V3 rework complete

bobloy 6 years ago
parent 662b9bc221
commit 2f6a518ab6

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import time
from random import choice
import discord
from redbot.core import commands, Config
from redbot.core import commands, Config, bank
from redbot.core.bot import Red
@ -16,9 +16,9 @@ class Gardener:
self.user = user
self.config = config
self.badges = []
self.points = []
self.products = []
self.current = []
self.points = 0
self.products = {}
self.current = {}
async def _load_config(self):
self.badges = await self.config.user(self.user).badges()
@ -30,14 +30,52 @@ class Gardener:
await self.config.user(self.user).badges.set(self.badges)
await self.config.user(self.user).points.set(self.points)
await self.config.user(self.user).products.set(self.products)
await self.config.user(self.user).current.set(self.user)
await self.config.user(self.user).current.set(self.current)
async def _die_in(gardener, degradation):
# Calculating how much time in minutes remains until the plant's health hits 0
return int(gardener.current['health'] / degradation.degradation)
async def _grow_time(gardener):
# Calculating the remaining grow time for a plant
now = int(time.time())
then = gardener.current['timestamp']
return (gardener.current['time'] - (now - then)) / 60
async def _send_message(channel, message):
"""Sendsa message"""
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
await channel.send(embed=em)
async def _withdraw_points(gardener: Gardener, amount):
# Substract points from the gardener
points = gardener.points
if (points - amount) < 0:
return False
gardener.points -= amount
return True
class PlantTycoon:
"""Grow your own plants! Be sure to take proper care of it."""
def __init__(self, bot: Red):
self.bot = bot
# Loading all data
@ -45,9 +83,9 @@ class PlantTycoon:
default_user = {
'badges': [],
'points': [],
'products': [],
'current': []
'points': 0,
'products': {},
'current': {}
@ -841,9 +879,9 @@ class PlantTycoon:
# Loading bank
self.bank = bot.get_cog('Economy').bank
# self.bank = bot.get_cog('Economy').bank
async def _gardener(self, user: discord.User):
async def _gardener(self, user: discord.User) -> Gardener:
# This function returns an individual gardener namedtuple
@ -853,17 +891,7 @@ class PlantTycoon:
await g._load_config()
return g
async def _grow_time(self, gardener):
# Calculating the remaining grow time for a plant
now = int(time.time())
then = gardener.current['timestamp']
return (gardener.current['time'] - (now - then)) / 60
async def _degradation(self, gardener):
async def _degradation(self, gardener: Gardener):
# Calculating the rate of degradation per check_completion() cycle.
@ -871,60 +899,33 @@ class PlantTycoon:
modifiers = sum(
[self.products[product]['modifier'] for product in gardener.products if gardener.products[product] > 0])
degradation = (100 / (gardener.current['time'] / 60) * (
self.defaults['degradation']['base_degradation'] + gardener.current['degradation'])) + modifiers
d = collections.namedtuple('degradation', 'degradation time modifiers')
return d(degradation=degradation, time=gardener.current['time'], modifiers=modifiers)
async def _die_in(self, gardener, degradation):
# Calculating how much time in minutes remains until the plant's health hits 0
return int(gardener.current['health'] / degradation.degradation)
async def _withdraw_points(self, id, amount):
# Substract points from the gardener
points = self.gardeners[id]['points']
if (points - amount) < 0:
return False
self.gardeners[id]['points'] -= amount
return True
d = collections.namedtuple('degradation', 'degradation time modifiers')
async def _get_member(self, user_id):
return d(degradation=degradation, time=gardener.current['time'], modifiers=modifiers)
# async def _get_member(self, user_id):
# Return a member object
# #
# # Return a member object
# #
return discord.User(id=str(id)) # I made it a string just to be sure
async def _send_notification(self, user_id, message):
# return discord.User(id=user_id) # I made it a string just to be sure
# Sends a Direct Message to the gardener
# async def _send_notification(self, user_id, message):
member = await self._get_member(user_id)
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
await self.bot.send_message(member, embed=em)
async def _send_message(self, channel, message):
# Sends a message
# #
# # Sends a Direct Message to the gardener
# #
# member = await self._get_member(user_id)
# em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
# await self.bot.send_message(member, embed=em)
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
await self.bot.send_message(channel, embed=em)
async def _add_health(self, channel, id, product, product_category):
