@ -34,8 +34,11 @@ class Fight:
default_global = {
"srtracker": {},
"win": None,
"winu": None,
"loss": None,
"dispute": None
"lossu": None,
"dispute": None,
"disputeu": None
default_guild = {
"current": None,
@ -236,23 +239,45 @@ class Fight:
# await ctx.send("I can do stuff!")
async def fightset_emoji(self, ctx, winEmoji: discord.Emoji, lossEmoji: discord.Emoji, disputeEmoji: discord.Emoji):
"""Set the global emojis for reactions"""
message = await ctx.send("Testing emojis")
# try:
await ctx.send(str(winEmoji) + " | " + str(lossEmoji) + " | " + str(disputeEmoji))
await message.add_reaction(str(winEmoji))
await message.add_reaction(str(lossEmoji))
await message.add_reaction(str(disputeEmoji))
# except:
# await ctx.send("Emoji failure")
# return
async def fightset_emoji(self, ctx):
"""Set the global reaction emojis for reporting matches"""
message = await ctx.send("Emoji Tests")
message2 = await ctx.send("Secondary Emoji Tests")
needed=["reporting a win","reporting a loss","disputing results"]
for need in needed:
emoji, actual_emoji, isUnicode = await self._wait_for_emoji(ctx, need)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("You didn't respond in time, please redo this command.")
await self.config.win.set(str(winEmoji))
await self.config.loss.set(str(lossEmoji))
await self.config.dispute.set(str(lossEmoji))
await message.add_reaction(actual_emoji)
except discord.HTTPException:
await ctx.send("I can't add that emoji because I'm not in the guild that"
" owns it.")
if need == "reporting a win":
winEmoji = emoji
winUnicode = isUnicode
if need == "reporting a loss":
lossEmoji = emoji
lossUnicode = isUnicode
if need == "disputing results":
disputeEmoji = emoji
disUnicode = isUnicode
await self.config.win.set(winEmoji)
await self.config.winu.set(winUnicode)
await self.config.loss.set(lossEmoji)
await self.config.lossu.set(lossUnicode)
await self.config.dispute.set(disputeEmoji)
await self.config.disputeu.set(disUnicode)
await self._add_wld(message2)
await ctx.send("Success")
@ -542,6 +567,83 @@ class Fight:
await ctx.send("Tournament Admin role is now set to: " + role.mention)
# **********************Private command group start*********************
async def _add_wld(self, message: discord.Message):
"""Adds assigned Win-Loss-Dispute reactions to message"""
win = await self.config.win()
loss = await self.config.loss()
dispute = await self.config.dispute()
if not (await self.config.winu()): #If not unicode
win = self.bot.get_emoji(win)
if not (await self.config.lossu()):
loss = self.bot.get_emoji(loss)
if not (await self.config.disputeu()):
dispute = self.bot.get_emoji(dispute)
await message.add_reaction(win)
await message.add_reaction(loss)
await message.add_reaction(dispute)
async def _get_win_str(self):
"""Returns win emoji ready for str"""
win = await self.config.win()
if not (await self.config.winu()): #If not unicode
win = str(self.bot.get_emoji(win))
return win
async def _get_loss_str(self):
"""Returns loss emoji ready for str"""
loss = await self.config.loss()
if not (await self.config.lossu()):
loss = str(self.bot.get_emoji(loss))
return loss
async def _get_dispute_str(self):
"""Returns dispute emoji ready for str"""
dispute = await self.config.dispute()
if not (await self.config.disputeu()):
dispute = str(self.bot.get_emoji(dispute))
return dispute
async def _wait_for_emoji(self, ctx: commands.Context, messagetext):
Asks the user to react to this message and returns the emoji string if unicode
or ID if custom.
:param ctx:
:raises asyncio.TimeoutError:
If the user does not respond in time.
if messagetext:
message = await ctx.send("Please react to this message with the reaction you"
" would like for "+messagetext+", you have 20 seconds to"
" respond.")
message = await ctx.send("Please react to this message with the reaction you"
" would like, you have 20 seconds to"
" respond.")
