import asyncio
import json
import pathlib
import shutil
from io import BytesIO
from typing import List, Union
from PIL import Image, ImageChops, ImageColor, ImageDraw, ImageFont, ImageOps
from PIL.ImageDraw import _color_diff
async def composite_regions(im, regions, color, masks_path) -> Union[Image.Image, None]:
im2 = Image.new("RGB", im.size, color)
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
combined_mask = None
for region in regions:
mask = Image.open(masks_path / f"{region}.png").convert("1")
if combined_mask is None:
combined_mask = mask
# combined_mask = ImageChops.logical_or(combined_mask, mask)
combined_mask = await loop.run_in_executor(
None, ImageChops.logical_and, combined_mask, mask
if combined_mask is None: # No regions usually
return None
out = await loop.run_in_executor(None, Image.composite, im, im2, combined_mask)
return out
def get_center(points):
Taken from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4355894/how-to-get-center-of-set-of-points-using-python
x = [p[0] for p in points]
y = [p[1] for p in points]
return sum(x) / len(points), sum(y) / len(points)
def recommended_combinations(mask_centers):
pass # TODO: Create recommendation algo and test it
def floodfill(image, xy, value, border=None, thresh=0) -> set:
Taken and modified from PIL.ImageDraw.floodfill
(experimental) Fills a bounded region with a given color.
:param image: Target image.
:param xy: Seed position (a 2-item coordinate tuple). See
:param value: Fill color.
:param border: Optional border value. If given, the region consists of
pixels with a color different from the border color. If not given,
the region consists of pixels having the same color as the seed
:param thresh: Optional threshold value which specifies a maximum
tolerable difference of a pixel value from the 'background' in
order for it to be replaced. Useful for filling regions of
non-homogeneous, but similar, colors.
# based on an implementation by Eric S. Raymond
# amended by yo1995 @20180806
pixel = image.load()
x, y = xy
background = pixel[x, y]
if _color_diff(value, background) <= thresh:
return set() # seed point already has fill color
pixel[x, y] = value
except (ValueError, IndexError):
return set() # seed point outside image
edge = {(x, y)}
# use a set to keep record of current and previous edge pixels
# to reduce memory consumption
filled_pixels = set()
full_edge = set()
while edge:
new_edge = set()
for (x, y) in edge: # 4 adjacent method
for (s, t) in ((x + 1, y), (x - 1, y), (x, y + 1), (x, y - 1)):
# If already processed, or if a coordinate is negative, skip
if (s, t) in full_edge or s < 0 or t < 0:
p = pixel[s, t]
except (ValueError, IndexError):
full_edge.add((s, t))
if border is None:
fill = _color_diff(p, background) <= thresh
fill = p != value and p != border
if fill:
pixel[s, t] = value
new_edge.add((s, t))
full_edge = edge # discard pixels processed
edge = new_edge
return filled_pixels
def create_number_mask(regions, filepath, filename):
base_img_path = filepath / filename
if not base_img_path.exists():
return False
base_img: Image.Image = Image.open(base_img_path).convert("L")
number_img = Image.new("L", base_img.size, 255)
fnt = ImageFont.load_default()
d = ImageDraw.Draw(number_img)
for region_num, region in regions.items():
text = getattr(region, "name", str(region_num))
w1, h1 = region.center
w2, h2 = fnt.getsize(text)
d.text((w1 - (w2 / 2), h1 - (h2 / 2)), text, font=fnt, fill=0)
number_img.save(filepath / f"numbers.png", "PNG")
return True
class ConquestMap:
def __init__(self, path: pathlib.Path):