async def _add_health(self, channel, gardener: Gardener, product, product_category):
# The function to add health
@ -933,28 +934,29 @@ class PlantTycoon:
product = product.lower()
product_category = product_category.lower()
if product in self.products and self.products[product]['category'] == product_category:
if product in self.gardeners[id]['products']:
if self.gardeners[id]['products'][product] > 0:
self.gardeners[id]['current']['health'] += self.products[product]['health']
self.gardeners[id]['products'][product] -= 1
if self.gardeners[id]['products'][product] == 0:
del [self.gardeners[id]['products'][product.lower()]]
if product in gardener.products:
if gardener.products[product] > 0:
gardener.current['health'] += self.products[product]['health']
gardener.products[product] -= 1
if gardener.products[product] == 0:
del gardener.products[product.lower()]
if product_category == "water":
emoji = ":sweat_drops:"
elif product_category == "fertilizer":
emoji = ":poop:"
elif product_category == "tool":
# elif product_category == "tool":
emoji = ":scissors:"
message = 'Your plant got some health back! {}'.format(emoji)
if self.gardeners[id]['current']['health'] > self.gardeners[id]['current']['threshold']:
self.gardeners[id]['current']['health'] -= self.products[product]['damage']
if gardener.current['health'] > gardener.current['threshold']:
gardener.current['health'] -= self.products[product]['damage']
if product_category == 'tool':
damage_msg = 'You used {} too many times!'.format(product)
damage_msg = 'You gave too much of {}.'.format(product)
message = '{} Your plant lost some health. :wilted_rose:'.format(damage_msg)
self.gardeners[id]['points'] += self.defaults['points']['add_health']
await self._save_gardeners()
gardener.points += self.defaults['points']['add_health']
await gardener._save_gardener()
message = 'You have no {}. Go buy some!'.format(product)
@ -969,51 +971,56 @@ class PlantTycoon:
emcolor = discord.Color.blue()
elif product_category == "fertilizer":
emcolor = discord.Color.dark_gold()
elif product_category == "tool":
# elif product_category == "tool":
emcolor = discord.Color.dark_grey()
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=emcolor)
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
await channel.send(embed=em)
@commands.group(pass_context=True, name='gardening')
async def _gardening(self, context):
@commands.group(name='gardening', autohelp=False)
async def _gardening(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Gardening commands."""
if context.invoked_subcommand is None:
prefix = context.prefix
if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
prefix = ctx.prefix
title = '**Welcome to Plant Tycoon.**\n'
description = 'Grow your own plant. Be sure to take proper care of yours. If it successfully grows, you get a reward.\n'
description += 'As you nurture your plant, you gain Thneeds which can be exchanged for credits.\n\n'
description += '**Commands**\n\n'
description += '``{0}gardening seed``: Plant a seed inside the earth.\n'
description += '``{0}gardening profile``: Check your gardening profile.\n'
description += '``{0}gardening plants``: Look at the list of the available plants.\n'
description += '``{0}gardening plant``: Look at the details of a plant.\n'
description += '``{0}gardening state``: Check the state of your plant.\n'
description += '``{0}gardening buy``: Buy gardening supplies.\n'
description += '``{0}gardening convert``: Exchange Thneeds for credits.\n'
description += '``{0}shovel``: Shovel your plant out.\n'
description += '``{0}water``: Water your plant.\n'
description += '``{0}fertilize``: Fertilize the soil.\n'
description += '``{0}prune``: Prune your plant.\n'
description = ''''Grow your own plant. Be sure to take proper care of yours.\n
If it successfully grows, you get a reward.\n
As you nurture your plant, you gain Thneeds which can be exchanged for credits.\n\n
``{0}gardening seed``: Plant a seed inside the earth.\n
``{0}gardening profile``: Check your gardening profile.\n
``{0}gardening plants``: Look at the list of the available plants.\n
``{0}gardening plant``: Look at the details of a plant.\n
``{0}gardening state``: Check the state of your plant.\n
``{0}gardening buy``: Buy gardening supplies.\n
``{0}gardening convert``: Exchange Thneeds for credits.\n
``{0}shovel``: Shovel your plant out.\n
``{0}water``: Water your plant.\n
``{0}fertilize``: Fertilize the soil.\n
``{0}prune``: Prune your plant.\n'''
em = discord.Embed(title=title, description=description.format(prefix), color=discord.Color.green())
text='This cog was made by SnappyDragon18 and PaddoInWonderland. Inspired by The Lorax (2012).')
