@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import box
from redbot.core import Config
# from .utils.dataIO import dataIO #TODO
from redbot.core import checks
from random import randint
@ -41,8 +40,6 @@ class Fight:
"admin": None
"srtracker": {
"round": None,
"chnnls": None,
"emoji": {
"nums": [],
@ -51,25 +48,25 @@ class Fight:
default_tourney = {
"players": [],
"name": "Tourney 0",
"rules": {"BESTOF": 1, "BESTOFFINAL": 1, "TYPE": 0},
"typedata": {},
"open": False,
"winner": None
"PLAYERS": [],
"NAME": "Tourney 0",
"RULES": {"BESTOF": 1, "BESTOFFINAL": 1, "TYPE": 0},
"OPEN": False,
"WINNER": None
default_match = {
"team1": [],
"team2": [],
"score1": 0,
"score2": 0,
"userscore1": {
"score1": 0,
"score2": 0
"TEAM1": [],
"TEAM2": [],
"SCORE1": 0,
"SCORE2": 0,
"SCORE1": 0,
"SCORE2": 0
"userscore2": {
"score1": 0,
"score2": 0
"SCORE1": 0,
"SCORE2": 0
@ -91,10 +88,10 @@ class Fight:
"""Participate in active fights!"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
if not self._activefight(guild.id):
if not self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No tournament currently running!")
await ctx.send("Current tournament ID: " + self._activefight(guild.id))
await ctx.send("Current tournament ID: " + self._activefight(ctx))
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
await self.bot.send_cmd_help(ctx)
@ -107,8 +104,8 @@ class Fight:
if not user:
user = author
currFight = self._getcurrentfight(guild.id)
tID = self._activefight(guild.id)
currFight = self._getcurrentfight(ctx)
tID = self._activefight(ctx)
if not currFight:
await ctx.send("No tournament currently running!")
@ -117,13 +114,13 @@ class Fight:
await ctx.send("Tournament currently not accepting new players")
if self._infight(guild.id, tID, user.id):
if self._infight(ctx, tID, user.id):
await ctx.send("You are already in this tournament!")
await self._save_fight(ctx, currFight)
await ctx.send("User has been added to tournament")
@ -133,25 +130,25 @@ class Fight:
# guild = ctx.message.guild
# user = ctx.message.author
currFight = self._getcurrentfight(guild.id)
currFight = self._getcurrentfight(ctx)
if not currFight:
await ctx.send("No tournament currently running!")
if not tID:
tID = self._activefight(guild.id)
tID = self._activefight(ctx)
if not self._infight(guild.id, tID, author.id):
if not self._infight(ctx, tID, author.id):
await ctx.send("You are not in a current tournament")
mID = self._parseuser(guild.id, tID, author.id)
mID = self._parseuser(ctx, tID, author.id)
if not mID:
await ctx.send("You have no match to update!")
if currFight["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0: # Round-Robin
await self._rr_score(ctx, guild.id, tID, mID, author, score1, score2)
await self._rr_score(ctx, tID, mID, author, score1, score2)
async def fight_leave(self, ctx, tID=None, user: discord.Member=None):
@ -161,7 +158,7 @@ class Fight:
user = author
if not tID:
tID = self._activefight(guild.id)
tID = self._activefight(ctx)
await ctx.send("Todo Leave")
# @fight.command(name="leaderboard", pass_context=True)
@ -225,12 +222,14 @@ class Fight:
async def fightset_bestof(self, ctx, incount, tID=None):
"""Adjust # of games played per match. Must be an odd number"""
# guild = ctx.message.guild
if not tID and not self._activefight(guild.id):
if not tID and not await self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust")
if not tID:
tID = self._activefight(guild.id)
tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
currFight = await self._getfight(ctx, tID)
num = int(incount)
@ -250,8 +249,8 @@ class Fight:
await ctx.send("I can't go that high! Max 17")
self._getfight(guild.id, tID)["RULES"]["BESTOF"] = num
currFight["RULES"]["BESTOF"] = num
await self._save_fight(ctx, currFight)
await ctx.send("Tourney ID "+tID+" is now Best of "+str(num))
@ -259,12 +258,14 @@ class Fight:
"""Adjust # of games played in finals. Must be an odd number
(Does not apply to tournament types without finals, such as Round Robin)"""
#guild = ctx.message.guild
if not tID and not self._activefight(guild.id):
if not tID and not await self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust")
if not tID:
tID = self._activefight(guild.id)
tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
currFight = await self._getfight(ctx, tID)
num = int(incount)
@ -280,22 +281,23 @@ class Fight:
