@ -209,41 +209,13 @@ class ReactRestrict:
except AttributeError: # VoiceChannel object has no attribute 'get_message'
except discordForbidden # No access to channel, skip
except discord.Forbidden: # No access to channel, skip
return None
# async def _wait_for_emoji(self, ctx: commands.Context):
# """
# Asks the user to react to this message and returns the emoji string if unicode
# or ID if custom.
# :param ctx:
# :raises asyncio.TimeoutError:
# If the user does not respond in time.
# :return:
# """
# message = await ctx.send("Please react to this message with the reaction you"
# " would like to add/remove, you have 20 seconds to"
# " respond.")
# def _wait_check(react, user):
# msg = react.message
# return msg.id == message.id and user.id == ctx.author.id
# reaction, _ = await ctx.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=_wait_check, timeout=20)
# try:
# ret = reaction.emoji.id
# except AttributeError:
# The emoji is unicode
# ret = reaction.emoji
# return ret, reaction.emoji
async def reactrestrict(self, ctx: commands.Context):