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
@_gardening.command(pass_context=True, name='seed')
async def _seed(self, context):
async def _seed(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Plant a seed inside the earth."""
author = context.message.author
author = ctx.author
# server = context.message.server
if author.id not in self.gardeners:
self.gardeners[author.id] = {}
self.gardeners[author.id]['current'] = False
self.gardeners[author.id]['points'] = 0
self.gardeners[author.id]['badges'] = []
self.gardeners[author.id]['products'] = {}
if not self.gardeners[author.id]['current']:
# if author.id not in self.gardeners:
# self.gardeners[author.id] = {}
# self.gardeners[author.id]['current'] = False
# self.gardeners[author.id]['points'] = 0
# self.gardeners[author.id]['badges'] = []
# self.gardeners[author.id]['products'] = {}
gardener = await self._gardener(author)
if not gardener.current:
d = datetime.date.today()
month = d.month
@ -1055,33 +1062,33 @@ class PlantTycoon:
'Once it blooms, something nice might come from it. ' \
'If it dies, however, you will get nothing.'.format(plant['article'], plant['name'],
if 'water' not in self.gardeners[author.id]['products']:
self.gardeners[author.id]['products']['water'] = 0
self.gardeners[author.id]['products']['water'] += 5
self.gardeners[author.id]['current'] = plant
await self._save_gardeners()
if 'water' not in gardener.products:
gardener.products['water'] = 0
gardener.products['water'] += 5
gardener.current = plant
await gardener._save_gardener()
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
plant = self.gardeners[author.id]['current']
plant = gardener.current
message = 'You\'re already growing {} **{}**, silly.'.format(plant['article'], plant['name'])
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
@_gardening.command(pass_context=True, name='profile')
async def _profile(self, context, *, member: discord.Member = None):
await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def _profile(self, ctx: commands.Context, *, member: discord.Member = None):
"""Check your gardening profile."""
if member:
author = member
author = context.message.author
if author.id in self.gardeners:
author = ctx.author
gardener = await self._gardener(author)
em = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.green(), description='\a\n')
em = discord.Embed(color=discord.Color.green()) # , description='\a\n')
avatar = author.avatar_url if author.avatar else author.default_avatar_url
em.set_author(name='Gardening profile of {}'.format(author.name), icon_url=avatar)
em.add_field(name='**Thneeds**', value=gardener.points)
em.add_field(name='**Thneeds**', value=str(gardener.points))
if not gardener.current:
em.add_field(name='**Currently growing**', value='None')
@ -1106,21 +1113,19 @@ class PlantTycoon:
em.add_field(name='**Products**', value=products)
if gardener.current:
degradation = await self._degradation(gardener)
die_in = await self._die_in(gardener, degradation)
to_grow = await self._grow_time(gardener)
die_in = await _die_in(gardener, degradation)
to_grow = await _grow_time(gardener)
text='Total degradation: {0:.2f}% / {1} min (100 / ({2} / 60) * (BaseDegr {3:.2f} + PlantDegr {4:.2f})) + ModDegr {5:.2f}) Your plant will die in {6} minutes and {7:.1f} minutes to go for flowering.'.format(
text='Total degradation: {0:.2f}% / {1} min (100 / ({2} / 60) * (BaseDegr {3:.2f} + PlantDegr {4:.2f}))'
' + ModDegr {5:.2f}) Your plant will die in {6} minutes '
'and {7:.1f} minutes to go for flowering.'.format(
degradation.degradation, self.defaults['timers']['degradation'], degradation.time,
self.defaults['degradation']['base_degradation'], gardener.current['degradation'],
degradation.modifiers, die_in, to_grow))
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
message = 'Who?'
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.red())
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
@_gardening.command(pass_context=True, name='plants')
async def _plants(self, context):
async def _plants(self, ctx):
"""Look at the list of the available plants."""
tick = ''
tock = ''
@ -1135,10 +1140,10 @@ class PlantTycoon:
em = discord.Embed(title='All plants that are growable', color=discord.Color.green())
em.add_field(name='\a', value=tick)
em.add_field(name='\a', value=tock)
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
@_gardening.command(pass_context=True, name='plant')
async def _plant(self, context, *plant):
async def _plant(self, ctx: commands.Context, *plant):
"""Look at the details of a plant."""
plant = ' '.join(plant)
t = False
@ -1148,8 +1153,7 @@ class PlantTycoon:
t = True
if t:
em = discord.Embed(title='Plant statistics of {}'.format(plant['name']), color=discord.Color.green(),
em = discord.Embed(title='Plant statistics of {}'.format(plant['name']), color=discord.Color.green())
em.add_field(name='**Name**', value=plant['name'])
em.add_field(name='**Rarity**', value=plant['rarity'].capitalize())
@ -1160,35 +1164,41 @@ class PlantTycoon:
message = 'What plant?'
