import logging
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import Dict, List, Union
import discord
from apscheduler.triggers.base import BaseTrigger
from apscheduler.triggers.combining import OrTrigger
from apscheduler.triggers.cron import CronTrigger
from apscheduler.triggers.date import DateTrigger
from apscheduler.triggers.interval import IntervalTrigger
from discord.utils import time_snowflake
from pytz import timezone
from redbot.core import Config, commands
from redbot.core.bot import Red
log = logging.getLogger("red.fox_v3.fifo.task")
async def _do_nothing(*args, **kwargs):
def get_trigger(data):
if data["type"] == "interval":
parsed_time = data["time_data"]
return IntervalTrigger(days=parsed_time.days, seconds=parsed_time.seconds)
if data["type"] == "date":
return DateTrigger(data["time_data"], timezone=data["tzinfo"])
if data["type"] == "cron":
return CronTrigger.from_crontab(data["time_data"], timezone=data["tzinfo"])
return False
def parse_triggers(data: Union[Dict, None]):
if data is None or not data.get("triggers", False): # No triggers
return None
if len(data["triggers"]) > 1: # Multiple triggers
return OrTrigger(get_trigger(t_data) for t_data in data["triggers"])
return get_trigger(data["triggers"][0])
class FakeMessage:
def __init__(self, message: discord.Message):
d = {k: getattr(message, k, None) for k in dir(message)}
def neuter_message(message: FakeMessage):
message.delete = _do_nothing
message.edit = _do_nothing
message.publish = _do_nothing
message.pin = _do_nothing
message.unpin = _do_nothing
message.add_reaction = _do_nothing
message.remove_reaction = _do_nothing
message.clear_reaction = _do_nothing
message.clear_reactions = _do_nothing
message.ack = _do_nothing
return message
class Task:
default_task_data = {"triggers": [], "command_str": ""}
default_trigger = {
"type": "",
"time_data": None, # Used for Interval and Date Triggers
"tzinfo": None,
def __init__(
self, name: str, guild_id, config: Config, author_id=None, channel_id=None, bot: Red = None
self.name = name
self.guild_id = guild_id
self.config = config
self.bot = bot
self.author_id = author_id
self.channel_id = channel_id
self.data = None
async def _encode_time_triggers(self):
if not self.data or not self.data.get("triggers", None):
return []
triggers = []
for t in self.data["triggers"]:
if t["type"] == "interval": # Convert into timedelta
td: timedelta = t["time_data"]
{"type": t["type"], "time_data": {"days": td.days, "seconds": td.seconds}}
if t["type"] == "date": # Convert into datetime
dt: datetime = t["time_data"]
"type": t["type"],
"time_data": dt.isoformat(),
"tzinfo": getattr(t["tzinfo"], "zone", None),
# triggers.append(
# {
# "type": t["type"],
# "time_data": {
# "year": dt.year,
# "month": dt.month,
# "day": dt.day,
# "hour": dt.hour,
# "minute": dt.minute,
# "second": dt.second,
# "tzinfo": dt.tzinfo,
# },
# }
# )
if t["type"] == "cron":
if t["tzinfo"] is None:
triggers.append(t) # already a string, nothing to do
"type": t["type"],
"time_data": t["time_data"],
"tzinfo": getattr(t["tzinfo"], "zone", None),
raise NotImplemented
return triggers
async def _decode_time_triggers(self):
if not self.data or not self.data.get("triggers", None):
for t in self.data["triggers"]:
# Backwards compatibility
if "tzinfo" not in t:
t["tzinfo"] = None
# First decode timezone if there is one
if t["tzinfo"] is not None:
t["tzinfo"] = timezone(t["tzinfo"])
if t["type"] == "interval": # Convert into timedelta
t["time_data"] = timedelta(**t["time_data"])
if t["type"] == "date": # Convert into datetime
# self.data["triggers"][n]["time_data"] = datetime(**t["time_data"])
t["time_data"] = datetime.fromisoformat(t["time_data"])
if t["type"] == "cron":
continue # already a string
raise NotImplemented
# async def load_from_data(self, data: Dict):
# self.data = data.copy()
async def load_from_config(self):
data = await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.get_raw(
self.name, default=None
if not data:
self.author_id = data["author_id"]
self.guild_id = data["guild_id"]
self.channel_id = data["channel_id"]
self.data = data["data"]
await self._decode_time_triggers()
return self.data
async def get_triggers(self) -> List[Union[IntervalTrigger, DateTrigger]]:
if not self.data:
await self.load_from_config()
if self.data is None or "triggers" not in self.data: # No triggers
return []
return [get_trigger(t) for t in self.data["triggers"]]
async def get_combined_trigger(self) -> Union[BaseTrigger, None]:
if not self.data:
await self.load_from_config()
return parse_triggers(self.data)
# async def set_job_id(self, job_id):
# if self.data is None:
# await self.load_from_config()
# self.data["job_id"] = job_id
async def save_all(self):
"""To be used when creating an new task"""
data_to_save = self.default_task_data.copy()