await ctx.send("Must be greater than 0, idiot")
self._getfight(guild.id, tID)["RULES"]["BESTOFFINAL"] = num
await ctx.send("Tourney ID "+tID+" is now Best of "+str(num))
currFight["RULES"]["BESTOFFINAL"] = num
await self._save_fight(ctx, currFight)
await ctx.send("Tourney ID "+tID+" is now Best of "+str(num)+" in the Finals")
async def fightset_current(self, ctx, tID):
"""Sets the current tournament to passed ID"""
#guild = ctx.message.guild
aFight = self._getfight(guild.id, tID)
currFight = await self._getfight(guild.id, tID)
if not aFight:
if not currFight:
await ctx.send("No tourney found with that ID")
self.the_data[guild.id]["CURRENT"] = tID
# self.the_data[guild.id]["CURRENT"] = tID
# self.save_data()
await self.config.guild(guild).current.set(tID)
await ctx.send("Current tournament set to "+tID)
@ -304,7 +306,7 @@ class Fight:
"""Lists all current and past fights"""
#guild = ctx.message.guild
for page in pagify(str(self.the_data[guild.id]["TOURNEYS"])):
for page in pagify(str(self.config.guild(guild)["TOURNEYS"])):
await ctx.send(box(page))
await ctx.send("Done")
@ -313,14 +315,14 @@ class Fight:
async def fightset_open(self, ctx):
"""Toggles the open status of current tournament"""
#guild = ctx.message.guild
if not self._activefight(guild.id):
if not await self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust")
currFight = self._getcurrentfight(guild.id)
currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx)
currFight["OPEN"] = not currFight["OPEN"]
await self._save_fight(ctx, currFight)
await ctx.send("Tournament Open status is now set to: " + str(currFight["OPEN"]))
@ -328,16 +330,18 @@ class Fight:
async def fightset_name(self, ctx, inname, tID=None):
"""Renames the tournament"""
#guild = ctx.message.guild
if not tID and not self._activefight(guild.id):
if not tID and not await self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust")
if not tID:
tID = self._activefight(guild.id)
tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
self._getfight(guild.id, tID)["NAME"] = inname
await ctx.send("Tourney ID "+tID+" is now called "+self._getfight(guild.id, tID)["NAME"])
currfight = await self._getfight(ctx, tID)
currFight["NAME"] = inname
await self._save_fight(ctx, currFight)
await ctx.send("Tourney ID "+tID+" is now called "+inname)
async def fightset_start(self, ctx):
@ -347,8 +351,8 @@ class Fight:
#guild = ctx.message.guild
#author = ctx.message.author
currFight = self._getcurrentfight(guild.id)
tID = self._activefight(guild.id)
currFight = await self._getcurrentfight(ctx)
tID = await self._activefight(ctx)
if not tID:
await ctx.send("No current fight to start")
@ -368,10 +372,10 @@ class Fight:
currFight["OPEN"] = False # first close the tournament
await self._save_fight(ctx, currFight)
if currFight["RULES"]["TYPE"] == 0: # Round-Robin
await self._rr_start(guild.id, tID)
await self._rr_start(ctx, tID)
async def fightset_setup(self, ctx):
@ -383,21 +387,16 @@ class Fight:
Self Report: True
Type: 0 (Round Robin)"""
#guild = ctx.message.guild
currServ = self.the_data[guild.id]
tID = str(len(currServ["TOURNEYS"])) # Can just be len without +1, tourney 0 makes len 1, tourney 1 makes len 2, etc
currServ["CURRENT"] = tID
currServ["TOURNEYS"][tID] = {
"PLAYERS": [],
"NAME": "Tourney "+str(tID),
"RULES": {"BESTOF": 1, "BESTOFFINAL": 1, "TYPE": 0},
"OPEN": False,
"WINNER": None
await ctx.send("Tournament has been created!\n\n" + str(currServ["TOURNEYS"][tID]))
# currServ = self.the_data[guild.id]
tID = str(len(self.config.guild(guild).tourneys)) # Can just be len without +1, tourney 0 makes len 1, tourney 1 makes len 2, etc
# currServ["CURRENT"] = tID
currFight = default_tourney
currFight["NAME"] = "Tourney "+str(tID)
await self._save_fight(ctx, currFight)
await ctx.send("Tournament has been created!\n\n" + str(currFight))
await ctx.send("Adjust settings as necessary, then open the tournament with [p]fightset toggleopen")
@ -407,17 +406,17 @@ class Fight:
def check(m): #Check Message from author
return m.author == author and m.channel == channel
# guild = ctx.message.guild
if not self._activefight(guild.id):
if not await self._activefight(ctx):
await ctx.send("No active fight to adjust")
# author = ctx.message.author
currServ = self.the_data[guild.id]
# currServ = self.the_data[guild.id]
await ctx.send("Current fight ID is "+str(currServ["CURRENT"])+"\nOkay to stop? (yes/no)")
