import logging
import pathlib
import re
import string
from typing import Optional
import discord
from redbot . core import Config , commands
from redbot . core . bot import Red
from redbot . core . commands import Cog , PrivilegeLevel
from redbot . core . data_manager import cog_data_path
log = logging . getLogger ( " " )
def get_parent_tree ( command : commands . Command ) :
out = f " { command . name } "
if command . parent :
# out = f"{get_parent_tree(command.parent)}-" + out
out = f " { ' - ' . join ( command . full_parent_name . split ( ) ) } - " + out
return out
def markdown_link_replace ( match , starts_with_text = None ) :
""" Converts a markdown match to restructuredtext match """
text = match . group ( 1 )
url = match . group ( 2 )
if starts_with_text and url . startswith ( starts_with_text ) :
url = url [ len ( starts_with_text ) : ]
url = url [ : url . find ( ' . ' ) ]
return f " :ref:` { text } < { url } >` "
return f " { text } : { url } "
def prepare_description ( command : commands . Command ) :
description = command . description or command . help
description = description . replace ( " ` " , " `` " )
pattern = re . compile ( " \ [(.+)] \ s? \ ((https?: \ / \ /[ \ w \ d. \ /?=#]+) \ ) " )
description = pattern . sub ( markdown_link_replace , description )
return description
class CogGuide ( commands . Cog ) :
Cog to create cog guides
Dunno if this is a good idea but I did it . Sue me .
def __init__ ( self , bot : Red ) :
super ( ) . __init__ ( )
self . bot = bot
self . config = Config . get_conf ( self , identifier = 6711110371117105100101 , force_registration = True )
default_global = { " starts_with " : None }
self . config . register_global ( * * default_global )
async def red_delete_data_for_user ( self , * * kwargs ) :
""" Nothing to delete """
return ( )
async def cogguideset ( self , ctx : commands . Context ) :
""" Base command for configuring cogguide """
@cogguideset.command ( name = " url " )
async def cogguideset_url ( self , ctx : commands . Context , url : str ) :
""" Sets the url of your ReadTheDocs for creating references
For example : ' ' for Red docs
if not url :
await self . config . starts_with . clear ( )
else :
await self . config . starts_with . set ( url )
await ctx . tick ( )
@commands.command ( )
async def allcogguides ( self , ctx : commands . Context ) :
Create a template ReStructuredText file for all loaded cogs .
Results can be found in the cog data folder .
Returns : tick ( )
for cog_name , cog in self . bot . cogs . items ( ) :
await self . create_cog_guide ( cog_name , cog )
await ctx . tick ( )
@commands.command ( )
async def cogguide ( self , ctx : commands . Context , camel_cog_name : str ) :
Create a template ReStructuredText file for a given loaded cog .
Result can be found in the cog data folder .
Args :
camel_cog_name :
Returns : tick
cog : Optional [ Cog ] = self . bot . get_cog ( camel_cog_name )
if cog is None :
await ctx . send ( " No cog found with that name " )
await self . create_cog_guide ( camel_cog_name , cog )
await ctx . tick ( )
async def create_cog_guide ( self , camel_cog_name , cog ) :
path : pathlib . Path = cog_data_path ( self )
lower_cog_name = f " { camel_cog_name . lower ( ) } "
reference = f " _ { camel_cog_name . lower ( ) } "
filename = f " { lower_cog_name } .rst "
filepath = path / filename
privilege_levels = {
PrivilegeLevel . MOD : " |mod-lock| " ,
PrivilegeLevel . ADMIN : " |admin-lock| " ,
PrivilegeLevel . GUILD_OWNER : " |guildowner-lock| " ,
PrivilegeLevel . BOT_OWNER : " |owner-lock| " ,
intro = f """ .. { reference } :
{ ' = ' * len ( camel_cog_name ) }
{ camel_cog_name }
{ ' = ' * len ( camel_cog_name ) }
This is the cog guide for the { lower_cog_name } cog . You will
find detailed docs about usage and commands .
` ` [ p ] ` ` is considered as your prefix .
. . note : : To use this cog , load it by typing this : :
[ p ] load { ' customcom ' if lower_cog_name == ' customcommands ' else lower_cog_name }
. . _ { lower_cog_name } - usage :
- - - - -
- - - - -
{ cog . description if cog . description else " This is a general description of what the cog does. This should be a very basic explanation, addressing the core purpose of the cog. This is some additional information about what this cog can do. Try to answer *the* most frequently asked question. " }
cog_commands_intro = f """
. . { reference } - commands :
- - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - -
def get_command_rst ( command : commands . Command ) :
description = prepare_description ( command )
cog_command = f """
. . { reference } - command - { get_parent_tree ( command ) } :
{ ' ^ ' * len ( command . qualified_name ) if not command . parent else ' " ' * len ( command . qualified_name ) }
{ command . qualified_name }
{ ' ^ ' * len ( command . qualified_name ) if not command . parent else ' " ' * len ( command . qualified_name ) }
if command . requires . privilege_level in privilege_levels :
cog_command + = f """
. . note : : { privilege_levels [ command . requires . privilege_level ] }
cog_command + = f """
* * Syntax * *
. . code - block : : none
[ p ] { command . qualified_name } { command . signature }
* * Description * *
{ description }
return cog_command
cog_commands_list = [ ]
for com in cog . walk_commands ( ) :
cog_commands_list . append ( get_command_rst ( com ) )
with filepath . open ( " w " , encoding = " utf-8 " ) as f :
f . write ( intro )
f . write ( cog_commands_intro )
f . writelines ( cog_commands_list )