self.path = path
self.name = None
self.custom = None
self.region_max = None
self.regions = {}
def masks_path(self):
return self.path / "masks"
def data_path(self):
return self.path / "data.json"
def blank_path(self):
return self.path / "blank.png" # Everything is png now
def numbers_path(self):
return self.path / "numbers.png"
def numbered_path(self):
return self.path / "numbered.png"
async def load_data(self):
with self.data_path().open() as dp:
data = json.load(dp)
self.name = data.get("name")
self.custom = data.get("custom")
self.region_max = data.get("region_max")
if "regions" in data:
self.regions = {int(key): Region(**data) for key, data in data["regions"].items()}
self.regions = {}
async def create_number_mask(self):
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
return await loop.run_in_executor(
None, create_number_mask, self.regions, self.path, "blank.png"
def _img_combine_masks(self, mask_list: List[int]):
if not mask_list:
return False, None, None
if not self.blank_path().exists():
return False, None, None
if not self.masks_path().exists():
return False, None, None
base_img: Image.Image = Image.open(self.blank_path())
mask = Image.new("1", base_img.size, 1)
lowest_num = None
eliminated_masks = []
for mask_num in mask_list:
if lowest_num is None or mask_num < lowest_num:
lowest_num = mask_num
mask2 = Image.open(self.masks_path() / f"{mask_num}.png").convert("1")
mask = ImageChops.logical_and(mask, mask2)
return lowest_num, eliminated_masks, mask
async def get_sample(self):
files = [self.blank_path()]
masks_dir = self.masks_path()
if masks_dir.exists() and masks_dir.is_dir():
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
current_map = Image.open(self.blank_path())
regions = list(self.regions.keys())
fourth = len(regions) // 4
current_map = await composite_regions(
current_map, regions[:fourth], ImageColor.getrgb("red"), self.masks_path()
current_map = await composite_regions(
regions[fourth : fourth * 2],
current_map = await composite_regions(
regions[fourth * 2 : fourth * 3],
current_map = await composite_regions(
current_map, regions[fourth * 3 :], ImageColor.getrgb("yellow"), self.masks_path()
current_numbered_img = await self.get_numbered(current_map)
buffer1 = BytesIO()
buffer2 = BytesIO()
current_map.save(buffer1, "png")
current_numbered_img.save(buffer2, "png")
return files
async def get_blank_numbered_file(self):
im = await self.get_numbered(Image.open(self.blank_path()))
buffer1 = BytesIO()
im.save(buffer1, "png")
return buffer1
async def get_numbered(self, current_map):
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
numbers = Image.open(self.numbers_path()).convert("L")
inverted_map = ImageOps.invert(current_map)
current_numbered_img = await loop.run_in_executor(
None, Image.composite, current_map, inverted_map, numbers
return current_numbered_img
class ConquestGame(ConquestMap):
def __init__(self, path: pathlib.Path, game_name: str, custom_map_path: pathlib.Path):
self.game_name = game_name
self.custom_map_path = custom_map_path
self.game_path = custom_map_path / game_name
def game_data_path(self):
return self.game_path / "data.json"
def game_current_path(self):
return self.game_path / "current.png"
def game_current_numbered_path(self):
return self.game_path / "current_numbered.png"
async def save_region(self, region):
if not self.custom:
return False
pass # TODO: region data saving
async def start_game(self):
class MapMaker(ConquestMap):
async def change_name(self, new_name: str, new_path: pathlib.Path):
if new_path.exists() and new_path.is_dir():