def _wait_check(react, user):
msg = react.message
return msg.id == message.id and user.id == ctx.author.id
reaction, _ = await ctx.bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=_wait_check, timeout=20)
ret = reaction.emoji.id
isUnicode = False
except AttributeError:
# The emoji is unicode
ret = reaction.emoji
isUnicode = True
return ret, reaction.emoji, isUnicode
async def _save_fight(self, ctx, tID, currFight):
"""Save a passed fight"""
allTourney = await self.config.guild(ctx.guild).tourneys()
@ -764,7 +866,7 @@ class Fight:
outembed=discord.Embed(title="Match ID: " + mID, color=0x0000bf)
outembed.add_field(name="Team 1", value=mention1, inline=True)
outembed.add_field(name="Team 2", value=mention2, inline=True)
outembed.set_footer(text=(await self.config.win())+" Report Win || "(await self.config.loss())+" Report Loss || "(await self.config.dispute())+" Dispute Result")
outembed.set_footer(text=(await self._get_win_str())+" Report Win || "(await self._get_loss_str())+" Report Loss || "(await self._get_dispute_str())+" Dispute Result")
if await self._guildsettings(ctx)["REPORTCHNNL"]:
# message = await self.bot.send_message(
@ -778,13 +880,14 @@ class Fight:
message = await ctx.send(embed=outembed)
# self._messagetracker(ctx)[message.id] = {"TID": tID, "MID": mID, "RID": rID}
await self._add_wld(ctx, message)
trackmessage = self.default_tracker
trackmessage["TID"] = tID
trackmessage["MID"] = mID
trackmessage["RID"] = rID
trackmessage["GUILDID"] = ctx.guild.id
self._save_tracker(ctx, message.id, trackmessage )
self._save_tracker(ctx, message.id, trackmessage)
# await ctx.send(team1 + " vs " + team2 + " || Match ID: " + match)
@ -970,113 +1073,15 @@ class Fight:
emoji_id = emoji.name
if emoji_id not in E_REACTS.keys(): # Not sure if this works
wld = [(await self.config.win()), (await self.config.loss()), (await self.config.dispute())]
if emoji_id not in wld: # Not sure if this works
await message.remove_reaction(emoji, member)
has_reactrestrict, combos = await self.has_reactrestrict_combo(message_id)
if not has_reactrestrict:
member = self._get_member(channel_id, user_id)
except LookupError:
if member.bot:
roles = [self._get_role(member.guild, c.role_id) for c in combos]
except LookupError:
for apprrole in roles:
if apprrole in member.roles:
message = await self._get_message_from_channel(channel_id, message_id)
await message.remove_reaction(emoji, member)
# async def on_raw_reaction_remove(self, emoji: discord.PartialReactionEmoji,
# message_id: int, channel_id: int, user_id: int):
# """
# Event handler for long term reaction watching.
# :param discord.PartialReactionEmoji emoji:
# :param int message_id:
# :param int channel_id:
# :param int user_id:
# :return:
# """
# if emoji.is_custom_emoji():
# emoji_id = emoji.id
# else:
# emoji_id = emoji.name
# has_reactrole, combos = await self.has_reactrole_combo(message_id, emoji_id)
# if not has_reactrole:
# return
# try:
# member = self._get_member(channel_id, user_id)
# except LookupError:
# return
# if member.bot:
# return
# try:
# roles = [self._get_role(member.guild, c.role_id) for c in combos]
# except LookupError:
# return
# try:
# await member.remove_roles(*roles)
# except discord.Forbidden:
# pass
#**************** Socket attempt ********************
# async def _on_react(self, reaction, user):
# """do nothing (for now)"""
# # if not self.the_data["trackmessage"]:
# # return
# # if user == self.bot.user:
# # return # Don't remove bot's own reactions
# # message = reaction.message
# # emoji = reaction.emoji
# # if not message.id == self.the_data["trackmessage"]:
# # return
# # if str(emoji) in self.letters:
# # letter = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"[self.letters.index(str(emoji))]
# # await self._guessletter(letter, message.channel)
# # if str(emoji) in self.navigate:
# # if str(emoji) == self.navigate[0]:
# # await self._reactmessage_am(message)
# # if str(emoji) == self.navigate[-1]:
# # await self._reactmessage_nz(message)
# async def on_socket_response(self, obj):
# if obj["t"] != "MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD":
# return
# if "emoji" not in obj["d"]: # This reaction is in the messages deque, use other listener
# return
# # if message_id not in guildID for
# # for guildID in self.the_data:
# # if not self._messagetracker(ctx)
# message_id = obj["d"]["message_id"]
# emoji = obj["d"]["emoji"]["name"]
# user_id = obj["d"]["user_id"]
if emoji_id == wld[0]:
await self._report_win()
if emoji_id == wld[1]:
await self._report_loss()
if emoji_id == wld[2]:
await self._report_dispute()