WIP Classification

bobloy 5 years ago
parent ef925b1621
commit 52fc284f5a

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ from redbot.core.bot import Red
from redbot.core.data_manager import bundled_data_path, cog_data_path
from redbot.core.utils.predicates import MessagePredicate
from conquest.regioner import Regioner, get_center
from conquest.regioner import ConquestMap, Regioner, get_center
class Conquest(commands.Cog):
@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ class Conquest(commands.Cog):
self.custom_map_path = self.data_path / "custom_maps"
if not self.custom_map_path.exists() or not self.custom_map_path.is_dir():
with (self.custom_map_path / "maps.json").open("w+") as dj:
json.dump({"maps": []}, dj, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
self.current_map_folder = self.data_path / "current_maps"
if not self.current_map_folder.exists() or not self.current_map_folder.is_dir():
@ -61,8 +63,8 @@ class Conquest(commands.Cog):
self.ext = None
self.ext_format = None
self.mm = {}
self.mm_img: Union[Image.Image, None] = None
self.mm: Union[ConquestMap, None] = None
# self.mm_img: Union[Image.Image, None] = None
async def red_delete_data_for_user(self, **kwargs):
"""Nothing to delete"""
@ -130,7 +132,7 @@ class Conquest(commands.Cog):
out.save(current_img_path, self.ext_format)
await self._send_maybe_zoomed_map(ctx, current_img_path, f"map.{self.ext}")
async def _composite_regions(self, im, regions, color, region_path) -> Image.Image:
async def _composite_regions(self, im, regions, color, region_path) -> Union[Image.Image, None]:
im2 = Image.new("RGB", im.size, color)
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
@ -148,41 +150,23 @@ class Conquest(commands.Cog):
None, ImageChops.logical_and, combined_mask, mask
out = await loop.run_in_executor(None, Image.composite, im, im2, combined_mask.covert("L"))
if combined_mask is None: # No regions usually
return None
out = await loop.run_in_executor(None, Image.composite, im, im2, combined_mask.convert("L"))
return out
async def _mm_save_map(self, ctx, map_name, target_save):
self.mm["name"] = map_name
if target_save.exists() and target_save.is_dir():
# This is an overwrite operation
# await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"{map_name} already exists, okay to overwrite?")
# pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx)
# try:
# await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=pred, timeout=30)
# except TimeoutError:
# await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Response timed out, cancelling save")
# return
# if not pred.result:
# return
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Overwrite currently not supported")
return False
# This is a new name
ext = self.mm["extension"]
ext_format = "JPEG" if ext.upper() == "JPG" else ext.upper()
self.mm_img.save(target_save / f"blank.{ext}", ext_format)
await self._save_mm_data(target_save)
return True
result = await self.mm.change_name(map_name, target_save)
if result:
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Name changed")
async def _save_mm_data(self, target_save):
data_json = target_save / "data.json"
with data_json.open("w+") as dj:
json.dump(self.mm, dj)
json.dump(self.mm, dj, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
async def mapmaker(self, ctx: commands.context):
@ -195,7 +179,7 @@ class Conquest(commands.Cog):
async def _mapmaker_close(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Close the currently open map."""
self.mm = {}
self.mm = None
self.mm_img = None
await ctx.tick()
@ -248,17 +232,17 @@ class Conquest(commands.Cog):
if not self.mm:
self.mm = self.default_custom_map.copy()
self.mm = ConquestMap(self.custom_map_path)
if map_path:
map_path = pathlib.Path(map_path)
if not map_path.exist():
if not map_path.exists():
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Map not found at that path")
self.mm_img = Image.open(map_path)
self.mm["extension"] = map_path.suffix[1:]
self.mm.extension = map_path.suffix[1:]
elif message.attachments:
attch: discord.Attachment = message.attachments[0]
@ -277,7 +261,7 @@ class Conquest(commands.Cog):
result = await self._mm_save_map(ctx, map_name, target_save)
if not result:
self.mm = {}
self.mm = None
self.mm_img = None
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Failed to upload to that name")
@ -458,8 +442,8 @@ class Conquest(commands.Cog):
await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Failed to combine masks")
points = [self.mm["regions"][f"{n}"] for n in mask_list]
self.mm["regions"][f"{lowest}"] = get_center(points)
points = [self.mm["regions"][f"{n}"]["center"] for n in mask_list]
self.mm["regions"][f"{lowest}"]["center"] = get_center(points)
for key in eliminated:
@ -487,12 +471,20 @@ class Conquest(commands.Cog):
List currently available maps
maps_json = self._path_if_custom() / "maps.json"
maps_json = self.asset_path / "maps.json"
with maps_json.open() as maps:
maps_json = json.load(maps)
map_list = maps_json["maps"]
maps_json = self.custom_map_path / "maps.json"
if maps_json.exists():
with maps_json.open() as maps:
maps_json = json.load(maps)
map_list = "\n".join(map_name for map_name in maps_json["maps"])
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Current maps:\n{map_list}")
custom_map_list = maps_json["maps"]
map_list = "\n".join(map_list)
custom_map_list = "\n".join(custom_map_list)
await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"Current maps:\n{map_list}\n\nCustom maps:\n{custom_map_list}")
async def conquest_set(self, ctx: commands.Context):
@ -515,7 +507,7 @@ class Conquest(commands.Cog):
with zoom_json_path.open("w+") as zoom_json:
json.dump({"enabled": False}, zoom_json)
json.dump({"enabled": False}, zoom_json, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
await ctx.tick()
@ -545,7 +537,7 @@ class Conquest(commands.Cog):
zoom_data["zoom"] = zoom
with zoom_json_path.open("w+") as zoom_json:
json.dump(zoom_data, zoom_json)
json.dump(zoom_data, zoom_json, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
await ctx.tick()

