import asyncio
import re
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from redbot.core import Config, checks
from redbot.core.utils.chat_formatting import pagify, box
class CCRole:
Custom commands
Creates commands used to display text and adjust roles
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.config = Config.get_conf(self, identifier=9999114111108101)
default_guild = {
"cmdlist": {},
"settings": {}
async def ccrole(self, ctx):
"""Custom commands management with roles
Highly customizable custom commands with role management."""
if not ctx.invoked_subcommand:
await ctx.send_help()
async def ccrole_add(self, ctx, command: str):
"""Adds a custom command with roles
When adding text, put arguments in `{}` to eval them
Options: `{author}`, `{target}`, `{server}`, `{channel}`, `{message}`"""
command = command.lower()
if command in self.bot.all_commands:
await ctx.send("That command is already a standard command.")
guild = ctx.guild
author = ctx.author
channel = ctx.channel
cmdlist = self.config.guild(guild).cmdlist
if await cmdlist.get_raw(command, default=None):
await ctx.send("This command already exists. Delete it with `{}ccrole delete` first.".format(ctx.prefix))
# Roles to add
await ctx.send('What roles should it add? (Must be **comma separated**)\nSay `None` to skip adding roles')
def check(m):
return m.author == author and m.channel == channel
answer = await self.bot.wait_for('message', timeout=120, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Timed out, canceling")
arole_list = []
if answer.content.upper() != "NONE":
arole_list = await self._get_roles_from_content(ctx, answer.content)
if arole_list is None:
await ctx.send("Invalid answer, canceling")
# Roles to remove
await ctx.send('What roles should it remove? (Must be comma separated)\nSay `None` to skip removing roles')
answer = await self.bot.wait_for('message', timeout=120, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Timed out, canceling")
rrole_list = []
if answer.content.upper() != "NONE":
rrole_list = await self._get_roles_from_content(ctx, answer.content)
if rrole_list is None:
await ctx.send("Invalid answer, canceling")
# Roles to use
await ctx.send(
'What roles are allowed to use this command? (Must be comma separated)\nSay `None` to allow all roles')
answer = await self.bot.wait_for('message', timeout=120, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Timed out, canceling")
prole_list = []
if answer.content.upper() != "NONE":
prole_list = await self._get_roles_from_content(ctx, answer.content)
if prole_list is None:
await ctx.send("Invalid answer, canceling")
# Selfrole
await ctx.send('Is this a targeted command?(yes/no)\nNo will make this a selfrole command')
answer = await self.bot.wait_for('message', timeout=120, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Timed out, canceling")
if answer.content.upper() in ["Y", "YES"]:
targeted = True
await ctx.send("This command will be **`targeted`**")
targeted = False
await ctx.send("This command will be **`selfrole`**")
# Message to send
await ctx.send(
'What message should the bot say when using this command?\n'
'Say `None` to send the default `Success!` message\n'
'Eval Options: `{author}`, `{target}`, `{server}`, `{channel}`, `{message}`\n'
'For example: `Welcome {target.mention} to {server.name}!`')
answer = await self.bot.wait_for('message', timeout=120, check=check)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Timed out, canceling")
text = "Success!"
if answer.content.upper() != "NONE":
text = answer.content
# Save the command
out = {'text': text, 'aroles': arole_list, 'rroles': rrole_list, "proles": prole_list, "targeted": targeted}
await cmdlist.set_raw(command, value=out)
await ctx.send("Custom Command **`{}`** successfully added".format(command))
async def ccrole_delete(self, ctx, command: str):
"""Deletes a custom command
[p]ccrole delete yourcommand"""
guild = ctx.guild
command = command.lower()
if not await self.config.guild(guild).cmdlist.get_raw(command, default=None):
await ctx.send("That command doesn't exist")
await self.config.guild(guild).cmdlist.set_raw(command, value=None)
await ctx.send("Custom command successfully deleted.")