await ctx.send("Current fight ID is "+str(self.config.guilds(guild).current)+"\nOkay to stop? (yes/no)")
answer = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=120)
answer = await self.bot.wait_for('message', check=check, timeout=120)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Cancelled due to timeout")
@ -426,9 +425,8 @@ class Fight:
await ctx.send("Cancelled")
currServ["CURRENT"] = None
await self.config.guilds(guild).current.set(False)
await ctx.send("Fight has been stopped")
# ***************************Fightset_guild command group start**************************
@ -443,54 +441,65 @@ class Fight:
"""Toggles the ability to self-report scores for all tournaments"""
#guild = ctx.message.guild
settings = self._getsettings(guild.id)
curflag = self.config.guilds(guild).settings.selfreport
settings["SELFREPORT"] = not settings["SELFREPORT"]
self.config.guilds(guild).settings.selfreport.set(not curflag)
# settings["SELFREPORT"] = not settings["SELFREPORT"]
# self.save_data()
await ctx.send("Self-Reporting ability is now set to: " + str(settings["SELFREPORT"]))
await ctx.send("Self-Reporting ability is now set to: " + str(not curflag))
async def fightset_guild_reportchnnl(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel=None):
async def fightset_guild_reportchnnl(self, ctx, inchannel: discord.TextChannel=None):
"""Set the channel for self-reporting"""
#guild = ctx.message.guild
settings = self._getsettings(guild.id)
settings["REPORTCHNNL"] = channel.id
# settings = self._getsettings(guild.id)
# settings["REPORTCHNNL"] = channel.id
if not inchannel:
inchannel = channel
await self.config.guilds(guild).settings.reportchnnl.set(inchannel.id)
await ctx.send("Self-Reporting Channel is now set to: " + channel.mention)
await ctx.send("Self-Reporting Channel is now set to: " + inchannel.mention)
async def fightset_guild_announcechnnl(self, ctx, channel: discord.TextChannel=None):
async def fightset_guild_announcechnnl(self, ctx, inchannel: discord.TextChannel=None):
"""Set the channel for tournament announcements"""
#guild = ctx.message.guild
settings = self._getsettings(guild.id)
# settings = self._getsettings(guild.id)
settings["ANNOUNCECHNNL"] = channel.id
# settings["ANNOUNCECHNNL"] = channel.id
# self.save_data()
if not inchannel:
inchannel = channel
await ctx.send("Announcement Channel is now set to: " + channel.mention)
await self.config.guilds(guild).settings.announcechnnl.set(inchannel.id)
await ctx.send("Announcement Channel is now set to: " + inchannel.mention)
async def fightset_guild_setadmin(self, ctx, role: discord.Role=None):
"""Chooses the tournament-admin role. CAREFUL: This grants the ability to override self-reported scores!"""
#guild = ctx.message.guild
settings = self._getsettings(guild.id)
# settings = self._getsettings(ctx)
# settings["ADMIN"] = role.id
settings["ADMIN"] = role.id
# self.save_data()
await self.config.guilds(guild).settings.admin.set(role.id)
await ctx.send("Tournament Admin role is now set to: " + role.mention)
# **********************Private command group start*********************
async def _save_fight(self, ctx, dfight):
"""Save a passed fight"""
async def _guildsettings(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Returns the dictionary of guild settings"""
# return self.the_data[guildID]["SETTINGS"]
@ -709,7 +718,7 @@ class Fight:
message = await ctx.send(embed=outembed)
self._messagetracker(guildID)[message.id] = {"TID": tID, "MID": mID, "RID": rID}
self._messagetracker(ctx)[message.id] = {"TID": tID, "MID": mID, "RID": rID}
@ -732,10 +741,10 @@ class Fight:
await self._rr_printround(guildID, tID, 0)
async def _rr_score(self, ctx: commands.Context, guildID, tID, mID, author, t1points, t2points):
async def _rr_score(self, ctx: commands.Context, tID, mID, author, t1points, t2points):
def check(m): #Check Message from author
return m.author == author and m.channel == channel
theT = self._getfight(guildID, tID)
theT = self._getfight(ctx, tID)
theD = theT["TYPEDATA"]
# if t1points and t2points:
@ -895,7 +904,7 @@ class Fight:
#if message_id not in guildID for
#for guildID in self.the_data:
# if not self._messagetracker(guildID)
# if not self._messagetracker(ctx)
message_id = obj["d"]["message_id"]
emoji = obj["d"]["emoji"]["name"]
user_id = obj["d"]["user_id"]