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
import json
import pathlib
from typing import List
@ -79,6 +80,87 @@ def floodfill(image, xy, value, border=None, thresh=0) -> set:
return filled_pixels
class ConquestMap:
def __init__(self, path):
self.path = path
self.name = None
self.custom = None
self.region_max = None
self.extension = None
self.regions = {}
async def change_name(self, new_name: str, new_path: pathlib.Path):
self.name = new_name
if new_path.exists() and new_path.is_dir():
# This is an overwrite operation
# await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"{map_name} already exists, okay to overwrite?")
# pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx)
# try:
# await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=pred, timeout=30)
# except TimeoutError:
# await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Response timed out, cancelling save")
# return
# if not pred.result:
# return
return False, "Overwrite currently not supported"
# This is a new name
ext_format = "JPEG" if self.extension.upper() == "JPG" else self.extension.upper()
self.mm_img.save(new_path / f"blank.{self.extension}", ext_format)
await self._save_mm_data(target_save)
return True
def masks_path(self):
return self.path / "masks"
def data_path(self):
return self.path / "data.json"
def blank_path(self):
return self.path / "blank.png"
def numbers_path(self):
return self.path / "numbers.png"
def numbered_path(self):
return self.path / "numbered.png"
def save_data(self):
with self.data_path().open("w+") as dp:
json.dump(self.__dict__, dp, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
def load_data(self):
with self.data_path().open() as dp:
data = json.load(dp)
self.name = data["name"]
self.custom = data["custom"]
self.region_max = data["region_max"]
self.regions = {key: Region(number=key, host=self, **data) for key, data in data["regions"].items()}
def save_region(self, region):
if not self.custom:
return False
class Region:
def __init__(self, number, host: ConquestMap, center, **kwargs):
self.number = number
self.host = host
self.center = center
self.data = kwargs
def save(self):
class Regioner:
def __init__(
self, filepath: pathlib.Path, filename: str, wall_color="black", region_color="white"
@ -131,7 +213,7 @@ class Regioner:
mask = mask.convert("L")
mask.save(masks_path / f"{mask_count}.png", "PNG")
mask_centers[mask_count] = get_center(filled)
mask_centers[mask_count] = {"center": get_center(filled), "point_count": len(filled)}
@ -150,7 +232,8 @@ class Regioner:
number_img = Image.new("L", base_img.size, 255)
fnt = ImageFont.load_default()
d = ImageDraw.Draw(number_img)
for mask_num, center in mask_centers.items():
for mask_num, data in mask_centers.items():
center = data["center"]
d.text(center, str(mask_num), font=fnt, fill=0)
number_img.save(self.filepath / f"numbers.png", "PNG")
return True