if self.data:
data_to_save["command_str"] = self.get_command_str()
data_to_save["triggers"] = await self._encode_time_triggers()
to_save = {
"guild_id": self.guild_id,
"author_id": self.author_id,
"channel_id": self.channel_id,
"data": data_to_save,
await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.set_raw(self.name, value=to_save)
async def save_data(self):
"""To be used when updating triggers"""
if not self.data:
data_to_save = self.data.copy()
data_to_save["triggers"] = await self._encode_time_triggers()
await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.set_raw(
self.name, "data", value=data_to_save
async def execute(self):
if not self.data or not self.get_command_str():
log.warning(f"Could not execute task due to data problem: {self.data=}")
return False
guild: discord.Guild = self.bot.get_guild(self.guild_id) # used for get_prefix
if guild is None:
log.warning(f"Could not execute task due to missing guild: {self.guild_id}")
return False
channel: discord.TextChannel = guild.get_channel(self.channel_id)
if channel is None:
log.warning(f"Could not execute task due to missing channel: {self.channel_id}")
return False
author: discord.User = guild.get_member(self.author_id)
if author is None:
log.warning(f"Could not execute task due to missing author: {self.author_id}")
return False
actual_message: discord.Message = channel.last_message
# I'd like to present you my chain of increasingly desperate message fetching attempts
if actual_message is None:
# log.warning("No message found in channel cache yet, skipping execution")
# return
actual_message = await channel.fetch_message(channel.last_message_id)
if actual_message is None: # last_message_id was an invalid message I guess
actual_message = await channel.history(limit=1).flatten()
if not actual_message: # Basically only happens if the channel has no messages
actual_message = await author.history(limit=1).flatten()
if not actual_message: # Okay, the *author* has never sent a message?
log.warning("No message found in channel cache yet, skipping execution")
actual_message = actual_message[0]
message = FakeMessage(actual_message)
# message = FakeMessage2
message.author = author
message.guild = guild # Just in case we got desperate
message.channel = channel
message.id = time_snowflake(datetime.now()) # Pretend to be now
message = neuter_message(message)
# absolutely weird that this takes a message object instead of guild
prefixes = await self.bot.get_prefix(message)
if isinstance(prefixes, str):
prefix = prefixes
prefix = prefixes[0]
message.content = f"{prefix}{self.get_command_str()}"
if not message.guild or not message.author or not message.content:
log.warning(f"Could not execute task due to message problem: {message}")
return False
new_ctx: commands.Context = await self.bot.get_context(message)
new_ctx.assume_yes = True
if not new_ctx.valid:
f"Could not execute Task[{self.name}] due invalid context: {new_ctx.invoked_with}"
return False
await self.bot.invoke(new_ctx)
return True
async def set_bot(self, bot: Red):
self.bot = bot
async def set_author(self, author: Union[discord.User, discord.Member, str]):
self.author_id = getattr(author, "id", None) or author
await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.set_raw(
self.name, "author_id", value=self.author_id
async def set_channel(self, channel: Union[discord.TextChannel, str]):
self.channel_id = getattr(channel, "id", None) or channel
await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.set_raw(
self.name, "channel_id", value=self.channel_id
def get_command_str(self):
return self.data.get("command_str", "")
async def set_commmand_str(self, command_str):
if not self.data:
self.data = self.default_task_data.copy()
self.data["command_str"] = command_str
return True
async def add_trigger(
self, param, parsed_time: Union[timedelta, datetime, str], timezone=None
# TODO: Save timezone separately for cron and date triggers
trigger_data = self.default_trigger.copy()
trigger_data["type"] = param
trigger_data["time_data"] = parsed_time
if timezone is not None:
trigger_data["tzinfo"] = timezone
if not get_trigger(trigger_data):
return False
if not self.data:
self.data = self.default_task_data.copy()
return True
def __setstate__(self, task_state):
self.name = task_state["name"]
self.guild_id = task_state["guild_id"]
self.config = task_state["config"]
self.bot = None
self.author_id = None
self.channel_id = None
self.data = None
def __getstate__(self):
return {
"name": self.name,
"guild_id": self.guild_id,
"config": self.config,
"bot": self.bot,
async def clear_triggers(self):
self.data["triggers"] = []
await self.save_data()
async def delete_self(self):
"""Hopefully nothing uses the object after running this..."""
await self.config.guild_from_id(self.guild_id).tasks.clear_raw(self.name)