| Name | Status | Description (Click to see full status)
| Name | Status | Description (Click to see full status)
| --- | --- | --- |
| --- | --- | --- |
| announcedaily | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Send daily announcements to all servers at a specified times</summary>Commissioned release, so suggestions will not be accepted</details> |
| announcedaily | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Send daily announcements to all servers at a specified times</summary>Commissioned release, so suggestions will not be accepted</details> |
| audiotrivia | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Guess the audio using the core trivia cog</summary>Replaces the core Trivia cog. Needs help adding audio trivia lists, please submit a PR to contribute</details> |
| ccrole | **Beta** | <details><summary>Create custom commands that also assign roles</summary>May have some bugs, please create an issue if you find any</details> |
| ccrole | **Beta** | <details><summary>Create custom commands that also assign roles</summary>May have some bugs, please create an issue if you find any</details> |
| chatter | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Chat-bot trained to talk like your guild</summary>Missing some key features, but currently functional</details> |
| chatter | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Chat-bot trained to talk like your guild</summary>Missing some key features, but currently functional</details> |
| coglint | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Error check code in python syntax posted to discord</summary>Works, but probably needs more turning to work for cogs</details> |
| coglint | **Alpha** | <details><summary>Error check code in python syntax posted to discord</summary>Works, but probably needs more turning to work for cogs</details> |