async def ccrole_list(self, ctx):
"""Shows custom commands list"""
guild = ctx.guild
cmd_list = await self.config.guild(guild).cmdlist()
if not cmd_list:
await ctx.send(
"There are no custom commands in this server. Use `{}ccrole add` to start adding some.".format(
cmd_list = ", ".join([ctx.prefix + c for c in sorted(cmd_list.keys())])
cmd_list = "Custom commands:\n\n" + cmd_list
if len(cmd_list) < 1500:
await ctx.send(box(cmd_list))
for page in pagify(cmd_list, delims=[" ", "\n"]):
await ctx.author.send(box(page))
await ctx.send("Command list DM'd")
async def on_message(self, message):
if len(message.content) < 2 or message.guild is None:
guild = message.guild
prefix = await self.get_prefix(message)
except ValueError:
cmdlist = self.config.guild(guild).cmdlist
cmd = message.content[len(prefix):].split()[0].lower()
cmd = await cmdlist.get_raw(cmd, default=None)
if cmd is not None:
await self.eval_cc(cmd, message)
async def _get_roles_from_content(self, ctx, content):
content_list = content.split(",")
role_list = [discord.utils.get(ctx.guild.roles, name=role.strip(' ')).id for role in content_list]
except (discord.HTTPException, AttributeError): # None.id is attribute error
return None
return role_list
async def get_prefix(self, message: discord.Message) -> str:
Borrowed from alias cog
Tries to determine what prefix is used in a message object.
Looks to identify from longest prefix to smallest.
Will raise ValueError if no prefix is found.
:param message: Message object
content = message.content
prefix_list = await self.bot.command_prefix(self.bot, message)
prefixes = sorted(prefix_list,
key=lambda pfx: len(pfx),
for p in prefixes:
if content.startswith(p):
return p
raise ValueError
async def eval_cc(self, cmd, message):
"""Does all the work"""
if cmd['proles'] and not (set(role.id for role in message.author.roles) & set(cmd['proles'])):
return # Not authorized, do nothing
if cmd['targeted']:
target = discord.utils.get(message.guild.members, mention=message.content.split()[1])
except IndexError: # .split() return list of len<2
target = None
if not target:
out_message = "This custom command is targeted! @mention a target\n`{} <target>`".format(
await message.channel.send(out_message)
target = message.author
if cmd['aroles']:
arole_list = [discord.utils.get(message.guild.roles, id=roleid) for roleid in cmd['aroles']]
# await self.bot.send_message(message.channel, "Adding: "+str([str(arole) for arole in arole_list]))
await target.add_roles(*arole_list)
except discord.Forbidden:
await message.channel.send("Permission error: Unable to add roles")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
if cmd['rroles']:
rrole_list = [discord.utils.get(message.guild.roles, id=roleid) for roleid in cmd['rroles']]
# await self.bot.send_message(message.channel, "Removing: "+str([str(rrole) for rrole in rrole_list]))
await target.remove_roles(*rrole_list)
except discord.Forbidden:
await message.channel.send("Permission error: Unable to remove roles")
out_message = self.format_cc(cmd, message, target)
await message.channel.send(out_message)
def format_cc(self, cmd, message, target):
out = cmd['text']
results = re.findall("{([^}]+)\}", out)
for result in results:
param = self.transform_parameter(result, message, target)
out = out.replace("{" + result + "}", param)
return out
def transform_parameter(self, result, message, target):
For security reasons only specific objects are allowed
Internals are ignored
raw_result = "{" + result + "}"
objects = {
"message": message,
"author": message.author,
"channel": message.channel,
"server": message.guild,
"guild": message.guild,
"target": target
if result in objects:
return str(objects[result])
first, second = result.split(".")
except ValueError:
return raw_result
if first in objects and not second.startswith("_"):
first = objects[first]
return raw_result
return str(getattr(first, second, raw_result))