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.red())
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
await ctx.send_help()
await ctx.send(embed=em)
@_gardening.command(pass_context=True, name='state')
async def _state(self, context):
async def _state(self, ctx):
"""Check the state of your plant."""
author = context.message.author
author = ctx.author
gardener = await self._gardener(author)
if author.id not in self.gardeners or not gardener.current:
if not gardener.current:
message = 'You\'re currently not growing a plant.'
emcolor = discord.Color.red()
em_color = discord.Color.red()
plant = gardener.current
degradation = await self._degradation(gardener)
die_in = await self._die_in(gardener, degradation)
to_grow = await self._grow_time(gardener)
die_in = await _die_in(gardener, degradation)
to_grow = await _grow_time(gardener)
message = 'You\'re growing {0} **{1}**. ' \
'Its health is **{2:.2f}%** and still has to grow for **{3:.1f}** minutes. ' \
'It is losing **{4:.2f}%** per minute and will die in **{5:.1f}** minutes.'.format(
plant['article'], plant['name'], plant['health'], to_grow, degradation.degradation, die_in)
emcolor = discord.Color.green()
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=emcolor)
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
@_gardening.command(pass_context=True, name='buy')
async def _buy(self, context, product=None, amount: int = 1):
em_color = discord.Color.green()
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=em_color)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
async def _buy(self, ctx, product=None, amount: int = 1):
"""Buy gardening supplies."""
author = context.message.author
author = ctx.author
if product is None:
em = discord.Embed(title='All gardening supplies that you can buy:', description='\a\n',
em = discord.Embed(title='All gardening supplies that you can buy:',
for product in self.products:
@ -1196,107 +1206,106 @@ class PlantTycoon:
self.products[product]['cost'], self.products[product]['health'],
self.products[product]['damage'], self.products[product]['uses'],
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
if amount <=0:
if amount <= 0:
message = "Invalid amount! Must be greater than 1"
if author.id not in self.gardeners:
message = 'You\'re currently not growing a plant.'
gardener = await self._gardener(author)
if product.lower() in self.products and amount > 0:
cost = self.products[product.lower()]['cost'] * amount
withdraw_points = await self._withdraw_points(author.id, cost)
withdraw_points = await _withdraw_points(gardener, cost)
if withdraw_points:
if product.lower() not in self.gardeners[author.id]['products']:
self.gardeners[author.id]['products'][product.lower()] = 0
self.gardeners[author.id]['products'][product.lower()] += amount
self.gardeners[author.id]['products'][product.lower()] += amount * \
await self._save_gardeners()
if product.lower() not in gardener.products:
gardener.products[product.lower()] = 0
gardener.products[product.lower()] += amount
gardener.products[product.lower()] += amount * self.products[product.lower()]['uses']
await gardener._save_gardener()
message = 'You bought {}.'.format(product.lower())
message = 'You don\'t have enough Thneeds. You have {}, but need {}.'.format(
self.gardeners[author.id]['points'], self.products[product.lower()]['cost'] * amount)
gardener.points, self.products[product.lower()]['cost'] * amount)
message = 'I don\'t have this product.'
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
@_gardening.command(pass_context=True, name='convert')
async def _convert(self, context, amount: int):
async def _convert(self, ctx: commands.Context, amount: int):
"""Exchange Thneeds for credits."""
author = context.message.author
if self.bank.account_exists(author):
withdraw_points = await self._withdraw_points(author.id, amount)
plural = "";
author = ctx.author
gardener = await self._gardener(author)
withdraw_points = await _withdraw_points(gardener, amount)
plural = ""
if amount > 0:
plural = "s";
plural = "s"
if withdraw_points:
self.bank.deposit_credits(author, amount)
await bank.deposit_credits(author, amount)
message = '{} Thneed{} successfully exchanged for credits.'.format(amount, plural)
message = 'You don\'t have enough Thneed{}. You have {}, but need {}.'.format(plural,
'points'], amount)
message = 'Account not found.'
message = 'You don\'t have enough Thneed{}. ' \
'You have {}, but need {}.'.format(plural, gardener.points, amount)
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.green())
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
@commands.command(pass_context=True, name='shovel')
async def _shovel(self, context):
async def _shovel(self, ctx: commands.Context):
"""Shovel your plant out."""
author = context.message.author
if author.id not in self.gardeners or not self.gardeners[author.id]['current']:
author = ctx.author
gardener = await self._gardener(author)
if not gardener.current:
message = 'You\'re currently not growing a plant.'
self.gardeners[author.id]['current'] = False
gardener.current = {}
message = 'You sucessfuly shovelled your plant out.'
