diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d2efeff..2ead071 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Cog Function
| ccrole | **Beta** | Create custom commands that also assign roles
May have some bugs, please create an issue if you find any |
| chatter | **Alpha** | Chat-bot trained to talk like your guild
Missing some key features, but currently functional |
| coglint | **Alpha** | Error check code in python syntax posted to discord
Works, but probably needs more turning to work for cogs |
+| dad | **Alpha** | Tell dad jokes
Works great! |
| exclusiverole | **Alpha** | Prevent certain roles from getting any other roles
Fully functional, but pretty simple |
| fight | **Incomplete** | Organize bracket tournaments within discord
Still in-progress, a massive project |
| flag | **Alpha** | Create temporary marks on users that expire after specified time
Ported, will not import old data. Please report bugs |