiceChannel, None] = guild.get_channel(channel_id)
if channel_id is not None and channel is None:
await ctx.send("Info channel has been deleted, recreate it?")