if self.gardeners[author.id]['points'] < 0:
self.gardeners[author.id]['points'] = 0
await self._save_gardeners()
if gardener.points < 0:
gardener.points = 0
await gardener._save_gardener()
em = discord.Embed(description=message, color=discord.Color.dark_grey())
await self.bot.say(embed=em)
await ctx.send(embed=em)
@commands.command(pass_context=True, name='water')
async def _water(self, context):
async def _water(self, ctx):
"""Water your plant."""
author = context.message.author
channel = context.message.channel
author = ctx.author
channel = ctx.channel
gardener = await self._gardener(author)
product = 'water'
product_category = 'water'
if author.id not in self.gardeners or not self.gardeners[author.id]['current']:
if not gardener.current:
message = 'You\'re currently not growing a plant.'
await self._send_message(channel, message)
await _send_message(channel, message)
await self._add_health(channel, author.id, product, product_category)
await self._add_health(channel, gardener, product, product_category)
@commands.command(pass_context=True, name='fertilize')
async def _fertilize(self, context, fertilizer):
async def _fertilize(self, ctx, fertilizer):
"""Fertilize the soil."""
author = context.message.author
channel = context.message.channel
gardener = await self._gardener(ctx.author)
channel = ctx.channel
product = fertilizer
product_category = 'fertilizer'
if author.id not in self.gardeners or not self.gardeners[author.id]['current']:
if not gardener.current:
message = 'You\'re currently not growing a plant.'
await self._send_message(channel, message)
await _send_message(channel, message)
await self._add_health(channel, author.id, product, product_category)
await self._add_health(channel, gardener, product, product_category)
@commands.command(pass_context=True, name='prune')
async def _prune(self, context):
async def _prune(self, ctx):
"""Prune your plant."""
author = context.message.author
channel = context.message.channel
gardener = await self._gardener(ctx.author)
channel = ctx.channel
product = 'pruner'
product_category = 'tool'
if author.id not in self.gardeners or not self.gardeners[author.id]['current']:
if not gardener.current:
message = 'You\'re currently not growing a plant.'
await self._send_message(channel, message)
await _send_message(channel, message)
await self._add_health(channel, author.id, product, product_category)
await self._add_health(channel, gardener, product, product_category)
async def check_degradation(self):
while 'PlantTycoon' in self.bot.cogs:
@ -1305,54 +1314,52 @@ class PlantTycoon:
gardener = await self._gardener(user)
if gardener.current:
degradation = await self._degradation(gardener)
self.gardeners[id]['current']['health'] -= degradation.degradation
self.gardeners[id]['points'] += self.defaults['points']['growing']
await self._save_gardeners()
gardener.current['health'] -= degradation.degradation
gardener.points += self.defaults['points']['growing']
await gardener._save_gardener()
await asyncio.sleep(self.defaults['timers']['degradation'] * 60)
async def check_completion(self):
while 'PlantTycoon' in self.bot.cogs:
now = int(time.time())
delete = False
for id in self.gardeners:
gardener = await self._gardener(id)
message = None
users = await self.config.all_users()
for user in users:
gardener = await self._gardener(user)
if gardener.current:
then = gardener.current['timestamp']
health = gardener.current['health']
grow_time = gardener.current['time']
badge = gardener.current['badge']
reward = gardener.current['reward']
if delete:
delete = False
if (now - then) > grow_time:
self.gardeners[id]['points'] += reward
if badge not in self.gardeners[id]['badges']:
message = 'Your plant made it! You are rewarded with the **{}** badge and you have recieved **{}** Thneeds.'.format(
gardener.points += reward
if badge not in gardener.badges:
message = 'Your plant made it! ' \
'You are rewarded with the **{}** badge and you have recieved **{}** Thneeds.'.format(
badge, reward)
delete = True
if health < 0:
message = 'Your plant died!'
delete = True
if delete:
await self.bot.send_message(discord.User(id=str(id)), message)
self.gardeners[id]['current'] = False
await self._save_gardeners()
if message:
await user.send(message)
gardener.current = {}
await gardener._save_gardener()
await asyncio.sleep(self.defaults['timers']['completion'] * 60)
async def send_notification(self):
while 'PlantTycoon' in self.bot.cogs:
for id in self.gardeners:
gardener = await self._gardener(id)
users = await self.config.all_users()
for user in users:
gardener = await self._gardener(user)
if gardener.current:
health = gardener.current['health']
if health < self.defaults['notification']['max_health']:
message = choice(self.notifications['messages'])
await self.bot.send_notification(gardener, message)
await user.send(message)
await asyncio.sleep(self.defaults['timers']['notification'] * 60)
def __unload(self):