# This is an overwrite operation
# await ctx.maybe_send_embed(f"{map_name} already exists, okay to overwrite?")
# pred = MessagePredicate.yes_or_no(ctx)
# try:
# await self.bot.wait_for("message", check=pred, timeout=30)
# except TimeoutError:
# await ctx.maybe_send_embed("Response timed out, cancelling save")
# return
# if not pred.result:
# return
return False, "Overwrite currently not supported"
# This is a new name
shutil.copytree(self.path, new_path)
self.custom = True # If this wasn't a custom map, it is now
self.name = new_name
self.path = new_path
await self.save_data()
return True
async def generate_masks(self):
regioner = Regioner(filename="blank.png", filepath=self.path)
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
regions = await loop.run_in_executor(None, regioner.execute)
if not regions:
return regions
self.regions = regions
self.region_max = len(regions) + 1
await self.save_data()
return regions
async def combine_masks(self, mask_list: List[int]):
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
lowest, eliminated, mask = await loop.run_in_executor(
None, self._img_combine_masks, mask_list
if not lowest:
return lowest
elim_regions = [self.regions[n] for n in eliminated]
lowest_region = self.regions[lowest]
except KeyError:
return False
mask.save(self.masks_path() / f"{lowest}.png", "PNG")
# points = [self.mm["regions"][f"{n}"]["center"] for n in mask_list]
# points = [(r.center, r.weight) for r in elim_regions]
weighted_points = [r.center for r in elim_regions for _ in range(r.weight)] + [
lowest_region.center for _ in range(lowest_region.weight)
lowest_region.center = get_center(weighted_points)
for key in eliminated:
# self.mm["regions"].pop(f"{key}")
if self.region_max in eliminated: # Max region has changed
self.region_max = max(self.regions.keys())
await self.create_number_mask()
await self.save_data()
return lowest
async def delete_masks(self, mask_list):
for key in mask_list:
# self.mm["regions"].pop(f"{key}")
except KeyError:
return False
if self.region_max in mask_list: # Max region has changed
self.region_max = max(self.regions.keys())
await self.create_number_mask()
await self.save_data()
return mask_list
async def save_data(self):
to_save = {
"name": self.name,
"custom": self.custom,
"region_max": self.region_max,
"regions": {num: r.get_json() for num, r in self.regions.items()},
with self.data_path().open("w+") as dp:
json.dump(to_save, dp, sort_keys=True, indent=4)
async def init_directory(self, name: str, path: pathlib.Path, image: Image.Image):
if not path.exists() or not path.is_dir():
self.name = name
self.path = path
await self.save_data()
image.save(self.blank_path(), "PNG")
return True
class Region:
def __init__(self, center, weight, **kwargs):
self.center = center
self.weight = weight
self.data = kwargs
def get_json(self):
return {"center": self.center, "weight": self.weight, "data": self.data.copy()}
class Regioner:
def __init__(
self, filepath: pathlib.Path, filename: str, region_color=None, wall_color="black"
self.filepath = filepath
self.filename = filename
self.wall_color = ImageColor.getcolor(wall_color, "L")
if region_color is None:
self.region_color = None
self.region_color = ImageColor.getcolor(region_color, "L")
def execute(self):
Create the regions of the map
TODO: Using proper multithreading best practices.
TODO: This is iterating over a 2d array with some overlap, you went to school for this Bozo
TODO: Fails on some maps where borders aren't just black (i.e. water borders vs region borders)
base_img_path = self.filepath / self.filename
if not base_img_path.exists():
return False
masks_path = self.filepath / "masks"
if not masks_path.exists():
black = ImageColor.getcolor("black", "L")
white = ImageColor.getcolor("white", "L")
base_img: Image.Image = Image.open(base_img_path).convert("L")
already_processed = set()
mask_count = 0
regions = {}
for y1 in range(base_img.height):
for x1 in range(base_img.width):
if (x1, y1) in already_processed:
if (
self.region_color is None and base_img.getpixel((x1, y1)) != self.wall_color
) or base_img.getpixel((x1, y1)) == self.region_color:
filled = floodfill(base_img, (x1, y1), self.wall_color, self.wall_color)
if filled: # Pixels were updated, make them into a mask
mask = Image.new("L", base_img.size, 255)
for x2, y2 in filled:
mask.putpixel((x2, y2), 0) # TODO: Switch to ImageDraw
mask_count += 1
mask = mask.convert("L")
mask.save(masks_path / f"{mask_count}.png", "PNG")
regions[mask_count] = Region(center=get_center(filled), weight=len(filled))
# TODO: save mask_centers
create_number_mask(regions, self.filepath, self.filename)
return regions